84 research outputs found

    Instanton effects and linear-chiral duality

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    We discuss duality between the linear and chiral dilaton formulations, in the presence of super-Yang-Mills instanton corrections to the effective action. In contrast to previous work on the subject, our approach appeals directly to explicit instanton calculations and does not rely on the introduction of an auxiliary Veneziano-Yankielowicz superfield. We discuss duality in the case of an axion that has a periodic scalar potential, and find that the bosonic fields of the dual linear multiplet have a modified interpretation. We note that symmetries of the axion potential manifest themselves as symmetries of the equations of motion for the linear multiplet. We also make some brief remarks regarding dilaton stabilization. We point out that corrections recently studied by Dijkgraaf and Vafa can be used to stabilize the axion in the case of a single super-Yang-Mills condensate.Comment: 1+18 pages, 1 figure, comments and references adde

    Quantum chromodynamics with advanced computing

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    We survey results in lattice quantum chromodynamics from groups in the USQCD Collaboration. The main focus is on physics, but many aspects of the discussion are aimed at an audience of computational physicists.Comment: 17 pp. Featured presentation at Scientific Discovery with Advanced Computing, July 13-17, Seattl

    CP violation and modular symmetries

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    We reconsider the origin of CP violation in fundamental theory. Existing string models of spontaneous CP violation make ambiguous predictions, due to the arbitrariness of CP transformation and the apparent non-invariance of the results under duality. We find an unambiguous modular CP invariance condition, applicable to predictive models of spontaneous CP violation, which circumvents these problems; it strongly constrains CP violation by heterotic string moduli. The dilaton is also evaluated as a source of CP violation, but is likely experimentally excluded. We consider the prospects for explaining CP violation in strongly-coupled strings and brane worlds.Comment: 6 pages, REVTeX 4b5+amssymb. 2 references added, substantially the same as published versio

    Long Lived Fourth Generation and the Higgs

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    A chiral fourth generation is a simple and well motivated extension of the standard model, and has important consequences for Higgs phenomenology. Here we consider a scenario where the fourth generation neutrinos are long lived and have both a Dirac and Majorana mass term. Such neutrinos can be as light as 40 GeV and can be the dominant decay mode of the Higgs boson for Higgs masses below the W-boson threshold. We study the effect of the Majorana mass term on the Higgs branching fractions and reevaluate the Tevatron constraints on the Higgs mass. We discuss the prospects for the LHC to detect the semi-invisible Higgs decays into fourth generation neutrino pairs. Under the assumption that the lightest fourth generation neutrino is stable, it's thermal relic density can be up to 20% of the observed dark matter density in the universe. This is in agreement with current constraints on the spin dependent neutrino-neutron cross section, but can be probed by the next generation of dark matter direct detection experiments.Comment: v1: 19 pages, 5 figures; v2: References added; v3: version to appear in JHE

    Neutrino Mass, Sneutrino Dark Matter and Signals of Lepton Flavor Violation in the MRSSM

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    We study the phenomenology of mixed-sneutrino dark matter in the Minimal R-Symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model (MRSSM). Mixed sneutrinos fit naturally within the MRSSM, as the smallness (or absence) of neutrino Yukawa couplings singles out sneutrino A-terms as the only ones not automatically forbidden by R-symmetry. We perform a study of randomly generated sneutrino mass matrices and find that (i) the measured value of ΩDM\Omega_{DM} is well within the range of typical values obtained for the relic abundance of the lightest sneutrino, (ii) with small lepton-number-violating mass terms mnn2n~n~m_{nn}^{2} {\tilde n} {\tilde n} for the right-handed sneutrinos, random matrices satisfying the ΩDM\Omega_{DM} constraint have a decent probability of satisfying direct detection constraints, and much of the remaining parameter space will be probed by upcoming experiments, (iii) the mnn2n~n~m_{nn}^{2} {\tilde n} {\tilde n} terms radiatively generate appropriately small Majorana neutrino masses, with neutrino oscillation data favoring a mostly sterile lightest sneutrino with a dominantly mu/tau-flavored active component, and (iv) a sneutrino LSP with a significant mu component can lead to striking signals of e-mu flavor violation in dilepton invariant-mass distributions at the LHC.Comment: Revised collider analysis in Sec. 5 after fixing error in particle spectrum, References adde

    Theory-Motivated Benchmark Models and Superpartners at the Tevatron

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    Recently published benchmark models have contained rather heavy superpartners. To test the robustness of this result, several benchmark models have been constructed based on theoretically well-motivated approaches, particularly string-based ones. These include variations on anomaly and gauge-mediated models, as well as gravity mediation. The resulting spectra often have light gauginos that are produced in significant quantities at the Tevatron collider, or will be at a 500 GeV linear collider. The signatures also provide interesting challenges for the LHC. In addition, these models usually account for electroweak symmetry breaking with relatively less fine-tuning than previous benchmark models.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures; some typos corrected. Revisions reflect published versio

    Large N and Bosonization in Three Dimensions

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    Bosonization is normally thought of as a purely two-dimensional phenomenon, and generic field theories with fermions in D>2 are not expected be describable by local bosonic actions, except in some special cases. We point out that 3D SU(N) gauge theories on R^{1,1} x S^{1}_{L} with adjoint fermions can be bosonized in the large N limit. The key feature of such theories is that they enjoy large N volume independence for arbitrary circle size L. A consequence of this is a large N equivalence between these 3D gauge theories and certain 2D gauge theories, which matches a set of correlation functions in the 3D theories to corresponding observables in the 2D theories. As an example, we focus on a 3D SU(N) gauge theory with one flavor of adjoint Majorana fermions and derive the large-N equivalent 2D gauge theory. The extra dimension is encoded in the color degrees of freedom of the 2D theory. We then apply the technique of non-Abelian bosonization to the 2D theory to obtain an equivalent local theory written purely in terms of bosonic variables. Hence the bosonized version of the large N three-dimensional theory turns out to live in two dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, 2 tables. v2 minor revisions, references adde

    Goldstone Fermion Dark Matter

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    We propose that the fermionic superpartner of a weak-scale Goldstone boson can be a natural WIMP candidate. The p-wave annihilation of this `Goldstone fermion' into pairs of Goldstone bosons automatically generates the correct relic abundance, whereas the XENON100 direct detection bounds are evaded due to suppressed couplings to the Standard Model. Further, it is able to avoid indirect detection constraints because the relevant s-wave annihilations are small. The interactions of the Goldstone supermultiplet can induce non-standard Higgs decays and novel collider phenomenology.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. References added, minor typos corrected. Submitted to JHE

    Relic Neutralino Densities and Detection Rates with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses

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    We extend previous analyses on the interplay between nonuniversalities in the gaugino mass sector and the thermal relic densities of LSP neutralinos, in particular to the case of moderate to large tan beta. We introduce a set of parameters that generalizes the standard unified scenario to cover the complete allowed parameter space in the gaugino mass sector. We discuss the physical significance of the cosmologically preferred degree of degeneracy between charginos and the LSP and study the effect this degree of degeneracy has on the prospects for direct detection of relic neutralinos in the next round of dark matter detection experiments. Lastly, we compare the fine tuning required to achieve a satisfactory relic density with the case of universal gaugino masses, as in minimal supergravity, and find it to be of a similar magnitude. The sensitivity of quantifiable measures of fine-tuning on such factors as the gluino mass and top and bottom masses is also examined.Comment: Uses RevTeX; 14 pages, 16 figure
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