99 research outputs found

    Operational alternatives for LANDSAT in California

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    Data integration is defined and examined as the means of promoting data sharing among the various governmental and private geobased information systems in California. Elements of vertical integration considered included technical factors (such as resolution and classification) and institutional factors (such as organizational control, and legal and political barriers). Attempts are made to fit the theoretical elements of vertical integration into a meaningful structure for looking at the problem from a statewide focus. Both manual (mapped) and machine readable data systems are included. Special attention is given to LANDSAT imagery because of its strong potential for integrated use and its primary in the California Integrated Remote Sensing System program

    A timer inventory based upon manual and automated analysis of ERTS-1 and supporting aircraft data using multistage probability sampling

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    A quasi-operational study demonstrating that a timber inventory based on manual and automated analysis of ERTS-1, supporting aircraft data and ground data was made using multistage sampling techniques. The inventory proved to be a timely, cost effective alternative to conventional timber inventory techniques. The timber volume on the Quincy Ranger District of the Plumas National Forest was estimated to be 2.44 billion board feet with a sampling error of 8.2 percent. Costs per acre for the inventory procedure at 1.1 cent/acre compared favorably with the costs of a conventional inventory at 25 cents/acre. A point-by-point comparison of CALSCAN-classified ERTS data with human-interpreted low altitude photo plots indicated no significant differences in the overall classification accuracies

    Combining LANDSAT MSS, aerial photographs and ground measurements to estimate rangeland productivity

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    The production of a vegetation map of over 2.2 million acres with detail down to the plant community level, and the production of estimates of rangeland productivity (pounds of usable forage per acre for cattle) for a 500,000 acre subset of area with a design goal for accuracy and precision of + or - 20% at the 80% confidence level, are considered. The data consist of five groups: maps of area, LANDSAT data, digital terrain data, large scale aerial photography, and ground plots. An outline of the data acquisition and data reduction schemes are presented

    Capturer de la connaissance pratique pour élaborer des savoirs académiques : un cadre méthodologique pour étudier la "fabrique de la stratégie"

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n ° 2009-03-E4Cette communication vise à expliciter un cadre méthodologique développé spécifiquement pour élaborer des savoirs académiques en capturant des connaissances pratiques de praticiens. Ce travail contribue à relever un défi méthodologique posé par la perspective de la « Stratégie Comme Pratique » (SCP) et ainsi répondre aux attentes de son agenda de recherche. Il prend appui sur un cadre méthodologique existant, en le prolongeant et en explicitant le paradigme épistémologique – constructiviste radical – dans lequel il est légitimable. La manière dont le cadre proposé peut effectivement être mobilisé dans un projet de recherche est illustrée à partir d'un projet en cours relatif à la fabrique de la stratégie dans l'intermédiation financière. Cette communication montre de quelle façon, dans des recherches menées dans la perspective SCP, des « vides théoriques » à combler peuvent être identifiés en partant de problématiques pratiques persistantes perçues par des praticiens. Les repères heuristiques, que ce cadre propose, suggèrent de mettre en œuvre des interactions approfondies et itératives entre des acteurs du monde académique et des acteurs du monde de la pratique. De telles interactions favorisent l'élaboration de savoirs renouvelés et l'enrichissement mutuel des recherches et des pratiques concernées, notamment à travers la communication de ces savoirs à la fois dans des communautés académiques et auprès de praticiens que ces savoirs sont susceptibles de concerner prioritairement. Ce cadre offre donc des repères pour tout chercheur qui envisage aussi bien une compréhension pratique de la stratégie dans un souci de rigueur scientifique reconnue par ses pairs, que le développement de savoirs susceptibles d'être mobilisés par des praticiens dans leur agir stratégique. La communication des savoirs élaborés, non seulement à destination de milieux académiques mais aussi auprès de praticiens, contribue à renforcer les légitimités académique et empirique de ces savoirs et ainsi à assurer le bouclage d'un travail de recherche mené dans la perspective de la Stratégie Comme Pratique

    A methodological framework for capturing practitioners' knowledge

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    This paper aims to contribute to developing the methodological apparatus for S-as-P research. It presents and illustrates a methodological framework offering guidelines for conceiving research projects aimed to capture practitioners experience on research questions based on practical concerns. Research in this framework relies on deep interactions between researchers and practitioners. If highly interactive research methods cannot be legitimated in positivism because they impede researchers' objectivity and neutrality, they can be legitimated in constructivism. But then generalization is a crucial issue. This paper offers a way to define generalization in constructivist epistemological paradigms. Ways to enact this methodological framework are illustrated with examples drawn from an ongoing research project carried out in the S-as-P perspective. The discussion highlights the differing roles of practitioners and researchers in research conducted in this framework and its capability to be enacted as a mutually enriching process for research and practice.Strategy-as-Practice ; methodology; radical constructivism ; generic knowledge ; epistemic work


