12 research outputs found

    Identification of candidate enhancers controlling the transcriptome during the formation of interphalangeal joints

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    The formation of the synovial joint begins with the visible emergence of a stripe of densely packed mesenchymal cells located between distal ends of the developing skeletal anlagen called the interzone. Recently the transcriptome of the early synovial joint was reported. Knowledge about enhancers would complement these data and lead to a better understanding of the control of gene transcription at the onset of joint development. Using ChIP-sequencing we have mapped the H3-signatures H3K27ac and H3K4me1 to locate regulatory elements specific for the interzone and adjacent phalange, respectively. This one-stage atlas of candidate enhancers (CEs) was used to map the association between these respective joint tissue specific CEs and biological processes. Subsequently, integrative analysis of transcriptomic data and CEs identified new putative regulatory elements of genes expressed in interzone (e.g., GDF5, BMP2 and DACT2) and phalange (e.g., MATN1, HAPLN1 and SNAI1). We also linked such CEs to genes known as crucial in synovial joint hypermobility and osteoarthritis, as well as phalange malformations. These analyses show that the CE atlas can serve as resource for identifying, and as starting point for experimentally validating, putative disease-causing genomic regulatory regions in patients with synovial joint dysfunctions and/or phalange disorders, and enhancer-controlled synovial joint and phalange formation

    Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) cooperates with estrogen receptor α (erα) in the regulation of estrogen action in breast cancer cells

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    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), a key regulator of transcriptional responses to proteotoxic stress, was linked to estrogen (E2) signaling through estrogen receptor α (ERα). We found that an HSF1 deficiency may decrease ERα level, attenuate the mitogenic action of E2, counteract E2-stimulated cell scattering, and reduce adhesion to collagens and cell motility in ER-positive breast cancer cells. The stimulatory effect of E2 on the transcriptome is largely weaker in HSF1-deficient cells, in part due to the higher basal expression of E2-dependent genes, which correlates with the enhanced binding of unliganded ERα to chromatin in such cells. HSF1 and ERα can cooperate directly in E2-stimulated regulation of transcription, and HSF1 potentiates the action of ERα through a mechanism involving chromatin reorganization. Furthermore, HSF1 deficiency may increase the sensitivity to hormonal therapy (4-hydroxytamoxifen) or CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib). Analyses of data from The Cancer Genome Atlas database indicate that HSF1 increases the transcriptome disparity in ER-positive breast cancer and can enhance the genomic action of ERα. Moreover, only in ER-positive cancers an elevated HSF1 level is associated with metastatic disease.publishedVersio

    Antifungal Agent 4-AN Changes the Genome-Wide Expression Profile, Downregulates Virulence-Associated Genes and Induces Necrosis in Candida albicans Cells

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    In the light of the increasing occurrence of antifungal resistance, there is an urgent need to search for new therapeutic strategies to overcome this phenomenon. One of the applied approaches is the synthesis of small-molecule compounds showing antifungal properties. Here we present a continuation of the research on the recently discovered anti-Candida albicans agent 4-AN. Using next generation sequencing and transcriptional analysis, we revealed that the treatment of C. albicans with 4-AN can change the expression profile of a large number of genes. The highest upregulation was observed in the case of genes involved in cell stress, while the highest downregulation was shown for genes coding sugar transporters. Real-time PCR analysis revealed 4-AN mediated reduction of the relative expression of genes engaged in fungal virulence (ALS1, ALS3, BCR1, CPH1, ECE1, EFG1, HWP1, HYR1 and SAP1). The determination of the fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) showed that the combination of 4-AN with amphotericin B is synergistic. Finally, flow cytometry analysis revealed that the compound induces mainly necrosis in C. albicans cells

    HSF1 Can Prevent Inflammation following Heat Shock by Inhibiting the Excessive Activation of the ATF3 and JUN&FOS Genes

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    Heat Shock Factor 1 (HSF1), a transcription factor frequently overexpressed in cancer, is activated by proteotoxic agents and participates in the regulation of cellular stress response. To investigate how HSF1 level affects the response to proteotoxic stress, we integrated data from functional genomics analyses performed in MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells. Although the general transcriptional response to heat shock was impaired due to HSF1 deficiency (mainly chaperone expression was inhibited), a set of genes was identified, including ATF3 and certain FOS and JUN family members, whose stress-induced activation was stronger and persisted longer than in cells with normal HSF1 levels. These genes were direct HSF1 targets, suggesting a dual (activatory/suppressory) role for HSF1. Moreover, we found that heat shock-induced inflammatory response could be stronger in HSF1-deficient cells. Analyses of The Cancer Genome Atlas data indicated that higher ATF3, FOS, and FOSB expression levels correlated with low HSF1 levels in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, reflecting higher heat shock-induced expression of these genes in HSF1-deficient MCF7 cells observed in vitro. However, differences between the analyzed cancer types were noted in the regulation of HSF1-dependent genes, indicating the presence of cell-type-specific mechanisms. Nevertheless, our data indicate the existence of the heat shock-induced network of transcription factors (associated with the activation of TNFα signaling) which includes HSF1. Independent of its chaperone-mediated cytoprotective function, HSF1 may be involved in the regulation of this network but prevents its overactivation in some cells during stress.publishedVersio

