19 research outputs found

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Food & Play-Leisure and Related Adaptations for Children and Young People: International and National Overviews

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    This report presents and summarises the key results from the first stage of the PANEX-YOUTH research. It focuses on the global and national mapping exercise the team conducted through desk-based research. This was built upon an extensive review of reports and literature on how COVID-19 affected young people and specifically their education, access to food, and their play and leisure. Situating the pandemic both in terms of path-dependent responses and intersectional impacts on young people, the report provides insights into the pre-pandemic context to situate the different COVID-19 specific policies and responses. The focus is on young people, and particularly those living in monetary poor households. It also highlights various types of adaptations, coping and resilience that arose from an overall failure from national and local governments to provide for the needs of vulnerable young people during the pandemic. A shorter version of this report is available as a companion to this extensive document (Andres et al., 2023a). Do email us if you require a copy. This report includes five key initial recommendations. These are preliminary recommendations, with a key focus on pandemic and preparedness for other cognate kinds of crises. These recommendations will be elaborated in the next stages of our research and more importantly final recommendations will be codesigned directly with young people

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Food & Play-Leisure and Related Adaptations for Children and Young People: International Overview

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    This report presents and summarises the key results from the first stage of the PANEX-YOUTH research. It provides a summary of the global and national mapping exercise the team conducted through deskbased research. A more comprehensive version of this report, with more detailed country reviews, is available as a companion to this overview (Andres et al., 2023). Do email us if you require a copy, or visit our website (https://panexyouth.com/). This report was built upon an extensive review of reports and literature on how COVID-19 affected young people and specifically their education, access to food, and their play and leisure. Situating the pandemic both in terms of path-dependent responses and intersectional impacts on young people, the report provides insights into the pre-pandemic context to situate the different COVID-19 specific policies and responses. The focus is on young people, and particularly those living in monetary poor households. It also highlights various types of adaptations, coping and resilience that arose from an overall failure of national and local governments to provide for the needs of vulnerable young people during the pandemic. This report includes five key initial recommendations. Those are preliminary recommendations, with a key focus on pandemic and similar kinds of crisis preparedness. These recommendations will be elaborated further in the next stages of our research and more importantly final recommendations will be co-designed directly with young people

    Género, Cuidado e Covid-19 en Argentina: una charla con la socióloga Eleonor Faur

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic in Argentina, the recommendation for social isolation came from the federal government, very dierent from what was seen in the Brazilian context. And, in the middle of the sanitary chaos, two important laws with a gender focus were enacted: the legalization of abortion and the right to the jubilation of women who lived dedicated to maternity. Based on these three elds, which distinguish and highlight the Argentine context, it seemed to me very pertinent to listen to the specialist in gender and childcare Eleonor Faur about the experience of Argentine women in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, while their health , care work experiences and possible futures.Durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en Argentina, la recomendación de aislamiento social vino del gobierno federal, muy diferente a lo que se vio en el contexto brasileño. Y, aún en medio del caos sanitario, se promulgaron dos importantes leyes con enfoque de género: la legalización del aborto y el derecho a la jubilación de las mujeres que vivían dedicadas a la maternidad. A partir de estos tres hechos, que distinguen y resaltan el contexto argentino, me pareció muy pertinente escuchar a la especialista en género y puericultura Eleonor Faur sobre la experiencia de las mujeres argentinas frente a la pandemia del Covid-19, en cuanto a su salud, experiencias de trabajo de cuidado y futuros posibles.Durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en Argentina, la recomendación de aislamiento social vino del gobierno federal, muy diferente a lo que se vio en el contexto brasileño. Y, aún en medio del caos sanitario, se promulgaron dos importantes leyes con enfoque de género: la legalización del aborto y el derecho a la jubilación de las mujeres que vivían dedicadas a la maternidad. A partir de estos tres hechos, que distinguen y resaltan el contexto argentino, me pareció muy pertinente escuchar a la especialista en género y puericultura Eleonor Faur sobre la experiencia de las mujeres argentinas frente a la pandemia del Covid-19, en cuanto a su salud, experiencias de trabajo de cuidado y futuros posibles

