73 research outputs found

    Vitamin D receptor agonists increase klotho and osteopontin while decreasing aortic calcification in mice with chronic kidney disease fed a high phosphate diet

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    Vascular calcification is common in chronic kidney disease, where cardiovascular mortality remains the leading cause of death. Patients with kidney disease are often prescribed vitamin D receptor agonists (VDRAs) that confer a survival benefit, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here we tested two VDRAs in a mouse chronic kidney disease model where dietary phosphate loading induced aortic medial calcification. Mice were given intraperitoneal calcitriol or paricalcitol three times per week for 3 weeks. These treatments were associated with half of the aortic calcification compared to no therapy, and there was no difference between the two agents. In the setting of a high-phosphate diet, serum parathyroid hormone and calcium levels were not significantly altered by treatment. VDRA therapy was associated with increased serum and urine klotho levels, increased phosphaturia, correction of hyperphosphatemia, and lowering of serum fibroblast growth factor-23. There was no effect on elastin remodeling or inflammation; however, the expression of the anticalcification factor, osteopontin, in aortic medial cells was increased. Paricalcitol upregulated osteopontin secretion from mouse vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. Thus, klotho and osteopontin were upregulated by VDRA therapy in chronic kidney disease, independent of changes in serum parathyroid hormone and calcium

    Inactivation of the Osteopontin Gene Enhances Vascular Calcification of Matrix Gla Protein–deficient Mice: Evidence for Osteopontin as an Inducible Inhibitor of Vascular Calcification In Vivo

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    Osteopontin (OPN) is abundantly expressed in human calcified arteries. To examine the role of OPN in vascular calcification, OPN mutant mice were crossed with matrix Gla protein (MGP) mutant mice. Mice deficient in MGP alone (MGP−/− OPN+/+) showed calcification of their arteries as early as 2 weeks (wk) after birth (0.33 ± 0.01 mmol/g dry weight), and the expression of OPN in the calcified arteries was greatly up-regulated compared with MGP wild-types. OPN accumulated adjacent to the mineral and colocalized to surrounding cells in the calcified media. Cells synthesizing OPN lacked smooth muscle (SM) lineage markers, SM α-actin and SM22α. However, most of them were not macrophages. Importantly, mice deficient in both MGP and OPN had twice as much arterial calcification as MGP−/− OPN+/+ at 2 wk, and over 3 times as much at 4 wk, suggesting an inhibitory effect of OPN in vascular calcification. Moreover, these mice died significantly earlier (4.4 ± 0.2 wk) than MGP−/− OPN+/+ counterparts (6.6 ± 1.0 wk). The cause of death in these animals was found to be vascular rupture followed by hemorrhage, most likely due to enhanced calcification. These studies are the first to demonstrate a role for OPN as an inducible inhibitor of ectopic calcification in vivo

    Combination of Sleeping Beauty transposition and chemically induced dimerization selection for robust production of engineered cells

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    The main methods for producing genetically engineered cells use viral vectors for which safety issues and manufacturing costs remain a concern. In addition, selection of desired cells typically relies on the use of cytotoxic drugs with long culture times. Here, we introduce an efficient non-viral approach combining the Sleeping Beauty (SB) Transposon System with selective proliferation of engineered cells by chemically induced dimerization (CID) of growth factor receptors. Minicircles carrying a SB transposon cassette containing a reporter transgene and a gene for the F36VFGFR1 fusion protein were delivered to the hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3. Stably-transduced Ba/F3 cell populations with >98% purity were obtained within 1 week using this positive selection strategy. Copy number analysis by quantitative PCR (qPCR) revealed that CID-selected cells contain on average higher copy numbers of transgenes than flow cytometry-selected cells, demonstrating selective advantage for cells with multiple transposon insertions. A diverse population of cells is present both before and after culture in CID media, although site-specific qPCR of transposon junctions show that population diversity is significantly reduced after selection due to preferential expansion of clones with multiple integration events. This non-viral, positive selection approach is an attractive alternative for producing engineered cells

    Arterial Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease: Key Roles for Calcium and Phosphate

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    Vascular calcification contributes to the high risk of cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Dysregulation of calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) metabolism is common in CKD patients, and drives vascular calcification. In this article, we review the physiological regulatory mechanisms for Ca and P homeostasis and the basis for their dysregulation in CKD. In addition, we highlight recent findings indicating that elevated Ca and P have direct effects on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) that promote vascular calcification, including stimulation of osteo/chondrogenic differentiation, vesicle release, apoptosis, loss of inhibitors, and ECM matrix degradation. These studies suggest a major role for elevated P in promoting osteo/chondrogenic differentiation of VSMC, whereas elevated Ca has a predominant role in promoting VSMC apoptosis and vesicle release. Furthermore, the effects of elevated Ca and P are synergistic providing a major stimulus for vascular calcification in CKD. Unravelling the complex regulatory pathways that mediate the effects of both Ca and P on VSMCs will ultimately provide novel targets and therapies to limit the destructive effects of vascular calcification in CKD patients