2,383 research outputs found

    Seluk Beluk Menopause

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    Menopause, especially the symptoms and complications, is always an interesting topic to be discussed. It is actually a normal part of woman's life entering ages of 50. The symptoms of menopause are highly individual to each woman. Some may experience multiple physical and psychological symptoms that may continue to social impacts. Misinterpretation as other disease symptoms could happen and lead to incorrect treatment. Many studies have been done to learn more about the menopause physiological process, symptoms, complication, and treatment. So many preventive and treatment options are offered, including hormone therapy and practicing healthy life style. By understanding the menopause, it is expected that symptoms could be controlled and complications could be avoided

    Pulmonary Tuberculosis Among Primary Health Center Workers in 6 Districts in Indonesia

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    Background: Health care is one of the workplaces with a higher risk of TB than the general population. This study aims to analyze pulmonary TB on PHC workers in six districts/cities in Indonesia.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted, involving 509 workers, in 50 health centers (PHC referral microscopic and PHC self- executing) of 6 districts/cities of 3 provinces. Data pulmonary tuberculosis in the last 12 months based on diagnose by health professionals was collected. Sputum specimen examination conducted in the laboratory Primary Health Center and confirmed with two referent laboratories. Results: Two of the 509 respondents (0.39%) had been diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis by health workers since 12 months ago and one of them is still in the treatment of tuberculosis. All respondents have no active pulmonary tuberculosis (smear negative results). The relationship of the disease and work can not be ruled out. Conclusion: Workers PHC potentially infected by pulmonary tuberculosis. Increased knowledge about TB transmission and prevention needs to be given to the health center workers

    Determinan Kejadian Cedera pada Kelompok Pekerja Usia Produktif di Indonesia

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    International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2008 estimated that 14 % of the 2.34 million people died as a result of work-related accidents. In Indonesia, work-related accidents data are still limited and only focus on the formal sector. The research purpose was to identify the determinant of the injury in Indonesia productive age (15-64 years old) workers.This study was a further analysis of National Health Research (Riskesdas data) in 2013. The data were analyzed by complex sample with significancelevel 0.05 and 95% confidence intervals. The workers who met the study criterias were 405,984 persons. The determinant of injury was age, gender, hypertension, region area, visual and hearing impairment, education, diabetes mellitus, marrital status, body mass index, occupation, economical status, subdistrict area (OR adjusted 1.1-2.17 p¤0.009). The injury of the 15-24 years old group was 2.17 times higher than55-64 years old group, males were injured 1.8 times higher than females, workers who had hypertension were 1.6 times than normotension. Workers stayed in Eastern Indonesia Region was injured 1.5 times higher than in Sumatra Region, and workers with hearing impairment in both ears were injured 1.5 times higher than normal hearing. The main determinant of injury in productive age workers was age, gender, hypertension, and hearing impairment. Efforts to prevent injury were required, especially foryoung workers.Keywords : workers, injury, productive age, Indonesia, Riskesdas 2013 AbstrakInternational Labor Organization (ILO) memperkirakan 14% dari 2,34 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan kerja (2008). Di Indonesia, data terkait kecelakaan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan masih terbatas dan hanya fokus pada pekerja sektor formal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan determinan kejadian cedera pada pekerja usia produktif (15-64 tahun) di Indonesia, menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Tahun 2013. Data dianalisis dengan kompleks sampel, tingkat kemaknaan 0,05 dan confidence interval 95%. Jumlah pekerja yang dianalisis 405,984 orang. Determinan kejadian cedera adalah umur, jenis kelamin, hipertensi, kawasan tempat tinggal, gangguan penglihatandan pendengaran, pendidikan, diabetes mellitus, status perkawinan, status gizi, jenis pekerjaan, status ekonomi, dan lokasi tempat tinggal (OR adjusted 1.1-2.17 p¤0.009). Kejadian cedera pada pekerjaumur 15-24 tahun 2,17 kali dibandingkan umur 55-64 tahun, pada laki-laki 1,8 kali dibandingkan perempuan, mereka yang menderita hipertensi 1,6 kali dibandingkan yang tidak hipertensi. Pekerjayang tinggal di Kawasan Timur Indonesia 1,5 kali lebih banyak yang cedera dibandingkan di Kawasan Sumatera, sedangkan yang menderita gangguan pendengaran kedua telinga 1,5 kali lebih banyak cederadibandingkan pendengaran normal. Determinan utama cedera pada pekerja usia produktif adalah umur diikuti jenis kelamin, hipertensi, dan gangguan pendengaran. Upaya untuk mencegah kejadian cederadiperlukan khususnya bagi pekerja usia muda.Kata kunci : pekerja, cedera, usia produktif, Indonesia, Riskesdas 201