    Prevalência de parasitos intestinais e aspectos socioambientais em comunidade indígena no Distrito de Iauaretê, Município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM), Brasil

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    The Iauaretê District is the second largest human concentration centre in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, state of Amazonas. Situated in Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Land, on the border between Brazil and Colombia, Iauaretê aggregates ten villages, encompassing 15 ethnic cultures. This indigenous district has been undergoing a process of progressive transformation from a disperse and riparian occupation pattern into a settlement with urban features, with approximately 2,700 inhabitants, triggering public health problems. Aiming to investigate the distribution of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the local population and to discuss the relation between this health indicator and socio-environmental aspects in the Iauaretê district, the quality of the drinking water was analyzed and parasitological exams of excreta and soil samples were conducted. Of the total of analyzed water samples, 89.2% showed positive result for thermotolerant coliforms. The Dom Bosco village was the one presenting the highest prevalence index in excreta samples, with 76% of the individuals infested. The São José village presented the lowest index (56%). The most prevalent parasites were, in decreasing order: Ascaris lumbricoides (64.84%), Entamoeba coli (32.58%), Endolimax nana (14.84%), and Blastoyistis hominis (13.39%). The most significant prevalences of parasites in soil samples were Ascaris sp eggs (52.6%), Entamoeba coli cysts (52.6%) and hookworms larvae (52.6%). In conclusion, high indexes of intestinal parasitism in the population, together with lack of basic sanitation and maintenance of traditional sanitary practices are matters of concern in the public health area.Situado em Terra Indígena do Alto Rio Negro, Iauaretê é o segundo maior pólo de concentração humana no município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) e agrega dez vilas, com 15 etnias. Esse distrito indígena vem sofrendo processo de transformação progressiva de padrão de ocupação disperso e ribeirinho para núcleo com feições urbanas, com aproximadamente 2700 habitantes, desencadeando problemas de saúde pública. Com objetivo de investigar a distribuição de prevalências de parasitos intestinais na população local e discutir a relação desse indicador de saúde com aspectos socioambientais no distrito de Iauaretê, foram realizadas análises da qualidade da água de abastecimento e exames parasitológicos em amostras de fezes e solo. Do total de amostras de água analisadas, 89,2% apresentaram resultado positivo para coliformes termotolerantes. Identificou-se que a vila Dom Bosco foi a que apresentou maior índice de prevalência em amostras fecais com 76% dos indivíduos parasitados. A vila São José apresentou o menor índice com 56%. Os parasitos mais prevalentes em amostras fecais positivas foram, em ordem decrescente, Ascaris lumbricoides (64,84%), Entamoeba coli (32,58%), Endolimax nana (14,84%) e Blastoyistis hominis (13,39%). Em amostras de solo as prevalências mais significativas foram de ovos de Ascaris sp (52,6%), cistos de Entamoeba coli (52,6%) e larvas de ancilostomídeos (52,6%). Concluiu-se que os altos índices de parasitoses intestinais na população, aliados à falta de saneamento básico e à manutenção de práticas sanitárias tradicionais constituem um quadro preocupante em saúde pública

    Ação do BAP na regeneração in vitro de Blc Owen Holmes Ponkan x Brassavola digbiana nº 2

