62 research outputs found

    National Scarce Skills within the Professional Chef’s Sector in South Africa

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    Since 1994, South Africa has witnessed an exceptional growth of the tourism sector. The hospitality sector is following a same positive trend however, there is not an appropriate growth of its human resources. South Africa, as many other countries, suffers a skills shortage of catering employees such as executive chefs and cooks. In addition, the historical context of South Africa has produced a specific skewed demographic picture of kitchen staff that now needs to be rebalanced. The skills shortage of kitchen staff could seriously affect the quality of service of the growing hospitality sector. This paper intends to investigate the context and problems related to kitchen staff shortages in South Africa. A literature review of factors such as low wages, unsociable and long hours will be outlined. Thereafter, the specific context of South Africa will be investigated. The specific history of the country has influenced also the hospitality (and kitchen staff) milieu, thus issues in the transformation of the sector will need to be put forward. The paper will conclude with some possible suggestion to decrease the skill shortage in kitchen staff in South Africa

    Más allá del turismo comunitario: hacia un nuevo sistema de clasificación turística

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    The adverse socio-economic, psychological and environmental impacts of conventional/mass tourism prompted the emergence of new forms of tourism such as community-based tourism. This form of tourism manifests promising and progressive characteristics such as community empowerment and care for the environment with potential of these characteristics to be harnessed for rating/grading of facilities. This article presents a novel and innovative rating/grading system which leverages these CBT principles. The article is based on previous work and insights on grading systems from the extant literature. The major contribution of this article is the E-based model of facility classification system. The proposed classification system incorporates aspects such as Equity; Education; Empowerment; Endogenous; and the Environment as pillars/criteria for grading facilities. The operationalisation of this grading system has policy implications in that it requires incentives from the government given that most grading systems are voluntary.Los adversos efectos socioeconómicos, psicológicos y ambientales del turismo convencional, o de masas, provocaron la aparición de nuevas formas de turismo como el turismo comunitario. Esta forma de turismo presenta características prometedoras y alternativas como el empoderamiento de la comunidad y la sensibilidad medioambiental que podrían aplicarse a los sistemas de clasificación (rating/grading) turísticos. Este artículo presenta un nuevo e innovador sistema de clasificación turística inspirado por estos principios del turismo comunitario. El artículo se basa en trabajos previos de los autores y en ideas provenientes de la literatura especializada y su contribución principal es una propuesta de modelo de clasificación turística que, inspirada en el turismo comunitario, incorpora aspectos como la equidad, la educación, el empoderamiento, el carácter endógeno y la sensibilidad ambiental como pilares y criterios para la clasificación turística. La aplicación de este sistema de clasificación requeriría de incentivos oficiales ya que la mayor parte de estos sistemas son de carácter voluntario.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    Konceptualizacja ogólnego modelu turystyki gastronomicznej w odniesieniu do rozwoju oraz rozwoju turystyki

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    Gastronomic tourism is an increasingly relevant tourism subsector. For many travelers, food is the main reason for choosing a destination. Gastronomic tourism have significant potential to contribute to tourism development as well as overall development. It is, therefore, important to better understand the complex relationship between gastronomic tourism and tourism development – and development in general – so as to be better prepared to exploit such tourism for a destination’s development. This article aims to contribute to the literature on tourism development by demonstrating the role of gastronomy tourism in relation to tourism development and general development issues. In seeking to understand this relationship, this article conceptualizes a general model that illustrates gastronomic tourism’s position in relation to development and tourism development. The article also notes that, based on the proposed model, a destination’s gastronomic tourism strategy should be based on four pivots: collaboration, sustainability, CBT/localization, and the tourist experience. Working together, they offer a solid base to advance sustainable gastronomic tourism development in a destination. The article could assist policy makers to formulate and implement strategies to enhance gastronomic tourism’s contribution in this regard.Turystyka gastronomiczna jest coraz bardziej ważnym podsektorem turystyki. Dla wielu podróżników głównym powodem wyboru miejsca docelowego jest jedzenie. Turystyka gastronomiczna ma znaczny potencjał, aby przyczynić się do rozwoju turystyki, a także do ogólnego rozwoju regionu. Ważne jest, aby lepiej zrozumieć złożony związek między turystyką gastronomiczną a rozwojem turystyki – i rozwojem w ogóle – i dzięki temu być lepiej przygotowanym do wykorzystania tej formy turystyki dla rozwoju destynacji. Celem artykułu jest wniesienie wkładu teoretycznego do literatury dotyczącej rozwoju turystyki poprzez przedstawienie roli turystyki gastronomicznej w odniesieniu do rozwoju turystyki i zagadnień ogólnorozwojowych. Dążąc do zrozumienia tej zależności, w artykule przedstawiono konceptualizację ogólnego modelu ilustrującego pozycję turystyki gastronomicznej w odniesieniu do rozwoju i rozwoju turystyki. Ponadto zauważono, że w oparciu o proponowany model strategia rozwoju turystyki gastronomicznej w destynacji powinna opierać się na czterech osiach: współpracy, zrównoważonym rozwoju, CBT/lokalizacji i doświadczeniu turystycznym. Współpracując, oferują bowiem solidną podstawę do zrównoważonego rozwoju turystyki gastronomicznej w miejscu docelowym. Informacje zawarte w artykule mogą przydać się w formułowaniu i wdrażaniu strategii mających na celu zwiększenie wkładu turystyki gastronomicznej w tym zakresie

