136 research outputs found

    Il Laboratorio per l’accreditamento di Ateneo. Prime valutazioni di un’esperienza di formazione personale e collettiva a UNIMORE

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    A Workshop for the accreditation of the University. Preliminary evaluations of an experience of individual and collective training at UNIMORE. The paper presents the results of the Workshop for the accreditation of the University, organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE). The workshop is devoted to the students that are members of the Joint docents - students committees and consists of several educational activities ranging from lessons to practical exercises. The workshop is based on a principle established in the Document for QA of the education of UNIMORE, that is the commitment of the University «to act deliberately so that students are involved, individually and collectively, as partners in quality assurance and in strengthening their educational experience». The work considers some problematic aspects that gradually have emerged in the course of its implementation; it develops some critical reflections on the experience and concludes by outlining possible developments of this work, which seems to be unique on the national scene

    PEDOTS:PSS@KNF Wire-Shaped Electrodes for Textile Symmetrical Capacitor

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    The emerging wearable electronics and e-textiles have motivated tremendous interests in textile energy storage microdevices. Among them, fiber-shaped capacitors (FSCs) offer unique properties because of their 1D configuration and reliable energy storage. In recent years, many works focused on the development of 1D fibrous-shaped electrodes usually involving complex material synthesis and techniques. Herein, an easy procedure for the preparation of composite fibers made by PEDOT:PSS infiltration in gel-state Kevlar nanofiber (KNF) wires is proposed. The PEDOT:PSS@KNF 1D electrodes are mechanically robust, conductive, and flexible. The symmetric FSCs integrated in textile show remarkable capacitance retention under deformation, average capacitance of 1.1 mF, volumetric energy density of 71 mWh cm(-3), and ability to power on a blue light-emitting diode

    On-site and intersite Hubbard corrections in magnetic monolayers: The case of FePS3 and CrI3

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    Hubbard-corrected density-functional theory has proven to be successful in addressing self-interaction errors in 3D magnetic materials. However, the effectiveness of this approach for 2D magnetic materials has not been extensively explored. Here, we use PBEsol+U and its extensions PBEsol+U+V to investigate the electronic, structural, and vibrational properties of 2D antiferromagnetic FePS3 and ferromagnetic CrI3, and compare the monolayers with their bulk counterparts. Hubbard parameters (on-site U and intersite V) are computed self-consistently using density-functional perturbation theory, thus avoiding any empirical assumptions. We show that for FePS3, the Hubbard corrections are crucial in obtaining the experimentally observed insulating state with the correct crystal symmetry, also providing vibrational frequencies in good agreement with Raman experiments. For ferromagnetic CrI3, we discuss how a straightforward application of Hubbard corrections worsens the results and introduces a spurious separation between spin-majority and minority conduction bands. Promoting the Hubbard U to be a spin-resolved parameter - that is, applying different (first-principles) values to the spin-up and spin-down manifolds - recovers a more physical picture of the electronic bands and delivers the best comparison with experiments

    Performance of arsenene and antimonene double-gate MOSFETs from first principles

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    In the race towards high-performance ultra-scaled devices, two-dimensional materials offer an alternative paradigm thanks to their atomic thickness suppressing short-channel effects. It is thus urgent to study the most promising candidates in realistic configurations, and here we present detailed multiscale simulations of field-effect transistors based on arsenene and antimonene monolayers as channels. The accuracy of first-principles approaches in describing electronic properties is combined with the efficiency of tight-binding Hamiltonians based on maximally localized Wannier functions to compute the transport properties of the devices. These simulations provide for the first time estimates on the upper limits for the electron and hole mobilities in the Takagi's approximation, including spin-orbit and multi-valley effects, and demonstrate that ultra-scaled devices in the sub-10-nm scale show a performance that is compliant with industry requirements

    Switching magnetization with a Weyl semimetal

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    Energy-efficient magnetization manipulation is a prerequisite for competitive spintronic devices. The Weyl semimetal WTe2 can act as a spin current source that enables magnetization switching of an adjacent ferromagnet at low power consumption and additionally induces chiral magnetism.</p

    Multiple antiferromagnetic phases and magnetic anisotropy in exfoliated CrBr3 multilayers

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    In twisted two-dimensional (2D) magnets, the stacking dependence of the magnetic exchange interaction can lead to regions of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interlayer order, separated by non-collinear, skyrmion-like spin textures. Recent experimental searches for these textures have focused on CrI3, known to exhibit either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interlayer order, depending on layer stacking. However, the very strong uniaxial anisotropy of CrI3 disfavors smooth non-collinear phases in twisted bilayers. Here, we report the experimental observation of three distinct magnetic phases—one ferromagnetic and two antiferromagnetic—in exfoliated CrBr3 multilayers, and reveal that the uniaxial anisotropy is significantly smaller than in CrI3. These results are obtained by magnetoconductance measurements on CrBr3 tunnel barriers and Raman spectroscopy, in conjunction with density functional theory calculations, which enable us to identify the stackings responsible for the different interlayer magnetic couplings. The detection of all locally stable magnetic states predicted to exist in CrBr3 and the excellent agreement found between theory and experiments, provide complete information on the stacking-dependent interlayer exchange energy and establish twisted bilayer CrBr3 as an ideal system to deterministically create non-collinear magnetic phases

