96 research outputs found

    Exposure-plant response of ambient ozone over the tropical Indian region

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    A high resolution regional chemistry-transport model has been used to study the distribution of exposure-plant response index (AOT40, Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb, expressed as ppb h) over the Indian geographical region for the year 2003 as case study. The directives on ozone pollution in ambient air provided by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and World Health Organization (WHO) for vegetation protection (AOT40) have been used to assess the air quality. A substantial temporal and spatial variation in AOT40 values has been observed across the Indian region. Large areas of India show ozone values above the AOT40 threshold limit (3000 ppb h for 3 months). Simulated AOT40 values are found to be substantially higher throughout the year over the most fertile Indo-Gangetic plains than the other regions of India, which can have an adverse effect on plants and vegetation in this region. The observed monthly AOT40 values reported from an Indian station, agree reasonably well with model simulated results. There is an underestimation of AOT40 in the model results during the periods of highest ozone concentration from December to March. We find that the simulated AOT40 target values for protection of vegetation is exceeded even in individual months, especially during November to April. Necessary and effective emission reduction strategies are therefore required to be developed in order to curb the surface level ozone pollution to protect the vegetation from further damage in India whose economy is highly dependent on agricultural sector and may influence the global balance

    Surface ozone scenario at Pune and Delhi during the decade of 1990s

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    Data on surface ozone concentration compiled for a 10-year period from 1990 to 1999 for Pune and Delhi are analyzed in terms of its frequency distribution, annual trend, diurnal variation and its relation with various meteorological and chemical parameters. It is found that the surface ozone concentration range showing highest frequency of occurrence at Pune is 0-5 ppb during winter and post-monsoon seasons and 15-20 ppb and 5-10 ppb during summer and monsoon seasons, respectively. It is 0-5 ppb at Delhi during all the seasons. The surface ozone concentration has shown a decreasing trend at Pune during the observational period with an average rate of decrease of 1.54 ppb/year. On the other hand, there is no trend whatsoever in the variation of surface ozone concentration at Delhi. Minimum value of surface ozone occurs before sunrise and maximum in the afternoon hours. Regression analyses of surface ozone with maximum temperature (r = 0.46 for Pune and 0.51 for Delhi, significant at more than 0.1) and NO 2 at respective locations indicate that surface ozone at these locations is mainly produced by photochemistry. Transport mechanism is also understood to have contributed significantly to the total concentration of ozone. Inverse relationship obtained between surface ozone concentration and relative humidity indicates that major photochemical paths for removal of ozone become effective when humidity increases at these locations

    Air pollution, air quality, and climate change

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    The introduction of gases and particulate contaminants in the atmosphere due to natural or human activities causes air pollution. The concentration and toxicity of these contaminants define air quality and in the long term contribute to climate change. Both air pollution and climate change influence each other through complex interactions in the atmosphere. This issue has 9 very interesting manuscripts, touching various aspects of air pollution and air quality and their impact on climate chang

    Air Pollution, Air Quality and Climate Change (Editorial)

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    The introduction of gases and particulate contaminants in the atmosphere due to natural or human activities causes air pollution. The concentration and toxicity of these contaminants define air quality and in the long term contribute to climate change. Both air pollution and climate change influence each other through complex interactions in the atmosphere. This issue has 9 very interesting manuscripts, touching various aspects of air pollution and air quality and their impact on climate change

    Role of atmospheric aerosols in severe winter fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plain of India: a case study

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    Winter fog and severe aerosol loading in the boundary layer over northern India, particularly in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), disrupt the daily lives of millions of people in the region. To better understand the role of aerosol–radiation (AR) feedback on the occurrence, spatial extent, and persistence of winter fog, as well as the associated aqueous chemistry in fog in the IGP, several model simulations have been performed using the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem). While WRF-Chem was able to represent the fog formation for the 23–24 December 2017 fog event over the central IGP in comparison to station and satellite observations, the model underestimated PM2.5 concentrations compared to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India monitoring network. While evaluating aerosol composition for fog events in the IGP, we found that the WRF-Chem aerosol composition was quite different from measurements obtained during the Winter Fog Experiment (WiFEX) in Delhi, with secondary aerosols, particularly the chloride aerosol fraction, being strongly underpredicted (∼ 66.6 %). Missing emission sources (e.g., industry and residential burning of cow dung and trash) and aerosol and chemistry processes need to be investigated to improve model–observation agreement. By investigating a fog event on 23–24 December 2017 over the central IGP, we found that the aerosol–radiation feedback weakens turbulence, lowers the boundary layer height, and increases PM2.5 concentrations and relative humidity (RH) within the boundary layer. Factors affecting the feedback include loss of aerosols through deposition of cloud droplets and internal mixing of absorbing and scattering aerosols. Aqueous-phase chemistry increases the PM2.5 concentrations, which subsequently affect the aerosol–radiation feedback by both increased mass concentrations and aerosol sizes. With aerosol–radiation interaction and aqueous-phase chemistry, fog formation began 1–2 h earlier and caused a longer fog duration than when these processes were not included in the WRF-Chem simulation. The increase in RH in both experiments was found to be important for fog formation as it promoted the growth of aerosol size through water uptake, increasing the fog water content over the IGP. The results from this study suggest that the aerosol–radiation feedback and secondary aerosol formation play an important role in the air quality and the intensity and lifetime of fog over the IGP, yet other feedbacks, such as aerosol–cloud interactions, need to be quantified.</p

