20 research outputs found

    Olfaction in mosquitoes

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    Female mosquitoes are vectors of diseases, affecting both livestock and humans. The host-seeking and identification behaviors of mosquitoes are mediated mainly by olfactory cues. The peripheral olfactory organs of mosquitoes which perceive olfactory cues are the antennae and maxillary palps. These appendages bear numerous hair shaped structures, sensilla, in which olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are housed. The ORNs detect and discriminate various odorant molecules and send information regarding odor quality, quantity and spatio-temporal patterns to the central olfactory system in the brain for further analysis. The first goal of this study was to investigate the neuroanatomy of the mosquito central olfactory system. Using different staining techniques, the neuronal architecture of the deutocerebrum as well as 3D reconstructions of antennal lobe (AL) glomeruli were depicted for both sexes of the Afrcian malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae and the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. To study how mosquitoes detect olfactory cues, single sensillum recordings (SSRs) were performed, which allowed me to investigate electrophysiological properties of individual ORNs housed in four morphological types of the most abundant olfactory sensilla, s. trichodea. I was able to identify 11 functional types which their ORNs displayed distinct responses to a set of compounds. As part of this study, axons of functionally defined ORNs were traced by neurobiotin to indicate which glomeruli they targeted. This resulted in a functional map of AL glomeruli. The map indicated that different functional types of ORNs converged onto different spatially fixed glomeruli. My next step was to identify novel biologically active compounds for the ORNs using gas chromatography coupled SSRs (GC-SSRs). Headspace odors from different human body parts, i.e. armpit, feet and trunk regions as well as from a plant used as a mosquito repellent (Nepeta faassenii) were collected, extracted and eventually injected onto the GC-column. I found that some of the extract components elicited responses in previously defined ORNs as well as in ORNs of the intermediate sensilla. Some of the compounds, which were subsequently identified by using GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were heptanal, octanal, nonanal and decanal

    Chemosensory sensitivity reflects reproductive status in the ant Harpegnathos saltator.

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    Insects communicate with pheromones using sensitive antennal sensilla. Although trace amounts of pheromones can be detected by many insects, context-dependent increased costs of high sensitivity might lead to plasticity in sensillum responsiveness. We have functionally characterized basiconic sensilla of the ant Harpegnathos saltator for responses to general odors in comparison to cuticular hydrocarbons which can act as fertility signals emitted by the principal reproductive(s) of a colony to inhibit reproduction by worker colony members. When released from inhibition workers may become reproductive gamergates. We observed plasticity in olfactory sensitivity after transition to reproductive status with significant reductions in electrophysiological responses to several long-chained cuticular hydrocarbons. Although gamergates lived on average five times longer than non-reproductive workers, the shift to reproductive status rather than age differences matched the pattern of changes in olfactory sensitivity. Decreasing sensillum responsiveness to cuticular hydrocarbons could potentially reduce mutually inhibitory or self-inhibitory effects on gamergate reproduction

    Hyperbolic odorant mixtures as a basis for more efficient signaling between flowering plants and bees

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    Animals use odors in many natural contexts, for example, for finding mates or food, or signaling danger. Most analyses of natural odors search for either the most meaningful components of a natural odor mixture, or they use linear metrics to analyze the mixture compositions. However, we have recently shown that the physical space for complex mixtures is ‘hyperbolic’, meaning that there are certain combinations of variables that have a disproportionately large impact on perception and that these variables have specific interpretations in terms of metabolic processes taking place inside the flower and fruit that produce the odors. Here we show that the statistics of odorants and odorant mixtures produced by inflorescences (Brassica rapa) are also better described with a hyperbolic rather than a linear metric, and that combinations of odorants in the hyperbolic space are better predictors of the nectar and pollen resources sought by bee pollinators than the standard Euclidian combinations. We also show that honey bee and bumble bee antennae can detect most components of the B. rapa odor space that we tested, and the strength of responses correlates with positions of odorants in the hyperbolic space. In sum, a hyperbolic representation can be used to guide investigation of how information is represented at different levels of processing in the CNS

    Non-canonical odor coding in the mosquito

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    Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are a persistent human foe, transmitting arboviruses including dengue when they feed on human blood. Mosquitoes are intensely attracted to body odor and carbon dioxide, which they detect using ionotropic chemosensory receptors encoded by three large multi-gene families. Genetic mutations that disrupt the olfactory system have modest effects on human attraction, suggesting redundancy in odor cod-ing. The canonical view is that olfactory sensory neurons each express a single chemosensory receptor that defines its ligand selectivity. We discovered that Ae. aegypti uses a different organizational principle, with many neurons co-expressing multiple chemosensory receptor genes. In vivo electrophysiology demon-strates that the broad ligand-sensitivity of mosquito olfactory neurons depends on this non-canonical co-expression. The redundancy afforded by an olfactory system in which neurons co-express multiple chemosensory receptors may increase the robustness of the mosquito olfactory system and explain our long-standing inability to disrupt the detection of humans by mosquitoes

