131 research outputs found

    Moments of Wishart-Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles of random matrices: application to the quantum transport problem in chaotic cavities

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    We collect explicit and user-friendly expressions for one-point densities of the real eigenvalues {λi}\{\lambda_i\} of N×NN\times N Wishart-Laguerre and Jacobi random matrices with orthogonal, unitary and symplectic symmetry. Using these formulae, we compute integer moments τn=\tau_n= for all symmetry classes without any large NN approximation. In particular, our results provide exact expressions for moments of transmission eigenvalues in chaotic cavities with time-reversal or spin-flip symmetry and supporting a finite and arbitrary number of electronic channels in the two incoming leads.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. Typos fixed, references adde

    Invariant sums of random matrices and the onset of level repulsion

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    We compute analytically the joint probability density of eigenvalues and the level spacing statistics for an ensemble of random matrices with interesting features. It is invariant under the standard symmetry groups (orthogonal and unitary) and yet the interaction between eigenvalues is not Vandermondian. The ensemble contains real symmetric or complex hermitian matrices S\mathbf{S} of the form S=∑i=1M⟨OiDiOiT⟩\mathbf{S}=\sum_{i=1}^M \langle \mathbf{O}_i \mathbf{D}_i\mathbf{O}_i^{\mathrm{T}}\rangle or S=∑i=1M⟨UiDiUi†⟩\mathbf{S}=\sum_{i=1}^M \langle \mathbf{U}_i \mathbf{D}_i\mathbf{U}_i^\dagger\rangle respectively. The diagonal matrices Di=diag{λ1(i),…,λN(i)}\mathbf{D}_i=\mathrm{diag}\{\lambda_1^{(i)},\ldots,\lambda_N^{(i)}\} are constructed from real eigenvalues drawn \emph{independently} from distributions p(i)(x)p^{(i)}(x), while the matrices Oi\mathbf{O}_i and Ui\mathbf{U}_i are all orthogonal or unitary. The average ⟨⋅⟩\langle\cdot\rangle is simultaneously performed over the symmetry group and the joint distribution of {λj(i)}\{\lambda_j^{(i)}\}. We focus on the limits i.) N→∞N\to\infty and ii.) M→∞M\to\infty, with N=2N=2. In the limit i.), the resulting sum S\mathbf{S} develops level repulsion even though the original matrices do not feature it, and classical RMT universality is restored asymptotically. In the limit ii.) the spacing distribution attains scaling forms that are computed exactly: for the orthogonal case, we recover the β=1\beta=1 Wigner's surmise, while for the unitary case an entirely new universal distribution is obtained. Our results allow to probe analytically the microscopic statistics of the sum of random matrices that become asymptotically free. We also give an interpretation of this model in terms of radial random walks in a matrix space. The analytical results are corroborated by numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pag., 6 fig. - published versio

    Don't follow the leader: How ranking performance reduces meritocracy

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    In the name of meritocracy, modern economies devote increasing amounts of resources to quantifying and ranking the performance of individuals and organisations. Rankings send out powerful signals, which lead to identify the actions of top performers as the `best practices' that others should also adopt. However, several studies have shown that the imitation of best practices often leads to a drop in performance. So, should those lagging behind in a ranking imitate top performers or should they instead pursue a strategy of their own? I tackle this question by numerically simulating a stylised model of a society whose agents seek to climb a ranking either by imitating the actions of top performers or by randomly trying out different actions, i.e., via serendipity. The model gives rise to a rich phenomenology, showing that the imitation of top performers increases welfare overall, but at the cost of higher inequality. Indeed, the imitation of top performers turns out to be a self-defeating strategy that consolidates the early advantage of a few lucky - and not necessarily talented - winners, leading to a very unequal, homogenised, and effectively non-meritocratic society. Conversely, serendipity favours meritocratic outcomes and prevents rankings from freezing.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Statistical mechanics of complex economies

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    In the pursuit of ever increasing efficiency and growth, our economies have evolved to remarkable degrees of complexity, with nested production processes feeding each other in order to create products of greater sophistication from less sophisticated ones, down to raw materials. The engine of such an expansion have been competitive markets that, according to General Equilibrium Theory (GET), achieve efficient allocations under specific conditions. We study large random economies within the GET framework, as templates of complex economies, and we find that a non-trivial phase transition occurs: the economy freezes in a state where all production processes collapse when either the number of primary goods or the number of available technologies fall below a critical threshold. As in other examples of phase transitions in large random systems, this is an unintended consequence of the growth in complexity. Our findings suggest that the Industrial Revolution can be regarded as a sharp transition between different phases, but also imply that well developed economies can collapse if too many intermediate goods are introduced.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Public and private beliefs under disinformation in social networks

