15 research outputs found

    The Legal Nature and the Effects of Privatization of Public Companies in Iranian Law

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    According to recent challenges in the past years and worries of the authorities in handing over the public sectors to the private sectors,we tried to study the legal and issues in this research which have studied the general policies of code 44, the sector of legal empowerment in terms of the assignment and legal loopholes in this regard,the type and weakness of assignment in terms of legal that was studied generally not partly with the aim of interpretation of the law by the authorities and the absence of known solutions and common law provisions on the right of states and as well as assignment and assignment as the shares via the stock and OTC, Face- to-face negotiation and not to transfer the ownership

    Critique and Analysis of Contemporary Scientific Exegesis Based on the Views of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

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    Scientific interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is a remarkable phenomenon in the present age that many books and articles have been written to reject or accept it. Recognizing this method of interpretation and its evolution and historical background and evaluating what is presented under this title are the most important research works in the field of Qur’anic sciences. Abu Hamid al-Ghazali was the first to propose the theory of the Qur'an's inclusion on the first and last sciences, followed by Fakhr Rāzī, Zarkashī, and others. In the contemporary period, due to the rapid and astonishing progress of sciences, the emergence of new social, economic and philosophical schools, anti-colonial and revivalist religious struggles, the scientific attitude towards the Holy Qur’an has undergone significant changes and many Islamic thinkers have become interested in this method of interpretation and have developed it to protect the Holy Qur’an, remove the doubt of the conflict between science and religion and show the scientific miracle of the Holy Qur’an. Opponents of scientific interpretation, by emphasizing the guiding and humanizing role of the Holy Qur'an, consider it unreasonable to expect the expression of scientific issues from the Qur'an and consider the expression of such issues far from the dignity of this Holy Book


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    Рассматриваются социально-политические факторы, формирующие двойное гражданство в Иране и России, а также политическая и социальная структура двух стран. Автор, изучая фундаментальное различие по установлению института двойного гражданства, показывает появление двойного гражданства в Иране, рассматривает вопрос утечки мозгов из Ирана и спрос на двойное гражданство в России. Рассмотрев социально-политическую обстановку на исторической арене двух стран – Ирана и России, автор приходит к выводу, что двойное гражданство в обеих странах существует на основе юридических и различных социальных и политических факторов. Форма правления, научно-культурная и экономическая деятельность личности и существующий потенциал в каждой стране, необходимость увеличения населенности или пребывание лиц, обладающих некоторыми правами, относятся к числу общих факторов.The article deals with socio-political factors that shape the dual citizenship in Iran and Russia, as well as political and social structure of the two countries. By studying the fundamental difference for the establishment of dual citizenship, is the emergence of dual citizenship in Iran, considering the brain drain from Iran and the demand for dual citizenship in Russia. Having examined the socio-political situation in the historical arena of the two countries: Iran and Russia, the author concludes that the dual citizenship in both countries there is a legal and based on a variety of social and political factors. The form of government, scientific, cultural and economic activities of the person and the existing potential in each country, the need to increase the population or stay of persons with certain rights, are among the common factors

    Subcloning and expression of recombinant human parathyroid hormone rhPTH by fusion strategy in E.coli

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    Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease that over time, bone mass, and therefore bones strength, is decreased, due to depletion of calcium and bone protein. So, bones become fragile and break easily. The unique ability of human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) as a bone anabolic agent, to increase bone density makes it a promising anabolic agent in the treatment of osteoporosis. Parathyroid hormone secreted by parathyroid chief cells is composed of 84 amino acids act as one of the major hormones maintaining calcium homeostasis. Anabolic agents directly stimulate bone formation and improve the microarchitecture of bone. Hence, they have the potential to increase bone mass by promoting the growth of new bone greater extent than antiresorptives that inhibit bone resorption. N-terminal fragment (amino acids 1–34) of human parathyroid hormone was regarded to cover most of the hormonal actions of the intact human parathyroid hormone named teriparatide and is currently the only FDA approved anabolic medication for osteoporosis. According to some reports, the C-terminal region of the full-length PTH (1–84) may play an important role in its biological function. The C-terminus of PTH can regulate calcium concentration released from bone through binding to a different PTH receptor specific for the C-terminus. The aim of this study was to express and produce the recombinant PTH protein (1-84) in E.coli


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    Рассматриваются социально-политические факторы, формирующие двойное гражданство в Иране и России, а также политическая и социальная структура двух стран. Автор, изучая фундаментальное различие по установлению института двойного гражданства, показывает появление двойного гражданства в Иране, рассматривает вопрос утечки мозгов из Ирана и спрос на двойное гражданство в России. Рассмотрев социально-политическую обстановку на исторической арене двух стран – Ирана и России, автор приходит к выводу, что двойное гражданство в обеих странах существует на основе юридических и различных социальных и политических факторов. Форма правления, научно-культурная и экономическая деятельность личности и существующий потенциал в каждой стране, необходимость увеличения населенности или пребывание лиц, обладающих некоторыми правами, относятся к числу общих факторов

    Testing the Impacts of Tax Incentives (Evidence in Enhancing Tax Competition, Investment Attraction and Increasing Economic Growth)

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    In this paper, we focus on two major questions about tax incentives: 1) Do the countries compete over tax incentives in a same way as they compete over tax rates? ; 2) Do the offered tax incentives results in attracting investment and increasing economic growth? The results of testing the first question, in which spatial econometric technique for panel data and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) Method were used, indicate that the developing countries compete over tax rates and tax holidays (and don’t compete over investment rebates); In other words, governments consider other states’ tax policies as a benchmark for judging their own tax policies. The results of testing the second question, in which econometric techniques of dynamic data and Generalized Moments Method (GMM) were used, indicate that tax rates and tax holidays influence foreign direct investment while investment rebates don’t have such an effect and only tax rates have significant relationship with private sector investment and economic growth. Tax incentives which were tested here include tax rates reduction, tax holiday and investment rebates and empirical evidence is based on time period 1985- 2008 and the data for 45 developing countries

    Does Sensory–Motor Integration ExercisesEffect on Static And Dynamic Balance in Children with Trainable Mental Retardation?

