664 research outputs found

    Role of ABA Signaling in Regulation of Stem Sugar Metabolism and Transport under Post- Flowering Drought Stress in Sweet Sorghum

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    Sugar remobilization from vegetative to reproductive tissues is an important process that determines grain yield in crops. Sweet sorghum stems store sugar and introgression of Stay green1 (Stg 1) locus from the grain sorghum genotype B35 into the sweet sorghum genotype S35 was previously shown to bring about a 2-fold higher stem sugar accumulation in the near-isogenic line (NIL) S35SG06040. We hypothesized that remobilization of stem sugar augments grain yield on exposure to drought stress and that the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) has a role to play in this process. ABA levels were three times higher in the NIL as compared to those in S35 on drought stress exposure. Remobilization of stem sugars in the NIL was evident by the observed decrease in reducing sugar content in the stem but not in the peduncle in response to prolonged drought stress exposure. Drought-induced expression of some ABA response factors (ABFs) as well as invertase and sucrose transporter genes was seen to be higher in the NIL as compared to S35. An over-representation of ABA-responsive elements (ABREs) and sugar signaling motifs in the differentially expressed genes indicated the involvement of ABA and sugar signaling in regulation of their expression. Two ABF genes located on the Stg1 locus showed single nucleotide polymorphism, which possibly accounted for their differential regulation in S35 and the NIL. The results suggest that ABA signaling plays an important role in post-flowering drought-induced remobilization of sugars to the reproductive sinks

    Modeling 21st century project teams: docking workflow and knowledge network computational models

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    This paper reports on an attempt to integrate and extend two established computational organizational models\u2014SimVision\uae and Blanche\u2014to examine the co-evolution of workflow and knowledge networks in 21st century project teams. Traditionally, workflow in project teams has been modeled as sets of sequential and/or parallel activities each assigned to a responsible participant, organized in a fixed structure. In the spirit of Jay Galbraith\u2019s (1973) information processing view of organizations, exceptions\u2014situations in which participants lack the required knowledge to complete a task\u2014are referred up the hierarchy for resolution. However, recent developments in digital technologies have created the possibility to design project teams that are more flexible, self-organizing structures, in which exceptions can be resolved much more flexibly through knowledge networks that extend beyond the project or even the company boundaries. In addition to seeking resolution to exceptions up the hierarchy, members of project teams may be motivated to retrieve the necessary expertise from other knowledgeable members in the project team. Further, they may also retrieve information from non-human agents, such as knowledge repositories or databases, available to the project team. Theories, such as Transactive Memory, Public Goods, Social Exchange and Proximity may guide their choice of retrieving information from a specific project team member or database. This paper reports on a \u201cdocked\u201d computational model that can be used to generate and test hypotheses about the co-evolution of workflow and knowledge networks of these 21st century project teams in terms of their knowledge distribution and performance. The two computational models being docked are SimVision (Jin & Levitt, 1999) which has sophisticated processes to model organizations executing project-oriented workflows, and Blanche (Hyatt, Contractor, & Jones, 1997), a multiagent computational network environment, which models multitheoretical mechanisms for the retrieval and allocation of information in knowledge networks involving human and non-human agents. This paper was supported in part by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation for the project \u201cCo-Evolution of Knowledge Networks and 21st Century Organizational Forms (IIS- 9980109)

    Accumulation of stem sugar and its remobilisation in response to drought stress in a sweet sorghum genotype and its near-isogenic lines carrying different stay-green loci

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    Near isogenic lines (NILs) of sweet sorghum genotype S35 into which individual stay green loci were introgressed, were used to understand the contribution of Stay green loci to stem sugar accumulation and its remobilization under drought stress exposure. Sugar and starch content, activities of sugar metabolism enzymes and levels of their expression were studied in the 3rd (source) leaf from panicle and the 5th (sugar storing) internode of the three lines, in irrigated plants and in plants exposed to a brief drought exposure at the panicle emergence stage. Annotation of genes in the respective Stay green loci introgressed in the NILs was carried out using bioinformatics tools. The leaves of NILs accumulated more photoassimilates and the internodes accumulated more sugar, as compared to the parent S35 line. Drought stress exposure led to a decrease in the starch and sugar levels in leaves of all three lines, while an increase in sugar levels was observed in internodes of the NILs. Sugar fluxes were accompanied by alterations in the activities of sugar metabolizing enzymes as well as the expression of genes related to sugar metabolism and transport. Remobilization of sugars from the stem internodes was apparent in the NILs when subjected to drought stress, since the peduncle, which supports the panicle, showed an increase in the sugar content, even when photoassimation in source leaves was reduced. Several genes related to carbohydrate metabolism were located in the Stay green loci, which probably contributed to variation in the parameters studied

