1,606 research outputs found

    Bethe Ansatz solution of a decagonal rectangle triangle random tiling

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    A random tiling of rectangles and triangles displaying a decagonal phase is solved by Bethe Ansatz. Analogously to the solutions of the dodecagonal square triangle and the octagonal rectangle triangle tiling an exact expression for the maximum of the entropy is found.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, some remarks added and typos correcte

    Supersymmetry on Jacobstahl lattices

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    It is shown that the construction of Yang and Fendley (2004 {\it J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. {\bf 37}} 8937) to obtainsupersymmetric systems, leads not to the open XXZ chain with anisotropy Δ=1/2\Delta =-{1/2} but to systems having dimensions given by Jacobstahl sequences.For each system the ground state is unique. The continuum limit of the spectra of the Jacobstahl systems coincide, up to degeneracies, with that of the Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) invariant XXZ chain for q=exp(iπ/3)q=\exp(i\pi/3). The relation between the Jacobstahl systems and the open XXZ chain is explained.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figure

    The pair annihilation reaction D + D --> 0 in disordered media and conformal invariance

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    The raise and peel model describes the stochastic model of a fluctuating interface separating a substrate covered with clusters of matter of different sizes, and a rarefied gas of tiles. The stationary state is obtained when adsorption compensates the desorption of tiles. This model is generalized to an interface with defects (D). The defects are either adjacent or separated by a cluster. If a tile hits the end of a cluster with a defect nearby, the defect hops at the other end of the cluster changing its shape. If a tile hits two adjacent defects, the defect annihilate and are replaced by a small cluster. There are no defects in the stationary state. This model can be seen as describing the reaction D + D -->0, in which the particles (defects) D hop at long distances changing the medium and annihilate. Between the hops the medium also changes (tiles hit clusters changing their shapes). Several properties of this model are presented and some exact results are obtained using the connection of our model with a conformal invariant quantum chain.Comment: 8 pages, 12figure

    Raise and Peel Models of fluctuating interfaces and combinatorics of Pascal's hexagon

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    The raise and peel model of a one-dimensional fluctuating interface (model A) is extended by considering one source (model B) or two sources (model C) at the boundaries. The Hamiltonians describing the three processes have, in the thermodynamic limit, spectra given by conformal field theory. The probability of the different configurations in the stationary states of the three models are not only related but have interesting combinatorial properties. We show that by extending Pascal's triangle (which gives solutions to linear relations in terms of integer numbers), to an hexagon, one obtains integer solutions of bilinear relations. These solutions give not only the weights of the various configurations in the three models but also give an insight to the connections between the probability distributions in the stationary states of the three models. Interestingly enough, Pascal's hexagon also gives solutions to a Hirota's difference equation.Comment: 33 pages, an abstract and an introduction are rewritten, few references are adde

    Conformal invariance and its breaking in a stochastic model of a fluctuating interface

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    Using Monte-Carlo simulations on large lattices, we study the effects of changing the parameter uu (the ratio of the adsorption and desorption rates) of the raise and peel model. This is a nonlocal stochastic model of a fluctuating interface. We show that for 0<u<10<u<1 the system is massive, for u=1u=1 it is massless and conformal invariant. For u>1u>1 the conformal invariance is broken. The system is in a scale invariant but not conformal invariant phase. As far as we know it is the first example of a system which shows such a behavior. Moreover in the broken phase, the critical exponents vary continuously with the parameter uu. This stays true also for the critical exponent τ\tau which characterizes the probability distribution function of avalanches (the critical exponent DD staying unchanged).Comment: 22 pages and 20 figure

