192 research outputs found

    Ruth Ghilain Luhring

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    Mrs. Luhring is a member of the class of 1943 and graduated from the School of Music. She was interviewed at Westminster Village in Bloomington by the Director of Alumni Relations

    1. De l’information à l’insertion, d’une offre de collection à une offre de service&nbsp: l’autoformation à la Bibliothùque publique d’information

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    Pari audacieux, la MĂ©diathĂšque de langues, ouvre dĂšs 1977 au cƓur de la Bpi ; en 1986, la LogithĂšque propose des didacticiels pour acquĂ©rir de nouveaux savoirs ou savoir-faire ou les revisiter. En 2000, aprĂšs trois ans de rĂ©flexions, mĂ©diathĂšque et logithĂšque sont rĂ©unies pour devenir l’Espace Autoformation (EAF) qui offre une collection et des services pour tous, y compris des publics en situation d’exclusion sociale ou culturelle, d’échec scolaire ou professionnel. Comme en 1977, le public ..

    Improving evapotranspiration in a land surface model using biophysical variables derived from MSG/SEVIRI satellite

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    Monitoring evapotranspiration over land is highly dependent on the surface state and vegetation dynamics. Data from spaceborn platforms are desirable to complement estimations from land surface models. The success of daily evapotranspiration monitoring at continental scale relies on the availability, quality and continuity of such data. The biophysical variables derived from SEVIRI on board the geostationary satellite Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) and distributed by the Satellite Application Facility on Land surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) are particularly interesting for such applications, as they aimed at providing continuous and consistent daily time series in near-real time over Africa, Europe and South America. In this paper, we compare them to monthly vegetation parameters from a database commonly used in numerical weather predictions (ECOCLIMAP-I), showing the benefits of the new daily products in detecting the spatial and temporal (seasonal and inter-annual) variability of the vegetation, especially relevant over Africa. We propose a method to handle Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) products for evapotranspiration monitoring with a land surface model at 3–5 km spatial resolution. The method is conceived to be applicable for near-real time processes at continental scale and relies on the use of a land cover map. We assess the impact of using LSA-SAF biophysical variables compared to ECOCLIMAP-I on evapotranspiration estimated by the land surface model H-TESSEL. Comparison with in-situ observations in Europe and Africa shows an improved estimation of the evapotranspiration, especially in semi-arid climates. Finally, the impact on the land surface modelled evapotranspiration is compared over a north–south transect with a large gradient of vegetation and climate in Western Africa using LSA-SAF radiation forcing derived from remote sensing. Differences are highlighted. An evaluation against remote sensing derived land surface temperature shows an improvement of the evapotranspiration simulations

    Spécificité Du Butinage De La Flore MellifÚre Par Apis Mellifera Adansonii (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Pour Une Apiculture Durable Dans Les Territoires De Madimba Et De Mbanza-Ngungu (Kongo Central, République Démocratique Du Congo)

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     This study consisted of contributing to a better knowledge of honeydews. Data on the pace of plant foraging were observed in Lemfu (Locality of Madimba Territory) and Kanka (Locality of Mbanza-Ngungu Territory) in Kongo Central Province, from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023. Results reveal that Apis mellifera adansonii collects flowers every hour, continuously between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., throughout the day and all months of observation. The daily average numbers at the flight hole vary from 125 to 513 ± 134 bees in Lemfu and 96 to 480 ± 134 in Kanka; and the monthly averages are 321±134 and 291±134 bees respectively. The pollen harvest, for which 24±20 and 21±18 bees remain the average monthly frequencies, is carried out at the same rate. It is weak around 1 p.m., practically zero from 3 p.m. and is carried out intensely between October and December, accumulating respectively 64% and 60% of all pollen carriers, the average proportions of which vary from 5 to 12%. Obviously, the absolute frequencies of foragers do not impact variations in occupancy and pollen transport. The periods from June to August and from October to December remain those of the great honey flow in Lemfu and Kanka respectively. While the periods February, March and April, May respectively represent those of the small honey flow. It appears interesting that these observations are repeated on other sites in our study area in order to obtain more representative data. However, mastering these indicative results is recommended for a good overview over the months, in order to establish a consistent beekeeping calendar.

    Évolution actuelle (1960-2021) de l’enneigement dans les Vosges Ă  l’aide du modĂšle rĂ©gional du climat MAR

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    peer reviewedL’évolution actuelle de l’enneigement dans les Vosges (N-E de la France) a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ©e Ă  une rĂ©solution de 4 km avec le modĂšle rĂ©gional du climat MAR (version 3.13) forcĂ© par les rĂ©analyses ERA5. Moyennant un petit ajustement de seulement 3 paramĂštres (dont 1 °C d’augmentation du seuil de tempĂ©rature neige/pluie), MAR a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ© et validĂ© sur 5 et 8 hivers (DJF) par rapport Ă  des observations quotidiennes (tempĂ©rature, prĂ©cipitation, hauteur de neige). Sur les 62 hivers (DJF) 1960-2021, MAR suggĂšre une diminution significative statistiquement d’environ un facteur deux de la hauteur moyenne de neige, due Ă  l’augmentation significative des tempĂ©ratures (~+2 °C/62 ans). Bien que les prĂ©cipitations aient lĂ©gĂšrement augmentĂ© (+10-20 %/62 ans) Ă  cause d’un renforcement (non significatif) de la circulation d’ouest, elles tombent de plus en plus sous forme de pluie, en particulier en dessous de 1000 m. Au-dessus de 1000 m, il ne neige pas moins qu’avant mais il y a plus de fonte rĂ©duisant le manteau neigeux entre deux Ă©vĂ©nements neigeux. En extrapolant les tendances actuelles, une anomalie de +2.5 °C (resp. +3.8 °C) par rapport aux hivers 1960-90 serait suffisante pour ne plus avoir de neige en moyenne en-dessous de 750 m (resp. 1000 m)