    Gravitational collapse with tachyon field and barotropic fluid

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    A particular class of space-time, with a tachyon field, \phi, and a barotropic fluid constituting the matter content, is considered herein as a model for gravitational collapse. For simplicity, the tachyon potential is assumed to be of inverse square form i.e., V(\phi) \sim \phi^{-2}. Our purpose, by making use of the specific kinematical features of the tachyon, which are rather different from a standard scalar field, is to establish the several types of asymptotic behavior that our matter content induces. Employing a dynamical system analysis, complemented by a thorough numerical study, we find classical solutions corresponding to a naked singularity or a black hole formation. In particular, there is a subset where the fluid and tachyon participate in an interesting tracking behaviour, depending sensitively on the initial conditions for the energy densities of the tachyon field and barotropic fluid. Two other classes of solutions are present, corresponding respectively, to either a tachyon or a barotropic fluid regime. Which of these emerges as dominant, will depend on the choice of the barotropic parameter, \gamma. Furthermore, these collapsing scenarios both have as final state the formation of a black hole.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. v3: minor changes. Final version to appear in GR

    Ethical and methodological issues in engaging young people living in poverty with participatory research methods

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    This paper discusses the methodological and ethical issues arising from a project that focused on conducting a qualitative study using participatory techniques with children and young people living in disadvantage. The main aim of the study was to explore the impact of poverty on children and young people's access to public and private services. The paper is based on the author's perspective of the first stage of the fieldwork from the project. It discusses the ethical implications of involving children and young people in the research process, in particular issues relating to access and recruitment, the role of young people's advisory groups, use of visual data and collection of data in young people's homes. The paper also identifies some strategies for addressing the difficulties encountered in relation to each of these aspects and it considers the benefits of adopting participatory methods when conducting research with children and young people

    Naked Singularity Formation In f(R) Gravity

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    We study the gravitational collapse of a star with barotropic equation of state p=wρp=w\rho in the context of f(R)f({\mathcal R}) theories of gravity. Utilizing the metric formalism, we rewrite the field equations as those of Brans-Dicke theory with vanishing coupling parameter. By choosing the functionality of Ricci scalar as f(R)=αRmf({\mathcal R})=\alpha{\mathcal R}^{m}, we show that for an appropriate initial value of the energy density, if α\alpha and mm satisfy certain conditions, the resulting singularity would be naked, violating the cosmic censorship conjecture. These conditions are the ratio of the mass function to the area radius of the collapsing ball, negativity of the effective pressure, and the time behavior of the Kretschmann scalar. Also, as long as parameter α\alpha obeys certain conditions, the satisfaction of the weak energy condition is guaranteed by the collapsing configuration.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, to appear in GR

    Generation, annotation, and analysis of ESTs from midgut tissue of adult female Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria is a tropical disease caused by protozoan parasite, <it>Plasmodium</it>, which is transmitted to humans by various species of female anopheline mosquitoes. <it>Anopheles stephensi </it>is one such major malaria vector in urban parts of the Indian subcontinent. Unlike <it>Anopheles gambiae</it>, an African malaria vector, transcriptome of <it>A. stephensi </it>midgut tissue is less explored. We have therefore carried out generation, annotation, and analysis of expressed sequence tags from sugar-fed and <it>Plasmodium yoelii </it>infected blood-fed (post 24 h) adult female <it>A. stephensi </it>midgut tissue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We obtained 7061 and 8306 ESTs from the sugar-fed and <it>P. yoelii </it>infected mosquito midgut tissue libraries, respectively. ESTs from the combined dataset formed 1319 contigs and 2627 singlets, totaling to 3946 unique transcripts. Putative functions were assigned to 1615 (40.9%) transcripts using BLASTX against UniProtKB database. Amongst unannotated transcripts, we identified 1513 putative novel transcripts and 818 potential untranslated regions (UTRs). Statistical comparison of annotated and unannotated ESTs from the two libraries identified 119 differentially regulated genes. Out of 3946 unique transcripts, only 1387 transcripts were mapped on the <it>A. gambiae </it>genome. These also included 189 novel transcripts, which were mapped to the unannotated regions of the genome. The EST data is available as ESTDB at <url>http://mycompdb.bioinfo-portal.cdac.in/cgi-bin/est/index.cgi</url>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>3946 unique transcripts were successfully identified from the adult female <it>A. stephensi </it>midgut tissue. These data can be used for microarray development for better understanding of vector-parasite relationship and to study differences or similarities with other malaria vectors. Mapping of putative novel transcripts from <it>A. stephensi </it>on the <it>A. gambiae </it>genome proved fruitful in identification and annotation of several genes. Failure of some novel transcripts to map on the <it>A. gambiae </it>genome indicates existence of substantial genomic dissimilarities between these two potent malaria vectors.</p

    Sinteza kumarinskih heterocikličkih derivata s antioksidativnim djelovanjem i in vitro citotoksično djelovanje na tumorske stanice

