39 research outputs found

    The Interface between Motivational and Emotional Facets of Organizational Commitment among Instructors at Higher Education

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    Teachers in higher education domain play a decisive role in advancing economic developments as well as nurturing the well-being of the societies. Thus, the issue of university instructors’ commitment and the factors influencing its development should be a compelling priority for higher education administrations. The present study aims to extend the research on teacher organizational commitment by investigating the contribution of job motivation and emotion regulation to teacher commitment at higher education. To this purpose, 135 English as a foreign language (EFL) instructors from different higher education institutes and universities took part in this study. They were requested to complete a battery of three questionnaires: Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST), and Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). Findings demonstrated that both emotion regulation and motivation had a positive significant correlation with teacher organizational commitment. Moreover, findings obtained via regression analysis showed that among job motivation components, identified regulation was the best contributor of teacher organizational commitment. Also, among the subscales of emotion regulation, reappraisal strategy was a better predictor of teacher organizational commitment. Findings are discussed in details with respect to the implications for both theory and practice in higher education.


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    The prominence of teacher motivation in teaching practices and behaviors and its impact on student achievement is widely recognized in educational psychology. Nevertheless, English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ motivation and the factors influencing its development appear an uncharted domain. The following study attempted to explore EFL teachers’ motivation in relation to intrinsic interest, goal setting, and teaching effectiveness. The sample comprised 127 Iranian EFL teachers with their students (N= 500). The teachers were asked to complete a battery of two questionnaires. To assess teacher goal-setting and intrinsic interest, the researcher utilized the 'Teacher Self-Regulation Scale (TSRS)' designed   by Yesim, Sungur, and Uzuntiryaki (2009). To gauge teacher motivation, 'The Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers' designed by Fernet (2009) was employed. In the present study, this questionnaire was translated to Persian and then the translated version was validated in the Iranian context to pave the way for future studies on teacher motivation in Iranian context. To measure language teachers' performance and success in language teaching, the researcher employed the 'Characteristics of Successful Iranian EFL Teachers Questionnaire' (CSIET) designed and validated by Moafian and Pishghadam (2009). The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that there were relatively strong interrelationships among the three variables (intrinsic interest, goal-setting, and job motivation). All of them were positive and significant predictors of teacher success, and intrinsic interest exhibited the highest impact. It was also found that intrinsic interest positively influenced job motivation. The SEM analysis also indicated that go  Article visualizations: al-setting was positively influenced by both intrinsic interest and job motivation


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     The present study aimed at validating the Persian versions of epistemological beliefs scale among Iranian EFL learners. Epistemological beliefs questionnaire (EBQ) designed and validated by Chan and Elliot (2004) includes 30 items and employs a 5-point Likert scale which measure students' epistemological beliefs. On this scale, there are four dimensions: 1) “Innate/Fixed Ability” which refers to ability being innate and fixed, 2) “Learning Effort/Process” referring to hard work, and effort spent in drilling, 3)“Authority/Expert Knowledge” concerning knowledge being handed down by authority figures and experts, and 4) “Certainty Knowledge” denoting whether knowledge is certain, permanent, and unchanged. The present study also set out to investigate whether these epistemological beliefs vary by learner’s gender, Grade point average (GPA) and contextual factor. To do so, 206 EFL learners were selected according to convenience sampling among EFL learners in language institutes and universities in Mashhad, a city in northeast of Iran. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) verified the validity and reliability of the translated versions of scale in Iranian context. It was also found that these epistemological beliefs vary by GPA not by gender and contextual factor.   Article visualizations

    Resilience in virtual education: Designing and validating a scale in higher education

