30 research outputs found


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    The survey on consumption of wine has been conducted in the period between April 20th and July 10th of 2011 on a sample of 200 consumers of Sicily. The recognition by the administration of the product was mainly conducted at some outlets, supermarkets, wine shops and bars, interviewing a sample of consumers directly with the method "face to face." The survey purpose was conducted to understand the needs of wine consumers and the role played by the mark of quality in the choice of purchase, and finally the degree of appreciation and consumption of Sicilian wine

    Environmental Strategy in Business: Green Marketing Communication

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    Purpose: The aim of the paper is to explore the issues of green marketing and green marketing communication. Design/methodology/approach: The narrative literature review is a method applied to achieve the aim of the paper.Findings: The growth of environmental sensitivity is a driving force for change towards new policy tools and environmental eco-nomics. Businesses have developed various tools for environmen-tal communication including environmental balance sheets, social reports, and certifications. It is not enough for businesses to com-municate generic commitment to environmental protection; they have to integrate the concept of ecology into corporate culture by creating strong environmental policies and environmental ethics that describe the enterprise at all organisational levels. Businesses focusing on the development of green products must not only ‘talk ecologically’ but also ‘be ecological’.Research and practical limitations/implications: The research has an exploratory character since the sample strategy is not probabilistic.Originality/value: The study can stimulate discussion in the field of green marketing and green marketing communication.Paper type: literature review


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    Nowadays, food waste is one of the main global para doxes and raises profound questions from the social point of view. The causes of food losses and food waste are varied and differ according to the various stages of the food chain. The problem of fo od waste prompted the European Parliament to proclaim 2014 the "European year against food waste " and to adopt a resolution which should lead to a reduction of 50% of waste by the year 2025. This study proposes the possible corrective actions, to be taken at the level of retail distribution and fa cing the end customer, to achieve the goal reducing of food waste (Fiore et al ., 2005). The research was conducted by a group of scholars of the Department of Economics, Business, Environmental and Quantitative Methods, at the University of Messina, on a sample area of eastern Sicily. In particular thirte en retail outlets were analyzed by collecting and processing data on sales, broken down by sector, fo r the period 2009 to 2013. The research conducted has shown that the food sector that contributes mos t to food waste, in the area investigated, is that of fruit and vegetables, the study has provided a deta iled analysis of the ten most wasted foods. The wor k finally comes to processes that involve many differ ent scenarios for reducing waste, encouraging a comparison, of the products most wasted, by providi ng potential solutions or corrective actions aimed at reducing the phenomenon analyzed

    egg consumption among young people a study through the application of the logistic regression model

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    The purpose of the present survey is to study and to investigate the proper eating style, focusing the attention on the propensity to "egg" consumption, in the diet of young people, with reference to the students attending the University of Messina. The data collection technique that was used consisted of the administration of a distributed anonymous ad hoc questionnaire by directly interviewing a sample of university students. In order to individualize the possible variables which may influence the frequency of egg consumption, a logistic regression model was used. It is a particular case of generalized linear model whose link function is the log it function. It is frequently applied when the dependent variable y is, dichotomous. The research results indicate that the only two statistically significant variables are the eating style and the reading of the product label. Moreover, the Hosmer and Leme show test for model's adequacy guaranteed that the estimates provided by the model are not significantly different from the observations

    A Cooperative Company in Agriculture: Feasibility Analysis of a Start-up Project

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    Cel – Celem badania jest analiza dynamiki gospodarczej i finansowej spoldzielni rolniczej w fazie początkowej. Metodologia – Badanie rozpoczyna sie od analizy alternatywnych form produktow marketingowych, ktore są niezbedne do określenia pola operacyjnego firmy. Finansowanie przedsiebiorstw spoldzielczych zawsze bylo niezwykle istotną kwestią w zarządzanie tego typu dzialalności. Istotnie, parametry techniczne i prawne tych firm mają ograniczone mozliwości do źrodel finansowania. Oryginalnośc/wartośc – W calej tej pracy, staraliśmy sie zaproponowac instrumenty finansowe, ktore najlepiej odpowiadają na potrzeby spoldzielni rolnej w fazie początkowej

    analysis of the propensity to fruit consumption among young people through the cumulative proportional odds model

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    After in-depth studies, the World Health Organization (WHO), asserts and suggests that in order to improve human health and well-being it is necessary to eat 400 grams of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, as well as to consume potatoes and other starchy tubers such as manioc. In Europe, recommendations vary from country to country. Generally, these suggestions are in line with those of the WHO. However, some countries recommend a greater amount: For example, Denmark suggests more than 600 grams each day. The main goal of the present work is to analyse the fruit-consumption behaviour among young people, particularly university students and to identify the target of young people who frequently consume fruit. The present survey, therefore, has the aim of establishing a scientific reference framework regarding the propensity to "fruit" consumption in the diet of the students attending the University of Messina. In order to identify the existence of possible variables that may influence the frequency of fruit consumption, it was deemed appropriate to estimate an adequate regression model. Since the response variable was one of ordinal type on 4 levels (0 = never; 1 = once or twice a week; 2 = 3-5 times a week; 3 = each day) the Cumulative Proportional Odds Model, an extension of the general linear model to ordinal categorical data, was used


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    Tourism has represented one of the major sources of balance of trade earnings for many years in the most developed countries. According to estimates by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), world tourism flows will grow by 4-5% annually over the coming years, reaching in 2020 an estimated number of 1.6 billion international arrivals, of which 378 million will be short haul international travellers. With the passage of time demand will become more diversified and this will lead to the spread of “new tourism”, the search for new products and increasingly diverse offers, characterized by organized local tourist systems.<br />This paper underlines the importance of the tourist district model as a strategic tool for creating innovative processes of endogenous development in a highly globalized framework, moreover it tries to highlight the peculiarities of tourist districts and their importance in overcoming the major limitations of the distribution chain. Therefore, the birth of the tourism district represents an important opportunity for the promotion of tourism development of different local realities


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    Tourism has represented one of the major sources of balance of trade earnings for many years in the most developed countries. According to estimates by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), world tourism flows will grow by 4-5% annually over the coming years, reaching in 2020 an estimated number of 1.6 billion international arrivals, of which 378 million will be short haul international travellers. With the passage of time demand will become more diversified and this will lead to the spread of “new tourism”, the search for new products and increasingly diverse offers, characterized by organized local tourist systems. This paper underlines the importance of the tourist district model as a strategic tool for creating innovative processes of endogenous development in a highly globalized framework, moreover it tries to highlight the peculiarities of tourist districts and their importance in overcoming the major limitations of the distribution chain. Therefore, the birth of the tourism district represents an important opportunity for the promotion of tourism development of different local realities.Local communities, Local Tourism System, Organizational dimension, Territory, Tourist district.