20 research outputs found

    Homogeneous self-standing curved monocrystals, obtained using sandblasting, to be used as manipulators of hard X-rays and charged particle beams

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    A technique to obtain self-standing curved crystals has been developed. The method is based on a sandblasting process capable of producing an amorphized layer on the substrate. It is demonstrated that the amorphized layer behaves as a thin compressive film, causing the curvature of the substrate. This procedure permits the fabrication of homogeneously curved crystals in a fast and economical way. It is shown that a sandblasted crystal can be used as an X-ray optical element for astrophysical or medical applications. A sandblasted bent crystal can also be used as an optical element for steering charged particles in accelerator beamlines. Several samples were manufactured and bent using the sandblasting method at the Sensor and Semiconductor Laboratory of Ferrara, Italy. Their curvature was verified using interferometric profilometry, showing a deformation in agreement with the Stoney formalism. The curvature of the machined samples was also tested using γ-ray diffraction at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France. A good agreement with the dynamical theory of diffraction was observed. In particular, the experiment showed that the crystalline quality of the bulk was preserved. Moreover, the method allowed curved samples to be obtained free of any additional material. Finally, a crystalline undulator was produced using sandblasting and tested using γ-ray diffraction at the ILL. The crystal showed a precise undulating pattern, so it will be suitable for hard X-ray production

    Dual-Energy X-ray Medical Imaging with Inverse Compton Sources: A Simulation Study

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    It has been long recognized that dual-energy imaging could help to enhance the detectability of lesions in diagnostic radiology, by removing the contrast of surrounding tissues. Furthermore, X-ray attenuation is material specific and information about the object constituents can be extracted for tissue characterisation, i.e., to assess whether lesions represent a malignant or benign process. However, a true separation between the low and high energy components is not possible with conventional sources because of their broad X-ray spectrum, and the artifacts produced in the subtracted image can be only partially removed. Finally, dose issues have also prevented so far the application of dual-energy techniques within the clinical context. Very recently, a new intense and monochromatic X-ray source was proposed to fill the gap between a synchrotron radiation facility and the standard X-ray tube. Indeed, inverse Compton scattering (ICS) sources, which are based on the interaction of a powerful laser beam and a bright beam of relativistic electrons, are among the most promising innovative sources of monochromatic X and gamma radiation. In this contribution, we review the main features that allow an ICS source to meet the requirements of a medical imaging application. Specific examples of K-edge subtraction are then provided, to show the potential of ICS in clinical applications that require intravenous injection of a contrast medium

    Physics and applications of the Josephson effect

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    Series: (A Wiley-Interscience publication). Imprint: New York : Wiley, 1982. ill

    Comprehensive data set to include interference effects in Monte Carlo models of x-ray coherent scattering inside biological tissues

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    Interference effects are included in the X-ray coherent scattering models used in Monte Carlo codes by modifying each material form factor through a proper interference function, which is obtained directly from the measured scattering pattern. This approach is effective for non-biological materials, but it is impractical for biological tissues, due the wide composition variability they can feature. Instead, a given biological sample can be considered as a proper mixture of four basis materials: fat, water, collagen and calcium hydroxyapatite. The sample form factor can then be obtained through a weighted mean of the form factors of the basis materials, which include interference effects. Here, we fully demonstrate the validity of the proposed segmentation method by applying it to 31 biological tissue samples whose form factors are available in the literature. The segmentation, namely the determination of the optimal weight of the basis components, was carried out through a multiple linear regression or, in some cases, by using a controlled trial and error sequence. The form factors of the basis materials were extracted from previous works and elaborated to include more scattering features. In particular, they were interpolated at a denser grid. Furthermore, the data measured separately in wide angle and small angle regimes, for fat and collagen, were merged. In general, a very good agreement was obtained between the original sample and the calculated mixture, being the mean relative difference of their scattering profiles and their attenuation coefficients ∼ 10%. The segmentation method is fully supported by our extension to the Geant4 model of X-ray coherent scattering, which was used to compare simulated scatter distributions with known experimental data. The developed Geant4 code and a series of molecular form factors, including those of the basis materials, are freely downloadable from a dedicated web repository

    Quasi-mosaicity of (311) planes in silicon and its use in a Laue lens with high-focusing power

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    (311) curved planes can be exploited for efficiently focus hard X-rays. With this purpose, a self-standing bent crystal was manufactured at the Sensor and Semiconductor Laboratory of Ferrara (Italy). The crystal was designed as an optical component for a X-ray concentrator such as a Laue lens. The curvature of (311) planes was obtained through the quasi-mosaic effect. The diffraction efficiency of the sample was tested at the Institut Laue Langevin of Grenoble (France) by using a collimated monochromatic X-ray beam. This was the first prove of the diffraction properties of (311) quasi-mosaic planes. Diffraction efficiency resulted 35% with a 182 keV X-ray beam, in agreement with the theoretical expectation. It corresponded to a reflectivity of 33%. While the chosen orientation is not the most performing lying of planes, it can be used, in addition to smaller-index planes, in order to raise the total effective area of a Laue lens. To quantify it, a Laue lens based on quasi-mosaic silicon and germanium crystals, exploiting (111), (422) and (311) diffracting planes, was achieved and simulated with the LaueGen code

    Origin of quasi-mosaic effect for symmetric skew planes in a silicon or germanium plate

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    Bent silicon and germanium crystals are used for several modern physics applications, above all for focusing of hard X-rays and for steering of charged particle beams by means of channeling and related coherent phenomena. In particular, anisotropic deformations are effectively exploited for these applications. A typical anisotropic deformation that is used is the quasi-mosaic (QM) curvature. It involves the bending of crystallographic planes that would be otherwise flat in the case of an isotropic medium. Here, the curvature the 110 planes was obtained through the quasi-mosaic effect in the symmetric configuration for the first time. This achievement is important because the 110 family of planes is highly efficient for both the applications mentioned above. Until now, the curvature of 110 planes in the QM configuration has not been used because it vanishes if the direction of the planes is aligned with the applied moment that bends the crystal plate. Indeed, to obtain the curvature of this particular family of crystallographic planes, the ?110? direction has not to be aligned with respect to the imparted moment that bends the plate, i.e. the 110 planes have to be skew planes. Experimental verification of the quasi-mosaic curvature for the 110 planes was provided through hard X-ray diffraction at beamline ID15A of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, showing good agreement with the theoretical expectation

    Thick self-standing bent crystals as optical elements for a Laue lens for applications in astrophysics

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    In this paper we report progresses in the realization of self-standing bent crystals, which are suitable as optical elements for Laue lenses, i.e. for optic to focus hard X-rays in the 100–1000 keV energy range. The curvature of the crystals is a key factor to enhance diffraction efficiency and energy bandpass for such an optic. In particular, two bent crystals featuring a thickness of 5 mm, made of Si and Ge respectively, were produced at the Sensor and Semiconductor Laboratory in Ferrara, Italy. The crystals were bent through the application of a carbon fibre composite. This proved to be a relatively low cost method for crystal bending, suitable for mass production. The manufactured samples were characterised via optical interferometry, and showed a fairly uniform curvature. Finally, the samples were tested exploiting hard X-ray diffraction at the ID11 facility of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. A careful analysis of the experimental data highlighted that the samples feature large energy bandpass, wide geometrical acceptance for incoming hard X-rays, and high diffraction efficiency. We therefore conclude that such self-standing crystals are good candidates as Laue lens components for astrophysics applications