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    A Cattleya é considerada a mais bela e procurada de todas as orquídeas. Esta demanda cria a necessidade do desenvolvimento de técnicas mais eficazes de propagação que ofereçam maior número de indivíduos em período de tempo e espaço físico reduzido, além de manterem a uniformidade e a identidade genotípica para atender às exigências do mercado. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a regeneração de meristemas provenientes de gemas cultivadas in vitro do híbrido Blc Owen Holmes Ponkan x Brassavola digbiana nº 2, em diferentes concentrações de BAP (6-benzilaminopurina). Gemas com 37 dias de cultivo foram inoculadas em meio de cultura líquido com reguladores vegetais, nos respectivos tratamentos: T1 - MS líquido + água de coco; T2 - MS + água de coco + 0,1 mg L-1 ANA (ácido naftaleno acético) + 0,2 mg L-1 BAP; T3 - MS + água de coco + 0,1 mg L-1 ANA + 0,5 mg L-1 BAP; T4 - MS + água de coco + 0,1 mg L-1 ANA + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP. Os subcultivos se realizaram aos 18, 32, 62, 93, 123, 153 e 184 dias e as avaliações foram feitas observando-se a porcentagem de sobrevivência, contaminação, oxidação e regeneração dos explantes. Observou-se que 86,7% dos explantes sobreviveram e aos 93 dias ocorreu o primeiro sinal de regeneração. BAP (1,0 mg L-1) promoveu resultados satisfatórios com a formação de 132 perfilhos aos 184 dias de cultivo, potencializando a técnica para produção em escala comercial dessa espécie.Cattleya is considered the most beautiful and searched among all orchids. This fact creates the need of developing more effective propagation techniques to become available a greater number of individuals in reduced periods of time and physical space, besides maintenance of uniformity and genotipic identity to meet the needs of the market. The objective of this work was to evaluate the regeneration of the cultivated shoot meristematic in vitro of the hybrid Blc Owen Holmes Ponkan x Brassavola digbiana nº 2 in the different BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) concentrations. The explants were inoculated in the liquid medium with or without growth regulators in the following combinations: T1: MS liquid + coconut water; T2: MS + coconut water + 0.1 mg L-1 NAA + 0.2 mg L-1 BAP; T3: MS + coconut water + 0.1 mg L-1 NAA + 0.5 mg L-1 BAP and T4: MS + coconut water + 0.1 mg L-1 NAA + 1.0 mg L-1 BAP. Subcultivatings and evaluations (percentage of survival, contamination, medium color, oxidation and regeneration) were made at 18, 32, 62, 93, 123, 153, and 184 days. At 93 days the first signs of regeneration were observed. BAP (1.0 mg L-1) enhanced good results with the formation of 132 sprouts in the 184 days, concluded that the utilization of BAP improved morphogenic response with a higher number of shoots.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Um dueto sobre gênero, cuidado e Covid-19 na vida acadêmico-científica: Entrevista com Bárbara Castro e Mariana Chaguri

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    This interview was performed with the sociologists Bárbara Castro and Mariana Chaguri, both from theInstitute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the University of Campinas, seeking to reect on theintersections and particularities of the triad gender, care and academic life along Covid-19 pandemic. Back in 2020, the interviewees published the article “A time only for yourself: gender, pandemic and feminist scientic policy”, in DADOS – Journal of Social Sciences, looking specically at the impacts of social isolation and the overlap of productive and reproductive work in academic women’s lives. Based on this reection, we proposed to deepen some points of this debate, as well as update it after almost two years of pandemic and remote academic work in Brazil.Esta entrevista fue realizada con las sociólogas Bárbara Castro y Mariana Chaguri, ambas del Instituto de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad de Campinas, con el n de reexionar sobre las intersecciones y particularidades de la tríada género, cuidado y vida académica durante la pandemia del Covid-19. En 2020, las entrevistadas publicaron el artículo “Un tiempo solo para ti: género, pandemia y política cientíca feminista”, en DADOS – Revista de Ciencias Sociales, analizando especícamente los impactos del aislamiento social y la superposición del trabajo productivo y reproductivo en la vida de las mujeres académicas. A partir de esta reexión, nos propusimos profundizar algunos puntos de este debate, así como actualizarlo después de casi dos años de pandemia y trabajo académico a distancia en Brasil.Esta entrevista foi realizada com as sociólogas Bárbara Castro e Mariana Chaguri, ambas do Instituto de Filosoa e Ciências Humanas das Universidade de Campinas, com o intuito de reetirmos sobre as intersecções e particularidades da tríade gênero, cuidado e vida acadêmica durante a pandemia da covid-19. As entrevistadas publicaram, em 2020, o artigo “Um tempo só para si: gênero, pandemia e política cientíca feminista”, na DADOS. Revista de Ciências Sociais (2020), olhando especicamente para os impac tos do isolamento social e sobreposição dos trabalhos produtivo e reprodutivo na vida de mulheres acadêmicas. Partindo dessa reexão, nos propusemos a aprofundar alguns pontos desse debate, bem como atualizá-lo depois de quase dois anos de pandemia e trabalho acadêmico remoto no Brasil