157 research outputs found

    HaDeS: a Scalable Service Oriented Deployment System for Large Scale Installations

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    Building large computational facilities requires scalable and flexible deployment tools that can cope with massive loads. Classical installation methods are not very flexible, since they are usually limited in the number of OS supported, rely on transfer solutions that impose constraints on network topology, and do not scale very well. Here we describe HaDeS (Hardware Deployment System), a new deployment system for large scale installation designed to be agnostic with respect to the network topology and the OS deployed and to scale with the number of nodes being deployed.251-25

    ViVa: sistema acquisizione geometrie arteriose. Descrizione generale.

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    Lo scopo di questa attività era di produrre un modulo software in grado di estrarre una caratterizzazione geometrica dei vasi sanguigni a partire da dati volumetrici ottenuti da macchine di acquisizione di tipo clinico, ad esempio TAC a spirale

    A distributed heterogeneous image server

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    Digital image transmission is now ubiquitous across computer networks and thus there is increasing pressure to allow access to medical image data at sites remote from PACS locations. In fact, it may soon make economic sense to outsource medical image services - to dedicated service providers at geographical locations outside of the traditional radiology department or HIS’s. The technical challenge faced by system developers is to produce client-Viewer/server-PACS configurations that can realistically span the network. In particular, the systems must provide the performance usually expected by client medics and it must be flexible to the needs of the service providers. At CRS4 - BioMedical Applications - we are integrating various technologies derived from the www-intranet field, and object-oriented middleware to prototype technological solutions that address both the issues of performance and flexibility. These are discussed in turn below; then we provide an overview of our system

    A shapes based geometric modeler for mesh++, API description

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    One of the purposes of the ViVa Project is the reconstruction of geometrical models from a suitable set of data provided by non invasive medical analyses like Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). To do this, we first segment the vessel geometry from the data sets using techniques such as active snakes, and then reconstruct geometrical models using the XOX SHAPES geometric modeler, and in particular its MicroTopology features. In order to perform blood flow simulation on these models, we need to mesh them, and so we use the Mesh++ grid generator to process the models and create a two-dimensional grid for the surfaces and a three-dimensional one for the vessel lumen

    Distributed quantitative evaluation of 3D patient specific arterial models

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    In this paper we describe a new system for the 3D reconstruction and distribution on the net of models for vessels structures. The system is specifically designed to support measurements of medical interest. We describe 2D and 3D segmentation methods implemented and the procedure used to build interactive VRML97 models. The experimental section presents a comparison between segmentation methods, and a first application to surgical planning for endovascular repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

    An object oriented flow solver for the CRS4 virtual vascular project

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    The CRS4 Virtual Vascular Project (ViVa) is aimed to the development of software tools for hemodynamic specialists and cardiovascular surgeons in order to study and interpret the information produced by non-invasive imaging equipment. The computational kernel of the ViVa system is a solver of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous incompressible which govern the blood in large vessels(e.g. arteries). The computational strategy is based on the domain decomposition with the mortar element method. The mortar element method provides high encapsulation on the level of subdomain computations, i.e. subdomain meshes, matrices, preconditioners can be treated completely independently. This feature allows to implement the mortar method efficiently within the frames of the object oriented approach and C++ programming language. Thanks to the modularity of the code, in different subdomains we can use different meshes (hexagonal, tetrahedral), different matrix storage schemes (band, sparse), different preconditioners. The flexibility in the choice of the subdomain numerical technique makes it possible to construct computationally “optimal" applications, for instance, to use multigrid subdomain preconditioners, or to exploit coarser meshes, where the solution is smooth, etc. Thus a library of C++ classes has been developed, which can be used to build a required numerical model

    The Seal suite of distributed software for high-throughput sequencing

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    Catheter insertion simulation with co-registered direct volume rendering and haptic feedback

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    We have developed an experimental catheter insertion simulation system supporting head-tracked stereoscopic viewing of volumetric anatomic reconstructions registered with direct haptic 3D interaction. The system takes as input data acquired with standard medical imaging modalities and regards it as a visual and haptic environment whose parameters are interactively defined using look-up tables. The system's display, positioned like a surgical table, provide a realistic impression of looking down at the patient. Measuring head motion via a six degrees-of-freedom head tracker, good positions to observe the anatomy and identify the catheter insertion point are quickly established with simple head motion. By generating appropriate stereoscopic images and co-registering physical and virtual spaces beforehand, volumes appear at fixed physical positions and it is possible to control catheter insertion via direct interaction with a PHANToM haptic device. During the insertion procedure, the system provides perception of the effort of penetration and deviation inside the traversed tissues. Semi-transparent volumetric rendering augment the sensory feedback with the visual indication of the inserted catheter position inside the body.96-9

    Web based 3D quantitative measurements of abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    We tested a novel approach for the quantitative remote analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms by reconstructing their 3D geometry and topological structure (i.e. centereline path) and put them on the web as VRML97 models including specialized code enabling the user to perform guided inspection and measurements useful for surgical planning