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    Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of sensory- motor integration exercises on static and dynamic balance in children with trainable mental retardation. Materials & Methods: In this semi experimental research, with Purposive sampling method 40 subjects from GOLHAYE BEHESHT rehabilitation and training center with the mean age 8.48±2.81 years and mean IQ 30.62±6.81 participated. All children were pre tested. Then According to both factors (IQ and pretest scores) subjects divided randomly in two (experimental & control) equal groups. Each group were consist of 10 boys & 10 girls .Balance evaluated by balance part of Bruininks – Ossietzky Test of Motor Proficiency were used .experimental group encounter to Sensory stimulation and perform physical exercises during 50 sessions ؛ each session was 45 minutes and 6 times a week . Control group were using the class education programs. After 50 sessions both groups (experimental & control) were post tested Results: Data analyzed by Uman vitny and observed a significant difference in posttest among experimental and control groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: Experimental group gained more scores. This research indicated that sensory integration training improve balance (both static & dynamic balance)

    Expression of nestin and nerve growth factors in adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Background: Adipose tissue represents an accessible source of mesenchymal stem cells (Adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells-ADSCs). ADSCs could be differentiated into various mesenchymal stem cells (e.g. chondrocytes, adipocytes, osteoblasts, and neuronal lineages). Neurotrophic factors are diffusible polypeptides that have a critical role in survival, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. This study aimed to evaluate the proliferative capacity and the expression of some neurotrophic factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), nerve growth factor (NGF) and the expression of nestin in ADSCs. Materials and Methods: Rat ADSCs were isolated from the subcutaneous adipose tissue using mechanical and enzymatic digestion. These cells were cultured in αMEM supplemented with 10 fetal bovine serum. ADSCs of the third passage were evaluated by immunocytochemistry to detect the cell surface markers of CD90 and nestin. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to study the expression of the above-mentioned neurotrophic factors in the ADSCs. Moreover, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of ADSCs were induced in-vitro.Results: The assessment of ADSCs identity and purity showed that 90 and 80 of the stem cells were positive for CD90 marker and nestin, respectively. According to RT-PCR results, the above-mentioned neurotrophic factors were expressed in these stem cells. Furthermore, a small number of cells were positive for cresyl violet staining. Conclusion: Adipose tissue contains a stem cell population that seems to be a good multipotential cell candidate for cell replacement therapy

    A Survey o f t he Relationship Between EQ and Organizational Entrepreneurship in the State Organizations of Mazandaran State (Iran)

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    Today, any manager attempting to fulfill the organizational goals should consider the EQ of people as valuable capital and develops it for his human resources. The present study aimed to evaluate the relation between EQ and organizational entrepreneurship among the employees of state organizations of Mazandaran State. The present study was descriptive design with correlation-cross section method in 2012. The study population of the study was 1095 employees of the organization and the sample size was 285 people who were selected by random stratified sampling based on Cochran&apos;s formula. To evaluate the EQ, Shrink test was applied and to evaluate the organizational entrepreneurship, researcher-built questionnaire was used. Kolmogorov test was used to determine the normality of the data and Spearman and Kendall correlation was used. The results showed that EQ had significant relation with organizational entrepreneurship and its components as risk taking, innovativeness and proactiveness,all items except innovativeness

    Association of stress on eating competence in mothers during pregnancy and six months postpartum

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    Abstract Background Perceived stress is related to poor diet quality and unhealthy dietary patterns in women of reproductive age. Eating competence represents a variety of contextual skills reflecting a comfortable and flexible approach to eating and is associated with diet quality and health related behavior. In non-pregnant samples, perceived stress is negatively associated with eating competence. Given that pregnancy and the postpartum period can be periods of high stress, we hypothesized that higher stress in pregnancy would result in lower pregnancy eating competence. Methods Women (n = 296, mean BMIbaseline pregnancy = 26.3 ± SD 6.0) in the Pregnancy Eating Attributes Study (PEAS) were recruited from the Chapel Hill, North Carolina area. Perceived stress was assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale and eating competence using the ecSatter Inventory at their first trimester and 6-month postpartum visits. We used a mixed effect model to assess the effect of stress by time on eating competence, controlling for baseline pregnancy BMI, race and ethnicity, poverty to income ratio, and WIC status. Results Perceived stress was negatively associated with eating competence (b= -0.23, SE = 0.06, p < 0.001). The interaction of stress by time was negatively associated with eating competence (b = -0.15, SE = 0.08, p = 0.03), indicating that the association of stress with eating competence was stronger in postpartum than in pregnancy. Conclusions Perceived stress may adversely impact eating competence during both pregnancy and postpartum. Future studies intervening upon stress or eating competence during pregnancy and postpartum may inform potential causal relations