126 research outputs found

    Psoriasis in children and adolescents

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    Material şi metode. S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 103 pacienţi cu psoriazis, cu vârste cuprinse între 1 an şi 17 ani (băieţi/fetiţe – 64/39), trataţi în Spitalul de Dermatologie şi Maladii Comunicabile. Rezultate. Repartizarea conform vârstei a fost următoarea: până la 5 ani – 11, până la 10 ani – 16, până la 15 ani – 29 şi până la 17 ani – 47 de pacienţi. Durata maladiei a oscilat între 3 luni şi 11 ani, media fiind de 3,8 ani. În 69,9% cazuri, maladia a debutat în perioada rece a anului. Anamneza familială pozitivă s-a înregistrat în 45,6% cazuri, inclusiv: rude de gradul I – 45, rude de gradul II – 2 cazuri. S-a depistat un spectru de factori declanşatori posibili: stresul psihoemoţional – 17, infecţii respiratorii acute – 15, focare de infecţie cronică – 32 (tonzilită – 13, gastrită – 9, uretrită – 4, carie dentară – 2, colecistită – 2, pancreatită – 2). S-a constatat asocierea psoriazisului cu alte maladii, inclusiv: obezitate de gradul II-III şi acnee vulgară – câte 7 cazuri, veruci vulgare – 2, pitiriazis rozat şi epilepsie – câte 1 caz. Psoriazis vulgar (papule şi placarde) s-a constatat la 73 de pacienţi, iar cel acut (gutat) – la 15 pacienţi. Localizarea erupţiei în pliuri şi pe faţă s-a evidenţiat, respectiv, în 15,5% şi 11,6% cazuri. Artropatie psoriazică s-a observat la 15 pacienţi, inclusiv: artrită interfalangiană distală – 5 cazuri, oligoartrită simetrică – 4, poliartrită simetrică seronegativă – 3, spondilită şi coxoileită – 3 cazuri. Afectări unghiale s-au înregistrat în 4,85% cazuri. Pruritul s-a constatat în 83% cazuri. Schimbări paraclinice depistate: anemie – 31%, limfocitoză – 27,1%, VSH accelerată – 18,4%, proteina C reactivă (4+) – 1,94% cazuri. S-a indicat tratament de rutină, inclusiv UVB în bandă îngustă 311 nm. Concluzii. Repartiţia cazuisticii luate în studiu, conform formelor clinice de boală, a conchis că psoriazisul a avut, cel mai des, un aspect vulgar, în plăci şi placarde, inclusiv, cu localizări în pliuri şi pe faţă, urmat de psoriazisul gutat, semnalat frecvent ca o formă de debut a bolii la copii şi, oarecum mai rar, psoriazisul artropatic. Rolul unor factori declanşatori ai maladiei este evident în cazuistica studiată. De menţionat, prezenţa pruritului în marea majoritate a cazurilor.Material and methods. A retrospective research has been done on 103 patients with psoriasis, aged from 1 till 17 years old (male/female ratio – 64/39) and treated in Hospital of Dermatology and Communicable Diseases. Results. Repartition of patients by the age was as follows: up to 5 years – 11 cases, up to 10 years – 16 cases, up to 15 years – 29 and up to 17 years – 47 patients respectively. Duration of the disease oscillated between 3 months and 11 years, mean age is about 3.8 years. In 69.9% of cases the disease occurred in cold time of the year. An aggravated heredity has been observed in 45.6% of cases: 1st degree relatives – 45 cases, 2nd degree relatives – in 2 cases. A large spectrum of possible trigger factors was detected: emotional stress – 17 cases, acute respiratory infections – 15 cases, chronic infections – 32 cases (tonsillitis – 13, gastritis – 9, urethritis – 4, dental caries – 2 cases, cholecystitis – 2, pancreatitis – 2 cases). Association of psoriasis with some comorbidities was observed: the 2nd-3rd degree obesity, as well as acne vulgaris – 7 cases respectively, common warts – 2 cases, pityriasis rosea and epilepsy – 1 case each. Cutaneous psoriasis (papules and plaques) – was described in 73 patients and acute (guttate) in 15 patients. Skin folds and face involvement was present in 15.5% and 11.6% of patients, respectively. Psoriatic arthritis was observed in 15 patients as follows: distal interphalangeal arthritis – 5 cases, symmetric oligoarthritis - 4, seronegative symmetric polyarthritis – 3, spondyloarthropathy and sacroileitis – 3 cases respectively. Nail involvement was registered in 4.85% of cases. 83% of patients complained of pruritus. Paraclinical deviations included the following: anemia – in 31% of cases, lymphocytosis – 27.1%, ESR acceleration – 18.4%, C reactive protein 4+ -1.94% of cases. Patients have received an obvious treatment, inclusively a 311 nm narrowband UVB phototherapy. Conclusions. Distribution of the clinical forms of disease has shown a significant prevalence of papules and plaques, inclusively with face and skin folds involvement, followed by guttate psoriasis as the most frequent form of debut in children, as well as psoriatic arthritis. Trigger factors were also indicted in the research. It is important to mention the presence of pruritus in the majority of cases