    Exact Solution of an Octagonal Random Tiling Model

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    We consider the two-dimensional random tiling model introduced by Cockayne, i.e. the ensemble of all possible coverings of the plane without gaps or overlaps with squares and various hexagons. At the appropriate relative densities the correlations have eight-fold rotational symmetry. We reformulate the model in terms of a random tiling ensemble with identical rectangles and isosceles triangles. The partition function of this model can be calculated by diagonalizing a transfer matrix using the Bethe Ansatz (BA). The BA equations can be solved providing {\em exact} values of the entropy and elastic constants.Comment: 4 pages,3 Postscript figures, uses revte

    The Wave Functions for the Free-Fermion Part of the Spectrum of the SUq(N)SU_q(N) Quantum Spin Models

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    We conjecture that the free-fermion part of the eigenspectrum observed recently for the SUq(N)SU_q(N) Perk-Schultz spin chain Hamiltonian in a finite lattice with q=exp(iπ(N1)/N)q=\exp (i\pi (N-1)/N) is a consequence of the existence of a special simple eigenvalue for the transfer matrix of the auxiliary inhomogeneous SUq(N1)SU_q(N-1) vertex model which appears in the nested Bethe ansatz approach. We prove that this conjecture is valid for the case of the SU(3) spin chain with periodic boundary condition. In this case we obtain a formula for the components of the eigenvector of the auxiliary inhomogeneous 6-vertex model (q=exp(2iπ/3)q=\exp (2 i \pi/3)), which permit us to find one by one all components of this eigenvector and consequently to find the eigenvectors of the free-fermion part of the eigenspectrum of the SU(3) spin chain. Similarly as in the known case of the SUq(2)SU_q(2) case at q=exp(i2π/3)q=\exp(i2\pi/3) our numerical and analytical studies induce some conjectures for special rates of correlation functions.Comment: 25 pages and no figure

    Slowest relaxation mode of the partially asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries

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    We analyze the Bethe ansatz equations describing the complete spectrum of the transition matrix of the partially asymmetric exclusion process on a finite lattice and with the most general open boundary conditions. We extend results obtained recently for totally asymmetric diffusion [J. de Gier and F.H.L. Essler, J. Stat. Mech. P12011 (2006)] to the case of partial symmetry. We determine the finite-size scaling of the spectral gap, which characterizes the approach to stationarity at large times, in the low and high density regimes and on the coexistence line. We observe boundary induced crossovers and discuss possible interpretations of our results in terms of effective domain wall theories.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, typeset for pdflatex; revised versio

    Refined Razumov-Stroganov conjectures for open boundaries

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    Recently it has been conjectured that the ground-state of a Markovian Hamiltonian, with one boundary operator, acting in a link pattern space is related to vertically and horizontally symmetric alternating-sign matrices (equivalently fully-packed loop configurations (FPL) on a grid with special boundaries).We extend this conjecture by introducing an arbitrary boundary parameter. We show that the parameter dependent ground state is related to refined vertically symmetric alternating-sign matrices i.e. with prescribed configurations (respectively, prescribed FPL configurations) in the next to central row. We also conjecture a relation between the ground-state of a Markovian Hamiltonian with two boundary operators and arbitrary coefficients and some doubly refined (dependence on two parameters) FPL configurations. Our conjectures might be useful in the study of ground-states of the O(1) and XXZ models, as well as the stationary states of Raise and Peel models.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 8 postscript figure

    Structure of the two-boundary XXZ model with non-diagonal boundary terms

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    We study the integrable XXZ model with general non-diagonal boundary terms at both ends. The Hamiltonian is considered in terms of a two boundary extension of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. We use a basis that diagonalizes a conserved charge in the one-boundary case. The action of the second boundary generator on this space is computed. For the L-site chain and generic values of the parameters we have an irreducible space of dimension 2^L. However at certain critical points there exists a smaller irreducible subspace that is invariant under the action of all the bulk and boundary generators. These are precisely the points at which Bethe Ansatz equations have been formulated. We compute the dimension of the invariant subspace at each critical point and show that it agrees with the splitting of eigenvalues, found numerically, between the two Bethe Ansatz equations.Comment: 9 pages Latex. Minor correction