13 research outputs found

    Environmental impact assessment of biodiesel production from soybean

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    In this study the environmental impacts of biodiesel production from soybean were determined by using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. In order to achieve this objective all four LCA stages (goal setting, life cycle inventory, impact assessment and interpretation) were followed. The system boundaries included: cultivation, transport, crushing and extraction, soy oil refining and biodiesel production. The functional unit considered in this study is 1000 kg of biodiesel. All the inputs and outputs for each process included in the biodiesel production system were collected, calculated and estimated in the inventory phase. Environmental impact assessment step was performed considering LCA methods such as: CML 2001, CML 96, EDIP 2003 and ReCiPe. The impact categories selected for this evaluation were: global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), human toxicity potential (HTP), photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP), agricultural land occupation (ALO); climate change ecosystems (CCE); climate change human health (CCHh); fossil depletion (FD); particulate matter formation (PMF) etc. Results showed that negative values were obtained for GWP, EP, CCE, CCHh indicators which means positive impacts of biodiesel production on the environment while the others impact categories have positive low levels respectively negative environmental impacts. Overall the greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted from combustion of fuel used; the diesel used for soybean transportation also contributes to GHG emissions; the transesterification process significantly contributes to the emissions of these gases

    Removal of Erythrosine B dye from water effluents using crop waste pumpkin seed hulls as adsorbent

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    Erythrosine B is widely used for coloring in various applications, especially in the food industry, despite its already proved toxicity and carcinogenicity. The agrowaste pumpkin seed hulls were applied as potential adsorbent for the removal of Erythrosine from aqueous solutions. Adsorption mechanism and kinetics were analyzed for design purposes. The seed hulls were characterized by specific techniques before and after dye retention. It was found that the attachment of Erythrosine B molecules on adsorbent surface may be attributed to the interactions between carboxyl and/or carbonyl groups of both dye and agrowaste wall components. A univariate approach followed by a factorial design was applied to study and analyze the experimental results as well as to estimate the combined effects of the process factors on the removal efficiency and dye uptake. Adsorption mechanism may be predominantly due to intraparticle diffusion, dependent on pore size. The four equilibrium models applied fitted the data well; the maximum adsorption capacity for Erythrosine was 16.4 mg/g. The results showed that adsorbent is effective for Erythrosine B removal for a large concentration range in aqueous solutions (5400 mg/L) in batch systems.This paper was elaborated with the support of a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0559, Contract 265/2011. The authors are very grateful to Dr Luciana Pereira from University of Minho, Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering-Centre of Biological Engineering, Braga, Portugal for her substantial contribution and support during experimental investigation and paper elaboration

    p5 Peptide-Loaded Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Neurological Recovery After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in a Rat Model.

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    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells markedly attenuated brain infarct size and improved neurological function in rats. The mechanisms for neuronal cell death have previously been defined in stress states to suggest that an influx of calcium ions into the neurons activates calpain cleavage of p35 into p25 forming a hyperactive complex that induces cell death. Now we report that p5, a 24-residue peptide derived from p35, offers protection to neurons and endothelial cells in vitro. In vivo administration of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hADMSCs) loaded with this therapeutic peptide to post-stroke rats had no effect on the infarct volume. Nevertheless, the treatment led to improvement in functional recovery in spatial learning and memory (water maze), bilateral coordination and sensorimotor function (rotating pole), and asymmetry of forelimb usage (cylinder test). However, the treatment may not impact on cutaneous sensitivity (adhesive tape removal test). In addition, the double immunofluorescence with human cell-specific antibodies revealed that the number of surviving transplanted cells was higher in the peri-infarcted area of animals treated with hADMSCs + P5 than that in hADMSC-treated or control animals, concomitant with reduced number of phagocytic, annexin3-positive cells in the peri-infarcted region. However, the combination therapy did not increase the vascular density in the peri-infarcted area after stroke. In conclusion, administration of hADMSC-loaded p5 peptide to post-stroke rats created conditions that supported survival of drug-loaded hADMSCs after cerebral ischemia, suggesting its therapeutic potential in patients with stroke

    Sertoli cells modulate testicular vascular network development, structure and function to influence circulating testosterone concentrations in adult male mice