    Dampak Nyeri Pinggang terhadap Kehadiran Kerja Paramedis di Tiga Rumah Sakit di Jakarta

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    Latar belakang: Nyeri pinggang adalah nyeri pada pinggang yang dapat menimbulkan keterbatasan gerak sementara maupun menetap, dapat menyebabkan seseorang tidak dapat bekerja dan memerlukan pengobatan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis dampak nyeri pinggang terhadap kehadiran kerja paramedis pada 3 rumah sakit di Jakarta. Metode: Desain penelitian potong lintang, dengan sampel paramedis pada 3 rumah sakit di Jakarta yang mengalami nyeri pinggang dalam1 tahun terakhir, berusia 20–45 tahun, dan minimal masa kerja 1 tahun. Sampel yang memenuhi kriteria 109 orang. Hasil: Nyeri pinggang yang terjadi pertama kali di tempat kerja 2 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang terjadi di luar tempat kerja. Dari 109 orang, 16,5% mengambil cuti sakit pada saat pertama nyeri pinggang, dengan lama cuti sakit tertinggi berturut turut 1–3 hari dan 7–14 hari. Sebagian besar mengalami kekambuhan lebih dari 1 kali dalam setahun. Cuti sakit akibat nyeri pinggang berhubungan bermakna dengan skala nyeri. Cuti sakit lebih tinggi pada skala nyeri 6–10 dibandingkan skala 1–5 (p = 0,006 OR 4,5 95% CI 1,5–13,2). Kesimpulan: nyeri pinggang dapat mengalami kekambuhan dan berdampak pada kehadiran kerja paramedis di rumah sakit

    The Effect of Mild Preoperative Renal Impairment on Early Postoperative Mortality after Open Cardiac Surgery

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    Introduction: Severe preoperative renal impairment (RI) is often included in score systems used to predict outcome after open cardiac surgery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of mild preoperative RI on the early postoperative mortality after open heart surgery. Methods: We retrospectively collected data of all patients who underwent open cardiac surgery in Kuwait Chest Disease Hospital from January 2005 to June 2006. Multiple baseline and perioperative variables, including the presence of mild preoperative RI, were scrutinized for potential association with early post operative mortality. Results: The study included 500 subjects, 47 of whom had mild preoperative RI, defined by an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between 89-60 ml/min. The overall 30 days mortality was 6.8%. Mortality was 40.8% in patients who had mild preoperative RI, 28.7% in patients who developed acute postoperative deterioration in renal function and 33.3% in patients who required dialysis postoperatively. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that the development of postoperative multi-organ failure (MOF), female gender and mild preoperative RI were the only independent variables predicting early post operative mortality after cardiac surgeries. Conclusion: A number of studies have identified moderate to severe RI as a predictor of mortality and morbidity after open heart surgery. RI is often associated with other comorbidities which are likely to have a negative impact on morbidity and mortality after open heart surgery. However, in this study mild preoperative RI remained a strong predictor of early mortality even after adjustment for several confounders. Keywords: cardiac surgery, chronic kidney disease, renal impairment, mortalit

    Pemeriksaan Karies Gigi pada Beberapa Kelompok Usia oleh Petugas dengan Latar Belakang Berbeda di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    The main indicators of dental caries measurement according to the WHO is DMF - T . This study aimed to compare the results of the DMF - T between the dentist and not a dentist . The study design was the mean difference test. The study was conducted in the province of West Kalimantan , and conducted in March to October 2010. The subject of the study of 90 people , each consisting of 30 men and women aged 18 year , 35-44 year and aged 60 year and older . DMF - T the age of 18 year were examined dentist is 4.11 , while the dentist was checked instead of 2.51. At the age of 35-44 year were examined by a dentist is 9.82 , while that examined not the dentist is 7.79 . For ages 60 year and older , who examined the dentist was 24.13 being the result of the examination was not a dentist 23.80 . Conclusion : The results of measurements not lower dentists ( significant difference ) of the measurement dentist at the age of respondents aged adults and the elderly. It is advisable to do a better perception and a more detailed inter- examiner , to obtain a better examination results and more acurate.Keywords: caries , DMF- T , teens, adults, elderlyAbstrakIndikator utama pengukuran karies gigi menurut WHO adalah DMF-T. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan DMF-T antara dokter gigi dan bukan dokter gigi. Desain penelitian adalah uji beda Mean. Penelitian dilakukan di Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2010. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 90 orang, terdiri dari masingmasing 30 orang laki-laki dan perempuan usia 18 tahun, 35-44 tahun dan 60 tahun keatas. DMF-T usia 18 tahun yang diperiksa dokter gigi adalah 4,11, sedang yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi adalah 2,51. Pada usia 35-44 tahun yang diperiksa oleh dokter gigi memiliki tingkat keparahan cukup yaitu 9,82 , sedangkan yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi yaitu 7,79. Untuk usia lansia yang diperiksa dokter gigi yaitu 24,13 demikian juga hasil pemeriksaan bukan dokter gigi 23,80. Kesimpulan: Hasil pengukuran bukan dokter gigi lebih rendah (berbeda bermakna) dari pada pengukuran dokter gigi pada responden usia dewasa maupun usia lansia. Semakin tinggi usia responden, semakin tinggi pula tingkat keparahan karies nya ( nilai DMF-T nya meningkat). Disarankan untuk melakukan penyamaan persepsi yang lebih baik dan lebih rinci antar pemeriksa, sehingga didapatkan hasil pemeriksaan yang lebih baik dan lebih akurat.Kata kunci: karies, DMF-T, usia remaja, usia dewasa dan usia lansi

