64 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis research questions the concept of hospitableness so as to specify its role and its importance in tourism consumption. It is pre-scientific in the sense that its conclusions yield questions instead of recommendations. Two literature reviews and two qualitative field researches have led first to link hospitableness to the social representation concept and then to raise questions about the richness of hospitableness as a social representation. This work draws four issues, that call for discussion and further validation.Cette recherche interroge le concept d'hospitalité afin d'en spécifier la place et le rôle dans la consommation touristique. Elle se situe en amont de l'approche scientifique au sens où ses conclusions constituent davantage un répertoire de problématiques qu'un panier de recommandations. Deux champs de littérature ont été étudiés, deux terrains qualitatifs ont été réalisés. Ceux-ci ont amené tour à tour à relier hospitalité et représentation sociale puis à s'interroger sur la richesse de l'hospitalité en tant que représentation sociale. Quatre questionnements émergent de ce travail. Ils appellent discussion et évaluation

    Rethinking business models for innovation

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    One of the major challenges confronted by those in charge of technological innovation involves anticipating the value creation model sufficiently early on,in a highly uncertain context both as far as the technology itself is concerned and the potential market. Today, in many industrial sectors, the innovation boundaries have moved towards projects that are more and more exploratory and fuzzy. The simple optimisation of linear processes of the "stage-gate" type is no longer sufficient to build sustainable competitive advantages. The notion of Business Models, when applied to innovation, enables us to describe how a company creates value through innovation, generally within a business ecosystem, and how the value will be distributed between the actors involved. The authors of this book believe that the notions of Business Modelling and value creation are key to all the dimensions of successful innovation, whether technology, marketing, organisational or economically based. Rethinking Business Models for Innovation: this title describes the relationship between thinking, modelling, and also field-testing. The book is based on a series of nine recent cases of innovation involving company managers, often assisted by researchers (the co-authors of each chapter), and how they built and formalised their Business Models and then tested their strategies. After having discovered the variety of the cases, the reader will understand that every innovation situation generates specific questions about Business Models. However, we feel that we can identify three key issues that arise, more or less, in each of these projects. The chapters in this book build on these issues: the identification of sources of value and revenue models (the notion of value creation), the position of the company in the value-network or ecosystem (the sharing of value) and finally the evolution of Business MoDdels over time (the sustainability and the competitiveness of the company). The last chapter goes over all the contributions, exploring the notion of value in the Business Model approach.business model ; innovation ; value ; entrepreneurial project

    : Lessons from entrepreneurial projects

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    International audienceOne of the major challenges confronted by those in charge of technological innovation involves anticipating the value creation model sufficiently early on,in a highly uncertain context both as far as the technology itself is concerned and the potential market. Today, in many industrial sectors, the innovation boundaries have moved towards projects that are more and more exploratory and fuzzy. The simple optimisation of linear processes of the "stage-gate" type is no longer sufficient to build sustainable competitive advantages. The notion of Business Models, when applied to innovation, enables us to describe how a company creates value through innovation, generally within a business ecosystem, and how the value will be distributed between the actors involved. The authors of this book believe that the notions of Business Modelling and value creation are key to all the dimensions of successful innovation, whether technology, marketing, organisational or economically based. Rethinking Business Models for Innovation: this title describes the relationship between thinking, modelling, and also field-testing. The book is based on a series of nine recent cases of innovation involving company managers, often assisted by researchers (the co-authors of each chapter), and how they built and formalised their Business Models and then tested their strategies. After having discovered the variety of the cases, the reader will understand that every innovation situation generates specific questions about Business Models. However, we feel that we can identify three key issues that arise, more or less, in each of these projects. The chapters in this book build on these issues: the identification of sources of value and revenue models (the notion of value creation), the position of the company in the value-network or ecosystem (the sharing of value) and finally the evolution of Business MoDdels over time (the sustainability and the competitiveness of the company). The last chapter goes over all the contributions, exploring the notion of value in the Business Model approach.L'innovation technologique, qu'elle soit conduite par des start-ups ou par de grandes entreprises, n'est plus une condition suffisante de la création de valeur. Créer de la valeur sur des marchés nouveaux nécessite le plus souvent de repenser l'organisation de l'entreprise, sa façon de faire des affaires, ses partenariats stratégiques, autrement dit, son business model. Cet ouvrage se veut un guide pour les porteurs de projets d'innovation en leur fournissant des outils de compréhension et d'analyse de la dimension stratégique de leur projet. Les études de cas présentées sont le fruit d'une collaboration étroite entre les porteurs de chacun des projets et des chercheurs en management de l'innovation reconnus. Au travers de ces cas, trois grandes problématiques sont abordées : l'identification des sources de valeur chez les clients potentiels, la position que l'entreprise pourra prendre dans son écosystème et enfin l'évolution des business models dans le temps. Sur chacun des cas, le lecteur aura accès à une compréhension fine des problèmes stratégiques posés par l'innovation ainsi que des outils de management mis en œuvre pour aider à réfléchir et à agir. (http://www.rethinkingbusinessmodel.net/