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    Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) equips learners in all settings with the knowledge, skills, attributes, and visions essential for coping with the diverse challenges they will encounter in their educational endeavors. The emergence of COVID-19 influenced different aspects of human life including education. Thanks to technology, especially ICT, Virtual Education (VE) provides the opportunity to continue education in such crises. Amidst this pandemic, many students, especially university students, encountered various challenges and impediments that resulted from VE. One of the factors which can affect VE is learners’ resilience. Therefore, it is of high importance to measure university students’ Resilience in Virtual Education (RVE) to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of this type of education and support ESD. The main purpose of this study is to design and validate a comprehensive instrument for measuring university students’ RVE. Furthermore, to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument, its nexus with a closely related construct, i.e., second language (L2) buoyancy was explored. To measure students’ RVE, a new scale (RVE Scale), comprising 33 items, was designed. It was designed based on the operational definition of academic resilience and was adapted to accommodate the requirements of VE. It measures six aspects of learners’ resilience: emotional, motivational, cognitive, metacognitive, persistence, and sociability. To measure L2 buoyancy, a relevant scale designed by Jahedizadeh et al. (2019) was utilized. It consists of 27 items with four factors; the factors include sustainability, regularity adaptation, positive personal eligibility, and positive acceptance of academic life. A total of 412 university students participated in the present research. The results obtained via Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) substantiated the validity of the newly designed scale and all the factors and items. The results attested to the criterion-related validity of the scale


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    The purpose of the current study was to examine the effectiveness of some strategies (stress coping and test-taking strategies) in diminishing Iranian EFL learners’ test anxiety. The sample consisted of 152 adult participants, 48 males and 104 females aged 20 to 35 with Persian as their first language. The instruments used in this study consisted of three questionnaires, the coping inventory for stressful situations (CISS), test anxiety questionnaire, and test taking strategy questionnaire. The results of path analysis demonstrated that among the coping strategies, task (ÎČ= .35, t= 5.00) and avoidance (ÎČ= .32, t= 4.32) are positive predictors of test-taking strategies and emotion negatively predicted test-taking strategies (ÎČ= -.21, t=  -3.26). Test anxiety is influenced by task (ÎČ= -.17, t= -2.18) and avoidance (ÎČ=- .33, t= -4.25) negatively and positively by emotion (ÎČ= .23, t= 3.43). It was also found that test-taking strategies and test anxiety are negatively associated (ÎČ= -.25, t= -3.17). In addition, results of independent sample t-test showed that there is a significant difference between male and female students with respect to stress coping strategies, test taking strategies, and test anxiety. Finally, the findings were discussed with reference to the context of Iran.  Article visualizations

    A Study of Iranian EFL Teachers' Attributions, Job Satisfaction, and Stress at Work

