520 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Sum Rules for Electromagnetic Multipoles

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    We derive model independent, non-perturbative supersymmetric sum rules for the magnetic and electric multipole moments of any theory with N=1 supersymmetry. We find that in any irreducible N=1 supermultiplet the diagonal matrix elements of the l-multipole moments are completely fixed in terms of their off-diagonal matrix elements and the diagonal (l-1)-multipole moments.Comment: 10 pages, plain Te

    Inhomogeneity driven by Higgs instability in gapless superconductor

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    The fluctuations of the Higgs and pseudo Nambu-Goldstone fields in the 2SC phase with mismatched pairing are described in the nonlinear realization framework of the gauged Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. In the gapless 2SC phase, not only Nambu-Goldstone currents can be spontaneously generated, but the Higgs field also exhibits instablity. The Nambu-Goldstone currents generation indicates the formation of the single plane wave LOFF state and breaks rotation symmetry, while the Higgs instability favors spatial inhomogeneity and breaks translation invariance. In this paper, we focus on the Higgs instability which has not drawn much attention yet. The Higgs instability cannot be removed without a long range force, thus it persists in the gapless superfluidity and induces phase separation. In the case of g2SC state, the Higgs instability can only be partially removed by the electric Coulomb energy. However, it is not excluded that the Higgs instability might be completely removed in the charge neutral gCFL phase by the color Coulomb energy.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Superpartner Solutions of a BPS Monopole in Noncommutative Space

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    We construct U(2) BPS monopole superpartner solutions in N=2 non-commutative super Yang-Mills theory. Calculation to the second order in the noncommutative parameter θ\theta shows that there is no electric quadrupole moment that is expected from the magnetic dipole structure of noncommtative U(2) monopole. This might give an example of the nature of how supersymmetry works not changing between the commutative and noncommutative theories.Comment: 8 page

    Spacetime Supersymmetry in a nontrivial NS-NS Superstring Background

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    In this paper we consider superstring propagation in a nontrivial NS-NS background. We deform the world sheet stress tensor and supercurrent with an infinitesimal B_{\mu\nu} field. We construct the gauge-covariant super-Poincare generators in this background and show that the B_{\mu\nu} field spontaneously breaks spacetime supersymmetry. We find that the gauge-covariant spacetime momenta cease to commute with each other and with the spacetime supercharges. We construct a set of "magnetic" super-Poincare generators that are conserved for constant field strength H_{\mu\nu\lambda}, and show that these generators obey a "magnetic" extension of the ordinary supersymmetry algebra.Comment: 13 pages, Latex. Published versio

    HS 1857+5144 : a hot and young pre-cataclysmic variable

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    Aims. We report the discovery of a new white dwarf/M dwarf binary, HS 1857+5144, identified in the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS). Methods. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry were carried out to determine the properties of this new cataclysmic variable progenitor (pre-CV). Results. The light curves of HS 1857+5144 display a sinusoidal variation with a period of Porb = 383.52 min and peak-to-peak amplitudes of 0.7 mag and 1.1mag in the B-band and R-band, respectively. The large amplitude of the brightness variation results from a reflection effect on the heated inner hemisphere of the companion star, suggesting a very high temperature of the white dwarf. Our radial velocity study confirms the photometric period as the orbital period of the system. A model atmosphere fit to the spectrum of the white dwarf obtained at minimum light provides limits to its mass and temperature of Mwd 0.6−1.0 M and Twd 70 000−100 000 K, respectively. The detection of He II λ4686 absorption classifies the primary star of HS 1857+5144 as a DAO white dwarf. Combining the results from our spectroscopy and photometry, we estimate the mass of the companion star and the binary inclination to be Msec 0.15−0.30 M and i 45◦−55◦, respectively. Conclusions. We classify HS 1857+5144 as one of the youngest pre-CV known to date. The cooling age of the white dwarf suggests that the present system has just emerged from a common envelope phase ∼105 yr ago. HS 1857+5144 will start mass transfer within or below the 2–3 h period gap

    Higgs Mechanism in String Theory

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    In first-quantized string theory, spacetime symmetries are described by inner automorphisms of the underlying conformal field theory. In this paper we use this approach to illustrate the Higgs effect in string theory. We consider string propagation on M^{24,1} \times S^1, where the circle has radius R, and study SU(2) symmetry breaking as R moves away from its critical value. We find a gauge-covariant equation of motion for the broken-symmetry gauge bosons and the would-be Goldstone bosons. We show that the Goldstone bosons can be eliminated by an appropriate gauge transformation. In this unitary gauge, the Goldstone bosons become the longitudinal components of massive gauge bosons.Comment: 12 pages, Te

    DGP Brane as a Gravity Conductor

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    We study how the DGP (Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati) brane affects particle dynamics in linearized approximation. We find that once the particle is removed from the brane it is repelled to the bulk. Assuming that the cutoff for gravitational interaction is M1/ϵM_*\sim 1/\epsilon, we calculate the classical self energy of a particle as the function of its position. Since the particle wants to go to the region where its self energy is lower, it is repelled from the brane to the bulk where it gains its 5D self energy. Cases when mass of the particle m8π2Mm8\pi^2M_* are qualitatively different, and in later case one has to take into account effects of strong gravity. In both cases the particle is repelled from the brane. For m<8π2Mm<8\pi^2M_* we obtain the same result from the 'electrostatic' analog of the theory. In that language mass (charge) in the bulk induces charge distribution on the brane which shields the other side of the brane and provides repulsive force. The DGP brane acts as a conducting plane in electrostatics (keeping in mind that in gravity different charges repel). The repulsive nature of the brane requires a certain localization mechanism. When the particle overcomes the localizing potential it rapidly moves to the bulk. Particles of mass m>8π2Mm>8\pi^2M_* form a black hole within 1/M1/M_* distance from the brane.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Agility in humanitarian supply chain: an organizational information processing perspective and relational view

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    Humanitarian organizations are increasingly facing challenges in terms of improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of their disaster relief efforts. These challenges often arise due to a lack of trust, poor collaboration and an inability to respond to disaster affected areas in a timely manner. Our study attempts to understand how these challenges are overcome by seeking answers to questions related to the topics of swift-trust, collaboration and agility in humanitarian supply chains. For instance, in our study we have attempted to examine how information sharing and supply chain visibility in humanitarian supply chains improve the swift-trust among the humanitarian actors engaged in disaster relief operations. Further, we attempt to understand how-swift trust, commitment and collaboration among the humanitarian actors improve the agility in humanitarian supply chains. In our study we provide both theoretical and data-driven answers to our stated research gaps. Our theoretical model is firmly grounded in organizational information process theory and relational view. We tested our research hypotheses using variance based structural equation modelling with survey data collected using a web based pre-tested instrument from 147 NGOs respondents drawn from the National Disaster Management Authority database. Our results help to advance the theoretical debates surrounding “swift-trust”, “collaboration” and “agility” in humanitarian settings. We further provide direction to managers engaged in disaster relief operations. The humanitarian actors engaged in disaster relief often fail to understand how to build swift-trust. Moreover, how swift-trust further affects commitment and collaboration which in turn further affect agility in humanitarian supply chains. Thus humanitarian organizations must understand how information sharing and supply chain visibility is key to swift-trust among humanitarian actors and agility in humanitarian supply chains. Finally, we outline the limitations of our study and offer some future research directions for investigation