406 research outputs found

    Moduli spaces of flat tori and elliptic hypergeometric functions

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    In the genus one case, we make explicit some constructions of Veech on flat surfaces and generalize some geometric results of Thurston about moduli spaces of flat spheres as well as some equivalent ones but of an analytico-cohomological nature of Deligne-Mostow, which concern the monodromy of Appell-Lauricella hypergeometric functions. In the twin paper arXiv:1604.01812, we follow Thurston's approach and study moduli spaces of flat tori with conical singularities and prescribed holonomy by means of geometrical methods relying on surgeries for flat surfaces. In the present paper, we study the same objects making use of analytical and cohomological methods, more in the spirit of Deligne-Mostow's paper.Comment: 156 pages, 20 figures. Preliminary version. Comments are welcom

    Growth, private investment and reforms : A comparative perspective

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    In this paper we empirically analyse the linkages among growth, investment and reforms in the South East Asian countries, in the North Africa and in the non CFA Sub-Saharan Africa economies over 1970-89 to 2003. These regions differ considerably among them selves as well as with regard to the rest of the world, in terms of resources endowment, structure of production , and also in terms of economic reforms , physical infrastructure, and human capital. Our empirical analysis has clearly revealed the importance and the complementarities between macroeconomic reforms, physical infrastructure, human capital and structural reforms for the growth prospects of the economies. These factors have shown a strong effect on growth and have contributed greatly to the growth process for north Africa countries and the non CFA sub Sahara African countries. In north Africa economies and in the Sub Sahara African countries, the lack of macroeconomic reforms, the deficiencies of the physical infrastructure and the human capital explain, although at differing degrees , well the deficit in economic growth. This has been particularly the case of road networks, electronic equipments, sanitary conditions and schooling. The model simulation shows that an improvement of secondary schooling and physical infrastructure, similar to South East Asia, would have stimulated North Africa economic growth by respectively 0.61percent and 0.17 percent against only 1.23 percent and 0.39 percent for non CFA Sub Saharan AfricaGrowth , reforms, Human capital , Structural reforms, macroeconomic stability, PCA, investment, Panel

    Cascades in the dynamics of affine interval exchange transformations

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    We describe in this article the dynamics of a 11-parameter family of affine interval exchange transformations. It amounts to studying the directional foliations of a particular affine surface, the Disco surface. We show that this family displays various dynamical behaviours: it is generically dynamically trivial, but for a Cantor set of parameters the leaves of the foliations accumulate to a (transversely) Cantor set. s study is achieved through the analysis the dynamics of the Veech group of this surface combined a modified version of Rauzy induction in the context of affine interval exchange transformations
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