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    The aim of the present work was to synthesise coumarinyl heterocycles and to elucidate the potential role of these compounds as antioxidants and cytotoxic agents against Dalton\u27s lymphoma ascites tumour cells (DLA) and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells (EAC). The synthesis of coumarin derivatives containing pyrazole, pyrazolone, thiazolidin-4-one, 5-carboxymethyl-4-thiazolidinone and 3-acetyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole ring is reported. 4-Methylcoumarinyl-7-oxyacetic acid hydrazide (1) reacted with arylazopropanes or hydrazono-3-oxobutyrate derivatives to form pyrazole (3a-c) and pyrazolone derivatives (5a-c). Heterocyclisation of Schiffs bases of 1 with thioglycolic acid, thiomalic acid or acetic anhydride afforded novel heterocyclic derivatives 4-thiazolidinones (7a-c), 5-carboxymethyl-4-thiazolidinones (8a-c) and oxadiazoles (9a-c), respectively. Some of the compounds showed promising results in in vitro antioxidant activity and cytotoxic activity against DLA cells and EAC cells.Cilj rada bio je sintetizirati kumarinske heterocikličke derivate i razjasniti njihovu potencijalnu ulogu kao antioksidativnih i citotoksičnih agenasa na tumorske stanice Daltonovog limfoma (DLA) i Ehrlichove tumorske stanice (EAC). U radu je opisana sinteza kumarinskih derivata s pirazolskim, pirazolonskim, tiazolidin-4-onskim, 5-karboksimetil-4-tiazolidinonskim i 3-acetil-1,3,4-oksadiazolskim prstenom. Hidrazid 4-metilkumarinil-7-oksioctene kiseline (1) dao je u reakciji s derivatima arilazopropana ili hidrazono-3-oksobutirata derivate pirazola (3a-c) i pirazolona (5a-c). Heterociklizacijom Schiffovih baza 1 s tioglikolnom kiselinom, tiojabučnom kiselinom ili anhidridom octene kiseline nastali su heterociklički derivati 4-tiazolidinoni (7a-c), 5-karboksimetil-4-tiazolidinoni (8a-c) i oksadiazoli (9a-c). Neki od spojeva pokazali su obećavajuće rezultate u in vitro testovima za antioksidativno i citostatsko djelovanje na DLA i EAC stanicama pokazali

    An impact and feasibility evaluation of a 6 week (9 hour) active play intervention on fathers' engagement with their preschool children: A feasibility study

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    Research has demonstrated the benefits of father involvement with their children and a link between uninvolved fatherhood and societal problems. Children’s Centres (n=15) received 6 x 90 minute active play sessions designed to foster six aspects of parental engagement. Fathers’ engagement and attitudes to child PA were measured pre- and post-intervention via questionnaire. Acceptability of the intervention was explored through participant and staff focus groups. Results showed no effect on overall time fathers spent with their child during the week (t (36) = 0.178, p = 0.860) and the weekend (t (36) =1.166, p = 0.252). Qualitative results demonstrated the sessions provided opportunities for fathers to spend quality time with their children. Parenting self-efficacy increased across the subscale control, t (36) = -2.97, p = 0.04. Fathers increased awareness of their role in motivating their child to play (z = -2.46, p = 0.01). Further longitudinal research is recommended. Key Words: fathers’ engagement; childcare settings; parenting programmes; active play; parenting self-efficac

    Biocompatibility and Biodegradation Studies of Subconjunctival Implants in Rabbit Eyes

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    Sustained ocular drug delivery is difficult to achieve. Most drugs have poor penetration due to the multiple physiological barriers of the eye and are rapidly cleared if applied topically. Biodegradable subconjunctival implants with controlled drug release may circumvent these two problems. In our study, two microfilms (poly [d,l-lactide-co-glycolide] PLGA and poly[d,l-lactide-co-caprolactone] PLC were developed and evaluated for their degradation behavior in vitro and in vivo. We also evaluated the biocompatibility of both microfilms. Eighteen eyes (9 rabbits) were surgically implanted with one type of microfilm in each eye. Serial anterior-segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) scans together with serial slit-lamp microscopy allowed us to measure thickness and cross-sectional area of the microfilms. In vitro studies revealed bulk degradation kinetics for both microfilms, while in vivo studies demonstrated surface erosion kinetics. Serial slit-lamp microscopy revealed no significant inflammation or vascularization in both types of implants (mean increase in vascularity grade PLGA50/50 12±0.5% vs. PLC70/30 15±0.6%; P = 0.91) over a period of 6 months. Histology, immunohistochemistry and immuno-fluorescence also revealed no significant inflammatory reaction from either of the microfilms, which confirmed that both microfilms are biocompatible. The duration of the drug delivery can be tailored by selecting the materials, which have different degradation kinetics, to suit the desired clinical therapeutic application