25 research outputs found

    Ontology-Based Search Procedure to Identify Tissue Samples in an Autopsy Archive: A Pilot Study

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    This study aimed to obtain a detailed record of all autopsy specimens analyzed in the Pathology Department of the Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children, Cluj-Napoca from 1974 to 2018, by using an ontology-based search procedure (OSP) intended to identify the paraffin-embedded stored specimens in pathology reports. Two thousand nine hundred and fifty-six autopsy reports were analyzed using a list of histology terms and expressions commonly found in the microscopic descriptions of the autopsy reports, in Romanian. One pathologist was asked to evaluate the microscopic descriptive part of the autopsy reports for 300 cases and to classify the identified histology specimens according to the ICD-topography codes. The results were then compared with the OSP results. The validation assay returned a 97.32% sensitivity and a 99.48% specificity of the applied ontology-based search procedure when taking as a reference the assessment performed by a pathologist. The most common specimens identified were in the categories of the lower respiratory system (lung, trachea), liver, biliary tract, pancreas and urinary system. The proposed ontology can link valuable information to a highly reliable pathology-based autopsy registry allowing researchers to gain access to specimens stored in the pathology archives, and to facilitate disease registration, data extraction and reporting. This procedure represents a good starting point for developing suitable solutions to be implemented in registries, data banks and for the development of ontology-based registration tools


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    Boala Kikuchi este o afecţiune rară, benignă şi autolimitată, de etiologie necunoscută, care ar trebui inclusă în algoritmul diagnostic al adenopatiei cervicale. Diagnosticul de certitudine este histopatologic, modifi cările specifi ce fi ind necroza paracorticală ganglionară, histiocitele cu nuclei în formă de semilună şi numeroşii corpi apoptotici. Se prezintă cazul unui pacient de 13 ani cu diagnosticul de boală Kikuchi, afecţiune rar descrisă la vârsta pediatrică


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    Introduction: Bone sarcoma is a rare disease, with an incidence of approximately 8 cases per million/year. It occurs in all ages but has a characteristic bimodal distribution, with peak incidences for adolescents and elderly. Ewing Sarcoma (EWS) is a mesenchymal-derived tumor that generally arises in bone and soft tissue. Intensive research regarding the pathogenesis of EWS has been insufficient to pinpoint the early events of Ewing sarcomagenesis. Case presentation: An 11 year old male child was admitted to Children Hospital Cluj for evaluation. At the physical examination a poorly delimitated tumor in the anterolateral muscle lodge of the shin was found. Tumor was adherent to the fibular periosteum. Biopsy was taken from the lesion. Results: At macroscopic examination the tumor of 6/3/2cm had yellow color and strong elastic consistency. Histopathological examination reveals a malignant structure of the tumor with small and blue cells infiltrating the muscle and periosteum. Tumor cells are arranged in islands separated by a well-represented conjunctive vascular tissue. In patches islands have a compact aspect but there are also islands with intercellular spaces giving it an alveolar aspect .Cells that have a syncytial aspect. Focal ischemic necrosis and capillary vascular permeation images are seen. Margins of the tumor piece are positives. PAS stain was focally positive. Immunohistochemistry showed an intense and diffuse positive reaction for CD99, while DES and SMA remained negative on tumor cells. Also ACL was negative, while S100 stain showed some focal stains to isolated tumor cells. Conclusion: The histological aspect of the tumor using HE resembles with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma but immunohistochemistry clearly proves that it is a neuroectodermal tumor type, like Ewing Sarcoma. For a better differential diagnosis between the two entities, Actin staining for nonspecific muscle staining and / or Myogenin would be required

    Age-Related Changes of the Pineal Gland in Humans: A Digital Anatomo-Histological Morphometric Study on Autopsy Cases with Comparison to Predigital-Era Studies

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    Background and objectives: The pineal gland is a photoneuroendocrine organ in the midline of the brain, responsible primarily for melatonin synthesis. It is composed mainly of pinealocytes and glial tissue. This study examined human postmortem pineal glands to microscopically assess age-related changes using digital techniques, and offers a perspective on evolutionary tendencies compared to the past. Materials and Methods: A retrospective autopsy study has been performed on 72 pediatric and adult autopsy cases. The glands have been processed for histological analysis and immunohistochemical staining with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Slides were assessed under polarized light and digitally scanned. Morphometric data were obtained using CaseViewer and ImageJ. Results: Thirty-three females and 39 males were included in the study, grouped under three age groups: 0–25, 46–65, and 66–96 years of age. The peak gland volume was found within the 46–65 age group, the overall mean volume was 519 mm3, the main architectural types were lobular and insular, and the mean percentage of pineal calcification was 15% of the gland, peaking within the 66–96 age group, with a predominantly globular shape. Glial cysts were found in 20.8% of cases. The intensity of GFAP stain was maximal in the pediatric age group, but the extent of glial tissue was much larger in elderly patients. Discussion: The degenerative process of the pineal gland can be quantified by measuring normal parenchyma, calcifications, glial tissue, and glial cysts. Morphometric differences have been observed and compared to a similar studies performed in the published literature. The current study, unfortunately, lacks a 26–45 age group. Digital techniques seemed to offer a more exact analysis, but returned similar results to studies performed over 40 years ago, therefore offering important information on evolutionary tendencies. Conclusions: Increase in glial tissue, calcifications, and glial cysts have a defining role as age-related changes in the pineal gland