    HupB Is a Bacterial Nucleoid-Associated Protein with an Indispensable Eukaryotic-Like Tail

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    In bacteria, chromosomal DNA must be efficiently compacted to fit inside the small cell compartment while remaining available for the proteins involved in replication, segregation, and transcription. Among the nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) responsible for maintaining this highly organized and yet dynamic chromosome structure, the HU protein is one of the most conserved and highly abundant. HupB, a homologue of HU, was recently identified in mycobacteria. This intriguing mycobacterial NAP is composed of two domains: an N-terminal domain that resembles bacterial HU, and a long and distinctive C-terminal domain that contains several PAKK/KAAK motifs, which are characteristic of the H1/H5 family of eukaryotic histones. In this study, we analyzed the in vivo binding of HupB on the chromosome scale. By using PALM (photoactivated localization microscopy) and ChIP-Seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing), we observed that the C-terminal domain is indispensable for the association of HupB with the nucleoid. Strikingly, the in vivo binding of HupB displayed a bias from the origin (oriC) to the terminus (ter) of the mycobacterial chromosome (numbers of binding sites decreased toward ter). We hypothesized that this binding mode reflects a role for HupB in organizing newly replicated oriC regions. Thus, HupB may be involved in coordinating replication with chromosome segregation

    RRAD, IL4I1, CDKN1A, and SERPINE1 genes are potentially co-regulated by NF-κB and p53 transcription factors in cells exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation

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    Abstract Background The cellular response to ionizing radiation involves activation of p53-dependent pathways and activation of the atypical NF-κB pathway. The crosstalk between these two transcriptional networks include (co)regulation of common gene targets. Here we looked for novel genes potentially (co)regulated by p53 and NF-κB using integrative genomics screening in human osteosarcoma U2-OS cells irradiated with a high dose (4 and 10 Gy). Radiation-induced expression in cells with silenced TP53 or RELA (coding the p65 NF-κB subunit) genes was analyzed by RNA-Seq while radiation-enhanced binding of p53 and RelA in putative regulatory regions was analyzed by ChIP-Seq, then selected candidates were validated by qPCR. Results We identified a subset of radiation-modulated genes whose expression was affected by silencing of both TP53 and RELA, and a subset of radiation-upregulated genes where radiation stimulated binding of both p53 and RelA. For three genes, namely IL4I1, SERPINE1, and CDKN1A, an antagonistic effect of the TP53 and RELA silencing was consistent with radiation-enhanced binding of both p53 and RelA. This suggested the possibility of a direct antagonistic (co)regulation by both factors: activation by NF-κB and inhibition by p53 of IL4I1, and activation by p53 and inhibition by NF-κB of CDKN1A and SERPINE1. On the other hand, radiation-enhanced binding of both p53 and RelA was observed in a putative regulatory region of the RRAD gene whose expression was downregulated both by TP53 and RELA silencing, which suggested a possibility of direct (co)activation by both factors. Conclusions Four new candidates for genes directly co-regulated by NF-κB and p53 were revealed

    Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) cooperates with estrogen receptor α (erα) in the regulation of estrogen action in breast cancer cells

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    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), a key regulator of transcriptional responses to proteotoxic stress, was linked to estrogen (E2) signaling through estrogen receptor α (ERα). We found that an HSF1 deficiency may decrease ERα level, attenuate the mitogenic action of E2, counteract E2-stimulated cell scattering, and reduce adhesion to collagens and cell motility in ER-positive breast cancer cells. The stimulatory effect of E2 on the transcriptome is largely weaker in HSF1-deficient cells, in part due to the higher basal expression of E2-dependent genes, which correlates with the enhanced binding of unliganded ERα to chromatin in such cells. HSF1 and ERα can cooperate directly in E2-stimulated regulation of transcription, and HSF1 potentiates the action of ERα through a mechanism involving chromatin reorganization. Furthermore, HSF1 deficiency may increase the sensitivity to hormonal therapy (4-hydroxytamoxifen) or CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib). Analyses of data from The Cancer Genome Atlas database indicate that HSF1 increases the transcriptome disparity in ER-positive breast cancer and can enhance the genomic action of ERα. Moreover, only in ER-positive cancers an elevated HSF1 level is associated with metastatic disease