25 research outputs found

    Impatto del Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting a confronto con l'imaging di Risonanza Magnetica convenzionale

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    La Risonanza Magnetica convenzionale è una metodica diagnostica di grande impatto nella patologia del sistema nervoso centrale anche in virtù di essere intrinsecamente multiparametrica. Non è tuttavia scevra da limiti tra i quali il lungo tempo di scansione e la sensibilità al movimento che influenzano la qualità delle immagini. Il presente lavoro confronta le sequenze RM convenzionali con una nuova metodica chiamata MR Fingerprinting (MRF), basata sulla variazione continua dei parametri di acquisizione e il sottocampionamento del k-spazio. Con tale tecnica partendo dall’acquisizione di dati quantitativi è possibile la ricostruzione a posteriori delle immagini RM sulla base dell’evoluzione del segnale. La MRF si è dimostrata meno sensibile al movimento ed in grado di ridurre considerevolmente i tempi di acquisizione. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di confrontare la MRF con l’imaging convenzionale nello studio delle strutture encefaliche normali e patologiche. L’MRF ha fornito risultati comparabili nella descrizione delle strutture anatomiche e nella accuratezza diagnostica di differenti patologie encefaliche. Anche i dati quantitativi relativi ai tempi di rilassamento e al rapporto segnale rumore sono comparabili ma ottenuti in tempi ridotti. L’MRF è un promettente strumento per l’ottenimento di immagini a risonanza magnetica che potrebbe mantenere l’elevato potere diagnostico riducendo gli svantaggi legati al tempo di acquisizione e agli artefatti da movimento

    Food-Derived Bioactive Molecules from Mediterranean Diet: Nanotechnological Approaches and Waste Valorization as Strategies to Improve Human Wellness

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    The beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), the most widely followed healthy diet in the world, are principally due to the presence in the foods of secondary metabolites, mainly polyphenols, whose healthy characteristics are widely recognized. However, one of the biggest problems associated with the consumption of polyphenols as nutraceutical adjuvant concerns their bioavailability. During the last decades, different nanotechnological approaches have been developed to enhance polyphenol bioavailability, avoiding the metabolic modifications that lead to low absorption, and improving their retention time inside the organisms. This review focuses on the most recent findings regarding the encapsulation and delivery of the bioactive molecules present in the foods daily consumed in the MedDiet such as olive oil, wine, nuts, spice, and herbs. In addition, the possibility of recovering the polyphenols from food waste was also explored, taking into account the increased market demand of functional foods and the necessity to obtain valuable biomolecules at low cost and in high quantity. This circular economy strategy, therefore, represents an excellent approach to respond to both the growing demand of consumers for the maintenance of human wellness and the economic and ecological exigencies of our society

    Biodegradable polymers in dental tissue engineering and regeneration

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    Over the last decade, biodegradable polymers (BP) replaced traditional non-degradable materials in dental and maxillo-facial surgery, in particular for bone regeneration and periodontal care, due to their ability to break down and be absorbed by the body without producing harmful degradation products, along with their great potential for controlled drug delivery, wound management, dental restorations, and tissue engineering. This review described the physical–chemical characteristics of these materials, classified them based on their sensitivity on hydrolytic or enzyme degradation, and described their recent application in both restorative and regenerative dentistry

    Cationic Polymer Nanoparticles-Mediated Delivery of miR-124 Impairs Tumorigenicity of Prostate Cancer Cells

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a pivotal role in regulating the expression of genes involved in tumor development, invasion, and metastasis. In particular, microRNA-124 (miR-124) modulates the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) at the post-transcriptional level, impairing the ability of androgen-independent prostate cancer (PC3) cells to completely metabolize lipid substrates. However, the clinical translation of miRNAs requires the development of effective and safe delivery systems able to protect nucleic acids from degradation. Herein, biodegradable polyethyleneimine-functionalized polyhydroxybutyrate nanoparticles (PHB-PEI NPs) were prepared by aminolysis and used as cationic non-viral vectors to complex and deliver miR-124 in PC3 cells. Notably, the PHB-PEI NPs/miRNA complex effectively protected miR-124 from RNAse degradation, resulting in a 30% increase in delivery efficiency in PC3 cells compared to a commercial transfection agent (Lipofectamine RNAiMAX). Furthermore, the NPs-delivered miR-124 successfully impaired hallmarks of tumorigenicity, such as cell proliferation, motility, and colony formation, through CPT1A modulation. These results demonstrate that the use of PHB-PEI NPs represents a suitable and convenient strategy to develop novel nanomaterials with excellent biocompatibility and high transfection efficiency for cancer therapy

    Rare Complications of CSF Diversion: Paradoxical Neuroimaging Findings in a Double, Chiasmic Case Report

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    Two patients with CSF shunting systems exhibited symptoms of altered intracranial pressure. Initial neuroimaging led to misinterpretation, but integrating clinical history and follow-up imaging revealed the true diagnosis. In the first case, reduced ventricular size was mistaken for CSF overdrainage, while the actual problem was increased intracranial pressure, as seen in slit ventricle syndrome. In the second case, symptoms attributed to intracranial hypertension were due to CSF overdrainage causing tonsillar displacement and hydrocephalus. Adjusting the spinoperitoneal shunt pressure resolved symptoms and imaging abnormalities. These cases highlight the necessity of correlating clinical presentation with a deep understanding of CSF dynamics in shunt assessments