    Particular Morphological Features in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Helicobacter pylori Gastritis: A Morphometry-Based Study

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    Background: Current pediatric guidelines recommend the use of the Updated Sydney Classification for gastritis to assess histological changes caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate the morphometric alterations of the antral mucosa in relation to pediatric H. pylori infection. Methods: A total of 65 cases were considered eligible. Apart from scoring the biopsies according to the recommendations, foveolar hyperplasia (FH) was assessed. The following measurements were performed on digital slides: total mucosal thickness, foveolar and glandular length, number of glandular cross sections per 40X field, glandular diameter, and distance between glands. Results: The thickness of the antral mucosa increased along with the bacterial density and the intensity of inflammation in H. pylori-infected children (p < 0.05). FH was significantly associated with the presence of H. pylori (p < 0.001) and also exhibited a greater length of the foveolar and glandular structures and an increased glandular diameter (p < 0.05), but without influencing the thickness of the mucosa. Conclusions: Our results reinforce the fact that FH is not only an important histologic characteristic of gastropathy, but is also a significant change observed in H. pylori infection in children and may be considered for reporting when evaluating pediatric gastric biopsies

    Atelo-collagen type I bovine bone substitute and membrane in guided bone regeneration: a series of clinical cases and histopathological assessments

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    Absorbable atelo-collagen type 1 represents a new approach for guided bone regeneration with several reported advantages such as: osteoblast attachment, proliferation, mineralization potential, absorption of growth factors and inhibition of bacterial pathogen colonization. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical, radiological (preoperative width, re-entry width, gain), Periotest measurements and histologic benefits of atelo-collagen-derived bovine bone grafts (ImploBone) in combination with an atelo-collagen type I barrier membrane (ImploSorb) for guided bone regeneration (GBR) of atrophic alveolar crest in thirteen patients. Eleven patients underwent simultaneous GBR with implant insertion, two had initial GBR procedure followed by implant placement after 6 months of healing. Ridge augmentation was performed using an atelo-collagen membrane (ImploSorb, Bioimplon, Germany) and a combination of 50% ABBM (ImploBone, granule size 0.5-1mm, BioImplon Germany) mixed with 50% autologous bone. It was found that simultaneous GBR with implant placement resulted in a 35% gain at bone defect level (preoperative width 5.03±1.25 mm, re-entry width 6.81±0.98 mm, gain 1.78±1.71 mm). Implant placement performed in a 2 stage surgery 6 months following GBR was linked with a 63.9% gain at bone defect level (preoperative width 3.79±1.10 mm, re-entry width 6.22±1.41 mm, gain 2.43±1.43 mm). The total gain in both groups was 41.9% utilizing these novel biomaterials (preoperative width 4.68±1.32 mm, re-entry width 6.65±1.12 mm, gain 1.96±1.64 mm). This case series study presents a protocol where GBR can be performed either simultaneously to implant placement or delayed with this innovative biomaterial to favor bone regrowth. Future randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to further validate the bonepromoting potential of atelo-collagen-based biomaterials for bone regeneration

    Effects of Curcumin Nanoparticles in Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction

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    Curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, anticarcinogenic, and cardiovascular protective effects. Our study is aimed at evaluating the effects of pretreatment with curcumin nanoparticles (CCNP) compared to conventional curcumin (CC) on isoproterenol (ISO) induced myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. Fifty-six Wistar-Bratislava white rats were randomly divided into eight groups of seven rats each. Curcumin and curcumin nanoparticles were given by gavage in three different doses (100 mg/kg body weight (bw), 150 mg/kg bw, and 200 mg/kg bw) for 15 days. The MI was induced on day 13 using 100 mg/kg bw ISO administered twice, with the second dose 24 h after the initial dose. The blood samples were taken 24 h after the last dose of ISO. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective effects were evaluated in all groups. All doses of CC and CCNP offered a cardioprotective effect by preventing creatine kinase-MB leakage from cardiomyocytes, with the best result for CCNP. All the oxidative stress parameters were significantly improved after CCNP compared to CC pretreatment. CCNP was more efficient than CC in limiting the increase in inflammatory cytokine levels (such as TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1α, IL-1β, MCP-1, and RANTES) after MI. MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels decreased more after pretreatment with CCNP than with CC. CCNP better prevented myocardial necrosis and reduced interstitial edema and neutrophil infiltration than CC, on histopathological examination. Therefore, improving the bioactivity of curcumin by nanotechnology may help limit cardiac injury after myocardial infarction