145 research outputs found

    Management synergies: Water resources and flooding

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    [EN] The fifth report of the European Commission, COM (2019) 95final, on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (Second River basin Management Plans 2000/60/EU and First Flood Risk Management Plans 2007/60/EU), in order to coordinate the authorities involved and exploit synergies, recommends that Spain considers flooding within the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. The operation of dams on the territory of the Community is proposed by Spain in the EU Guidance document No. 24 ¿River basin Management in a Changing Climate¿ (TR-2009-040) as a measure of resilience to water scarcity, accentuated by climate change. Optimal management of water resources in catchments and their surroundings ensures the different uses of water: ecological (protected areas and population supply), agricultural, industrial and recreational, as well as flood safety of people and property. Land use planning that includes areas of temporary flooding during high precipitations, run-off or overflow can contribute significantly to improve the operation of reservoirs. In this article, we analyse the flood areas of different types of watersheds, based on real cases, defined by a variety of geo-morphologies downstream of the dam (channels, gullies and flat-bottomed troughs, flood plains) and by current anthropogenic uses occupying the territory. The results are analysed with reference to their potential for synergy with the operation of the upstream water reservoir. Key trends shown are proposed to be translated into coefficients of reduction in environmental and socioeconomic damages within the model of spillways simulation.Vicente-Torres, M.; Palencia-Jiménez, J.; Gielen, E. (2020). Management synergies: Water resources and flooding. International Journal of Environmental Impacts (Online). 3(4):314-323. https://doi.org/10.2495/EI-V3-N4-314-324S3143233

    Auswirkungen der pharmakologischen Inhibition des Toll-like Rezeptors 9 auf die inflammatorische Zytokinproduktion in vitro im Modell einer polymikrobiellen Sepsis

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    Zielsetzung: Der Toll-like Rezeptor 9 (TLR9) gehört zu den Mustererkennungsrezeptoren des angeborenen Immunsystems und ist für die Erkennung von bakterieller DNA (CpG-ODN) verantwortlich. Aktuelle Untersuchungen belegen, dass TLR eine wichtige Rolle für die Entzündungsreaktion im Modell einer polymikrobiellen Sepsis zukommt. In dieser Studie sollte die Möglichkeit einer pharmakologischen Modulation der dem TLR9 nachgeschalteten Inflammation in vitro evaluiert werden. Methodik: RAW 264.7 Makrophagen wurden mit hitzeinaktivierten Darmbakterien von C57BL/6 Mäusen inkubiert. Nach 24h wurden die TNF-α-Konzentrationen im Zellkulturüberstand mittels ELISA detektiert. Zu den Zeitpunkten 0h, 3h, 6h und 9h post infectionem wurden die TLR9-inhibierenden Oligonukleotide H154-Thioat, IRS954-Thioat und 1612-Thioat in einer Konzentration von 5 nmol appliziert. Vergleichend dazu wurde das Pharmakon Chloroquin in einer Konzentration von 10 µg zu den o.g. Zeitpunkten getestet. Die statistischen Analysen wurden mit One-Way ANOVA und einer Bonferroni post-hoc Analyse durchgeführt. Hierbei wurden p-Werte = 0,05 als signifikant angesehen. Ergebnisse: Es zeigte sich eine signifikante Freisetzung des proinflammatorischen Zytokins TNF-α aus Makrophagen nach Stimulation mit hitzeinaktivierten Darmbakterien zwecks Simulation einer polymikrobiellen Sepsis. H154-Thioat und 1612-Thioat konnten diese Freisetzung in einem Zeitraum bis 6h, IRS954-Thioat sogar bis 9h post infectionem signifikant reduzieren. Chloroquin war ebenfalls bis 9h nach Zugabe von Darmbakterien in der Lage, die inflammatorische Antwort signifikant zu reduzieren. Schlussfolgerung: Die Inhibition von TLR9 führt zu einer signifikant verringerten TNF-α-Freisetzung aus Makrophagen im Modell einer polymikrobiellen Infektion in vitro

