566 research outputs found

    Procedures and Causes Leading to Corruption in Urban Land Management in Addis Ababa: The Case of Yeka Sub City

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    Land information and its management are fundamental to successful urban land management and the derived benefits to the economies and overall sustainable development and to minimize corruption.  The main objective of the study is to investigate the procedure and causes leading to corruption in urban land management in Addis Ababa the case of Yeka sub city. The study was based on data obtained from primary and secondary source and this study use a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches in the collection and analysis of data. Thus, the subjects in the study were 200 respondents: 15 key officials and experts from the land departments and 185 land beneficiaries (owners and non owners of parcel).  Questionnaire was used as data collection instrument and unstructured interview were also used in the process. The data gathered through questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency counts and their percentages; whereas the data gathered through interview were analyzed through descriptive statements.  Major findings of the study prove that issuing of title deeds and surveying and valuation of properties are among the procedures that are likely to invoke corruption. Additionally, finding of the study shows that inadequate skilled man power, lack of modern cadastre and weak land information system are among the causes leading to corruption in urban land management. It is highly recommended that the government give sufficient attention to the actual growing in the development of GIS and cadastre which has the potential to assist in the fight against corruption in urban land management. The study strongly proposes the usefulness of advance technology for the Management and handling of large data base of spatial and non-spatial nature in urban land management. Keywords: Land, Corruption, Urban land information syste

    Factors influencing green practices amongst South African food retailers.

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    Master of Commerce. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2019.The growing population globally and the finite resources on earth necessitated the need for the prudent utilisation of natural resources through sustainable production and use. As a result, it has become common knowledge to business entities to support initiatives towards environmental protection. Food retail stores are amongst the immediate role players that could contribute to shifting ordinary business activities into greener practices. Thus, most retailers are adopting green practices in their daily business operations with varying degrees of success. The specific research questions asked in this study are which factors influence green practices in the food retail sector in South Africa; and what is the level of green practices in the food retail sector in this country. The theoretical section of the study focuses on understanding the underlining literature on the meaning of green and green practice and factors influencing it. The study adopted a mixed-methods research approach. Eight food retail stores participated in the study. The primary data was gathered employing face-to-face interviews with 23 managers and personally administered questionnaires distributed to 105 employees from which full responses were attained. A purposive sampling technique was used to select managers and employees. Content analysis was adopted to analyse the qualitative data and SPSS for descriptive statistics as well as univariate regression analysis to understand the relationship between the different variables. As per the objectives of the study, that is to identify the influencing factors and determine the level of green practices in the South African food retail sector, the findings of the study showed that different driving factors lead the food retail sector to implement green practices. There are also differences in the degree of implementation of green practices. The empirical data suggested that the dependent variable, namely the employee initiative to perform green practice, is significantly influenced by the independent variables. Despite the smaller sample size and limited geographic distribution due to logistical constraints, the study provides enough evidence in the progress made and in the limitations that exist within the food retail sector when it comes to the promotion and implementation of green practices. This study may be used as base-line information for other similar studies that are more comprehensive

    Counseling Services on Management of Students’ Discipline in Secondary Schools in Keren Sub-Zone, Anseba Region, Eritrea

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    The purpose of the study was to assess counseling services on management of students discipline in secondary schools in Keren Sub-Zone, Anseba Region, Eritrea. The research was anchored on Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura. The study used convergent parallel mixed method research design. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data. A sample of 306 students, 20 teachers, 5 head masters, 5 teacher counselors were used for this study. Systematic sampling, simple random and purposive sampling were used to select schools and the participants. The validity and reliability of the instruments was guaranteed by piloting and Cronbach Alpha technique. Data gathered through questionnaires was processed using descriptive statistical techniques involving frequencies, percentages and means. Results were then presented using tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Data gathered through interview guides was analyzed and presented using quotes, themes and narrative descriptions. The findings of the study show that counseling was minimally used to manage student discipline in secondary schools in Keren subzone. Majority of students, 57.6% and teachers, 75% reported that their schools did not have counselling service. Keywords: Counseling services, Students Discipline, students, Counselor, Teacher, head teachers DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-22-02 Publication date: August 31st 201


