178 research outputs found

    Applications for new retail development rights in Transvaal - A policy evaluation

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    Transvaal's policy for the evaluation of new retail development proposals has been applied successfully for well over a decade, but is based on debatable premises. The policy is described, its premises are criticised and tentative suggestions for improvement made. Premises of the policy include a retail hierarchy with discrete levels, the use of circles of prescribed radius as prox­ies for trade areas, and the allocation of retail floor space per person, irre­spective of economic considerations. Suggested improvements include in­creasing the prescribed radii of circ­les, while reducing the allotted retail floor space per person, incorporating travel time as alternative to distance, and incorporating economic criteria

    Discovery of a second SALMFamide gene in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus reveals that L-type and F-type SALMFamide neuropeptides coexist in an echinoderm species

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in MARINE GENOMICS. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in MARINE GENOMICS, [VOL 3, ISSUE 2, (2010)] DOI: 10.1016/j.margen.2010.08.00

    High power conical-shaped Niobium targets for reliable [18F-] production and lower [18O] water consumption: High power conical-shaped Niobium targets for reliable [18F-] production and lower [18O] water consumption

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    Introduction In order to address the increasing demand for Fluorine-18 and the rising cost per mL of 18O enriched water, IBA developed improvements to their 18F- production systems. For this new design we started from scratch, with the main objectives of reducing the required enriched water volume and improving the cooling of the insert. A better cooling allows increasing the target current and thus the produced activity. Finally, we aimed to reduce the number of parts and improve the design of auxiliary components. Material and Methods Six Niobium conical inserts with different target chamber volumes were machined and tested. Only 4 of these were selected to create the new range of IBA 18F− targets shown in TABLE 1. The new Niobium target inserts have a complex shape with drilled channels on the outside of the chamber and a deep channel next to the beam strike area (FIG. 1, green circle) to ensure efficient cooling. The 18O water inlet lines are now directly inserted in the Niobium body (FIG. 1, blue circle) to improve 18F- quality (no more contact with small o-rings). In operation, a 35µm Havar® target window is used. All tests were performed using IBA Cyclone® 18 cyclotron. The targets were filled with different volumes of enriched 18O water (enrichment > 92 %) and irradiated with 18 MeV protons on target with beam currents up to 145 μA for 30 to 150 minutes, while the internal pressure rise of the target was recorded. For each target, a pressure-current curve was plotted and an optimum balance between target water fill volume, pressure and current has been determined, which maximises available activity after two hours, in each case. Results and Conclusion Radionuclidic impurities were measured and more than 100 FDG syntheses on various synthesizers confirmed the effectiveness of the new design. Increasing the current up to 145µA in Conical 16, the production reached 18 Ci in 2 hours, single beam, with a target pressure under 43 bar. Today, the use of these new targets for daily commercial production is increasing within the IBA Cyclone® installed base

    Modeling Plankton Mixotrophy: A Mechanistic Model Consistent with the Shuter-Type Biochemical Approach

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    Mixotrophy, i.e., the ability to combine phototrophy and phagotrophy in one organism, is now recognized to be widespread among photic-zone protists and to potentially modify the structure and functioning of planktonic ecosystems. However, few biogeochemical/ecological models explicitly include this mode of nutrition, owing to the large diversity of observed mixotrophic types, the few data allowing the parameterization of physiological processes, and the need to make the addition of mixotrophy into existing ecosystem models as simple as possible. We here propose and discuss a flexible model that depicts the main observed behaviors of mixotrophy in microplankton. A first model version describes constitutive mixotrophy (the organism photosynthesizes by use of its own chloroplasts). This model version offers two possible configurations, allowing the description of constitutive mixotrophs (CMs) that favor either phototrophy or heterotrophy. A second version describes non-constitutive mixotrophy (the organism performs phototrophy by use of chloroplasts acquired from its prey). The model variants were described so as to be consistent with a plankton conceptualization in which the biomass is divided into separate components on the basis of their biochemical function (Shuter-approach; Shuter, 1979). The two model variants of mixotrophy can easily be implemented in ecological models that adopt the Shuter-approach, such as the MIRO model (Lancelot et al., 2005), and address the challenges associated with modeling mixotrophy

    Vers une rationalité réflexive dans les rapports architecture-construction :l'apport des années 1970.

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    Travellings – faire prise sur des trajectoires de matériaux

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    Suivies à la trace à travers toutes les transformations qui les affectent – à la façon d’un travelling cinématographique ou d’une enquête minutieuse –, les trajectoires des matériaux de construction donnent à voir les diverses exigences qui pèsent sur les circuits de l’économie matérielle. Au-delà des processus de production qui leur donnent forme, les matériaux passent en effet par des formatages de nature juridique, commerciale ou normative afin de répondre aux attentes qu’implique leur mise en œuvre. Si les ressources des enquêtes de type ethnographique permettent de décrire de telles trajectoires et de rendre compte de ces diverses exigences, une telle approche permet aussi d’éclairer les rôles que jouent et ceux que pourraient jouer les concepteurs au sein de telles trajectoires. C’est cette question générale qui anime le présent article. Il s’articule pour ce faire autour d’un cas très concret, celui des granulats de béton, et donne ainsi à voir, dans son élaboration même, mais aussi dans les perspectives programmatiques qu’il esquisse, les modalités d’un croisement tout à fait spécifique entre architecture et sciences humaines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Designer and the construction materials: elements of reflection for a reconfiguration of the circuits of material economy through contemporary architectural practices

