326 research outputs found

    RĂ©actions des formateurs d'enseignants Ă  un nouveau curriculum scolaire

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    Les pages de ce livre présentent plusieurs enquêtes et études sur les réactions et actions des enseignants et des formateurs d'enseignants à un changement de curriculum scolaire. Ces études ont été réalisées dans les cantons de Berne (partie francophone), du Jura et de Neuchâtel (Suisse) depuis l'année 2009 jusqu'au début de l'année 2013. (4e de couv.)

    Development of a space exploration rover digital twin for damage detection

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    This study focuses on the creation of a digital twin of a space exploration rover to perform damage detection. The digital twin incorporates various subsystems of real rovers to accurately simulate the rover’s behaviour. Damage detection is performed by introducing damages into the digital twin and comparing signals obtained in healthy and damaged conditions. By using the multiphysics model created by integrating different subsystems, the effect of damages can be observed in other subsystems of the rover. The study aims to demonstrate the potentiality of a digital twin for damage detection, reducing the risk of mission failure and data loss

    Adopting educational robotics and coding to open dialogic spaces in lower secondary education

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    This article explores how the adoption of educational robotics, cloud-based animation software, and simplified visual programming software can provide valuable opportunities for dialogic interaction and learning. The potentialities of this type of activity are often overlooked in dialogic investigations. Based on empirical illustration, we discuss how open-ended educational tasks involving the creation of material-digital artifacts can promote the expression of the students' voices and the emergence of a dialogic space in which both human and non-human Others, as well as chronotropic dynamics and materiality, play a crucial role. To provide a polyphonic account of the dialogical processes detected, we analyzed excerpts from two group interviews with seven lower secondary school students (aged 11-12) and excerpts taken from meetings with their teacher. Our qualitative analysis shows that the technology-mediated activity provided valuable opportunities for opening a dialogic space in which the students could express their own voice in interaction with both human and non-human Others. The material world (including the virtual materiality of computer-generated objects) seems to play a twofold role. First, the resistance of the virtual and material objects can contribute to the opening of a dialogical space between the child and the world; second, the chronotopic relations seem to have an impact on the dialogic learning process. These are valid opportunities for educationally relevant dialogic interaction. They should be cultivated and supported to further advance the pedagogical value of educational robotics and coding.Peer reviewe

    Estimating the Cost of Wave Energy Converters at an Early Design Stage: A Bottom-Up Approach

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    The role of ocean energy is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, and techno-economic analysis will play a crucial role. Nowadays, despite strong assumptions, the vast majority of studies model costs using a top-down approach (the TdA) that leads to an unrepresentative economic model. WEC developers usually go through the the TdA approach because more detailed cost data are not available at an earlier design stage. At a very advanced design stage, some studies have also proposed techno-economic optimisation based on the bottom-up approach (BuA). This entails that the detailed cost metrics presented in the literature are very specific to the WEC type (hence not applicable to other cases) or unrepresentative. This lack of easily accessible detailed cost functions in the current state of the art leads to ineffective optimisations at an earlier stage of WEC development. In this paper, a BuA for WECs is proposed that can be used for techno-economic optimisation at the early design stage. To achieve this goal, cost functions of most common components in the WEC field are retrieved from the literature, exposed, and critically compared. The large number of components considered allows the results of this work to be applied to a vast pool of WECs. The novelty of the presented cost functions is their parameterization with respect to the technological specifications, which already enables their adoption in the design optimisation phase. With the goal of quantifying the results and critically discuss the differences between the TdA and the BuA, the developed methodology and cost functions are applied to a case study and specifically adopted for the calculation of the capital cost of PeWEC (pendulum wave energy converter). In addition, a hybrid approach (HyA) is presented and discussed as an intermediate approach between the TdA and the BdA. Results are compared in terms of capital expenditure (CapEx) and pie cost distribution: the impact of adopting different cost metrics is discussed, highlighting the role that reliable cost functions can have on early stage technology development. This paper proposes more than 50 cost functions for WEC components. Referring to the case study, it is shown that while the total cost differs only slightly (11%), the pie distribution changes by up to 22%. Mooring system and power take-off are the cost items where the TdA and the HyA differ more from the BuA cost estimate