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    Job satisfaction is generally defined as combination of psychological, attitudinal, emotional, and environmental circumstances which make a person content with his/her profession. The present study probed English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ job satisfaction in relation to attitudinal and emotional factors. In particular, it investigated the role of Iranian EFL teachers’ attributions and stress at work in their job satisfaction. Moreover, the impact of attributions on stress at work was examined. To this end, 134 Iranian EFL teachers were selected and asked to complete of three questionnaires: English Language Teacher Attribution Scale (TAS), a combined Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Job in General(JIB) Scale, and Stress at Work (SAT) Scale. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that among teacher attributions concerning job satisfaction, teaching competency (TC) and teacher effort (TE)—both internal attributions—predicted job satisfaction positively and significantly, with TE having a greater influence. The SEM analysis also explored the association of teacher attributions of job satisfaction and their stress levels at work. It was revealed that among the four attributions, TC and TE negatively and significantly predicted stress at work. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that teacher stress at work is negatively and signiïŹcantly associated with job satisfaction. The conclusion of the study is that EFL teachers’ job satisfaction and stress at work is related to internal, controllable, and unstable attributions.La satisfaction au travail se dĂ©finit gĂ©nĂ©ralement comme une combinaison de circonstances psychologiques, comportementales, Ă©motionnelles et environnementales qui font en sorte qu’une personne est satisfaite de sa profession. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude porte sur la satisfaction au travail d’enseignants d’anglais langue Ă©trangĂšre (ALE) telle qu’indiquĂ©e par des facteurs comportementaux et Ă©motionnels. Plus particuliĂšrement, elle s’est penchĂ©e sur le rĂŽle que jouent les attributions et le stress au travail des enseignants iraniens d’ALE dans leur satisfaction au travail. L’impact des attributions sur le stress au travail a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©. Nous avons sĂ©lectionnĂ© 134 enseignants iraniens d’ALE et leur avons demandĂ© de complĂ©ter trois questionnaires, un portant sur une Ă©chelle d’attributions pour enseignants d’anglais, un portant Ă  la fois sur un index de descriptions de postes et une Ă©chelle des postes en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et un portant sur une Ă©chelle de stress au travail. Les rĂ©sultats d’une modĂ©lisation par Ă©quation structurelle indiquent que parmi les attributions portant sur la satisfaction au travail, la compĂ©tence en enseignement et les efforts des enseignants—toutes les deux des attributions internes—prĂ©disent de façon positive et significative la satisfaction au travail (les efforts des enseignants ayant plus d’influence). La modĂ©lisation par Ă©quation structurelle a Ă©galement rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© le lien entre les attributions de satisfaction au travail et les niveaux de stress au travail. Des quatre attributions, la compĂ©tence en enseignement et les efforts des enseignants prĂ©disaient de façon nĂ©gative et significative le stress au travail. De plus, les rĂ©sultats ont indiquĂ© que le stress au travail des enseignants est liĂ© de façon nĂ©gative et significative Ă  la satisfaction au travail. Nous concluons que la satisfaction et le stress au travail des enseignants en ALE sont liĂ©s Ă  des attributions internes, contrĂŽlables et instables.


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    Purpose: This research investigated the effect of immediate and delayed error correction on motivation of EFL learners to approve or disapprove the research hypothesis that, there is not any significant difference between three group of immediate correction, delayed Correction and control group.Methodology: This article was conducted by three groups of 30 subjects and in total, population of 90 learners. The errors committed by three groups of immediate correction, delayed Correction and control group were corrected in three different ways: immediately and with delay and with no special method, respectively. A motivation questionnaire and a language test were given to three groups in the first session of the term and the last session of the term to see the effect of different kind of error correction. The data of pre-test and post-test were analyzed by SPSS and one way ANOVA was used.Findings: The result provided evidence for reject of the hypothesis and immediate group performed better than delayed group and control group.Significance: This study is the first research investigating the effect of error correction time on motivation.  Article visualizations

    A Dynamic Model of EFL Learners' Personal Best Goals, Resilience, and Language Achievement

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    One of the objectives of any educational endeavor is helping students to adopt a set of personal goals for their achievement. This is known as personal best (PB) referring to personalized goals or standards of excellence that match or exceed one's prior best in the academic context. It is also believed that PB goals can fluctuate in line with other academic-associated factors. The aim of the present study is to scrutinize these goals in association with students' resilience and language achievement. In other words, this study elucidated how EFL learners' PB and resilience influence language achievement. To do so, 173 students studying in two private language institutes and a university completed two questionnaires. The former was PB scale designed by Martin (2006) measuring specific, challenging, competitively self-referenced, and self- improvement goals. It was then translated and validated by the present researchers. The latter was the resilience scale containing five dimensions of perceived happiness, empathy, sociability, persistence, and self-regulation. The questionnaire was designed and validated by Kim and Kim (2016) and then translated and validated in this study. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) demonstrated the validity of the Persian versions of the scales. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) also indicated that PB is a positive and significant predictor of resilience. Moreover, it was found that language achievement is predicted by both PB and resilience

    Differences in EFL learners’ burnout levels and receptive language skills with regard to the mindfulness-based instruction