    A mosquito-specific antennal protein is critical for the attraction to human odor in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae

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    Mosquitoes rely mainly on the sense of smell to decipher their environment and locate suitable food sources, hosts for blood feeding and oviposition sites. The molecular bases of olfaction involve multigenic families of olfactory proteins that have evolved to interact with a narrow set of odorants that are critical for survival. Understanding the complex interplay between diversified repertoires of olfactory proteins and ecologicallyrelevant odorant signals, which elicit important behaviors, is fundamental for the design of novel control strategies targeting the sense of smell of disease vector mosquitoes. Previously, large multigene families of odorant receptor and ionotropic receptor proteins, as well as a subset of odorant-binding proteins have been shown to mediate the selectivity and sensitivity of the mosquito olfactory system. In this study, we identify a mosquitospecific antennal protein (MSAP) gene as a novel molecular actor of odorant reception. MSAP is highly conserved across mosquito species and is transcribed at an extremely high level in female antennae. In order to understand its role in the mosquito olfactory system, we generated knockout mutant lines in Anopheles gambiae, and performed comparative analysis of behavioral and physiological responses to human-associated odorants. We found that MSAP promotes female mosquito attraction to human odor and enhances the sensitivity of the antennae to a variety of odorants. These findings suggest that MSAP is an important component of the mosquito olfactory system, which until now has gone completely unnoticed

    Hold your breath – Differential behavioral and sensory acuity of mosquitoes to acetone and carbon dioxide

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    Host seeking in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, and the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles coluzzii, relies on specific and generic host-derived odorants. Previous analyses indicate that the behavioral response of these species depends differentially on the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other constituents in human breath for activation and attraction. In this study, we use a flight tube assay and electrophysiological analysis to assess the role of acetone, a major component of exhaled human breath, in modulating the behavioral and sensory neuronal response of these mosquito species, in the presence and absence of CO2. When presented alone at ecologically relevant concentrations, acetone increases attraction in Ae. aegypti, but not in An. coluzzii. Moreover, in combination with CO2, human breath-equivalents of acetone ranging between 0.1 and 10 ppm reproduces a behavioral response similar to that observed to human breath in host-seeking Ae. aegypti, but not in An. coluzzii. Acetone does, however, reduce attraction to CO2 in An. coluzzii, when presented at a higher concentration of 10 ppm. We identify the capitate peg A neuron of the maxillary palp of both species as a dual detector of CO2 and acetone. The sensory response to acetone, or binary blends of acetone and CO2, reflects the observed behavioral output in both Ae. aegypti and An. coluzzii. We conclude that host recognition is contextual and dependent on a combination of ecologically relevant odorants at naturally occurring concentrations that are encoded, in this case, by differences in the temporal structure of the neuronal response. This information should be considered when designing synthetic blends for that optimally attract mosquitoes for monitoring and control

    A mosquito-specific antennal protein is critical for the attraction to human odor in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae

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    International audienceMosquitoes rely mainly on the sense of smell to decipher their environment and locate suitable food sources, hosts for blood feeding and oviposition sites. The molecular bases of olfaction involve multigenic families of olfactory proteins that have evolved to interact with a narrow set of odorants that are critical for survival. Understanding the complex interplay between diversified repertoires of olfactory proteins and ecologically- relevant odorant signals, which elicit important behaviors, is fundamental for the design of novel control stra- tegies targeting the sense of smell of disease vector mosquitoes. Previously, large multigene families of odorant receptor and ionotropic receptor proteins, as well as a subset of odorant-binding proteins have been shown to mediate the selectivity and sensitivity of the mosquito olfactory system. In this study, we identify a mosquito- specific antennal protein (MSAP) gene as a novel molecular actor of odorant reception. MSAP is highly conserved across mosquito species and is transcribed at an extremely high level in female antennae. In order to understand its role in the mosquito olfactory system, we generated knockout mutant lines in Anopheles gambiae, and performed comparative analysis of behavioral and physiological responses to human-associated odorants. We found that MSAP promotes female mosquito attraction to human odor and enhances the sensitivity of the antennae to a variety of odorants. These findings suggest that MSAP is an important component of the mosquito olfactory system, which until now has gone completely unnoticed