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    We develop a model of opinion dynamics where agents in a social network seek to learn a ground truth among a set of competing hypotheses. Agents in the network form private beliefs about such hypotheses by aggregating their neighbors' publicly stated beliefs, in an iterative fashion. This process allows us to keep track of scenarios where private and public beliefs align, leading to population-wide consensus on the ground truth, as well as scenarios where the two sets of beliefs fail to converge. The latter scenario - which is reminiscent of the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance - is induced by injecting 'conspirators' in the network, i.e., agents who actively spread disinformation by not communicating accurately their private beliefs. We show that the agents' cognitive dissonance non-trivially reaches its peak when conspirators are a relatively small minority of the population, and that such an effect can be mitigated - although not erased - by the presence of 'debunker' agents in the network

    Maximum entropy approach to multivariate time series randomization

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    Natural and social multivariate systems are commonly studied through sets of simultaneous and time-spaced measurements of the observables that drive their dynamics, i.e., through sets of time series. Typically, this is done via hypothesis testing: the statistical properties of the empirical time series are tested against those expected under a suitable null hypothesis. This is a very challenging task in complex interacting systems, where statistical stability is often poor due to lack of stationarity and ergodicity. Here, we describe an unsupervised, data-driven framework to perform hypothesis testing in such situations. This consists of a statistical mechanical approach—analogous to the configuration model for networked systems—for ensembles of time series designed to preserve, on average, some of the statistical properties observed on an empirical set of time series. We showcase its possible applications with a case study on financial portfolio selection

    Correspondence between temporal correlations in time series, inverse problems, and the Spherical Model

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    In this paper we employ methods from Statistical Mechanics to model temporal correlations in time series. We put forward a methodology based on the Maximum Entropy principle to generate ensembles of time series constrained to preserve part of the temporal structure of an empirical time series of interest. We show that a constraint on the lag-one autocorrelation can be fully handled analytically, and corresponds to the well known Spherical Model of a ferromagnet. We then extend such a model to include constraints on more complex temporal correlations by means of perturbation theory, showing that this leads to substantial improvements in capturing the lag-one autocorrelation in the variance. We apply our approach on synthetic data, and illustrate how it can be used to formulate expectations on the future values of a data generating process.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    The impact of noise and topology on opinion dynamics in social networks

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    We investigate the impact of noise and topology on opinion diversity in social networks. We do so by extending well-established models of opinion dynamics to a stochastic setting where agents are subject both to assimilative forces by their local social interactions, as well as to idiosyncratic factors preventing their population from reaching consensus. We model the latter to account for both scenarios where noise is entirely exogenous to peer influence and cases where it is instead endogenous, arising from the agents' desire to maintain some uniqueness in their opinions. We derive a general analytical expression for opinion diversity, which holds for any network and depends on the network's topology through its spectral properties alone. Using this expression, we find that opinion diversity decreases as communities and clusters are broken down. We test our predictions against data describing empirical influence networks between major news outlets and find that incorporating our measure in linear models for the sentiment expressed by such sources on a variety of topics yields a notable improvement in terms of explanatory power

    Excess reciprocity distorts reputation in online social networks

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    The peer-to-peer (P2P) economy relies on establishing trust in distributed networked systems, where the reliability of a user is assessed through digital peer-review processes that aggregate ratings into reputation scores. Here we present evidence of a network effect which biases digital reputation, revealing that P2P networks display exceedingly high levels of reciprocity. In fact, these are much higher than those compatible with a null assumption that preserves the empirically observed level of agreement between all pairs of nodes, and rather close to the highest levels structurally compatible with the networks’ reputation landscape. This indicates that the crowdsourcing process underpinning digital reputation can be significantly distorted by the attempt of users to mutually boost reputation, or to retaliate, through the exchange of ratings. We uncover that the least active users are predominantly responsible for such reciprocity-induced bias, and that this fact can be exploited to obtain more reliable reputation estimates. Our findings are robust across different P2P platforms, including both cases where ratings are used to vote on the content produced by users and to vote on user profiles

    Breaking down the relationship between academic impact and scientific disruption

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    We examine the tension between academic impact - the volume of citations received by publications - and scientific disruption. Intuitively, one would expect disruptive scientific work to be rewarded by high volumes of citations and, symmetrically, impactful work to also be disruptive. A number of recent studies have instead shown that such intuition is often at odds with reality. In this paper, we break down the relationship between impact and disruption with a detailed correlation analysis in two large data sets of publications in Computer Science and Physics. We find that highly disruptive papers tend to be cited at higher rates than average. Contrastingly, the opposite is not true, as we do not find highly impactful papers to be particularly disruptive. Notably, these results qualitatively hold even within individual scientific careers, as we find that - on average - an author's most disruptive work tends to be well cited, whereas their most cited work does not tend to be disruptive. We discuss the implications of our findings in the context of academic evaluation systems, and show how they can contribute to reconcile seemingly contradictory results in the literature
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