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    The testicular vasculature forms a complex network, providing oxygenation, micronutrients, and waste clearance from the testis. The vasculature is also instrumental to testis function because it is both the route by which gonadotropins are delivered to the testis and by which T is transported away to target organs. Whether Sertoli cells play a role in regulating the testicular vasculature in postnatal life has never been unequivocally demonstrated. In this study we used models of acute Sertoli cell ablation and acute germ cell ablation to address whether Sertoli cells actively influence vascular structure and function in the adult testis. Our findings suggest that Sertoli cells play a key role in supporting the structure of the testicular vasculature. Ablating Sertoli cells (and germ cells) or germ cells alone results in a similar reduction in testis size, yet only the specific loss of Sertoli cells leads to a reduction in total intratesticular vascular volume, the number of vascular branches, and the numbers of small microvessels; loss of germ cells alone has no effect on the testicular vasculature. These perturbations to the testicular vasculature leads to a reduction in fluid exchange between the vasculature and testicular interstitium, which reduces gonadotropin-stimulated circulating T concentrations, indicative of reduced Leydig cell stimulation and/or reduced secretion of T into the vasculature. These findings describe a new paradigm by which the transport of hormones and other factors into and out of the testis may be influenced by Sertoli cells and highlights these cells as potential targets for enhancing this endocrine relationship. The testicular vasculature forms a complex capillary bed, interdigitating between the seminiferous tubules to provide oxygenation, delivery of micronutrients, and clearance of waste from the testis. Impairment of the testicular vasculature, for example, the reduction in venous drainage observed in cases of varicocele, causes intratesticular hypoxia and germ cell apoptosis (1). The vasculature is also instrumental to the endocrine function of the testis because it is the route by which pituitary gonadotropins are delivered to the testis to support T production and spermatogenesis (2). Conversely, alongside the lymphatic system, the vascular system is important for transport of T to other body systems; a reduced testis and vascular volume is associated with a reduction in circulating T concentrations (3). Our understanding of the mechanisms by which the testis controls local vascular function in adulthood is extremely limited. There is some evidence that testicular mast cells can influence vascular blood flow through release of 5-hydroxytryptamine (4), but perhaps the most well-studied factor influencing testicular vascular function is T. T is a well-established regulator of testicular vasomotion (rhythmical contraction and relaxation of blood vessels, independent of heartbeat) (5, 6) via direct T-mediated activation of the androgen receptor in smooth muscle cells of the testicular vasculature (7). Speculation that Sertoli cells may influence the testicular vasculature is supported by some indirect evidence (5) and in vitro studies (8), but confirmation of a direct role for Sertoli cells in the regulation of the testicular vasculature in vivo has never been demonstrated unequivocally. Recently we developed a unique model system that uses diphtheria toxin to specifically and acutely ablate Sertoli cells from the testis (9, 10). This model has revealed several important, yet previously unknown, roles that Sertoli cells play in neonatal and adult life (reviewed in reference 11). In this study we used models of acute Sertoli cell ablation and acute germ cell ablation, to address whether Sertoli cells actively influence vascular function in the adult testis. Our findings suggest that Sertoli cells play a key role in supporting the structure of the testicular vasculature and describe a new paradigm by which the transport of hormones and other factors into and out of the testis can be influenced by Sertoli cells and highlights these cells as potential targets for enhancing this endocrine relationship

    Annuelle des Arts 2021. Centre Artistique Baia Mare

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    La communication dans les rĂ©seaux de solidaritĂ©. L’organisation du soutien aux rĂ©fugié·es Ă  la frontiĂšre franco-italienne

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    L’organisation d’un rĂ©seau de soutien aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s sur la frontiĂšre franco-italienne au cours des annĂ©es deux-mille-dix, afin de rĂ©pondre au mieux aux nĂ©cessitĂ©s humanitaires fluctuantes, s’est constituĂ©e comme un exosystĂšme efficace, selon l’approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Bronfenbrenner. Cet article explore les formes informelles de communication et de rĂ©gulation que le rĂ©seau dĂ©ploie Ă  travers des mĂ©canismes liquides de gestion de crise. PremiĂšrement, avec l’urgence permanente et les changements rĂ©guliers de situations sur le terrain, le rĂ©seau met en place des stratĂ©gies de relais dans l’investissement de chacun, ce qui tĂ©moigne d’une plasticitĂ© communicationnelle et fonctionnelle dans ce monde largement animĂ© par un bĂ©nĂ©volat, Ă  la fois solide et fragile. DeuxiĂšmement, les usages numĂ©riques classiques des communications internes et externes se confrontent aux caractĂ©ristiques particuliĂšres du rĂ©seau : protection des membres et des rĂ©fugiĂ©s, engagement militant et besoin de forces vives, de sensibilisation. Enfin, la production culturelle, en plus d’offrir une certaine visibilitĂ© aux mouvements et aux causes du rĂ©seau, expĂ©rimente et propose des modes de communiquer et de vivre ensemble alternatifs Ă  certaines mutations profondes de notre monde actuel.During “Europe’s migrant crisis” in the decade following 2010, a solidarity network was organised to give humanitarian assistance to refugees along the French-Italian border. Its constitution is aligned with the exosystem network; a part of the ecosystem approach developed by Bronfenbrenner. In this article, the authors explore the informal ways of communication the network uses for crisis management strategies. First, since the effort faces permanent urgencies and constant changes of conditions on the ground, the network has developed several strategies for delegating work according to the members' respective investments. This logistic bears witness of communicational and functional plasticity in a world guided by solidarity, both solid and fragile. Second, the use of standard digital internal and external communications is challenged by the peculiarities of the network: protection of the members and the refugees, militant engagement, and the need of active efforts in sensitisation. Finally, the cultural output offers certain visibility to the movement and to the causes of the network. Moreover, it constitutes a variety of experimental and alternative ways of communication, and of living together, in a way that can be seen as profound mutations of our present world

