12 research outputs found

    Effect of acute exercise on uncoupling protein 3 is a fat metabolism-mediated effect

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    Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. [email protected] Human and rodent uncoupling protein (UCP)3 mRNA is upregulated after acute exercise. Moreover, exercise increases plasma levels of free fatty acid (FFA), which are also known to upregulate UCP3. We investigated whether the upregulation of UCP3 after exercise is an effect of exercise per se or an effect of FFA levels or substrate oxidation. Seven healthy untrained men [age: 22.7 +/- 0.6 yr; body mass index: 23.8 +/- 1.0 kg/m(2); maximal O2 uptake (VO2 max): 3,852 +/- 211 ml/min] exercised at 50% VO2 max for 2 h and then rested for 4 h. Muscle biopsies and blood samples were taken before and immediately after 2 h of exercise and 1 and 4 h in the postexercise period. To modulate plasma FFA levels and fat/glucose oxidation, the experiment was performed two times, one time with glucose ingestion and one time while fasting. UCP3 mRNA and UCP3 protein were determined by RT-competitive PCR and Western blot. In the fasted state, plasma FFA levels significantly increased (P < 0.0001) during exercise (293 +/- 25 vs. 1,050 +/- 127 micromol/l), whereas they were unchanged after glucose ingestion (335 +/- 54 vs. 392 +/- 74 micromol/l). Also, fat oxidation was higher after fasting (P < 0.05), whereas glucose oxidation was higher after glucose ingestion (P < 0.05). In the fasted state, UCP3L mRNA expression was increased significantly (P < 0.05) 4 h after exercise (4.6 +/- 1.2 vs. 9.6 +/- 3.3 amol/microg RNA). This increase in UCP3L mRNA expression was prevented by glucose ingestion. Acute exercise had no effect on UCP3 protein levels. In conclusion, we found that acute exercise had no direct effect on UCP3 mRNA expression. Abolishing the commonly observed increase in plasma FFA levels and/or fatty acid oxidation during and after exercise prevents the upregulation of UCP3 after acute exercise. Therefore, the previously observed increase in UCP3 expression appears to be an effect of prolonged elevation of plasma FFA levels and/or increased fatty acid oxidation

    Decreased fatty acid beta-oxidation in riboflavin-responsive, multiple acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase-deficient patients is associated with an increase in uncoupling protein-3

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    Decreased fatty acid beta-oxidation in riboflavin-responsive, multiple acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase-deficient patients is associated with an increase in uncoupling protein-3.Russell AP, Schrauwen P, Somm E, Gastaldi G, Hesselink MK, Schaart G, Kornips E, Lo SK, Bufano D, Giacobino JP, Muzzin P, Ceccon M, Angelini C, Vergani L.Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Geneva Medical Center, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland. [email protected], multiple acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (RR-MAD), a lipid storage myopathy, is characterized by, among others, a decrease in fatty acid (FA) beta-oxidation capacity. Muscle uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is up-regulated under conditions that either increase the levels of circulating free FA and/or decrease FA beta-oxidation. Using a relatively large cohort of seven RR-MAD patients, we aimed to better characterize the metabolic disturbances of this disease and to explore the possibility that it might increase UCP3 expression. A battery of biochemical and molecular tests were performed, which demonstrated decreases in FA beta-oxidation and in the activities of respiratory chain complexes I and II. These metabolic alterations were associated with increases of 3.1- and 1.7-fold in UCP3 mRNA and protein expression, respectively. All parameters were restored to control values after riboflavin treatment. We postulate that the up-regulation of UCP3 in RR-MAD is due to the accumulation of muscle FA/acylCoA. RR-MAD is an optimal model to support the hypothesis that UCP3 is involved in the outward translocation of an excess of FA from the mitochondria and to show that, in humans, the effects of FA on UCP3 expression are direct and independent of fatty acid beta-oxidation.<br/

