27 research outputs found


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    The waters of Tihi-tihi Island are water areas dominated by fishing boat port activities and traditional scale sea transportation. These dense activities directly or indirectly affect the state of the ecosystem including its benthic biota. Blood clams (Anadara granosa) are one of the marine resources that are widely consumed by the public and easily obtained around the Tihi-tihi island area. The levels of Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), and Lead (Pb) in Blood Clams were analyzed to determine indications of pollution in the Tihi-tihi waters of Bontang City. Sampling was carried out at 4 (four) stations, where each station consisted of 3 sampling points. From 15 shells with a uniform size at each station, acid destruction was carried out and followed by analysis on AAS. The results showed that the levels of Cd in A. granosa ranged 0.357 mg/kg – 1.040 mg/kg, Cu ranged 0.997 mg/kg – 2.066 mg/kg, while Pb ranged 0.800 mg/kg – 1.589 mg/kg. Based on BPOM and SK Health Office RI regarding the quality standards of Cd, Cu, and Pb in food (for clams/bivalves/molluscs) that the measured range of heavy metals is still in the safe category.Keywords : Bioaccumulation, Heavy Metals, Pollutant


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    River is one of the sources of water that has long been used by humans for various activities in supporting life.But in line with development, many river functions are increasingly diverse. The decline in river quality iscaused by the inclusion of various waste wastes from various human activities, causing a change in the physical,chemical, biological and aesthetic quality of the river.The purpose of this study was to determine Pb, Cd and Cucontents in Hyancinth plant (Eichornia crassipes) in Karang Mumus Samarinda Kalimantan Timur. Thedetermination of sampling station was based on purposive sampling. The stations are : station 1 (WadukBenanga), Station 2 (Inpres Bridge) and Station 3 (Gelatik Bridge). The main parameters are the contentrationsof heavy metals Pb, Cd and Cu in water, sediment and Hyacinth. Parameter supporting of water quality in were: temperature, pH, DO, turbility and current velocity. Concentration of Pb, Cd and Cu in water only detected instation 1 (Pb 0,0003 mg/L. Cd 0,001 mg/L. Cu 0,004 mg/L). The highest concentration of Pb and Cu insediment was in station 2 (12,05 mg/Kg – 15,876 mg/Kg) while concentration Cd was detected in station 3(0,262 mg/Kg). The highest concentration Pb in Hyacint plant was detected in station 2 (0,0915 mg/Kg) and thehighest consentration Cu was detected in station 1 (0,2125 mg/Kg). Meanwhile, concentration of Cd at allstations were under the detection limit AAS (<0,002 mg/Kg)


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    Utilization of after the coal mine pool for the cultivation need to know the quality, Β so it can be known whether the appropriate media for fish life. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of water quality of coal post-mining pool used for fish cultivation. The sampling method was in situ and ex situ, and then analyzed in the laboratory. The water were analyzed were temperature, pH, O2, NH3-N, NO3, NO2-N, PO4, -P, and H2S. Analysis of water quality compared to the quality of standard regulation of Province of Kalimantan Timur No. 02 / 2011 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control. The results of the analysis showed that pH, NH3 and H2S exceed the quality standards

    Daily Behavior Of Estuary Crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus, Schneider 1801) In The Crocodile Capture, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province

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    Saltwater crocodile or Crocodylus porosus, is the largest crocodile species in the world. This reptile is not only living in the river as main habitat, but also near the sea, especially at the estuary area. The purpose of this research was to determine the daily behaviour of saltwater crocodiles based on their sex and age. This research was using Continuos Watching Method. The observed variable of behaviour are body movement, feeding, basking, and social in Teritip Crocodile Farm, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Chi-Square test showed that the observed object behaviour has differences in activities frequency and population density. In the moving behavior, adult male and teenage crocodiles (both male and female), are more active than female mature crocodiles. In the feeding behavior, hunting has the same way, that is by pouncing abruptly. Differences exist in the way they pounce on prey bodies (at the head, full body, or another body parts), as well as the selection of places to eat food (at land or water surface). In the basking behavior, the differences are seen when they are choosing the sundeck (at land or water surface) and the activities they do while basking (open or close his mouth). In the social behavior, teenage crocodiles are more actively fighting than adult. Meanwhile, adult crocodiles are active in dominance aspects while teenage do not. Specifically, female adult crocodiles are active in vocalizing and keeping the nest, while adult and teenage crocodiles are not

    Kualitas Plankton Pada Kolam Pasca Tambang Batu Bara Yang Dimanfaatkan Untuk Budidaya Perairan

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    Coal post-mining pond has been used for fish cultivation. The success of cultivation in these locations was highly dependent on environmental conditions. The environment as a place for cultivation needs attention for maximum results. One factor that needs to be attention for fish cultivation in post-mining pond is plankton, which acts as an indicator of the quality of waters. Based on identification and calculation was made known that the number of species, abundance, diversity index and uniformity index value of plankton in the post-mining pond was low enough indicated that the water conditions was infertile due to lack of nutrients content, so little of plankton species which were able to live and multiply well