    Assessment of barriers for people with disability to enjoy national parks

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    [EN] There is increasing awareness of the importance of nature-based recreation to human wellbeing. Given its significant benefits, natural-protected area management has not always provided equitable access to all potential users. Limited research till now has been focused on how the outdoor barriers impact the equal enjoyment of people with mobility/motor disabilities (PwMDs) of nature when promoting sustainable nature-based tourism. This study intends to shed light on those aspects which constrain the PwMD¿s enjoyment of the great outdoors at national parks (NPs). The study was carried out in Canada and Spain through an online survey on amenities needed and accessibility barriers for PwMDs in parks. It was analyzed through log linear models for cross-frequency tables, which allow us to estimate the associations between questions/variables and, thus, ultimately, obtain insights into how the needs of amenities and accessibility barriers can affect and limit PwMDs¿ enjoyment of natural parks. The results show a predisposition on the part of participants to enjoy parks more frequently than they usually do, as well as a preference for forests and mountain landscapes. Information and communication technologies are the tools most chosen to prepare for their trip and visit to the park. PwMD finds barriers in NPs as impediments to benefit from nature-based recreation and adding to their wellbeing. NP managers should take into consideration that PwMD¿s visits to parks are related to the main obstacles they perceive such as slopes and pavement and that they require amenities such as recreation and signposting. They would also like to enjoy parks more often, with footpaths suitable for walkability/wheelability, e.g., compact pavement, low inclines, and adequate signposting. In addition to the physical barriers, managers should also consider intrapersonal and interpersonal constraints to provide outdoor activities in parks focused on PwMDs¿ needs.This research received partial support and external funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (grant CD21/00186-Sara Borrell Postdoctoral Fellowship) and was co-funded by the European Union.Aguilar-Carrasco, MJ.; Gielen, E.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F.; Riutort-Mayol, G. (2023). Assessment of barriers for people with disability to enjoy national parks. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.10586471161

    Dynamica van het brein

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    Een van de standaard procedures op een afdeling Klinische Neurofysiologie is het meten van een Elektro-EncefaloGram (EEG). In Nederland worden naar schatting ruim 150-duizend EEG’s per jaar gemaakt om eventuele afwijkingen in hersenfuncties te kunnen vaststellen. Bij een gewone EEG-registratie worden 21 elektroden op de schedel aangebracht, waarmee op de schedelhuid elektrische signalen van ongeveer 10-100 μV gemeten kunnen worden, maar voor sommige indicaties is het aantal elektroden groter dan honder

    Can birth weight discordancy within monozygotic twin pairs be used as an indicator of chorionicity?

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    Both zygosity and chorionicity provide important information in twin research. The East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey (EFPTS) determines zygosity and chorionicity at birth and therefore provides a gold standard for the testing of diagnostic parameters that can be used to determine chorionicity. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether birthweight discordancy can be used as an indicator of chorionicity. The study sample consisted of 4,060 live-born twin pairs from the EFPTS. We studied MZ twins, using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of being MC in relation to discordancy level. Diagnostic parameters, including sensitivity and specificity, were calculated. A two-fold cross-validation was carried out and a bootstrap distribution with 10,000 samples was created to estimate the standard deviations. For discordancy levels of below 10%, 10-15%, 15-20%, 20-25% and above 25%, the ORs (95% CI) were 1.16 (0.91-1.47), 1.38 (1.05-1.80), 2.13 (1.51-3.01), 2.73 (1.73-4.29) and 2.81 (2.81-4.35) respectively. There were no gender differences. Sensitivity was 42.2% (SD 5.6%), specificity was 72.8% (SD 6.3%), positive predictive value was 72.8% (1.5%) and the negative predictive value was 39.2% (0.7%). In conclusion, although a higher discordancy level resulted in higher ORs of being an MC twin, birthweight discordancy level can only be used to some weak extent as a proxy for chorionicity, highlighting the need to assess and record chorionicity data in obstetrical units

    Eating at fast-food restaurants is associated with dietary intake, demographic, psychosocial and behavioural factors among African Americans in North Carolina