    Serum low density lipoprotein subclasses in asthma

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    Background: The levels of serum low-density lipoproteins (LDL) have been implicated in the inflammatory cascade in a murine model of asthma. Recent findings suggest that LDL may modulate the inflammatory state of the asthmatic airways in humans. Objective: We explored whether LDL subclasses are associated with the occurrence and severity of asthma. Methods: 24 asthmatics (M/F: 11/13) and 24 healthy individuals, with normal BMI and absence of metabolic syndrome, matched for age and gender. Serum concentrations of LDL subclasses were distributed as seven bands (LDL-1 and -2 defined as large, least pro-inflammatory LDL, and LDL-3 to 7 defined as small, most pro-inflammatory LDL), using the LipoPrintª System (Quantimetrix Corporation, Redondo Beach, CA, USA). Results: LDL-1 was similar in the two groups (56 ± 16% vs. 53 ± 11, p = NS), while LDL-2 was significantly lower in asthmatics as compared to controls (35 ± 8% vs. 43 ± 10%, p = 0.0074). LDL-3 levels were two-fold higher in the asthmatics, but the difference did not reach the statistical significance (8± 7.3% vs. 4±3%, p=NS). Smaller subclasses LDL-4 to LDL-7 were undetectable in controls. In asthmatics, LDL-1 was positively associated with VC% predicted (r=+0.572, pZ0.0035) and FEV1% predicted (r=+0.492, p=+.0146). LDL-3 was inversely correlated with both VC% predicted (r =-0.535, p =0.0071) and FEV1% predicted (r =-0.465, p = 0.0222). Conclusions: The findings of this pilot study suggest a role of LDL in asthma, and advocate for larger studies to confirm the association between asthma and dyslipidemia

    Nocturnal flights lead to collision risk with power lines and wind farms in Lesser Kestrels: a preliminary assessment through GPS tracking

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    We present here the first report about Lesser Kestrels' flight height behaviour and potential collision risk with wind farms and power lines in two colonies (Gravina in Puglia and Altamura; Apulia, Italy) that present the highest density of Lesser Kestrels worldwide in urban areas. Using accurate GPS data-loggers on nine Lesser Kestrels, we collected data on flight activities during the nestling period. The tracked Lesser Kestrels spent 50% of the monitoring time at heights above ground level (AGL) lower than 41 m, and 75% of time below 98 m AGL. Flight heights resulted not significantly different between the two colonies. Instead, at night Lesser Kestrels resulted to fly at significantly lower altitudes than in the daytime. Our findings, although preliminary, underline the potential collision risk with power lines and wind farms at night in the Lesser Kestrels' colony of Gravina in Puglia. Instead, collision risk resulted negligible during the daytime for both colonies. We conclude that the disappearing of pseudo-steppes in the study area is forcing Lesser Kestrels to flight also at night for foraging purposes during the breading season, which in turn leads to an increased risk of collision with power lines and wind farms

    Behavioural networks: a new methodology to study birds’ habits

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    We introduce here a new methodology, named Behavioural Networks (BeNe), to thoroughly analyze birds’ habits in space and time. Behavioural Networks are based on GIS technologies, association rules and network capabilities, all applied to GPS data. They return an information-rich and easily-interpretable synthesis of the activities taken by birds during a user-defined time interval. As a case study, we applied BeNe to the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni of the Santeramo in Colle colony (Apulia, Italy). Our methodology has been able to extract the main rules of the bird’s behaviour during the most critical part of the chick-rearing period. BeNe can be applied to any bird species, to any time interval and to both local and migratory GPS data
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