    Analisis Kepadatan Mesoplastik Di Pantai Le Grandeur Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur

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    Pencemaran masih menjadi masalah besar di wilayah pesisir dan laut. Sampah plastik merupakan salah satu jenis sampah yang banyak dijumpai. Sampah plastik ini merupakan hasil kegiatan masyarakat yang membuang sampah di pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis mesoplastik dan menganalisis perbedaan kelimpahan di Pantai Le Grandeur, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Garis transek 100 m dibagi menjadi 5 garis dan jarak 20 m, setelah itu sub transek (5x5 m) ditempatkan 25 kotak kecil (1x1 m) yang bulit, dan 5 kotak dipilih secara acak, dan permukaan pasir yang termasuk sub transek digali hingga kedalaman 3 cm. Jenis plastik yang paling dominan diidentifikasi di lokasi adalah Film dengan total 35 partikel, diikuti oleh Styrofoam dengan 32 partikel. Plastik dari jenis Fragmen diidentifikasi dengan paling sedikit 8 partikel. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kelimpahan plastik yang signifikan antar jenis mesoplastik (Fiber, Fragmen, Film, Styrofoam)

    Karakteristik Air Kolam Pasca Tambang Batubara yang Dimanfaatkan untuk Budidaya Perairan

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    Utilization of after the coal mine pool for the cultivation need to know the quality, so it can be known whether the appropriate media for fish life. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of water quality of coal post-mining pool used for fish cultivation. The sampling method was in situ and ex situ, and then analyzed in the laboratory. The water were analyzed were temperature, pH, O2, NH3-N, NO3, NO2-N, PO4, -P, and H2S. Analysis of water quality compared to the quality of standard regulation of Province of Kalimantan Timur No. 02 / 2011 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control. The results of the analysis showed that pH, NH3 and H2S exceed the quality standards


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    Mikroplastik adalah partikel plastik yang berukuran kurang dari 5 mm. Penelitian mikroplastik sudah banyak dilakukan sebelumnya dan hampir semua ditemukan mikroplastik pada ekosistem laut termasuk pada ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk, jenis, pada saluran pencernaan ikan. Sampel ikan terdiri dari ikan Bandeng (Chanos sp.), Baronang (Siganus sp.), Layang (Decapterus sp.) dan Tongkol (Euthynnus sp.) yang diperoleh dari pelelangan Ikan samarinda. Sampel diambil sebanyak 5 ekor per jenis. Setiap ikan dibedah dan diambil ususnya untuk analisis mikroplastik. Setiap usus ikan diekstraksi menggunakan larutan kalium hidroksida (KOH) 10% untuk menghancurkan bahan organik. Hasil ekstraksi diamati dibawah mikroskop dengan perbesaran 40Γ— untuk melihat jenis, keberadaan mikroplastik. Ikan yang paling banyak mengandung mikroplastik adalah Siganus sp sebanyak 3-9 partikel/ekor, Chanos sp sebanyak 3-7 partikel/ekor kemudian pada Euthynnus sp ditemukan sebanyak 2-8 partikel/ekor dan pada Decapterus sp. sebanyak 2-4 partikel/ekor. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan demersal cenderung lebih tinggi daripada ikan pelagi


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    Plastik merupakan salah satu jenis sampah yang banyak dijumpai di daratan maupun perairan, salah satunya di pesisir pantai. Pesisir merupakan bagian yang menerima zat pencemar yang cukup banyak. Berbagai jenis dan ukuran sampah plastik berserakan di permukaan bahkan di sedimen pantai sehingga menyebabkan ketidakstabilan ekologi dan mengurangi estetika pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis dan massa, jumlah dan kelimpahan makroplastik di Pantai Sambera. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan November 2020 di tiga zona pasang surut; Supratidal, Intertidal, dan Subtidal. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yang meliputi hasil pengukuran langsung parameter kecepatan arus dan kelimpahan makroplastik di wilayah pesisir pantai Sambera. Makroplastik yang paling dominan di lokasi penelitian adalah jenis film yang ditemukan sebanyak 69% berupa plastik kemasan dan kantong plastik. Sampel makroplastik yang diperoleh dari seluruh zona penelitian berjumlah 84 item makroplastik dengan berat total 24911 g. Kelimpahan makroplastik tidak mempunyai perbedaan yang signifikan antara jumlah makroplastik pada ketiga zona penelitian (p>0,05)

    Kualitas Plankton pada Kolam Pasca Tambang Batu Bara yang Dimanfaatkan untuk Budidaya Perairan

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    Coal post-mining pond has been used for fish cultivation. The success of cultivation in these locations was highly dependent on environmental conditions. The environment as a place for cultivation needs attention for maximum results. One factor that needs to be attention for fish cultivation in post-mining pond is plankton, which acts as an indicator of the quality of waters. Based on identification and calculation was made known that the number of species, abundance, diversity index and uniformity index value of plankton in the post-mining pond was low enough indicated that the water conditions was infertile due to lack of nutrients content, so little of plankton species which were able to live and multiply well