    Ready-to-Use Vegetable Salads: Physicochemical and Microbiological Evaluation

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    Ready-to-use vegetable salads are minimally processed products, rich in antioxidants, but are associated with a high microbiological risk and possibly, in some cases, with a high content of nitrites. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physicochemical and microbiological properties of different ready-to-use vegetable salad assortments on the Romanian market. Seventeen types of salad vegetables were evaluated for the determination of water activity, antioxidant activity and nitrite concentration and tested for the presence of microorganisms. The water activity of the samples varied from 0.873 to 0.933, and the IC50 values were between 1.31 ± 0.02 and 5.43 ± 0.04 ”g/mL. Nitrites were present in all samples investigated (ranging from 290.6 to 3041.17 mg/kg). Staphylococci and Enterobacteriaceae were detected in 35.3% and 70.5% of the samples. Furthermore, 17.6% of the salads were contaminated with Escherichia coli, and Listeria was detected in 29.4% of the samples. Salmonella was detected in only one sample, and Faecal streptococci were not present in any of the samples. The results indicated high nitrite values and also revealed pathogens’ presence. Producers should make more efforts to lower microbial contamination, while maximum limits for nitrites in vegetables should be set based on the impact on human health

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Vinegar from Banana Peels and Commercial Vinegars before and after In Vitro Digestion

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    Vinegar is a fermented food with a diversity of uses seasoning, salad dressing and flavouring for foods. Since ancient times it is considered a remedy for health and today there are different types of vinegar on the market, and many others are under development. Determination of the physicochemical characteristics of the new types of vinegar is necessary in order to improve them. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to compare the physicochemical characteristics of vinegar obtained from banana peels (with or without boiling peels) at different ages, with those of commercial vinegars. The vinegar from banana peels was obtained and aged in our laboratory, while the commercial vinegars were purchased from a local market. The physicochemical characteristics of all the samples were investigated before and after gastric and intestinal digestion. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to determine the mineral content of the vinegars. Additionally, statistical analysis of the results was performed by applying a one-way analysis of variance. Results showed that vinegar obtained from banana peels is clearer and total dry extract values are lower than those of commercial vinegars. Banana peel vinegars have higher antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content similar to the commercial balsamic vinegars. This study advances the knowledge in the field of vinegar production by using raw agricultural by-products

    Development and Characterization of New Plant-Based Ice Cream Assortments Using Oleogels as Fat Source

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    The objective of this study was to develop candelilla wax oleogels with hemp seed oil and olive oil and use them as a fat source in the development of new plant-based ice cream assortments. Oleogels were structured with 3 and 9% candelilla wax and characterized by oil-binding capacity, peroxide value and color parameters. The oil-binding capacities of 9% wax oleogels were significantly higher than those of 3% wax oleogels, while peroxide values of oleogels decrease with increasing wax dosage. All oleogel samples are yellow-green due to the pigments present in the oils and candelilla wax. Physicochemical (pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, fat, protein) and rheological (viscosity and viscoelastic modulus) parameters of plant-based ice cream mixes with oleogels were determined. Also, sensory attributes and texture parameters were investigated. The results showed that titratable acidity and fat content of plant-based ice cream samples increased with increasing wax percentage, while pH, soluble solids and protein values are more influenced by the type of plant milk used. The plant-based ice cream sample with spelt milk, hemp oil and 9% candelilla wax received the highest overall acceptability score. The hardness of the plant-based ice cream samples increased as the percentage of candelilla wax added increased