    Synchronisation sensorimotrice et comportements non verbaux dans la maladie d’Alzheimer : l’influence du contexte social et musical = Sensorimotor synchronization and non-verbal behaviors in Alzheimer's disease : the influence of social and musical context

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    Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  examiner les facteurs qui influencent l’engagement socio-Ă©motionnel et moteur et la synchronisation sensorimotrice (SSM) pendant une activitĂ© musicale chez des patients prĂ©sentant une maladie d’Alzheimer. La tĂąche consistait Ă  taper avec un rythme mĂ©tronomique ou musical devant une musicienne rĂ©alisant la mĂȘme tĂąche, qui Ă©tait prĂ©sente physiquement ou virtuellement sur un Ă©cran. Selon nos rĂ©sultats, les patients produisaient plus de mouvements rythmiques en rĂ©ponse Ă  la musique qu’au mĂ©tronome. Cependant, la SSM Ă©tait meilleure avec le mĂ©tronome qu’avec la musique et en prĂ©sence virtuelle plutĂŽt que rĂ©elle de la musicienne. Ces donnĂ©es confirment l’importance du contexte musical et des interactions sociales sur l’engagement moteur et la synchronisation. En revanche, aucun effet sur l’engagement socio-Ă©motionnel n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©. En Ă©valuant en parallĂšle la SSM, les comportements moteurs spontanĂ©s et socio-Ă©motionnels Ă  partir de mesures quantitatives, cette Ă©tude permet de valider une approche multimodale d’évaluation de l’engagement des patients dans une tĂąche musicale. Les perspectives d’applications prometteuses de ce travail mettent Ă  la disposition des cliniciens et des chercheurs une mĂ©thodologie rigoureuse pour comprendre les facteurs qui sont Ă  l’origine des bĂ©nĂ©fices thĂ©rapeutiques des activitĂ©s musicales sur le comportement et le bien-ĂȘtre des patients et de leurs aidants.Considering the limited efficacy of pharmacological treatments, the use of musical interventions as non-drug treatment for patients with Alzheimer's disease are strongly recommended. Musical interventions seem to improve the socio-emotional and cognitive functioning of these patients, with benefits increasing when patients are engaged at the motor level. Objective. Our study evaluates the factors that may influence patients' socio-emotional and motor engagement during musical activities, and measures their sensorimotor synchronization (SMS) abilities. Methods. Each participant was asked to tap with a metronomic or a musical rhythm, in the presence of a musician who performed the task with them. The presence of the musician was real (live condition) or virtual (video condition). Two tempi were tested: a slow tempo (inter-onset interval of 800 ms) and a fast tempo (inter-onset interval of 667 ms). Results. Patients spontaneously produced more rhythmic movements in response to the music than to the metronome. However, the consistency and accuracy of sensorimotor synchronization were better with the metronome than with the music, and also better in video than in live condition. These effects were modulated by the tempo of the auditory sequences. Conclusion. These results confirm the importance of the musical context and social interactions on these different performances. By evaluating in parallel the hand sensorimotor synchronization, spontaneous motor and socio-emotional behaviors with quantitative and controlled measurements, this study validates a multimodal approach to evaluate the patients' engagement in a musical task. These initial results open up promising application prospects while providing clinicians and researchers a rigorous methodology for understanding the factors that are at the origin of the therapeutic benefits of musical activities on the behavior and well-being of patients and their caregivers

    Favoriser l’insertion professionnelle et l’accùs à l’emploi

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    Cherchant Ă  adapter leurs services Ă  l’actualitĂ© sociale et aux besoins rĂ©els de leur public, de plus en plus de bibliothĂšques se prĂ©occupent d’offrir des services orientĂ©s vers l’insertion professionnelle et la recherche d’emploi. Qu’elle soit universitaire ou publique, la bibliothĂšque constitue une ressource essentielle de la formation tout au long de la vie, Ă©lĂ©ment primordial Ă  l’adaptation permanente au monde du travail. Cet ouvrage aborde cette nouvelle problĂ©matique pour les Ă©tablissements sous trois angles diffĂ©rents, selon les besoins des publics : travailler, se former, entreprendre. Les conditions d’accueil des publics concernĂ©s, l’adaptation de l’offre suivant la dimension de la bibliothĂšque, la constitution des collections spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans ce domaine, la qualitĂ© des propositions en matiĂšre d’autoformation, les atouts des diffĂ©rents partenariats dans le domaine de la recherche d’emploi, tels sont les Ă©lĂ©ments traitĂ©s ici pour favoriser le succĂšs de la mise en place et du dĂ©veloppement d’une offre propre Ă  Ă©largir avec efficacitĂ© les champs d’intervention des bibliothĂšques aujourd’hui. CoordonnĂ© par Georges Perrin, inspecteur gĂ©nĂ©ral honoraire des bibliothĂšques, ce volume collectif rĂ©unit des professionnels spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans le domaine Ă©ducatif, social et culturel
