4 research outputs found

    Somatic piRNAs and Transposons are Differentially Regulated During Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Programmed Cell Death [preprint]

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    PiWi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are small single-stranded RNAs that can repress transposon expression via epigenetic silencing and transcript degradation. They have been identified predominantly in the ovary and testis, where they serve essential roles in transposon silencing in order to protect the integrity of the genome in the germline. The potential expression of piRNAs in somatic cells has been controversial. In the present study we demonstrate the expression of piRNAs derived from both genic and transposon RNAs in the intersegmental muscles (ISMs) from the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta. These piRNAs are abundantly expressed, are ~27 nt long, map antisense to transposons, are oxidation resistant, exhibit a uridine bias at their first nucleotide, and amplify via the canonical ping-pong pathway. An RNA-seq analysis demonstrated that 20 piRNA pathway genes are expressed in the ISMs and are developmentally regulated. The abundance of piRNAs does not change when the muscles initiate developmentally-regulated atrophy, but are repressed when cells become committed to undergo programmed cell death at the end of metamorphosis. This change in piRNA expression is associated with the targeted repression of several retrotransposons and the induction of specific DNA transposons. The developmental changes in the expression of piRNAs, piRNA pathway genes, and transposons are all regulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone, the steroid hormone that controls the timing of ISM death. Taken together, these data provide compelling evidence for the existence of piRNA in somatic tissues and suggest that they may play roles in developmental processes such as programmed cell death

    Integrator is recruited to promoter-proximally paused RNA Pol II to generate Caenorhabditis elegans piRNA precursors

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    Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) play key roles in germline development and genome defence in metazoans. In C. elegans, piRNAs are transcribed from > 15,000 discrete genomic loci by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), resulting in 28 nt short-capped piRNA precursors. Here, we investigate transcription termination at piRNA loci. We show that the Integrator complex, which terminates snRNA transcription, is recruited to piRNA loci. Moreover, we demonstrate that the catalytic activity of Integrator cleaves nascent capped piRNA precursors associated with promoter-proximal Pol II, resulting in termination of transcription. Loss of Integrator activity, however, does not result in transcriptional readthrough at the majority of piRNA loci. Taken together, our results draw new parallels between snRNA and piRNA biogenesis in nematodes and provide evidence of a role for the Integrator complex as a terminator of promoter-proximal RNA polymerase II during piRNA biogenesis.We would like to thank Juan Cabello for kindly sharing JCP383 ints-6::GFP nematodes with us at the beginning of the study. This work was funded by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MC-A652-5PY80 “Epigenetics and Evolution”-PS; MC_UP_1102/1 “Computational Regulatory Genomics”- BL ) and by the Wellcome Trust (106954/Z/15/Z- BL