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    This master thesis studies about how the sheet pile walls resist the lateral earth pressures on slope area. Sheet pile walls are one type of construction elements that are built by a continuous interlocking of pile segments side by side to each other. They are embedded in the soils to provide lateral supports by resisting the horizontal pressures released from sea waters, or any other earth masses. Sheet pile walls are flexible retaining systems therefore they can tolerate larger horizontal deformations compared to other types of walls such as stone and concrete. Sheet piles are made up of different types of materials in different forms and sizes. Although steel sheet pile has a higher rate of corrosion property, they are the most used due to its availability in the markets all over the world and its super resistance while being installed by hydraulic pressures. PVC can substitute steel sheet piles concerning environmental impact, sustainability, and maintenance requirements against corrosion. The thesis question is (How can one keep the stability and durability of a sheet piled wall construction on slope areas?) and some sub questions that widen the thesis question are listed as 1. What is the concept of pile sheeting? 2. How can one ensure the stability of sheet piled constructions? 3. How can one select the size and material type of a sheet pile for a certain construction? 4. How can one possibly keep the durability of sheet piled wall constructions? The maximum moment induced by the latera earth pressures, the section of modulus of sheet piles are the key expression for selecting a sheet pile size. However, the environmental conditions, strength sustainability and maintenance requirements have a great role in selecting material type of the sheet piles

    Determining the Level of Maternal Mortality in Eritrea using RAMOS (Reproductive Age Mortality Study).

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    Objective: To determine the current estimate for the Maternal Mortality Ratio in Eritrea. Methods: The study used RAMOS (Reproductive Age Mortality Study), which is a methodology of identifying all deaths of women in reproductive age as a source for identifying maternal deaths. All female deaths with in reproductive age were first identified in a nationally representative sample of 42 communities, which was followed by identifying maternal deaths among the female deaths, through verbal autopsy. Findings: In the 42 selected communities, a total of 46,684 households were visited and a total of 248 female deaths within the reproductive age group (15-49 years) were identified. Among the 248 female deaths 41 were found to be maternal deaths. For calculating the maternal mortality ratio, the number of deaths was directly used as the numerator while the denominator was obtained using the fertility rates from a recent Demographic and Health Survey. This gave a maternal mortality ratio estimate of 752 per 100,000 live births and a lifetime risk for maternal mortality of 1 in 28, for the country. Conclusion: The level of maternal mortality in Eritrea is still very high. RAMOS can be effectively and efficiently used to determine Maternal Mortality Ratio and the other measures for the level of maternal mortality

    Competence and Performance of the Skilled Birth Attendants to undertake Normal Delivery and Emergency Obstetric Care in Eritrea.

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    Objective: to determine the competence and performance of the skilled birth attendants and the quality of normal delivery and emergency obstetric services in Eritrea. Methods: All of the 17 hospitals that provide maternity services and all of the 46 health centers in the country were included in this study. Quality or Quality gap was assessed through measuring the percentage of clients who got a service in compliance with the standards described in the national safe motherhood protocol. Findings: The study revealed gaps in the competence and performance of the skilled health workers as well as in the quality of normal delivery and emergency obstetric services in the country. Among the quality gaps identified were poor monitoring of normal and complicated labor and lack of use of partographs. Conclusion: The study concluded that in order to reduce maternal morality in developing countries like Eritrea; it is not adequate to just increase the percentage of women who are attended by health professionals, it is also at least equally important to improve the skills and performance of the available birth attendants

    Determinants of Maternal Mortality in Eritrea

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    Objective: This study was undertaken with a general objective of determining the determinants of maternal mortality in Eritrea. Methods: The study was a case control study which compared 50 women whose pregnancies led to death with 50 individually matched women that survived a severe life threatening obstetric complication in the same community. Findings: From the comparison of maternal deaths (cases) and survivors of severe life threatening obstetric complications (controls), seeking medical care on the part of the survivors was significantly more frequent in both bivariate and multivariate analysis than was the case in those who died and was probably protective. Conclusion: The study concluded that seeking medical care was negatively associated with maternal death and was probably protective. Keywords: maternal deaths, near misses, determinants, antenatal care, delivery, seeking medical care, warning sign

    Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in Eritrea

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    Objective: Assess the Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in Eritrea, in order to stimulate discussions and decisions on the role of TBAS and the way forward. Methods: the study was a cross sectional survey undertaken using structured interviews with TBAs that was conducted to collect data on their knowledge, practice, training status and the support and supervision they get from health staff. Findings: This study reveals that only 58 percent of traditional birth attendants in Eritrea use appropriate and sterile instruments. There is therefore an urgent need for improving the spread of the use of appropriate sterile instrumentsTraditional Birth Attendants, a practice which is important not only fot the prevention of puerperal sepsis but also for the prevention of the spread of HIV-AIDS. Over all only 36 percent of TBAs had supervisory support in the six months prior to the study. Conclusion: The study concludes that, as long as TBAs continue to function as delivery attendants, we need to educate and encourage them to identify danger signs and to promptly refer complications Key words: Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAS), Skilled Birth Attendants, Training, Delivery, Complications, Supervision

    Identification of the gC1qR sites for the HIV-1 viral envelope protein gp41 and the HCV core protein: Implications in viral-specific pathogenesis and therapy