    Trends in peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over southern Asia during the summer monsoon season: Regional impacts

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    We analyze temporal trends of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) retrievals from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) during 2002– 2011 in the altitude range 8–23 km over the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) region. The greatest enhancements of PAN mixing ratios in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) are seen during the summer monsoon season from June to September. During the monsoon season, the mole fractions of PAN show statistically significant (at 2σ) positive trends from 0.2 ±0.05 to 4.6 ±3.1 ppt yr−1^{-1} (except between 12 and 14 km) which is higher than the annual mean trends of 0.1±0.05 to 2.7±0.8 ppt yr−1^{-1}. These rising concentrations point to increasing NOx (=NO+NO2) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from developing nations in Asia, notably India and China. We analyze the influence of monsoon convection on the distribution of PAN in UTLS with simulations using the global chemistry–climate model ECHAM5-HAMMOZ. During the monsoon, transport into the UTLS over the Asian region primarily occurs from two convective zones, one the South China Sea and the other over the southern flank of the Himalayas. India and China host NOx-limited regimes for ozone photochemical production, and thus we use the model to evaluate the contributions from enhanced NOx emissions to the changes in PAN, HNO3 and O3 concentrations in the UTLS. From a set of sensitivity experiments with emission changes in particular regions, it can be concluded that Chinese emissions have a greater impact on the concentrations of these species than Indian emissions. According to Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) NO2 retrievals NOx emissions increases over India have been about half of those over China between 2002 and 2011

    Impact of regional climate change and future emission scenarios on surface O3 and PM2.5 over India

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    Eleven of the world\u27s 20 most polluted cities are located in India and poor air quality is already a major public health issue. However, anthropogenic emissions are predicted to increase substantially in the short-term (2030) and medium-term (2050) futures in India, especially if no further policy efforts are made. In this study, the EMEP/MSC-W chemical transport model has been used to predict changes in surface ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) for India in a world of changing emissions and climate. The reference scenario (for present-day) is evaluated against surface-based measurements, mainly at urban stations. The evaluation has also been extended to other data sets which are publicly available on the web but without quality assurance. The evaluation shows high temporal correlation for O 3 (r = 0.9) and high spatial correlation for PM 2.5 (r = 0.5 and r = 0.8 depending on the data set) between the model results and observations. While the overall bias in PM 2.5 is small (lower than 6%), the model overestimates O 3 by 35%. The underestimation in NO x titration is probably the main reason for the O 3 overestimation in the model. However, the level of agreement can be considered satisfactory in this case of a regional model being evaluated against mainly urban measurements, and given the inevitable uncertainties in much of the input data. For the 2050s, the model predicts that climate change will have distinct effects in India in terms of O 3 pollution, with a region in the north characterized by a statistically significant increase by up to 4% (2 ppb) and one in the south by a decrease up to -3% (-1.4 ppb). This variation in O 3 is assumed to be partly related to changes in O 3 deposition velocity caused by changes in soil moisture and, over a few areas, partly also by changes in biogenic non-methane volatile organic compounds. Our calculations suggest that PM 2.5 will increase by up to 6.5% over the Indo-Gangetic Plain by the 2050s. The increase over India is driven by increases in dust, particulate organic matter (OM) and secondary inorganic aerosols (SIAs), which are mainly affected by the change in precipitation, biogenic emissions and wind speed. The large increase in anthropogenic emissions has a larger impact than climate change, causing O 3 and PM 2.5 levels to increase by 13 and 67% on average in the 2050s over the main part of India, respectively. By the 2030s, secondary inorganic aerosol is predicted to become the second largest contributor to PM 2.5 in India, and the largest in the 2050s, exceeding OM and dust

    Radiative Forcing of Black Carbon over Delhi

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    The radiative effects of black carbon (BC) aerosols over New Delhi, the capital city of India, for the period August 2010–July 2011, have been investigated using Santa Barbara DISTORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART) model in the present paper. The monthly mean BC concentrations in Delhi, an urban location, vary in between 15.935 ± 2.06 μg m−3 (December 2010)–2.44 ± 0.58 μg m−3 (July 2011). The highest value for monthly mean BC forcing has been found to be in November 2010 (66.10 ± 6.86 Wm−2) and the lowest in July 2011 (23 ± 3.89 Wm−2). Being the host city for the XIX Commonwealth Games (CWG-2010), government of Delhi set up a plan to reduce emissions of air pollutants during Games, from 03 October to 14 October, 2010. But opposite to the expectations, the emission controls implemented were not sufficient to reduce the pollutants like black carbon (BC), and therefore relatively a high value of BC radiative forcing (44.36 ± 2.4) was observed during the month of October 2010
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