257 research outputs found

    Tradisi Tabuik di Kota Pariaman

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    Culture is complex that includes knowledge, art, moral, legal, customs andother skills and habits by human members of society. The tradition is a habit of socialderived from a generation to generation other through the process of socialization.The tradition of determining the values and moral society, because tradition are therules about what is right and what is wrong according to residents. Tabuik is acultural heritage in the form of ritual ceremony, which is growing in Pariaman sinceabout two centuries ago. Tabuik is a ceremony or the celebration commemorating thedeath of Husain, but then develop into a culture of Pariaman as in the elements ofculture Minangkabau. For the Pariaman ceremony is not a faith (the trust concernedwith the divined or the revered), the implementation of the just for the ceremony tocommemorate the death of Husain. The important thing of the celebration of tabuik isthe implementation of the party who by the Pariaman called batabuik or mahoyaktabuik. The celebration tabuik of ritus-ritus or a series of the ceremony begins fromthe rite maambiak tanah into the river, maambiak/manabang batang pisang, maatam,marandai, maarak jari-jari, maarak saroban, tabuik naiak pangkek, maoyak tabuik,to be closed with a rite mambuang tabuik into the sea. Ritus-ritus embodied in theform of the procession. Range of time used to it procession between 10 to 14 days atthe beginning of Muharram, can even more than that. In the implementation of thetradition tabuik since the first will be conducted until now had a change in terms ofkesakralan and spiritual communities in Pariaman in the procession tabuik, as forchanges in the tradition tabuik is as follows; Kepala Burak, Auang Tuo Tabuik, TheIn Kerangka Tabuik, Pembungan Tabuik, and Hoyak Tabuik. At the dawn of theimplementation of tabuik, tabuik is carried out some of the ceremony is sacred andcontains the value of the high, for the perpetrators tabuik of preparing the showtabuik as celebrate religious holidays. But the implementation of the tabuik now moreto show the entertainment value or tourism of the Pariaman.The key word: Tradition, Change, Tabui

    Gedung Asrama Kampus II Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Berkonsep Hemat Energi

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    Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim (UIN Maliki) Malang dalam rencana strategisnya tahun 2030 akan melakukan pengembangan bidang studi dan infrastruktur dengan membuka kampus II yang berlokasi di kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu. Salah satunya adalah pembangunan fasilitas fisik kampus yaitu asrama mahasiswa. Kampus II UIN Maliki mengusung konsep “ Green, Health, and Smart Campus”. Konsep green building di Indonesia, telah dikembangkan oleh lembaga Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) dalam program sertifikasi green builing. Oleh karena itu perancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki didasarkan pada kriteria green building dari GBCI sebagai upaya hemat energi dan perwujudan konsep kampus. Perancangan perancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki disesuaikan dengan rancangan masterplan yang sudah tersusun sebelumnya. Rancangan masterplan terutama untuk area asrama dikembangkan dengan pengolahan tapak dan ruang dalam bangunan dengan pertimbangan utama pada aspek hemat energi. Penerapan kriteria green building dari GBCI meliputi aspek tata guna lahan, efisiensi dan konservasi energi, konservasi air, sumber siklus material, kesehatan dan Kenyamanan ruang dalam, dan manajemen lingkungan bangunan. Hasil rancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki dengan konsep hemat energi telah memenuhi kriteria GBCI setidaknya 24 poin untuk capaian peringkat terendah