469 research outputs found

    Migration of Mg and other interstitial metal dopants in GaN

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    The minimum energy paths for the migration of interstitial Mg in wurtzite GaN are studied through density functional calculations. The study also comprises Li, Na, and Be dopants to examine the dependence on size and charge of the dopant species. In all cases considered, the impurities diffuse like ions without any tendency of localizing charge. Li, Mg, and to some extent Na, diffuse almost isotropically in GaN, with average diffusion barriers of 1.1, 2.1, and 2.5 eV, respectively. Instead Be shows a marked anisotropy with energy barriers of 0.76 and 1.88 eV for diffusion paths perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis. The diffusion barrier generally increases with ionic charge and ionic radius, but their interplay is not trivial. The calculated migration barrier for Mg is consistent with the values estimated in a recent beta- emission channeling experiment

    Liquid Water through Density-Functional Molecular Dynamics: Plane-Wave vs Atomic-Orbital Basis Sets

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    We determine and compare structural, dynamical, and electronic properties of liquid water at near ambient conditions through density-functional molecular dynamics simulations, when using either plane-wave or atomic-orbital basis sets. In both frameworks, the electronic structure and the atomic forces are self-consistently determined within the same theoretical scheme based on a nonlocal density functional accounting for van der Waals interactions. The overall properties of liquid water achieved within the two frameworks are in excellent agreement with each other. Thus, our study supports that implementations with plane-wave or atomic-orbital basis sets yield equivalent results and can be used indiscriminately in study of liquid water or aqueous solutions

    Studio ab-initio di materiali atti all'immagazzinamento dell'idrogeno

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    Nell'ambito di attuali ricerche di materiali atti all'immagazzinamento dell'idrogeno, il composto intermetallico Litio-Alluminio rappresenta uno dei più promettenti candidati. Inoltre, le sue interessanti proprietà elettroniche e la sua caratteristica struttura, B32, lo rendono un materiale molto attraente dal punto di vista teorico. Il lavoro di tesi, svolto presso il politecnico di Zurigo (ETHZ) all'interno del gruppo di ricerca in Scienze Computazionali guidato dal Prof. Michele Parrinello con sede a Lugano, ha riguardato una caratterizzazione elettronica e strutturale del composto binario LiAl. L'approccio per la risoluzione del problema many-electron è stato completamente ab-initio. Nello schema della Teoria del Funzionale della Densità (DFT), sono stati usati codici basati su un utilizzo di onde piane per la rappresentazione degli stati di Kohn e Sham assieme all'impiego di pseudopotenziali per la descrizione degli atomi costituenti Li e Al. Un aspetto molto interessante del lavoro è stato lo studio del più realistico sistema in presenza di vacanze di Li. Anche in questo caso l'implementazione dei calcoli, per la risoluzione del problema, è stata eseguita da principi primi

    Nuclear quantum effects in ab initio dynamics: theory and experiments for lithium imide

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    Owing to their small mass, hydrogen atoms exhibit strong quantum behavior even at room temperature. Including these effects in first principles calculations is challenging, because of the huge computational effort required by conventional techniques. Here we present the first ab-initio application of a recently-developed stochastic scheme, which allows to approximate nuclear quantum effects inexpensively. The proton momentum distribution of lithium imide, a material of interest for hydrogen storage, was experimentally measured by inelastic neutron scattering experiments and compared with the outcome of quantum thermostatted ab initio dynamics. We obtain favorable agreement between theory and experiments for this purely quantum mechanical property, thereby demonstrating that it is possible to improve the modelling of complex hydrogen-containing materials without additional computational effort

    Isobaric first-principles molecular dynamics of liquid water with nonlocal van der Waals interactions

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    We investigate the structural properties of liquid water at near ambient conditions using first-principles molecular dynamics simulations based on a semilocal density functional augmented with nonlocal van der Waals interactions. The adopted scheme offers the advantage of simulating liquid water at essentially the same computational cost of standard semilocal functionals. Applied to the water dimer and to ice I-h, we find that the hydrogen-bond energy is only slightly enhanced compared to a standard semilocal functional. We simulate liquid water through molecular dynamics in the N pH statistical ensemble allowing for fluctuations of the system density. The structure of the liquid departs from that found with a semilocal functional leading to more compact structural arrangements. This indicates that the directionality of the hydrogen-bond interaction has a diminished role as compared to the overall attractions, as expected when dispersion interactions are accounted for. This is substantiated through a detailed analysis comprising the study of the partial radial distribution functions, various local order indices, the hydrogen-bond network, and the selfdiffusion coefficient. The explicit treatment of the van der Waals interactions leads to an overall improved description of liquid water

    Ab initio Electronic Structure of Liquid Water

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    Self-consistent GW calculations with efficient vertex corrections are employed to determine the electronic structure of liquid water. Nuclear quantum effects are taken into account through ab initio path-integral molecular dynamics simulations. We reveal a sizable band-gap renormalization of up to 0.7 eV due to hydrogen-bond quantum fluctuations. Our calculations lead to a band gap of 8.9 eV, in accord with the experimental estimate. We further resolve the ambiguities in the band-edge positions of liquid water. The valence-band maximum and the conduction-band minimum are found at −9.4 and −0.5 eV with respect to the vacuum level, respectively

    Oxygen DX center in In0.17Al0.83N: Nonradiative recombination and persistent photoconductivity

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    Using a hybrid density-functional scheme, we address the O impurity substitutional to N (O-N) in In0.17Al0.83N. Our modelling supports In clustering to account for the strong band-gap bowing observed in InxAl1-xN alloys. To study the ON defect in In0.17Al0.83N alloys, we therefore consider a model containing an In cluster and find that the most stable configuration shows four In nearest neighbors. We show that such a ON defect forms a DX center and gives rise to two defect levels at 0.70 and 0.41 eV below the conduction band edge, in good agreement with experiment. The calculated defect energetics entail a fast nonradiative recombination upon photoexcitation at room temperature and account for the observation of persistent photoconductivity at low temperature. Published by AIP Publishing

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