    Magnetic Resonance T1w/T2w Ratio in the Putamen and Cerebellum as a Marker of Cognitive Impairment in MSA: a Longitudinal Study

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    The exact pathophysiology of cognitive impairment in multiple system atrophy (MSA) is unclear. In our longitudinal study, we aimed to analyze (I) the relationships between cognitive functions and some subcortical structures, such as putamen and cerebellum assessed by voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and T1-weighted/T2-weighted (T1w/T2w) ratio, and (II) the neuroimaging predictors of the progression of cognitive deficits. Twenty-six patients with MSA underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery, motor examination, and brain MRI at baseline (T0) and 1-year follow-up (T1). Patients were then divided according to cognitive status into MSA with normal cognition (MSA-NC) and MSA with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). At T1, we divided the sample according to worsening/non worsening of cognitive status compared to baseline evaluation. Logistic regression analysis showed that age (β =  - 9.45, p = .02) and T1w/T2w value in the left putamen (β = 230.64, p = .01) were significant predictors of global cognitive status at T0, explaining 65% of the variance. Logistic regression analysis showed that ∆-values of WM density in the cerebellum/brainstem (β = 2188.70, p = .02) significantly predicted cognitive worsening at T1, explaining 64% of the variance. Our results suggest a role for the putamen and cerebellum in the cognitive changes of MSA, probably due to their connections with the cortex. The putaminal T1w/T2w ratio may deserve further studies as a marker of cognitive impairment in MSA

    Magnetic Resonance T1w/T2w Ratio in the Putamen and Cerebellum as a Marker of Cognitive Impairment in MSA: a Longitudinal Study

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    The exact pathophysiology of cognitive impairment in multiple system atrophy (MSA) is unclear. In our longitudinal study, we aimed to analyze (I) the relationships between cognitive functions and some subcortical structures, such as putamen and cerebellum assessed by voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and T1-weighted/T2-weighted (T1w/T2w) ratio, and (II) the neuroimaging predictors of the progression of cognitive deficits. Twenty-six patients with MSA underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery, motor examination, and brain MRI at baseline (T-0) and 1-year follow-up (T-1). Patients were then divided according to cognitive status into MSA with normal cognition (MSA-NC) and MSA with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). At T-1, we divided the sample according to worsening/non worsening of cognitive status compared to baseline evaluation. Logistic regression analysis showed that age (beta = - 9.45, p = .02) and T1w/T2w value in the left putamen (beta = 230.64, p = .01) were significant predictors of global cognitive status at T-0, explaining 65% of the variance. Logistic regression analysis showed that increment -values of WM density in the cerebellum/brainstem (beta = 2188.70, p = .02) significantly predicted cognitive worsening at T-1, explaining 64% of the variance. Our results suggest a role for the putamen and cerebellum in the cognitive changes of MSA, probably due to their connections with the cortex. The putaminal T1w/T2w ratio may deserve further studies as a marker of cognitive impairment in MSA

    Nanotechnology Development for Formulating Essential Oils in Wound Dressing Materials to Promote the Wound-Healing Process: A Review

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    Wound healing refers to the replacement of damaged tissue through strongly coordinated cellular events. The patient’s condition and different types of wounds complicate the already intricate healing process. Conventional wound dressing materials seem to be insufficient to facilitate and support this mechanism. Nanotechnology could provide the physicochemical properties and specific biological responses needed to promote the healing process. For nanoparticulate dressing design, growing interest has focused on natural biopolymers due to their biocompatibility and good adaptability to technological needs. Polysaccharides are the most common natural biopolymers used for wound-healing materials. In particular, alginate and chitosan polymers exhibit intrinsic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, useful for guaranteeing efficient treatment. Recent studies highlight that several natural plant-derived molecules can influence healing stages. In particular, essential oils show excellent antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that can be amplified by combining them with nanotechnological strategies. This review summarizes recent studies concerning essential oils as active secondary compounds in polysaccharide-based wound dressings

    Frequency and imaging correlates of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms are intrinsic to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and a spoonful of studies investigated their imaging correlates. Describe (I) the frequency and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms in PSP and (II) their structural imaging correlates. Twenty-six PSP patients underwent Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and brain 3D T1-weighted MRI. Spearman's rho with Bonferroni correction was used to investigate correlations between NPI scores and volumes of gray matter regions. More than 80% of patients presented at least one behavioral symptom of any severity. The most frequent and severe were depression/dysphoria, apathy, and irritability/lability. Significant relationships were found between the severity of irritability and right pars opercularis volume (p < 0.001) as well as between the frequency of agitation/aggression and left lateral occipital volume (p < 0.001). Depression, apathy, and irritability are the most common neuropsychiatric symptoms in PSP. Moreover, we found a relationship between specific positive symptoms as irritability and agitation/aggression and greater volume of the right pars opercularis cortex and lower volume of the left occipital cortex, respectively, which deserve further investigations