14 research outputs found

    Working Group “Yellow”. Environmental pollution monitoring and adverse effects of chemicals used in food production (FoCUS – Food Chemicals Used Safely)

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    This project addresses the need to assess the environmental and health risks of chemicals used in food production, since their release into the environment may lead to different ecological effects. The occurrence and effects of selected chemicals on wildlife and humans will be addressed to provide data sets, which are necessary for scientifically-based risk assessment. Special emphasis will be put on the combined effects of environmentally relevant mixtures. A combination of state-of-the-art methods will be applied to predict synergistic and/or additive effects of combined exposure. Development and implementation of new technologies for waste treatment and re-use of food industry by-products by converting them into value-added items will also be a significant task


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    The landslides susceptibility of the Dobric catchment area (Ilişua river). The territorial geomorfological investigation focuses mainly on the analysis of the present situation, as context of future events occurrence. The previous evolutionary context is secondary in place due also to the particular attention it has received so far. The significance of the knowledge regarding the present events and their evolution is explicit in the attempt to mitigate their impact on the built area and on the resources. The identification of areas characterized by maximum susceptibility in the landslides occurrence is absolutely necessary. The method which makes the identification of these areas possible is none other than the method considering the conditional factors, as well as the spatial distribution of the events that have already occurred. In this regard, the use of the frequency rate model is considered to be ideal

    ALUNECĂRILE DE TEREN DE TIP GLIMEE DIN BAZINUL INFERIOR AL RÂULUI ILIŞUA (Glimee-type in the down basin of the Ilişua Valley)

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    The lower part of the Ilişua Valley drains an area covering the Somesului Mare Hills, namely the Suplaiului Hills – the eastern-central part of the basin and Ciceului Hills – the western part. This hilly landscape consists mainly of Neogene sedimentary formations (Miocene-Pliocene), which constitute the characteristic petrographical frame for the occurrence of deep-seated mass displacements known as glimee. Glimee relief is well represented in the upper basin as well, but the petrographic characteristics of the lower basin (especially marno-clay deposits and the presence of diapirs) permit the emerge of very specific and spectacular elements, such as the accumulation of water behind the landslide deposits forming lakes. These are the only limnological elements that can be identified in the Ilişua basin


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    Glimee-type landslides in the upper basin of the Ilişua Valley. Characteristic of the central and southern area of the Transylvanian Depression, where it was mainly described, the ,,glimee” relief appears in its northern border as well, in the Suplai Hills, in the upper basin of the Ilişua Valley, respectively. This type of massive landslides developed on Eocene-Oligocene sedimentary lithological structures, consisting of alternating sandstones, marls, and clays, in earlier periods with excessive rainfall. A distinct feature, with notes of originality, is represented by their location on the obverse side of the cuesta, on the slopes with southern and south-eastern exposition. Another peculiarity derives from the appearance of the ,,glimee”-type landslides on terrace scarp such as those in the area of Muncel Hill

    Built Heritage in the Land of Hațeg – Result of the Historic Evolution and Contemporary Urban Planning Tool

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    The Regional Geography papers, especially those dedicated to the “land”-type studies sequentially mention certain historical aspects, because historical evolution is treated largely as having a supportive role, far from becoming a component of interaction. This research aims to address the historical evolution of the Land of Hațeg in the light of the specific territorial elements and to provide evidence for using the built heritage as a tool for decision-makers. Methodologically, the research has implied the completion of three stages, each with its specific work methods (direct observation, mapping, chorematic analysis). The findings highlight the applicative and utilitarian character of historical studies in the land use planning documents

    Relevant Geological Features in Terms of Regional Geography Analysis and Their Graphical Representation. Case Study: the Land of Haţeg

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    Regional geography studies should approach the interrelations between the components of the territorial system and highlight those distinguishing features which will act as levers for future development. Speaking of the geological features, the graphical representation both of the evolution and of the current situation is considered important. Cartographic resources and the GIS software make possible many spatial analyses that can help in quantifying the implications of the geological evolution on the present state of a region. The cartographic representation in regional context of the deposits was considered necessary for the Land of Haţeg, as well as the reference to the national tectonic context. Together with these, the spatial representation of mineral resources, the evolution of the exploitation sites, as well as the potentially attractive areas were the subject of another chart, where graphics were inserted to quantitatively highlight the impact of the petrographic features on the morphometric parameters

    Faces of Marginal Housing in Romania

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    Marginal settlements may be defined as inhabited areas characterized by a series of negative features, typicallyethnic segregation, social discrimination, poor living conditions and conflicts, with impact on their dwellers and neighboring communities. In Romania, informal settlements were legislated in 2019; it subsequently became mandatory for the local authorities to spatially delimit them and formulate measures to improve living conditions. However, there are still numerous issues to be solved, from the lack of basic services (health, education) to the persistent poor living conditions or serious environmental problems. The Roma communities selected for our study are no exception. They are located on the outskirts of some cities or in their historical centers (Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Timișoara, Baia Mare). Through content analysis, based on print and electronic media from the last 10 years (n = 150 news items), different aspects of marginal housing were illustrated. The results of the study revealed some particular aspects, namely: some of the Roma communities are relocated whilst some others are subject to environmental conflicts; funding addressing the quality of life of Roma ethnics seems to deepen the phenomenon of segregation among communities, most of the measures being limited to the creation of housing facilities

    Increasing territorial planning activities through viewshed analysis

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    Visibility analyses are employed in various fields, from landscape to archeology or territorial planning. Two case studies, of different elevation, from Romania were selected to be considered for setting up some observation points as lookout points. Fuzzy viewshed analysis was performed to evaluate the degree of visibility of certain landscape components and was also used as a tool for territorial planning. The main results of the research were some particular viewshed analysis area according to the dominant visibility directions. This methodology may be useful to local authorities, which are the only responsible bodies for authorizing, creating and setting up lookout points in a given space or for organizing certain planning activities

    The Role of UAS–GIS in Digital Era Governance. A Systematic Literature Review

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    UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) technologies, also known as UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), drones, or Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) and GIS (Geographic Information System) are recognised for the value of the results that can be achieved by their combined use. However, their use and the results achieved are rarely framed within the context of Digital Era Governance (DEG), an undertaking that would significantly reduce the capabilities of knowledge transfer from the academic and/or private environment to the public domain. The purpose of this study was to highlight, by a bibliometric analysis, the areas of proposed use of this team of tools and the extent to which these can enter the sphere of interest of public administrations, especially local ones. From a methodological point of view, based on the 439 articles filtered from the Web of Science database where UAS/UAV and GIS technologies were used, several bibliometric analyses have emerged. VOSviewer and R (Bibliometrix tool) were used to conduct the bibliometric analyses. Most scientific publications that used UAV technology as a working tool have predominant applicability in photogrammetry, while GIS applications are found in publications dedicated to image processing, landslides, and cultural and archaeological heritage. We point out that from the point of view of international cooperation, at the level of institutions or countries, certain international organisations from the USA, China, and the central and northern European states have a high interest in this topic, and a low cooperation between academia and public administration is exhibited. The conclusion is represented by the apparent lack of framing of the results of UAS–GIS technologies usage into wider and more topical contexts, such as digital era governance, and also a reduced applicability of the research results