    Investigating the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism

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    This paper interrogates the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism (CBT). It is a conceptual paper that unpacks the conceptualization of tourism and traces the emergence of sustainable tourism as one of the responses to conventional/mass tourism. The history of conventional tourism shows that, like any form of tourism, it has both positive and negative impacts on destinations. It is against this backdrop that CBT emerged. To achieve its aim, this article examined the main principles and attributes of CBT in CBT manuals and handbooks, focusing on two key concepts - sustainability and the environment. This examination revealed a significant mismatch in the conception of sustainability, while it is a fundamental requirement in tourism to tackle its negative environmental impacts. Environmental sustainability is considered more implicit in CBT, while it is often less regarded in conventional/mass tourism. We argue that the sustainability of tourism should be an intrinsic and universal principle of all forms of tourism that governments should enforce. The fact that conventional tourism produces most of the environmental damage, it is for this reason that it should elevate its role to become a solid promoter of sustainable measures for environmentally-friendly and sustainability-friendly practices instead

    Diversification and Innovation in Tourism Development Strategy: The Case of Abu Dhabi

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    Through its diversification thrust, Abu Dhabi has succeeded in reaping the benefits both of oil and gas and of the services sector, including tourism, through deliberate government action. Diversification and innovation have been key drivers in al


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    This article posits a 7S's model to expand from the 3S's model of Sun, Sea, and Sand as anchors for tourism development. It extends the discussion by arguing that within the 7 S's model Government/community relationship must be elevated to take a new meaning -with Government as a facilitator and the community providing the decision-making platforms in a reconfigured bottom-up approach in the interest of holistic development. Thus, the 3S's model is expanded to include Safari, Surfing, Shopping and Ski-ing to form a 7S's model including Sun, Sea and Sand. The model is based on the soundness of leveraging on indigenous knowledge, community ownership of tourism resources, re-formulation of fitting and apt legislation and identity definition to achieve ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainabilities without which tourism cannot properly thrive. Based on this, the article argues that the tourism sector is particularly well positioned to enhance holistic development especially within particular historical-geographic contexts

    Globalisation, development and community-based tourism in developing countries : a case study of Pondonland, Eastern Cape.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.Contemporary globalisation in developing countries is circumscribed by neo-liberal development approaches, while community-based development seeks to create alternative development strategies. This thesis brings together research in tourism with theoretical perspectives from Gramscian social analysis in order to explore contemporary conflict between these two strategies in the tourism sector. The purpose is to investigate the influence the hegemonic global milieu has exerted on an alternative community-based tourism (CBT) strategy that was initially formally/institutionally supported. Concepts of hegemony, globalisation and divergence/convergence, together with development theories, are explored and applied to the international tourism sector and CBT in particular. A theoretical structure is proposed in which the relationships between hegemony, globalisation, and processes of divergence/convergence are explicated in relation to the tourism sector, and CBT in particular. Global-local linkages, conceptualised in terms of the theoretical framework, are explored in a particular geographical context, namely the Pondoland coast of South Africa. South Africa has recently rejoined the global socio-economic milieu after the isolation of the apartheid period and a European Union-supported tourism project in the Pondoland region is studied in detail. The case study serves to empirically substantiate the proposed theoretical framework. The investigation contributes to ‘initiate’ a global – local oriented paradigm in tourism study that focuses on the relationship between globalisation processes and a CBT development approach by exploiting and conjoining the correlation of the concepts of the proposed theoretical framework. Globalisation processes are set against a specific and local form of tourism, i.e. community-based tourism. The proposition is a ‘new’ double level of interlinkage. General and global policies are interlinked and cross each other with specific and local policies to evaluate a CBT project outcome. The study intends to go beyond existing literature of CBT management and project development. This is achieved by providing an investigation on the ‘unseen’ working mechanisms and influence of globalisation processes in relation to a specific CBT local project supported by a global actor in international cooperation, thus verifying interpretations and commitment on CBT development approaches. The case study findings elucidate and highlight the final effects of the theoretical proposition at a practical level by clarifying and showing the level of influence on, and re-adjustment of, the case study end result in comparison with its initial plan. A shift in the case study project development is individuated and commented on in relation to the proposed theoretical framework. The investigation results allow validating the proposed conceptual basis of the study. Based on the findings, this thesis a proposal is made to construct the interrelationship between development and CBT understanding. A typology and specific nomenclature of CBT approaches is advanced together with their correlation to development concepts. The conclusion also gives further general and specific recommendations by providing possible strategies to permit proper development and better exploitation of CBT possibilities

    Potencjał rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie – stan obecny i perspektywy

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    This article intends to contribute to the growing debate related to tourism in Kazakhstan and to understand future perspectives on tourism development in this country. The aim of the article, which is a desktop research based on previous literature and documents, is to propose a way forward for tourism development in Kazakhstan. Two models will be presented in the article, the first one – proposing the types of tourism development approaches, which the country can focus on, and the second model – illustrating more in details the tourism development working framework. Although these models should certainly not be considered final, they aim at providing a consistent guiding input on future tourism development in Kazakhstan.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi głos w dyskusji dotyczącej potencjału i perspektyw rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie. Oparty jest na literaturze przedmiotu i wybranych dokumentach strategicznych. Celem jest zaproponowanie drogi rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie. Zaprezentowano tu dwa modele: 1) proponujący wybrane rodzaje podejść do rozwoju turystyki, na których kraj może się skoncentrować w strategiach wykonawczych; 2) dotyczący szczegółowych ram funkcjonowania sektora turystycznego. Mimo że modele te z pewnością nie powinny być uważane za ostateczne, to mają one na celu zapewnienie spójnego przewodniego wkładu w przyszły rozwój turystyki w Kazachstanie