    Allons-nous vers une société plus responsable grâce à la pandémie de Covid-19 ?

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    La question traitée dans cet article porte sur le monde d’après la pandémie... Représente-t-elle un moment décisif qui va nous faire basculer vers une société plus responsable sur les plans sociaux et environnementaux ? De nouvelles habitudes et de nouveaux comportements responsables vont-ils se mettre en place de manière durable ? Pour répondre à ces enjeux, cet article mobilise des théories plurielles associées aux changements d’habitudes. Des préconisations s’adressant autant aux entreprises, qu’aux décideurs publics ou citoyens sont proposées pour dessiner les contours d’un après-Covid-19 socialement et écologiquement plus acceptable

    L'influence de la communication par l'événement sur la nature de l'image d'entreprise

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    International audienceCet article se propose de montrer que la communication par l'événement est efficace pour modifier les croyances à l'égard de l'entreprise «sponsor» notamment sur ses dimensions de dynamisme et d'attirance perçus. Pour cela, une approche basée sur une démarche quasi expérimentale, et sur un modèle structurel (PLS), a été utilisée. Les résultats obtenus tendent à confirmer cette modification

    Les comportements liés à la protection de l'environnement et leurs déterminants: un état des recherches en marketing

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    International audienceCet article est une synthèse de la recherche marketing sur les comportements lié à la protection de l'environnement. La préoccupation pour l'environnement est abordée en premier lieu. On en montre les limites conceptuelles et opérationnelles. Le lien entre préoccupation pour l'environnement et comportement écologique fait l'objet d'une seconde partie. Les résultats des recherches sont souvent peu concluants, à cause des relations instables entre variables. Sur ces considérations, la troisième partie tente de dégager des pistes de recherche

    Etudes de marché

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    Hospitalité et consommation touristique

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    Do hotels' "green" attributes contribute to customer satisfaction?

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    International audiencePurpose - This paper aims to examine how "green" attributes contribute to hotel customers' overall satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative study helped generate a list of the attributes that contribute to overall satisfaction with hotel services. Then a Tetraclasse model, which highlights the four-fold nature of this contribution, was used. Two hypotheses are posed. First, attributes of hotel service can be divided into four different types according to the way in which they contribute to forming satisfaction. Second, in terms of how they contribute to forming satisfaction, environmental protection initiatives can be considered "plus" attributes. Findings - The first hypothesis is rejected. For the second hypothesis, the results show that the environmental attributes were evaluated as "basic", which means they were seen as an integral part of the service offer, rather than as differentiating criteria. Research limitations/implications - The study was based on a relatively restricted sample. Further research is needed to improve the external validity of the research. Practical implications - It is necessary to maintain a high level of performance for "green" attributes. Moreover, it would be preferable not to inform customers about environmental initiatives in order to limit the risk of being unfavorably evaluated on these attributes. It would seem worthwhile for a company to invest in service attributes that are respectful of the environment, even if they do not promote these attributes directly to the customer. Pro-environment initiatives may also be introduced for economic reasons. Originality/value - The paper makes use of the Tetraclasse model methodology
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