    Very large tunneling magnetoresistance in layered magnetic semiconductor CrI3

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    Magnetic layered van der Waals crystals are an emerging class of materials giving access to new physical phenomena, as illustrated by the recent observation of 2D ferromagnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 and CrI3. Of particular interest in semiconductors is the interplay between magnetism and transport, which has remained unexplored. Here we report magneto-transport measurements on exfoliated CrI3 crystals. We find that tunneling conduction in the direction perpendicular to the crystalline planes exhibits a magnetoresistance as large as 10,000%. The evolution of the magnetoresistance with magnetic field and temperature reveals that the phenomenon originates from multiple transitions to different magnetic states, whose possible microscopic nature is discussed on the basis of all existing experimental observations. This observed dependence of the conductance of a tunnel barrier on its magnetic state is a phenomenon that demonstrates the presence of a strong coupling between transport and magnetism in magnetic van der Waals semiconductors

    Gain-of-Function STIM1 L96V Mutation Causes Myogenesis Alteration in Muscle Cells From a Patient Affected by Tubular Aggregate Myopathy

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    Tubular Aggregate Myopathy (TAM) is a hereditary ultra-rare muscle disorder characterized by muscle weakness and cramps or myasthenic features. Biopsies from TAM patients show the presence of tubular aggregates originated from sarcoplasmic reticulum due to altered Ca2+ homeostasis. TAM is caused by gain-of-function mutations in STIM1 or ORAI1, proteins responsible for Store-Operated-Calcium-Entry (SOCE), a pivotal mechanism in Ca2+ signaling. So far there is no cure for TAM and the mechanisms through which STIM1 or ORAI1 gene mutation lead to muscle dysfunction remain to be clarified. It has been established that post-natal myogenesis critically relies on Ca2+ influx through SOCE. To explore how Ca2+ homeostasis dysregulation associated with TAM impacts on muscle differentiation cascade, we here performed a functional characterization of myoblasts and myotubes deriving from patients carrying STIM1 L96V mutation by using fura-2 cytofluorimetry, high content imaging and real-time PCR. We demonstrated a higher resting Ca2+ concentration and an increased SOCE in STIM1 mutant compared with control, together with a compensatory down-regulation of genes involved in Ca2+ handling (RyR1, Atp2a1, Trpc1). Differentiating STIM1 L96V myoblasts persisted in a mononuclear state and the fewer multinucleated myotubes had distinct morphology and geometry of mitochondrial network compared to controls, indicating a defect in the late differentiation phase. The alteration in myogenic pathway was confirmed by gene expression analysis regarding early (Myf5, Mef2D) and late (DMD, Tnnt3) differentiation markers together with mitochondrial markers (IDH3A, OGDH). We provided evidences of mechanisms responsible for a defective myogenesis associated to TAM mutant and validated a reliable cellular model usefull for TAM preclinical studies

    Aharonov-Bohm interferences from local deformations in graphene

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    One of the most interesting aspects of graphene is the tied relation between structural and electronic properties. The observation of ripples in the graphene samples both free standing and on a substrate has given rise to a very active investigation around the membrane-like properties of graphene and the origin of the ripples remains as one of the most interesting open problems in the system. The interplay of structural and electronic properties is successfully described by the modelling of curvature and elastic deformations by fictitious gauge fields that have become an ex- perimental reality after the suggestion that Landau levels can form associated to strain in graphene and the subsequent experimental confirmation. Here we propose a device to detect microstresses in graphene based on a scanning-tunneling-microscopy setup able to measure Aharonov-Bohm inter- ferences at the nanometer scale. The interferences to be observed in the local density of states are created by the fictitious magnetic field associated to elastic deformations of the sample.Comment: Some bugs fixe

    How close can one approach the Dirac point in graphene experimentally?

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    The above question is frequently asked by theorists who are interested in graphene as a model system, especially in context of relativistic quantum physics. We offer an experimental answer by describing electron transport in suspended devices with carrier mobilities of several 10^6 cm^2V^-1s^-1 and with the onset of Landau quantization occurring in fields below 5 mT. The observed charge inhomogeneity is as low as \approx10^8 cm^-2, allowing a neutral state with a few charge carriers per entire micron-scale device. Above liquid helium temperatures, the electronic properties of such devices are intrinsic, being governed by thermal excitations only. This yields that the Dirac point can be approached within 1 meV, a limit currently set by the remaining charge inhomogeneity. No sign of an insulating state is observed down to 1 K, which establishes the upper limit on a possible bandgap
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