    Stimulation by leptin of 3H GDP binding to brown adipose tissue of fasted but not fed rats.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) leptin administration on rats fed ad libitum or fasted on 3H GDP binding to brown adipose tissue (BAT). SUBJECTS: Groups of 5-6 ten-week-old male Wistar rats. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: An i.c.v. cannula was inserted and unilateral denervation of interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) was performed 5 d before each study. Thereafter, leptin was infused i.c.v. during 72 h while rats were fed ad libitum or fasted. Vehicle-infused, pair-fed or fasted rats were used as controls. MEASUREMENTS: 3H GDP binding to innervated and denervated BAT mitochondria. RESULTS: 3H GDP binding to innervated or denervated BAT of rats fed ab libitum compared to vehicle-infused, pair-fed rats was not increased by i.c.v. leptin. 3H GDP binding was lower in fasted than in fed rats, and the difference was larger in innervated than denervated BAT. I.c.v. leptin increased 3H GDP binding by 30% in innervated, and by 51% in denervated BAT (P &lt; 0.05) in fasted rats. CONCLUSIONS: I.c.v. leptin does not increase 3H GDP binding to BAT of rats fed ad libitum compared to pair-fed (food-restricted) rats. In contrast, i.c.v. leptin produces a mild stimulation of 3H GDP binding to BAT of fasted rats. This effect is not mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, because it is observed in both innervated and denervated BAT. These results are compatible with the concept that, in fasting rats, the decrease in leptin secretion contributes to the reduction in 3H GDP binding to BAT mitochondria

    Expression of uncoupling protein-3 and mitochondrial activity in the transition from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid state in rat skeletal muscle

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    We sought a correlation between rat skeletal muscle triiodothyronine (T3)-mediated regulation of uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) expression and mitochondrial activity. UCP3 mRNA expression increased strongly during the hypothyroid-hyperthyroid transition. The rank order of mitochondrial State 3 and State 4 respiration rates was hypothyroid<euthyroid<hyperthyroid. The State 4 increase may have been due to the increased UCP3 expression, as the proton leak kinetic was stimulated in the hypothyroid-hyperthyroid transition and a good correlation exists between the State 4 and UCP3 mRNA level. As a significant proportion of an organism's resting oxygen consumption is dedicated to opposing the proton leak, skeletal muscle mitochondrial UCP3 may mediate part of T3's effect on energy metabolism. Copyright (C) 1999 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    Dots in rods as polarized single photon sources

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    We report the evidence of a polarized single photon flux from a colloidal nanoparticle. We analyze, by time and polarization resolved spectroscopy measurements, the polarization behavior of a single CdSe/CdS core/shell dot in rod, achieving a polarization ratio at room temperature of ∼75% and a lifetime of the excited state of ∼11 ns

    Prise en charge des maladies rénales génétiques : expérience locale et importance du réseau [Management of genetic renal disorders: local experience and importance of the network]

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    In nephrology, rare disorders are frequently encountered. In children, about 60% of the renal disorders are rare, with congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract disorders (CAKUT), being highly prevalent. In adults, about 22% of the disorders leading to renal replacement therapies are rare and include glomerulonephritis and genetic disorders. Rarity may preclude the rapid and extensive access to care for patients suffering of renal disorders, especially in Switzerland, which is small and fragmented. Only collaborative network and access to databases, shared resources and to specific competence may help patient management. Lausanne and Geneva University Hospitals have started specialized outpatient clinics for rare renal disorders several years ago and are part of national and international networks

    Skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity and uncoupling protein 3 are differently influenced by semistarvation and refeeding

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    AbstractWe investigated, in skeletal muscle mitochondria isolated from semistarved and refed rats, the relation between the protein expression of uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and mitochondrial oxidative capacity, assessed as state 4 and state 3 respiration rates in presence of substrates that are either non-lipids (glutamate, succinate) or lipids (palmitoyl CoA, palmitoylcarnitine). During semistarvation, when whole-body thermogenesis is diminished, state 3 respiration was lower than in fed controls by about 30% independently of substrate types, while state 4 respiration was lower by 20% only during succinate oxidation, but UCP3 was unaltered. After 5 days of refeeding, when thermogenesis is still diminished, neither state 4, state 3 nor UCP3 were lower than in controls. Refeeding on a high-fat diet, which exacerbates the suppression of thermogenesis, resulted in a two-fold elevation in UCP3 but no change in state 4 or state 3 respiration. These results during semistarvation and refeeding, in line with those previously reported for fasting, are not in support of the hypothesis that UCP3 is a mediator of adaptive thermogenesis pertaining to weight regulation, and underscore the need for caution in interpreting parallel changes in UCP3 and mitochondrial oxidative capacity as the reflection of mitochondrial uncoupling by UCP3