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    A substantial body of evidence accumulated over the past 20 years supports the concept that gC1qR is a major pathogen-associated pattern recognition receptor (PRR). This conclusion is based on the fact that, a wide range of bacterial and viral ligands are able to exploit gC1qR to either suppress the host’s immune response and thus enhance their survival, or to gain access into cells to initiate disease. Of the extensive array of viral ligands that have affinity for gC1qR, the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41, and the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are of major interest as they are known to contribute to the high morbidity and mortality caused by these pathogens. While the HCV core protein binds gC1qR and suppresses T cell proliferation resulting in a significantly diminished immune response, the gp41 employs gC1qR to induce the surface expression of the NK cell ligand, NKp44L, on uninfected CD4+ T cells, thereby rendering them susceptible to autologous destruction by NKp44 receptor expressing NK cells. Because of the potential for the design of peptide-based or antibody-based therapeutic options, the present studies were undertaken to define the gC1qR interaction sites for these pathogen-associated molecular ligands. Employing a solid phase microplate-binding assay, we examined the binding of each viral ligand to wild type gC1qR and 11 gC1qR deletion mutants. The results obtained from these studies have identified two major HCV core protein sites on a domain of gC1qR comprising of residues 144-148 and 196-202. Domain 196-202 in turn, is located in the last half of the larger gC1qR segment encoded by exons IV-VI (residues 159-282), which was proposed previously to contain the site for HCV core protein. The major gC1qR site for gp41 on the other hand, was found to be in a highly conserved region encoded by exon IV and comprises of residues 174-180. Interestingly, gC1qR residues 174-180 also constitute the cell surface-binding site for soluble gC1qR (sgC1qR), which can bind to the cell surface in an autocrine/paracrine manner via surface expressed fibrinogen or other membrane molecules. The identification of the sites for these viral ligands should therefore provide additional targets for the design of peptide-based or antigen-based therapeutic strategies

    Isolation, cDNA cloning, and overexpression of a 33-kD cell surface glycoprotein that binds to the globular 'heads' of C1q

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    This work describes the functional characterization, cDNA cloning, and expression of a novel cell surface protein. This protein designated gC1q-R, was first isolated from Raji cells and was found to bind to the globular 'heads' of C1q molecules, at physiological ionic strength, and also to inhibit complement-mediated lysis of sheep erythrocytes by human serum. The NH 2-terminal amino acid sequence of the first 24 residues of the C1q- binding protein was determined and this information allowed the synthesis of two degenerate polymerase chain reaction primers for use in the preparation of a probe in the screening of a B cell cDNA library. The cDNA isolated, using this probe, was found to encode a pre-pro protein of 282 residues. The NH 2 terminus of the protein isolated from Raji cells started at residue 74 of the predicted pre-pro sequence. The cDNA sequence shows that the purified protein has three potential N-glycosylation residues and is a highly charged, acidic molecule. Hence, its binding to C1q may be primarily but not exclusively due to ionic interactions. The 'mature' protein, corresponding to amino acid residues 74-282 of the predicted pre-pro sequence, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and was purified to homogeneity. This recombinant protein was also able to inhibit the complement-mediated lysis of sheep erythrocytes by human serum and was shown to be a tetramer by gel filtration in nondissociating conditions. Northern blot and RT-PCR studies showed that the C1q-binding protein is expressed at high levels in Raji and Daudi cell lines, at moderate levels in U937, Molt-4, and HepG2 cell lines, and at a very low level in the HL60 cell line. However, it is not expressed in the K562 cell line. Comparison of gC1q-R NH 2-terminal sequence with that of the receptor for the collagen-like domain of C1q (cC1q-R) showed no similarity. Furthermore, antibodies to gC1q-R or an 18-amino acid residue- long NH 2-terminal synthetic gC1q-R peptide did not cross-react with antibodies to cC1q-R. Anti-gC1q-R immunoblotted a 33-kD Raji cell membrane protein, whereas anti cC1q-R recognized a molecule of ~60 kD. The NH 2- terminal sequence of gC1g-R appears to be displayed extracellularly since anti-gC1g-R peptide reacted with surface molecules on lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and platelets, as assessed by flow cytometric and confocal laser scanning microscopic analyses. In addition, all or part of the gC1q binding domain may reside within the 24 amino acid stretch of the NH 2-terminal sequence of gC1q-R since the 18 amino acid residue long- synthetic peptide corresponding to this region inhibited serum C1q hemolytic activity. The data presented in this report suggest that there are at least two types of C1q-R which appear to be expressed on the same type of cells and these receptors individually or in concert may contribute to the diversity of C1q-mediated responses.published_or_final_versio
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