    Status dan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Ditinjuau dari Faktor Individu Pengunjung Puskesmas DKI Jakarta Tahun 2007

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    . Dental and oral health status is expressed in dental caries and periodontal diseases prevelance, which generally caused by poor oral hygiene, i.e. plaque accumulation containing various bacteria. tendency of plaque formation exists in every people in every age. The fact in the fields showed that there are many dental and oral diseases were in advanced condition, resulting in impossibility in endodontic treatment (Rahardjo A., 2006). It was the results of the lack of public awareness and knowledge about the importance of dental and oral health, high dental care cost, and passive attitude of dentists who delivered only curative treatment. The study used Cross Sectional study design and conducted on selected sub district primary health centers in DKI Jakarta. On August 23rd - October 2nd 2007. The amount of people were 828 persons conducted both gender with 15 years age and ever lived in Jakarta. They participated in this study which were affirmed by informed consent. Data analyses were using Chi Square and Logistic Regression by SPSS version 11.5. The result of this study showed related significant between variable age with dental and oral health status (p:0.0001)

    Hubungan Faktor Determinan dengan Kejadian Tifoid di Indonesia Tahun 2007

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    Typhoid is an abdominal infectious diseases caused by Salmonella typhii. The Typhus more popular name called Typhus Abdominalis, Typhoid fever or Enteric fever. The Profile of disease control and healthy environment in 2006 reported that typhoid was to be publich health\u27s problem. The cases of morbidity and mortality rate from typhoid was 500 per 100.000 people, and fatality rate was 65%. The objective of this study is to find prevalence of typhoid and the relatied with several determinants in Indonesia. This study used cross-sectional design with descriptive analysis on relation of determinant factors to typhoid prevalence in Indonesia in 2007. The research sample is all sample who answered quesioner about Typhus. Collected data with direct quesioner. Determinant factor in analisis are individual karacteristic, demografi status, economy status, and environment. The result shown prevalency of clinical Typhoid about 1,5%, with range prevalence (0,4% - 2,6%). Dominant factor in Typhoid morbidity has 13 variable, which are sex variable with OR = 1,142 on male group, in age group The highest OR higher was on 1-14 years that was 1,449 (1,164-1,804)). The education variable who unfinishes from elementary school have OR =1,746 , responden who have child under five 5 years more than five child in their home have OR = 3,368, variable area according to island in Indonesia, NTT and NTB were OR = 1,052, Variable area according to administration area have OR = 1,283 (1,169-1,410) on rural side. The length of time to acces proffesional health service have OR = 1,420 on group who have time to acces was long, and the length of time to acces community health service have OR =1,226 for time long to acces, and water sufficienty OR= 1,273 for responden have not water sufficient, variable of the soil source around drinking water resource OR = 1,097, and the variable of the water quality bad have OR = 1,401, variable of having a garbage place have OR= 1,180 on responden didn\u27t have a garbage place, and the last was variable of having the waste pipeline in responden home, group responden didn\u27t have waste pipeline in home have OR = 1,098 . The result shown prevalency of clinical typhoid about 1,5%, with range prevalency (0,4% -2,6%). Dominan factors on the typhoid morbidity there were 13 factors which are 1. sex variable, 2. age variable, 3. consist of Child under five years in family 4. education variable, 5. area\u27s according island 6. administration area variable 7. length of time to acces to profesional health service 8. length of time to acces to profesional health inter grated health care post, 9. variable with water sufficiency, 10. variable of soil source paround drinking water source, 11. variable of water quality, 12. variable with having a garbage place, 13. variable of having the waste pipeline in responden home
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