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    The main aim of education is to provide students with academic knowledge and skills. In this process, some students experience burnout, which negatively affects their productivity and effec-tiveness. This study experimentally examines the impact of mindfulness-based instruction on burnout and students’ achievement in receptive language skills among 64 learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) via a mixed-methods approach (QUAN→ qual) within a single frame-work. The techniques implemented in the experimental group, i. e. 32 participants, included observance of all experience, analyzing, planning, judging, reasoning, and fantasizing (van Vreeswijk et al., 2014). Furthermore, the techniques were inspired by Pirson et al. (2012) conceptualization that mindfulness comprises novelty producing, novelty seeking, engagement, and flexibility. The results of posttest revealed these techniques efficiently enhanced the above-mentioned variables

    A Study of Iranian EFL Teachers' Attributions, Job Satisfaction, and Stress at Work

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    Job satisfaction is generally defined as combination of psychological, attitudinal, emotional, and environmental circumstances which make a person content with his/her profession. The present study probed English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ job satisfaction in relation to attitudinal and emotional factors. In particular, it investigated the role of Iranian EFL teachers’ attributions and stress at work in their job satisfaction. Moreover, the impact of attributions on stress at work was examined. To this end, 134 Iranian EFL teachers were selected and asked to complete of three questionnaires: English Language Teacher Attribution Scale (TAS), a combined Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Job in General(JIB) Scale, and Stress at Work (SAT) Scale. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that among teacher attributions concerning job satisfaction, teaching competency (TC) and teacher effort (TE)—both internal attributions—predicted job satisfaction positively and significantly, with TE having a greater influence. The SEM analysis also explored the association of teacher attributions of job satisfaction and their stress levels at work. It was revealed that among the four attributions, TC and TE negatively and significantly predicted stress at work. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that teacher stress at work is negatively and signiïŹcantly associated with job satisfaction. The conclusion of the study is that EFL teachers’ job satisfaction and stress at work is related to internal, controllable, and unstable attributions.La satisfaction au travail se dĂ©finit gĂ©nĂ©ralement comme une combinaison de circonstances psychologiques, comportementales, Ă©motionnelles et environnementales qui font en sorte qu’une personne est satisfaite de sa profession. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude porte sur la satisfaction au travail d’enseignants d’anglais langue Ă©trangĂšre (ALE) telle qu’indiquĂ©e par des facteurs comportementaux et Ă©motionnels. Plus particuliĂšrement, elle s’est penchĂ©e sur le rĂŽle que jouent les attributions et le stress au travail des enseignants iraniens d’ALE dans leur satisfaction au travail. L’impact des attributions sur le stress au travail a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©. Nous avons sĂ©lectionnĂ© 134 enseignants iraniens d’ALE et leur avons demandĂ© de complĂ©ter trois questionnaires, un portant sur une Ă©chelle d’attributions pour enseignants d’anglais, un portant Ă  la fois sur un index de descriptions de postes et une Ă©chelle des postes en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et un portant sur une Ă©chelle de stress au travail. Les rĂ©sultats d’une modĂ©lisation par Ă©quation structurelle indiquent que parmi les attributions portant sur la satisfaction au travail, la compĂ©tence en enseignement et les efforts des enseignants—toutes les deux des attributions internes—prĂ©disent de façon positive et significative la satisfaction au travail (les efforts des enseignants ayant plus d’influence). La modĂ©lisation par Ă©quation structurelle a Ă©galement rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© le lien entre les attributions de satisfaction au travail et les niveaux de stress au travail. Des quatre attributions, la compĂ©tence en enseignement et les efforts des enseignants prĂ©disaient de façon nĂ©gative et significative le stress au travail. De plus, les rĂ©sultats ont indiquĂ© que le stress au travail des enseignants est liĂ© de façon nĂ©gative et significative Ă  la satisfaction au travail. Nous concluons que la satisfaction et le stress au travail des enseignants en ALE sont liĂ©s Ă  des attributions internes, contrĂŽlables et instables.