18 research outputs found

    Self-adjuvanting therapeutic peptide-based vaccine induce CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in a murine human papillomavirus tumor model

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    Vaccine candidatesfor the treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers areaimed to activate T-cells and induce development of cytotoxic anti-tumor specific responses. Peptide epitopes derived from HPV-16 E7 oncogenic proteinhave been identified as promising antigens for vaccine development. However, peptide-based antigens alone elicit poor cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses and need to be formulated with an adjuvant (immunostimulant) to achieve the desired immune responses. We have reported the ability of polyacrylate 4-arm star-polymer (S4) conjugated with HPV-16 E744-57 (8Qmin) epitope to reduce and eradicate TC-1 tumor in the mouse model. Herein, we have studied the mechanism of induction of immune responses by this polymer-peptide conjugate and found prompt uptake of conjugate by antigen presenting cells, stimulating stronger CD8+ rather than CD4+ or NK cell responses

    Self-adjuvanting vaccine against group A streptococcus: application of fibrillized peptide and immunostimulatory lipid as adjuvant

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    Peptides are of great interest to be used as vaccine antigens due to their safety, ease of manufacturing and specificity in generating immune response. There have been massive discoveries of peptide antigens over the past decade. However, peptides alone are poorly immunogenic, which demand co-administration with strong adjuvant to enhance their immunogenicity. Recently, fibril-forming peptides such as Q11 and lipoamino acid-based carrier have been identified to induce substantial immune responses when covalently linked to peptide epitope. In this study, we have incorporated either Q11 or lipoamino acids to a peptide epitope (J14) derived from M protein of group A streptococcus to develop self-adjuvanting vaccines. J14, Q11 and lipoamino acids were also conjugated together in a single vaccine construct in an attempt to evaluate the synergy effect of combining multiple adjuvants. Physicochemical characterization demonstrated that the vaccine constructs folded differently and self-assembled into nanoparticles. Significantly, only vaccine constructs containing double copies of lipoamino acids (regardless in conjugation with Q11 or not) were capable to induce significant dendritic cells uptake and subsequent J14-specific antibody responses in non-sizes dependent manners. Q11 had minimal impact in enhancing the immunogenicity of J14 even when it was used in combination with lipoamino acids. These findings highlight the impact of lipoamino acids moiety as a promising immunostimulant carrier and its number of attachment to peptide epitope was found to have a profound effect on the vaccine immunogenicity

    Liposome-based delivery system for the development of malaria vaccine

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    Development of new gonadotropin-releasing hormone-modified dendrimer platforms with direct antiproliferative and gonadotropin releasing activity

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists (e.g., triptorelin) are used for androgen suppression therapy. They possess improved stability as compared to the natural GnRH, yet they suffer from a poor pharmacokinetic profile. To address this, we used a GnRH peptide-modified dendrimer platform with and without lipidation strategy. Dendrimers were synthesized on a polylysine core and bore either native GnRH (1, 2, and 5) or lipid-modified GnRH (3 and 4). Compound 3, which bore a lipidic moiety in a branched tetramer structure, showed approximately 10-fold higher permeability and metabolic stability and 39 times higher antitumor activity against hormone-resistant prostate cancer cells (DU145) relative to triptorelin. In gonadotropin-release experiments, dendrimer 3 was shown to be the most potent construct. Dendrimer 3 showed similar luteinizing hormone (LH)-release activity to triptorelin in mice. Our findings indicate that dendrimer 3 is a promising analog with higher potency for the treatment of hormone-resistant prostate cancer than the currently available GnRH agonists

    A semi-synthetic whole parasite vaccine designed to protect against blood stage malaria

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    Although attenuated malaria parasitized red blood cells (pRBCs) are promising vaccine candidates, their application in humans may be restricted for ethical and regulatory reasons. Therefore, we developed an organic microparticle-based delivery platform as a whole parasite malaria-antigen carrier to mimic pRBCs. Killed blood stage parasites were encapsulated within liposomes that are targeted to antigen presenting cells (APCs). Mannosylated lipid core peptides (MLCPs) were used as targeting ligands for the liposome-encapsulated parasite antigens. MLCP-liposomes, but not unmannosylated liposomes, were taken-up efficiently by APCs which then significantly upregulated expression of MHC-ll and costimulatory molecules, CD80 and CD86. Two such vaccines using rodent model systems were constructed - one with Plasmodium chabaudi and the other with P. yoelii. MLCP-liposome vaccines were able to control the parasite burden and extended the survival of mice. Thus, we have demonstrated an alternative delivery system to attenuated pRBCs with similar vaccine efficacy and added clinical advantages. Such liposomes are promising candidates for a human malaria vaccine

    Investigation of structure–activity relationships of synthetic anti-gonadotropin releasing hormone vaccine candidates

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    The immunoneutralization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) can be used for the treatment of human hormone-dependent male and female cancers or as immunocontraceptives in animals. Vaccine candidates 1 [Th(K-LP)GnRH], 2 [GnRH(K-LP)Th], 3 [GnRH(K-Th)LP], and 4 [Th(K-GnRH)LP] (for which K=lysine, LP=lipopeptide Ser-Ser-C-C, and Th=T helper cell epitope influenza HA2), were synthesized by assembling a CD4 T helper cell epitope (Th), GnRH, and an adjuvanting lipid moiety (LP) in various spatial arrangements. All compounds were efficiently taken up by antigen-presenting cells with significant immunogenicity without an external adjuvant. Compounds 2, 3, and 4, in which GnRH is conjugated through its C terminus, produced higher GnRH-specific antibody responses than construct 1, in which the GnRH moiety is conjugated through its N terminus. All four constructs induced a significant antiproliferative effect (up to 55 %) on GnRH-receptor-positive LNCaP cells, but showed weaker activity in the GnRH-receptor-negative SKOV-3 cell line. Marked degenerative changes were observed in morphology and follicular development in the ovaries of immunized mice, with approximately 30 % higher degenerative antral and atretic follicles

    Liposome-based delivery system for vaccine candidates: constructing an effective formulation

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    The discovery of liposomes in 1965 by Bangham and coworkers changed the prospects of drug delivery systems. Since then, the application of liposomes as vaccine delivery systems has been studied extensively. Liposomal vaccine delivery systems are made up of nano- or micro-sized vesicles consisting of phospholipid bilayers, in which the bioactive molecule is encapsulated/ entrapped, adsorbed or surface coupled. In general, liposomes are not immunogenic on their own; thus, liposomes combined with immunostimulating ligands (adjuvants) or various other formulations have been used as vaccine delivery systems. A thorough understanding of formulation parameters allows the design of effective liposomal vaccine delivery systems. This article provides an overview of various factors that influence liposomal immunogenicity. In particular, the effects of vesicle size, surface charge, bilayer composition, lamellarity, pegylation and targeting of liposomes are described