9,629 research outputs found

    Information-theoretic determination of ponderomotive forces

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    From the equilibrium condition δS=0\delta S=0 applied to an isolated thermodynamic system of electrically charged particles and the fundamental equation of thermodynamics (dU=TdS−(f⋅dr)dU = T dS-(\mathbf{f}\cdot d\mathbf{r})) subject to a new procedure, it is obtained the Lorentz's force together with non-inertial terms of mechanical nature. Other well known ponderomotive forces, like the Stern-Gerlach's force and a force term related to the Einstein-de Haas's effect are also obtained. In addition, a new force term appears, possibly related to a change in weight when a system of charged particles is accelerated.Comment: 10 page

    Generalized Phase Rules

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    For a multi-component system, general formulas are derived for the dimension of a coexisting region in the phase diagram in various state spaces.Comment: In the revised manuscript, physical meanings of D's are explained by adding three figures. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Matrix bandwidth and profile reduction

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    This program, REDUCE, reduces the bandwidth and profile of sparse symmetric matrices, using row and corresponding column permutations. It is a realization of the algorithm described by the authors elsewhere. It was extensively tested and compared with several other programs and was found to be considerably faster than the others, superior for bandwidth reduction and as satisfactory as any other for profile reduction

    On the Geometry of Surface Stress

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    We present a fully general derivation of the Laplace--Young formula and discuss the interplay between the intrinsic surface geometry and the extrinsic one ensuing from the immersion of the surface in the ordinary euclidean three-dimensional space. We prove that the (reversible) work done in a general surface deformation can be expressed in terms of the surface stress tensor and the variation of the intrinsic surface metric

    Struggling and juggling: a comparison of assessment loads in research and teaching-intensive universities

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    In spite of the rising tide of metrics in UK higher education, there has been scant attention paid to assessment loads, when evidence demonstrates that heavy demands lead to surface learning. Our study seeks to redress the situation by defining assessment loads and comparing them across research-and teaching intensive universities. We clarify the concept of ‘assessment load’ in response to findings about high volumes of summative assessment on modular degrees. We define assessment load across whole undergraduate degrees, according to four measures: the volume of summative assessment; volume of formative assessment; proportion of examinations to coursework; number of different varieties of assessment. All four factors contribute to the weight of an assessment load, and influence students’ approaches to learning. Our research compares programme assessment data from 73 programmes in 14 UK universities, across two institutional categories. Research-intensives have higher summative assessment loads and a greater proportion of examinations; teaching-intensives have higher varieties of assessment. Formative assessment does not differ significantly across both university groups. These findings pose particular challenges for students in different parts of the sector. Our study questions the wisdom that ‘more’ is always better, proposing that lighter assessment loads may make room for ‘slow’ and deep learning

    The C. H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa: Community Engagement at an Archaeological Site

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    This article highlights outreach programs launched by the C. H. Nash Museum to encourage engagement with members of local African-American communities

    Polarization switching and nonreciprocity in symmetric and asymmetric magnetophotonic multilayers with nonlinear defect

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    A one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a nonlinear defect placed either symmetrically or asymmetrically inside the structure is considered. Simultaneous effects of time-reversal nonreciprocity and nonlinear spatial asymmetry in the structure are studied. Bistable response is demonstrated in a such system, accompanied by abrupt polarization switching between two circular or elliptical polarizations for transmitted and reflected waves. The effect is explained in terms of field localization at defect-mode spectral resonances and can be used in the design of thin-film optical isolators and polarization transformation devices.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Muon-spin rotation measurements of the vortex state in Sr2_2RuO4_4: type-1.5 superconductivity, vortex clustering and a crossover from a triangular to a square vortex lattice

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    Muon-spin rotation has been used to probe vortex state in Sr2_2RuO4_4. At moderate fields and temperatures a lattice of triangular symmetry is observed, crossing over to a lattice of square symmetry with increasing field and temperature. At lower fields it is found that there are large regions of the sample that are completely free from vortices which grow in volume as the temperature falls. Importantly this is accompanied by {\it increasing} vortex density and increasing disorder within the vortex-cluster containing regions. Both effects are expected to result from the strongly temperature-dependent long-range vortex attractive forces arising from the multi-band chiral-order superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Elastic Scattering of Pions From the Three-nucleon System

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    We examine the scattering of charged pions from the trinucleon system at a pion energy of 180 MeV. The motivation for this study is the structure seen in the experimental angular distribution of back-angle scattering for pi+ 3He and pi- 3H but for neither pi- 3He nor pi+ 3H. We consider the addition of a double spin flip term to an optical model treatment and find that, though the contribution of this term is non-negligible at large angles for pi+ 3He and pi- 3H, it does not reproduce the structure seen in the experiment.Comment: 15 pages + 5 figure

    On the formation/dissolution of equilibrium droplets

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    We consider liquid-vapor systems in finite volume V⊂RdV\subset\R^d at parameter values corresponding to phase coexistence and study droplet formation due to a fixed excess δN\delta N of particles above the ambient gas density. We identify a dimensionless parameter Δ∼(δN)(d+1)/d/V\Delta\sim(\delta N)^{(d+1)/d}/V and a \textrm{universal} value \Deltac=\Deltac(d), and show that a droplet of the dense phase occurs whenever \Delta>\Deltac, while, for \Delta<\Deltac, the excess is entirely absorbed into the gaseous background. When the droplet first forms, it comprises a non-trivial, \textrm{universal} fraction of excess particles. Similar reasoning applies to generic two-phase systems at phase coexistence including solid/gas--where the ``droplet'' is crystalline--and polymorphic systems. A sketch of a rigorous proof for the 2D Ising lattice gas is presented; generalizations are discussed heuristically.Comment: An announcement of a forthcoming rigorous work on the 2D Ising model; to appear in Europhys. Let
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