10 research outputs found

    Exploring Commitment and Dependency in Dyadic Relationships

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    This paper examines the constructs of supplier commitment and dependency, and reports the findings of a research investigation involving Medium Sized Enterprise suppliers and Multinational Enterprise buyers. Corresponding dyadic relationships are explored in order to obtain views concerning the Medium Sized Enterprises' commitment to and dependency on Multinational Enterprise buying firms, as perceived by both exchange parties. Whereas the findings confirm much of the existing mainstream literature that “hard” variables related to investments and co-ordinated manufacturing contribute to business relationships, we also discover that a “soft” side, much less emphasised in the literature and characterised by intangible measures, appears to play a significant role in the dyadic relationships evaluated in this study

    Knowledge Needs Of Firms: The Know-X Framework For Marketing Strategy

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    In today’s knowledge-intensive economy, the acquisition, development, and management of knowledge are fundamental to the survival and growth of firms. Consequently, organizational knowledge has emerged as a potential source of competitive advantage for firms. Specific to the marketing context, research has long since recognized the role of knowledge in effective marketing. Therefore, through a systematic review of organizational knowledge research and the knowledge business environment, this paper (1) identifies different types of organizational knowledge required by firms and develops the know-x framework, (2) discusses exemplars of different types of marketing knowledge products that firms might require, (3) identifies and discusses critical issues and concerns with reference to each of the marketing knowledge types, and (4) discusses the implications of knowledge types (know-x framework) for marketing strategy in general and market orientation strategy in particular. The paper concludes with a discussion of contributions and directions for future research

    Business Marketing Comes of Age: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature

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