3 research outputs found

    Peran Halangan Berpindah dalam Memediasi Kepuasan dan Retensi Pelanggan

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    Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang peran dari faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan konsumen tidak berpindah ke penyedia jasa lain. Selama ini, kepuasan pelanggan menjadi fokus strategi Perusahaan, karena kepuasan pelanggan menjadi prediktor utama retensi pelanggan. Namun perlu dipahami bahwa terdapat variabel lain yang berperan memediasi kepuasan dengan retensi pelanggan, yaitu halangan berpindah. Hal ini penting sehubungan dengan sifat-sifat khusus jasa yang menyebabkan pencapaian kepuasan menjadi berfluktuasi. Halangan berpindah yang dimaksud adalah hubungan interpersonal, biaya berpindah dan daya tarik pesaing. Jika Perusahaan dapat menciptakan hubungan yang baik antara pelanggan dengan karyawan, menciptakan biaya berpindah yang tinggi dengan berbagai program loyalitas dan pelanggan tidak mempunyai alternatif lain karena keunikan jasa, maka kinerja yang tidak optimalpun dapat menahan konsumen untuk tidak berpindah

    Pembiayaan Musyarakah dari Sisi Penawaran pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is to know about musyarakah financing in offer side in syariah bank in Indonesia byusing equity rasio variable, liability and profit sharing. The analyze used SPSS program. T-test and hierarchicalregression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The result indicated that equity rasio and profit sharinghave positive and significant relationship with musyarakah financing. Liability variable had no positiverelationship and significant with musyarakah financing. Beside, there was no diferentiation significanly betweenmusyarakah financing in syariah bank and syariah business unit. Keywords:Jobmusyarakah financing, equity, liability and profit sharing

    Studi Potensi Kebangkrutan Pada Perusahaan Industri Properti Yang Go Public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine and calculate the score of bankruptcy using Altman model, Springateand Zmijewski. In addition, this study also aims to analyze whether there are significant differencesof these models, as well as test the effect on stock prices in the property industry companies thatgo public on the stock exchange Indonesia. Variables used in this research is the Altman Z-Score,Springate methods, methods Zmijewski, bankruptcy prediction scores and stock prices. The samplesused were 34 property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2014 period.Sampling with purposive sampling technique. In this study, researchers used a method of analysisAltman Z-score, Springate and Zmijewski to test potential bankruptcy. Furthermore, using a differenttest engineering analysis Kruskal Wallis test and test the effect of using multiple regression with thehelp of Microsoft Excel program and the social science statistical package (SPSS) 20.0 VERSION.The results showed using Altman model there are 15 industrial firms potentially bankrupt property,Springate models there are 19 companies that could potentially bankrupt, while the model Zmijewskino company that could potentially bankrupt. In addition the results showed a significant differencebetween the analysis using a model Altman, Zmijewski Springate and in assessing the company\u27sbankruptcy in the property industry. Then the next research results showed that no significantrelationship between scores for bankruptcy against the company\u27s share price on the propertyindustry