7 research outputs found
The role of territorial self-government in ensuring personal security of citizens in Poland
Purpose: The aim of the conducted research was to define the role of local government in ensuring the personal security of citizens in Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis of determining the role of local government in ensuring public safety for citizens is based on a critical analysis of literature, analysis of documents and legal acts. Findings: The state is responsible for ensuring the personal security of its citizens. This particular duty can be performed in different ways. In states which respect and enforce the principles of local democracy these responsibilities are shared by the institutions of local, mainly municipal, self-government. We shouldn’t forget that security is a fundamental and primary human need. This paper presents various forms of direct and indirect operation of individual local government units in Poland in protecting security and public order. Practical Implications: The presented research results are important for public authorities. They allow for better design of security systems. The level of involvement of public self government in matters of citizen security depends on the conditions of democracy and the scale of decentralization of public obligations. The effectiveness of the state's activities aimed at ensuring the personal security of its citizens, depends on the proper identification of needs in this respect. Originality/value: The article presents the directions of improving the management of public security highlighting the need for continuous monitoring of citizens' expectations in terms of security, measures to fulfill the expectations to ensure high efficiency, quality and innovation.peer-reviewe
Local security in the idea of sustainable development
Purpose: The aim of the research is to analyse the relationship between the level and sense of security of residents and local sustainable development. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis of local security in the context of sustainable development is based on critical analysis of literature and statistical data. In addition, the results of research on the evaluation of the basic elements of the local security system, carried out on a statistically significant sample (4,400 people) of residents of local communities in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. Additionally, taxonomic analyses were carried out, in which the assessments of the level of security by the communities of the powiats of the above voivodeship were compared. In the further part of the study, a review was made of the correlation of taxonomic measures of local security level with the most important indicators of sustainable development. In the final phase of the study, the ranking of powiats of Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship was constructed according to the integrated measure of development. Findings: Local communities, in conditions of sustainable development, aim at the security (social order) of individuals associated in the local community. The special role of local government in ensuring the principle of sustainable development is proved by the systemic solutions adopted in Poland and legal regulations specifying the competences and tasks of local government units of various levels. Practical Implications: The results are of significant importance to local authorities. They allow for a better design of local development management systems, taking into account the assessment of individual elements of the security system. Originality/Value: The research carried out has primarily proven the usefulness of multidimensional analysis and linear ordering methods for the assessment of the examined issues. Sustainability issues, which by nature are multidimensional problems, should not be assessed through the prism of single indicators or stratetical documents.peer-reviewe
Town statutes of the town of Debrzno from 1407
Wilkierz miasta Debrzna z 1407 r. jest obecnie najstarszym znanym nauce zbiorem praw małych miast na Pomorzu Gdańskim. Przygotowany przez Radę Miejską i zatwierdzony przez Krzyżaków dokument składa się z 48 artykułów, które regulowały najważniejsze aspekty życia gminy oraz wprowadzały sankcje karne za określone wykroczenia. Odpis dokumentu zachowany w Archiwum Państwowym w Szczecinie pozwala zakładać, że jego pierwotna treść mogła mieć inny układ oraz że niektóre postanowienia były aktualizowane po wydaniu wilkierza. Zbiór praw regulował życie gminy w niemalże niezmienionej formie aż do pierwszego rozbioru Polski w 1772 r.Town statutes of Debrzno from 1407 are currently the oldest known collection of rights of small towns in Pomerania. The document prepared by the City Council and approved by the Teutonic Knights consists of 48 articles which regulated the most important aspects of the life of the commune and introduced penal sanctions for specific offenses. A copy of the document preserved in the State Archives in Szczecin allows us to assume that its original content could have had a different layout and that some resolutions were updated after the release of the statutes. The set of laws regulated the life of the commune in an almost unchanged form until the first partition of Polish Commonwealth in 1772
The Challenges of Studying during the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic
The subject of digitization of universities, online classes and courses, as well as studying via the Internet, has become very urgent and popular due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. This forced the implementation or development of appropriate remote learning systems at all universities. There are many doubts and questions concerning not only the organisation of distance learning, but also the quality of verification of learning outcomes; availability of teaching materials; technical skills of students and teachers using ICT tools; access to training and equipment; financial, mental and psychological difficulties, etc. The aim of the article is to analyse the challenges faced by universities that have gone remote during pandemic. The article in its main part consists of three elements: theoretical insight into the problems of distance education, difficulties and challenges concerning the organization of remote studying in universities and the evaluation of students of distance classes. This is the empirical part of the work. The research covered the issues of education using the methods and techniques of distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic. The research was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, survey technique, using a questionnaire. In the second part of the analysis the data found were used
Public Security and Public Order – Conceptual and Institutional Scope
The publication aims to analyze public security and public order in conceptual and institutional terms as an analytical category of security sciences. The legislator defines neither public security nor public order. So far, they have been treated mainly as categories of administrative law. It is therefore important to assign them analytical content in the new scientific discipline. The research results allowed for the presentation of the thesis that public security and public order are mainly connected with protection against pathological phenomena occurring in the public space, which are minimized by institutions established to ensure it. These categories should constitute the research field (subject) of the security sciences. The research problem formulated in the form of the question: How are public security and public order treated in definitional and institutional terms? The problem was solved based on a critical analysis of the literature. The paper uses theoretical research methods, including analysis of literature and phenomena occurring in society and inference – as a cognitive factor of the subject of analysis. A critical analysis of the literature on this issue played a large role in the cognitive process