20 research outputs found

    An acidophilic bacterial-archaeal-fungal ecosystem linked to formation of ferruginous crusts and stalactites.

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    The presence of specialized microbial associations between populations of chemoautotrophic bacteria and archaea with ascomycetous fungi was observed inside stalactite-shaped mineral formations in a highly acidic cave environment. Metagenomic, chemical and electron microscopy analyses were used to investigate the relevance of these microbial ecosystems in the formation of stalactites. Ferric hydroxide produced by acidophilic bacteria and archaea was shown to be deposited onto fungal hyphae, resulting in complex mineralized stalactite-shaped structures. Thus, both archaeal-bacterial and fungal members of the ecosystem were shown to play an active role in the formation of stalactites

    Public-private partnership in the context of regional development -a solution for renewable energy projects?

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    Abstract. The public-private partnership (PPP) is the latest trend and it represents a real concern for both the authorities and investors. It is believed that the publi

    New Materials to Support the Preservation of Old Wood Used for Art Objects

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    This paper presents new materials that replaced the main list of substances with a high toxicity level (banned in the European Community), and the interventions in the preservation of old wood used for art objects. Although in the process of stopping the four evolutionary effects of deterioration and degradation of the wood, highly effective methods of preservation were developed, it was found that the toxic atmosphere maintains a high risk for curators. These methods involved the use of derivatives of naphthalene and polymers containing chlorine, bromine-based derivatives, namely a series of highly dangerous pesticides. In this context, most research centers in wood preservation have studied new systems supposing minimal toxicity, compatible with different types of timber, in a series of natural or synthetic substances, such as: Pyrethroids, boron compounds, tannins, woodsulfonates, silicates and phosphates

    Pacientul cu traumatism craniocerebral sever. Aspecte de abordare contemporană la etapa de prespital

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    Traumatismul craniocerebral sever în cazul unui politraumatism este o leziune acută şi este complicat prin dezvoltarea leziunii secundare, ca urmare a hipotensiunii şi hipoxiei. Hipoxia şi hipotensiunea sunt predictorii unui prognostic negativ la pacienţii cu traumatism craniocerebral sever. Managementul TCC grav se începe la locul accidentului şi este axat pe asigurarea oxigenării şi menţinerii presiunii arteriale, care determină perfuzia cerebrală adecvată şi prognosticul pozitiv

    Effects of carbonated natural mineral water baths and mofettes on peripheral arterial flow in rats

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    (1) Introduction. Disorders of peripheral blood circulation affect people all around the world. Balneotherapy, in the form of carbonated mineral water baths and mofettes, could be considered one of the treatment options. The current study aims to investigate, in an experimental study, the effects of carbonated natural mineral water, with a known composition, and natural mofettes from Băile Tușnad (Romania) on peripheral arterial blood flow. (2) Material and method. A total of 16 rat subjects were studied, divided equally into 4 groups, all evaluated at 2, 4 and 6 weeks after the intervention. Group 1 was considered the control-group, and no treatment was applied. Group 2 was taken to the mofettes daily, for 2 weeks, for exposure to carbon dioxide, dry gas, for 20 minutes/day. Group 3 performed daily mofettes and baths with carbonated mineral water, for two weeks, 20 minutes/day, each procedure. Group 4 took a daily bath with carbonated mineral water, for 2 weeks, 20 min/day. At the end of the two-week treatment, they were evaluated by doppler ultrasound at the femoral artery, respectively at 2 and 4 weeks, to evaluate the effect over time of these treatments. Femoral artery diameter (mm), peak systolic velocity (PVS, cm/s), heart rate (HR, bpm) were quantitatively determined in all 4 groups, at 2, 4 and 6 weeks respectively, and ultrasound images were captured. (3) Results and discussions. In the control group, there were no differences at 2 weeks vs. 4 weeks vs. 6 weeks regardless of the studied parameter. The diameter of the femoral artery increased significantly in group 3 (mofetta and carbonated mineral water, p=0.0183), respectively in group 4 (mineral water p=0.007). Heart rate changed significantly p=0.0183 in the mofette group, as well as in the one treated with carbonated mineral water p= 0.024. The results of the study suggest that carbonated mineral water and mofettes were responsible for the changes in femoral artery flow, compared to the data from the control group. (4) Conclusions. Carbonated mineral water baths and mofettes could increase the peripheral arterial blood flow, during repeated immersion, and the results were beneficial 2 weeks after the end of the treatment, and were maintained after treatment at 4 and 6 weeks, respectivel

    Is LASER therapy a viable option for increasing implant stability in bone tissue?

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    Fractures can occur at any age, but in modern times as the worldwide population grows older, the risk increases. Many of the fractures need metallic implants for a more efficient healing process and a reduced risk of complications. An implant can be used in orthopedic surgery if it can safely interact with the bone and the surrounding tissue. The most used materials in fracture management are metal alloys (Steel, Titanium, Cobalt-Chrome) that need to be compatible with tissue, however, they do not stimulate the healing process. Physiotherapy could improve the bone/implant interaction by stimulating the local metabolism and cell proliferation while also reducing local symptoms such as pain. The advantages of using LASER therapy are: a reduced number of contraindications, the availability of the equipment in rehabilitation facilities, and the compliance of patients as there is no discomfort during the procedure. The main drawback of using LASERs in bone stimulation is that there is no consensus in protocol usage between researchers because of the multitude of parameters. Through this article, we aim to shed some light on the use of LASER therapy in implant osseointegration and bone healing

    Sustainability of public co-financing of investment projects with EU financial assistance in Romania

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    The public sector capacity of the EU Member States to access the European funds depends highly on the sustainability of their government budgets. According to the European Commission assessment, Romania is not facing a risk of fiscal stress in the short run. However the effects of the economic crisis and the vision with a predominantly social character regarding the public expenditures have contributed to the limitation of resources allocated for economic development. The low level of absorption of the European funds in Romania means implicit losses for the national economy, but a higher level could have been a cause for excessive budget deficit. In order to reduce the pressure on the state budget the government aims at being committed mainly in investment projects with EU financial assistance. This reflects the substitution of the state own financial resources with foreign funds, therefore the additionality effect initially wanted by the EU decreases. The paper evaluates the public investment effort in Romania under the Fiscal Pact limit on deficit and the conditionalities negotiated with IMF, as well as its effects on the economy and budget deficit

    Public-private partnership in the context of regional development – a solution for renewable energy projects?

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    The public-private partnership (PPP) is the latest trend and it represents a real concern for both the authorities and investors. It is believed that the public-private partnership is a concrete solution for regional development that the European countries want to promote lately. Romania wants to expand in this system of regional development and this research aims to emphasize the connection between the concept of sustainable regional development and green energy at level of public authorities, private companies and individuals who compose the society. This study aims to show that Romania is a country with great potential for development in renewable energy and, at the same time, attractive for creating the PPPs. In this research, it shall be pointed out that Romania is a favorable environment for creating the PPPs in green energy domain and this can be a starting point for identifying specific projects in the context of sustainable regional development. Given that the authorities and private sector companies will work together to accelerate the development of renewable energy projects, regional development phenomenon can operate normally facilitating investments in this area