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    Cette communication vise à expliciter un cadre méthodologique développé spécifiquement pour élaborer des savoirs académiques en capturant des connaissances pratiques de praticiens. Ce travail contribue à relever un défi méthodologique posé par la perspective de la « Stratégie Comme Pratique » (SCP) et ainsi répondre aux attentes de son agenda de recherche. Il prend appui sur un cadre méthodologique existant, en le prolongeant et en explicitant le paradigme épistémologique – constructiviste radical – dans lequel il est légitimable. La manière dont le cadre proposé peut effectivement être mobilisé dans un projet de recherche est illustrée à partir d'un projet en cours relatif à la fabrique de la stratégie dans l'intermédiation financière. Cette communication montre de quelle façon, dans des recherches menées dans la perspective SCP, des « vides théoriques » à combler peuvent être identifiés en partant de problématiques pratiques persistantes perçues par des praticiens. Les repères heuristiques, que ce cadre propose, suggèrent de mettre en œuvre des interactions approfondies et itératives entre des acteurs du monde académique et des acteurs du monde de la pratique. De telles interactions favorisent l'élaboration de savoirs renouvelés et l'enrichissement mutuel des recherches et des pratiques concernées, notamment à travers la communication de ces savoirs à la fois dans des communautés académiques et auprès de praticiens que ces savoirs sont susceptibles de concerner prioritairement. Ce cadre offre donc des repères pour tout chercheur qui envisage aussi bien une compréhension pratique de la stratégie dans un souci de rigueur scientifique reconnue par ses pairs, que le développement de savoirs susceptibles d'être mobilisés par des praticiens dans leur agir stratégique. La communication des savoirs élaborés, non seulement à destination de milieux académiques mais aussi auprès de praticiens, contribue à renforcer les légitimités académique et empirique de ces savoirs et ainsi à assurer le bouclage d'un travail de recherche mené dans la perspective de la Stratégie Comme Pratique.Stratégie comme Pratique ; méthodologie ; épistémologie ; connaissance pratique ; constructivisme radical.

    Sex-related differences in risk factors, type of treatment received and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and acute stroke: Results from the RAF-study (Early Recurrence and Cerebral Bleeding in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation)

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    Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is an independent risk factor of thromboembolism. Women with atrial fibrillation are at a higher overall risk for stroke compared to men with atrial fibrillation. The aim of this study was to evaluate for sex differences in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation, regarding risk factors, treatments received and outcomes. Methods Data were analyzed from the “Recurrence and Cerebral Bleeding in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation” (RAF-study), a prospective, multicenter, international study including only patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation. Patients were followed up for 90 days. Disability was measured by the modified Rankin Scale (0–2 favorable outcome, 3–6 unfavorable outcome). Results: Of the 1029 patients enrolled, 561 were women (54.5%) (p < 0.001) and younger (p < 0.001) compared to men. In patients with known atrial fibrillation, women were less likely to receive oral anticoagulants before index stroke (p = 0.026) and were less likely to receive anticoagulants after stroke (71.3% versus 78.4%, p = 0.01). There was no observed sex difference regarding the time of starting anticoagulant therapy between the two groups (6.4 ± 11.7 days for men versus 6.5 ± 12.4 days for women, p = 0.902). Men presented with more severe strokes at onset (mean NIHSS 9.2 ± 6.9 versus 8.1 ± 7.5, p < 0.001). Within 90 days, 46 (8.2%) recurrent ischemic events (stroke/TIA/systemic embolism) and 19 (3.4%) symptomatic cerebral bleedings were found in women compared to 30 (6.4%) and 18 (3.8%) in men (p = 0.28 and p = 0.74). At 90 days, 57.7% of women were disabled or deceased, compared to 41.1% of the men (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis did not confirm this significance. Conclusions: Women with atrial fibrillation were less likely to receive oral anticoagulants prior to and after stroke compared to men with atrial fibrillation, and when stroke occurred, regardless of the fact that in our study women were younger and with less severe stroke, outcomes did not differ between the sexes

    Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation: Time to Initiation of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Outcomes.

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    Background In patients with acute ischemic stroke and atrial fibrillation, early anticoagulation prevents ischemic recurrence but with the risk of hemorrhagic transformation ( HT ). The aims of this study were to evaluate in consecutive patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation (1) the incidence of early HT, (2) the time to initiation of anticoagulation in patients with HT , (3) the association of HT with ischemic recurrences, and (4) the association of HT with clinical outcome at 90 days. Methods and Results HT was diagnosed by a second brain computed tomographic scan performed 24 to 72 hours after stroke onset. The incidence of ischemic recurrences as well as mortality or disability (modified Rankin Scale scores >2) were evaluated at 90 days. Ischemic recurrences were the composite of ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, or systemic embolism. Among the 2183 patients included in the study, 241 (11.0%) had HT . Patients with and without HT initiated anticoagulant therapy after a mean 23.3 and 11.6 days, respectively, from index stroke. At 90 days, 4.6% (95% confidence interval, 2.3-8.0) of the patients with HT had ischemic recurrences compared with 4.9% (95% confidence interval, 4.0-6.0) of those without HT ; 53.1% of patients with  HT were deceased or disabled compared with 35.8% of those without HT . On multivariable analysis, HT was associated with mortality or disability (odds ratio, 1.71; 95% confidence interval, 1.24-2.35). Conclusions In patients with HT , anticoagulation was initiated about 12 days later than patients without HT . This delay was not associated with increased detection of ischemic recurrence. HT was associated with increased mortality or disability

    Le trader, ses semblables, ses frères. Opérateurs de marché en situation stratégique

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    Le trader, ses semblables, ses frères. Opérateurs de marché en situation stratégique

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