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    Objective: To examine associations of the frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants with demographic, behavioural and psychosocial factors and dietary intake in African American adults. Methods: Self-reported data from a population-based cross-sectional survey of 658 African Americans, aged 20–70 years, in North Carolina. An 11-page questionnaire assessed eating at fast-food restaurants, demographic, behavioural and diet-related psychosocial factors, and dietary intake (fruit, vegetable, total fat and saturated fat intakes, and fat-related dietary behaviours). Results: The participants were aged 43.9 ^ 11.6 years (mean ^ standard deviation), 41% were male, 37% were college graduates and 75% were overweight or obese. Seventy-six per cent reported eating at fast-food restaurants during the previous 3 months: 4% usually, 22% often and 50% sometimes. Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants was positively associated with total fat and saturated fat intakes and fat-related dietary behaviours (P , 0.0001) and inversely associated with vegetable intake (P , 0.05). For example, mean daily fat intake was 39.0 g for usually/often respondents and 28.3 g for those reporting rare/never eating at fast-food restaurants. Participants who reported usual/often eating at fast-food restaurants were younger, never married, obese, physically inactive and multivitamin non-users (all P , 0.01). Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants was positively associated with fair/poor self-rated health, weak belief in a diet–cancer relationship, low self-efficacy for healthy eating, weight dissatisfaction, and perceived difficulties of preparing healthy meals and ordering healthy foods in restaurants (all P , 0.05). Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants did not differ significantly by sex, education, smoking, ability to purchase healthy foods or knowledge of the Food Guide Pyramid. Conclusions: Eating at fast-food restaurants is associated with higher fat and lower vegetable intakes in African Americans. Interventions to reduce fast-food consumption and obesity in African Americans should consider demographic and behavioural characteristics and address attitudes about diet–disease relationships and convenience barriers to healthy eating

    Smart Companion Pillow – An EPS@ISEP 2019 Project

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    Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book seriesThis paper describes the design and development of a Smart Companion Pillow, named bGuard, designed by a multinational and multidisciplinary team enrolled in the European Project Semester (EPS) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) in the spring of 2019. Nowadays, parents spend most of the day at work and become naturally worried about the well-being of their young children, specially babies. The aim of bGuard is to provide a 24-hour remotely accessible baby monitoring service, contributing to reduce parenting stress. The team, based on the survey of related products, as well as on marketing, sustainability, ethics and deontology analyses, developed a remotely interactive Smart Companion Pillow to monitor the baby’s health and room air quality. The collected data, once it is saved on an Internet of Things (IoT) platform, becomes remotely accessible. The bGuard pillow, thanks to its shape, reduces the risk of the baby rolling from back to tummy, lowering the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El aprendizaje lúdico como estrategia didáctica: El territorio en Juego

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    [EN] The game learning as a didactic strategy in matters of Urban and Regional Planning is the challenge of the Project of Innovation and Educational Improvement (PIME) "The territory in play". The project intend to build a teaching-learning environment that encourages students to create their own knowledge and experience, through the design of a board game. The proposal is designed to alleviate the weaknesses and threats detected, strengthen the strengths and take advantage of the possibilities of the didactic play resource, to improve learning, apply knowledge, reflect on the territory and motivate students. The results of the first phase of the PIME are presented here, in which using a methodology based on implicative and reflexive techniques, three commercialized games are tested. The games tested propose extreme situatins: absolutely cooperative, absolutely competitive, with collaboration being a commercial instrument and sustainability a principle that is little contemplated or nullified. However, each provide elements and that, properly combined into the very model of game playing techniques interesting, may be useful for improving learning and therefore the results of students of Urban and Regional Planning, ultimate end of PIME that is presented here.[ES] El aprendizaje lúdico como estrategia didáctica en materias de Ordenación del Territorio y Urbanismo es el reto del Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME) “El territorio en juego”. Se pretende construir un entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje que estimule al alumnado a crear su propio conocimiento y experiencia, a través del diseño de un juego de mesa. La propuesta está diseñada para paliar las debilidades y amenazas detectadas, potenciar las fortalezas y aprovechar las posibilidades del recurso lúdico didáctico, para mejorar el aprendizaje, aplicar conocimientos, reflexionar sobre el territorio y motivar al alumnado. Se presentan aquí los resultados de la primera fase del PIME, en la cual utilizando una metodología basada en técnicas implicativas y reflexivas, se testean tres juegos comercializados. Los juegos testeados nos sitúan ante situaciones que se posicionan en los extremos: absolutamente cooperativo-absolutamente competitivo, siendo la colaboración un instrumento comercial y la sostenibilidad un principio escasamente contemplado o anulado. Sin embargo, cada uno de ellos proporcionan elementos y técnicas de juego interesantes que, adecuadamente combinados en el modelo propio de juego, pueden ser útiles para mejorar el aprendizaje y por tanto los resultados de los alumnos de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio, fin ultimo del PIME que aquí se presenta.Sosa Espinosa, A.; Gielen, E.; Palencia Jiménez, JS.; Pérez Alonso, Y.; Moreno Navarro, M.; Temes Córdovez, RR.; Miralles García, J.... (2018). El aprendizaje lúdico como estrategia didáctica: El territorio en Juego. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1493-1503. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8876OCS1493150
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