842 research outputs found

    Size distribution of sputtered particles from Au nanoislands due to MeV self-ion bombardment

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    Nanoisland gold films, deposited by vacuum evaporation of gold onto Si(100) substrates, were irradiated with 1.5 MeV Au2+^{2+} ions up to a fluence of 5×10145\times 10^{14} ions cm−2^{-2} and at incidence angles up to 60∘60^{\circ} with respect to the surface normal. The sputtered particles were collected on carbon coated grids (catcher grid) during ion irradiation and were analyzed with transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The average sputtered particle size and the areal coverage are determined from transmission electron microscopy measurements, whereas the amount of gold on the substrate is found by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The size distributions of larger particles (number of atoms/particle, nn ≥\ge 1,000) show an inverse power-law with an exponent of ∼\sim -1 in broad agreement with a molecular dynamics simulation of ion impact on cluster targets.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Submitted for publication in JA

    Giant magneto-impedance in Ag-doped La0.7Sr0.3MnO3

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    The resistive and reactive parts of the magneto-impedance of sintered ferromagnetic samples of La0.7Sr0.3-xAgxMnO3 (x = 0.05, 0.25) have been measured at room temperature (<Tc) over frequency interval 1KHz to 15MHz and in presence of magnetic field up to 4KOe. The field dependence of relative change in resistance is small in KHz region but increases strongly for higher frequency of excitation. The maximum value of relative change in resistance at H =4KOe was found to be around 70% at 15MHz frequency.On the contrary the corresponding change in reactance has less frequency sensitivity and the maximum occurs at 1MHz frequency. The magneto-impedance is negative for all frequencies. The 'normalized magneto-impedance' as defined by [Z(H)-Z(0)]/[Z(0)-Z(4K)] when plotted against scaled field H/H1/2 is found to be frequency independent ; H1/2 is the field where 'normalized magneto-impedance' is reduced to half its maximum. A phenomenological formula for magneto-impedance Z (H) in ferromagnetic material is proposed based on Pade approximant. The formula for Z (H) predicts the scaled behavior of 'normalized magneto-impedance'.Comment: 26 pages,9 figure

    Entangled Quantum State Discrimination using Pseudo-Hermitian System

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    We demonstrate how to discriminate two non-orthogonal, entangled quantum state which are slightly different from each other by using pseudo-Hermitian system. The positive definite metric operator which makes the pseudo-Hermitian systems fully consistent quantum theory is used for such a state discrimination. We further show that non-orthogonal states can evolve through a suitably constructed pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian to orthogonal states. Such evolution ceases at exceptional points of the pseudo-Hermitian system.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, 1 figur

    Time Series Study of Rhino Habitat and its Impact on Rhino Population in Gorumara National Park through Remote Sensing Technology

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    Gorumara National Park located within the flood plains of Jaldhaka and Murty river in the Dooars area of Northern West Bengal has a mosaic of natural vegetation consisting of tall grasslands, woodlands, tropical semi-evergreen forests and tropical moist deciduous forests, part of which get inundated in recurring floods. The Greater Indian One Horned Rhinoceros which is the flagship specie of this National Park has positively responded to the regular Wild Life Habitat Management regime introduced since 1995 showing trends of steady increase in its population as the habitat manipulation resulted in the increase of the Rhino habitat. This review tries to establish the Rhino population dynamics vis a vis increase in Rhino habitat using Remote sensing technology over the years since the area comes under purview of Protected Area network management

    Magnetic Behaviour of Disordered Ising Ferrimagnet in High Magnetic Field

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    The magnetic behaviour of a disordered ferrimagnetic system Ap B1-p where both A and B represent the magnetic atoms with respective spin SA = 1/2 and SB = 1 in presence of high magnetic field is treated theoretically.Assuming the magnetic interaction can be described through Ising Hamiltonian the approximate free energy is obtained using the cluster-variational method. The field dependence of the magnetization is then obtained for different concentration p and exchange parameters (JAA, JBB and JAB). For p = 0.5,the magnetization M in ferrimagnetic state and in absence of compensation temperature Tcm vanishes at TC.Field induced reversal of M is found at switching temperature TS (<TC) which is decreasing function of field H.A maximum in M is found above TS and the maximum value of M increases with field.In ferrimagnetic state M increases almost linearly at high H region. For system with large ferromagnetic JAA,the compensation temperature Tcm is increasing function of JBB and JAB .The decrease in compensation temperature is linear at small field and tends to saturate at higher field.The sharpness of the magnetization reversal is increased with H.For fully compensated state of the system with p = 2/3,the magnetization in presence of H also exhibits switching behaviour at TS .For p = 0.2 the field induced reversal of magnetization occurs more sharply.The orientational switching of the sublattice magnetization MA and MB with field increases the Zeeman energy and is the origin of magnetization reversal at TsComment: 12 pages,9 Figure

    Replicating Nanostructures on Silicon by Low Energy Ion Beams

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    We report on a nanoscale patterning method on Si substrates using self-assembled metal islands and low-energy ion-beam irradiation. The Si nanostructures produced on the Si substrate have a one-to-one correspondence with the self-assembled metal (Ag, Au, Pt) nanoislands initially grown on the substrate. The surface morphology and the structure of the irradiated surface were studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). TEM images of ion-beam irradiated samples show the formation of sawtooth-like structures on Si. Removing metal islands and the ion-beam induced amorphous Si by etching, we obtain a crystalline nanostructure of Si. The smallest structures emit red light when exposed to a UV light. The size of the nanostructures on Si is governed by the size of the self-assembled metal nanoparticles grown on the substrate for this replica nanopatterning. The method can easily be extended for tuning the size of the Si nanostructures by the proper choice of the metal nanoparticles and the ion energy in ion-irradiation. It is suggested that off-normal irradiation can also be used for tuning the size of the nanostructures.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, regular paper submitted to Nanotechnolog

    Ensemble Inequivalence and the Spin-Glass Transition

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    We report on the ensemble inequivalence in a many-body spin-glass model with integer spin. The spin-glass phase transition is of first order for certain values of the crystal field strength and is dependent whether it was derived in the microcanonical or the canonical ensemble. In the limit of infinitely many-body interactions, the model is the integer-spin equivalent of the random-energy model, and is solved exactly. We also derive the integer-spin equivalent of the de Almeida-Thouless line.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Shape of a liquid front upon dewetting

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    We examine the profile of a liquid front of a film that is dewetting a solid substrate. Since volume is conserved, the material that once covered the substrate is accumulated in a rim close to the three phase contact line. Theoretically, such a profile of a Newtonian liquid resembles an exponentially decaying harmonic oscillation that relaxes into the prepared film thickness. For the first time, we were able to observe this behavior experimentally. A non-Newtonian liquid - a polymer melt - however, behaves differently. Here, viscoelastic properties come into play. We will demonstrate that by analyzing the shape of the rim profile. On a nm scale, we gain access to the rheology of a non-Newtonian liquid.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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