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    Cette recherche s'intéresse aux matériaux de construction et aux architectes. Elle explore les circuits le long desquels circulent les matériaux et étudie les dispositifs dont ils sont munis pour rendre cette circulation possible. Elle se penche sur les rôles que jouent et sur ceux que pourraient jouer les concepteurs au sein de ces circuits et en regard de ces dispositifs.Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une réflexion sur les pratiques de l'aménagement de l'espace bâti. Au cours de son trajet entre son site de production et celui de sa mise en œuvre (c'est-à-dire le chantier de construction) – et même au-delà, lorsqu'une transformation libère des éléments constructifs – un matériau passe par de nombreuses étapes. Parmi toutes celles-ci, le passage par le moment de la conception est un élément central de cette recherche (même si d'autres étapes seront également explorées au fil de pages de ce travail). Quels rôles les concepteurs jouent-ils au sein de ces vastes assemblages d'acteurs et de dispositifs qui se déploient le long des trajectoires des matériaux de construction ? Comment les concepteurs sont-ils affectés par ces assemblages et comment peuvent-ils les affecter en retour ?Répondre à ces questions engage une exploration des principales trajectoires des matériaux de construction et un examen attentif des dispositifs dont ils sont munis au fil de ce processus. C'est ce à quoi s'attache la première partie de cette recherche, dont la portée est plutôt descriptive. Mais elle ne s'arrête pas à ce stade. Elle comporte également une seconde partie, plus prospective et critique. Cette recherche propose en effet d'explorer certaines pistes de reconfiguration au sein de ces assemblages. Elle examine plusieurs questions touchant aux limites des circuits de l'économie matérielle : par quelles modifications faudrait-il en passer pour que des matériaux actuellement exclus des circuits les plus courants de l'économie matérielle puissent malgré tout y circuler ? D'autres arrière-plans axiologiques pourraient-ils être mis en jeu dans les circuits de l'économie matérielle ?La présente recherche repose sur l'hypothèse que les concepteurs peuvent effectivement contribuer à la transformation progressive des circuits de l'économie matérielle. Ils ont vraisemblablement un rôle à jouer dans la possibilité d'ouvrir ces circuits à de nouveaux matériaux, et de contribuer ainsi à établir des pratiques plus à même de répondre aux enjeux écologiques et politiques auxquels sont confrontés notre planète et ses habitants. Bien sûr, les concepteurs n'ont pas l'exclusivité de tels changements. D'autres acteurs peuvent, et même doivent, participer à de tels efforts. Ce sont pourtant principalement les concepteurs qui retiendront l'attention de cette recherche. Il s'agit dans ce cadre d'explorer les conditions d'un tel changement, et ce tant d'un point de vue méthodologique que d'un point de vue pratique./This research investigates the relation between construction materials and architects. It examines the circuits along which the materials circulates and it studies the devices that are embedded in the materials in order to render this circulation feasible. It looks into the roles that are played, and those that could be played, by the designers within these circuits and in regard with these devices.This work is part of a reflection on the practices of designing and constructing the built environment. During its journey between its production site and that of its implementation (i.e. the construction site) – and even beyond, when a transformation frees again constructive elements – a construction material travels through many steps. Among all these, the passage through the design process is a key element. What role do the designers perform within these networks of actors and devices? How are they affected by these assemblages and how can they affect them in return?Answering these questions undertakes an exploration of the main trajectories of construction materials and of the devices that are embedded throughout these processes. This is the topic of the first part of the research. At this point, the scope is mainly descriptive. But the research goes further: it also involves a more critical and prospective dimension. It proposes indeed to discuss several possible reconfigurations within these assemblages. What would be necessary in order to include new materials that are currently excluded from the main circuits of material economy? Could other axiological backgrounds be represented within these circuits?This research is based on the assumption that designers can effectively contribute to the gradual transformation of the circuits of material economy. They can probably help alternative materials to circulate in more standard circuits, and thus help to establish new practices that are more likely to respond to environmental and social issues. Of course, the designers do not have a monopoly on such changes. Other actors may, and even must, participate in such efforts. Yet, the main focus of this research is the designer. It explores the conditions of such a change, both from a methodological and practical perspective.Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanismeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Henri Lefebvre :la rencontre de l'architecture et des sciences sociales

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    Communication présentée dans le cadre du cours de Sociologie Urbaine de Stéphane Dawans, à la Faculté d'Architecture de l'Université de Liège.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    How phosphorus limitation can control climate-active gas sources and sinks

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    Since the 1950's, anthropogenic activities have increased nutrient river loads to European coastal areas. Subsequent implementation of nutrient reduction policies have led to considerably reduction of phosphorus (P) loads from the mid-1980's, while nitrogen (N) loads were maintained, inducing a P limitation of phytoplankton growth in many eutrophied coastal areas such as the Southern Bight f the North Sea (SBNS). When dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) is limiting, most phytoplankton organisms are able to indirectly acquire P from dissolved organic P (DOP). We investigate the impact of DOP use on phytoplankton production and atmospheric fluxes of CO2 and dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the SBNS from 1951 to 2007 using an extended version of the RMIRO-BIOGAS model. This model includes a description of the ability of phytoplankton organisms to use DOP as a source of P. Results show that primary production can increase up to 30% due to DOP uptake under limiting DIP conditions. Consequently, simulated DMS emissions also increase proportionally while CO2 emissions to the atmosphere decrease, relative to the reference simulation without DOP uptak