4 research outputs found

    Analysis of Self-Consciousness Based on the Multi-theory Perspective

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    This article aims to describe the concept of self-awareness analyzed from several theoretical perspectives. This analysis is intended to form a synthesis as a comprehensive definition including the essence, aspects and indicators of self-awareness. The method used is descriptive analysis of various theories with a literature review approach. The results of this analysis will serve as a basis in the preparation of instruments which are expected to have a high level of validity to measure aspects of self-awareness that are more comprehensive in accordance with the context and situation at the present time


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan upaya yang telah dilakukan dengan baik oleh guru mata pelajaran dan guru BK dalam mencegah kecurangan perilaku di sekolah. Responden dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua kategori, primer dan pendukung responden. Responden utama dari penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling, guru BK yang diambil dengan menggunakan total sampling, dan dukungan responden siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan random sampling. Instrumen tersebut menggunakan skala sebagai instrumen utama, wawancara dan studi dokumen sebagai instrumen pendukung. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif, dengan menggambarkan upaya para guru dan konselor dalam mencegah kecurangan perilaku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) upaya guru mata pelajaran dalam mencegah perilaku kecurangan adalah kategori tinggi, 2) guru mata pelajaran perlu bekerja sama dengan konselor dalam mencegah perilaku curang, 3) upaya guru BK dalam mencegah perilaku kecurangan adalah dianggap kategori tinggi, dan 4) ada kendala karena tidak ada kelas untuk pelaksanaan program bimbingan dan konseling. This research aimed to describe the efforts which have been done well either by the teachers and counselors in preventing of cheating behavior at school. Respondents in this research is divided into two categories, primary and support respondent. The primary respondent of this research is teachers that was taken by using purposive sampling technique, and counselors  that were taken by using total sampling, and the support respondent students that were taken by using random sampling. The instruments was used the scale as the main instrument, interviews  and document studies as a supporting instrument. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, by describing the efforts of teachers and counselors in preventing cheating behavior. The results showed that : 1) the efforts of teachers in preventing the behavior of cheating was the high category, 2)teachers need to work closely with the counselor in preventing cheating behavior, 3) the efforts of counselors in preventing the behavior of cheating was considered high category,  and 4) there was an obstacle because no class for implementing of guidance and counseling program.

    Model Bimbingan Kolaboratif Tematik Dalam Memaksimalkan Kinerja Konselor Di Sekolah

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    This article was aimed at portraying a model of guidance in a collaborative format. The aforementioned collaborative format referred to the shared-counseling activities between counselor and Biology-subject teachers through integrated learning in the classroom. This present study employed an experimental approach. This kind of collaborative format was administered at a high school in Bandung. The results of the analysis showed that this model was worth-implementing as an innovation of guidance and counseling services. The significance of this model was to assist counselor in maximizing the performance of school counselors. This model was highly expected to help counselor bring innovation in carrying out guidance and counseling services at schools

    Media pembelajaran dan pelayanan BK

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