    History of Faberge Eggs

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    Faberge's primary source of inspiration came from works of previous centuries. Translucent enameling was a valued technique in the nineteenth century that required several coats of applied enamel and the "firing" of the object in an oven after each coat. However, only a small number of colors were used in the nineteenth century, and so Faberge took it upon himself to experiment and soon came up with over 140 shades. Technique used by Faberge included guilloche, a surface treatment that could make waves and striations in the design and could be done by machine or by hand. Faberge used natural stones often found in abundance in the area. Fifty six Imperial eggs were made, forty-four of which have been located today and another two that are known to have been photographed. Another twelve Easter eggs were commissioned by Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelch, a Siberian gold mine owner. However, the Imperial Easter egg collection commissioned by the last of the Russian Tzars is the most celebrated. Fabergé was given carte blanche in creating the Imperial eggs, the only requirement being that each must be unique and each must contain a surprise

    Corrosion of Bronze Art Objects and Methods of Restoration

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    The paper presents a study of the corrosive state of sculptures and art objects made from copper and bronze, the equipment used to detect and study defects and the methods and solutions for restoring the art object surfaces attacked by corrosion


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    The title compound, C16H11N3O2, displays a trans configuration with respect to the azo group. The mol­ecule is non-planar; the maleimide ring forms a dihedral angle of 42.35 (4)° with the benzene ring bonded to its N atom and the mean plane of this benzene ring is rotated by 21.46 (8)° with respect to the azo group mean plane, which, in turn, forms a dihedral angle of 24.48 (7)° with the ‘terminal’ benzene ring. Mol­ecules in the crystal are π–π stacked along the [100] direction with a mean inter­planar distance of 3.857 (1) Å. In addition, C—H⋯O inter­actions link them into double layers parallel to the ac plane

    SARS-Cov-2 associated periferal neuropathy and congenital myopathy: case report

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    Background: Association of congenital myopathy with COVID-19 – associated peripheral neuropathy is not reported. We aim to present such a case. Material and methods: Clinical case of a 14-year-old male with history of myopathy from the age of 5 who presented with features of COVID19-related polyneuropathy and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Results: The patient was admitted with generalized muscle weakness, motor difficulties, unsteady gait, chest pain, respiratory failure. Physically – hyposthenic body type, muscle atrophy, cyanosis, shortness of breath, tachycardia, hepatomegaly. Neurologically – muscle pain on palpation, hypotonia, especially in lower limbs, distal hypoesthesia, loss of deep tendon reflexes and myopathic gait. IgG and IgM SARS-Cov-2 were elevated and the patient presented a history of fever one month before admission. The albumin and total protein were low, but serum creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB, LDH, liver enzymes, D-dimers were elevated, as well as cerebrospinal fluid protein level. The chest CT showed fibro atelectasis of S3 and S10 segments of the left lung, pleural adhesions. Electromyography studies showed a myopathic pattern. The patient received five plasma exchange treatments and was weaned from mechanical ventilation. The treatment also included antibiotics, infusion therapy, dexamethasone, which resulted in a partial response. Conclusions: The presented case of the association of congenital myopathy and Covid-19 associated peripheral neuropathy had a partial response to treatment. Such cases should be tailored by a multidisciplinary management team

    Online Consumer Behavior Influenced by Rising Prices and Shortage of Goods after COVID-19 and During Wartime

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    In recent years, technological development in the ITandC field led to the exponential increase in the number of mobile terminals such as smartphones, but also in the speed of data transmission, thus creating the premises for the intensification of online commerce. This research focuses on online consumer behavior influenced by a series of elements from the external environment such as rising prices and shortage of goods after COVID-19 and during wartime to see what changes have been in the consumer's decision-making process. The restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic generate the widespread adoption of online commerce where traditional companies have been forced to think in terms of "digital" and "online", to adapt their operating systems, and intensify their presence on the internet and social media channels. Also, the supply chain disruptions, the container crisis, and the rising prices for energy resources caused a shortage of goods and rising prices. The current global problems are becoming a challenge for both advertisers and consumers. These challenges are met by both parties, and they must adapt to these changes: the consumer to rethink his decision-making process when shopping, and advertisers to understand what influences the consumer in the online environment, to adapt and to be able to survive in this competitive context. The results showed that disruptive elements change this process almost completely and that consumer behavior adapts and changes when major phenomena such as those mentioned occur