117 research outputs found

    Standardization of the WISC-R for students aged 12-15 years in Iraq

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    The main aim of this research was to provide the educational system in Iraq with a test of intelligence which could have been standardized on a large sample of 12 to 15 year- old students throughout that country. Rather than construct a new intelligence test it was decided to use a well-established test, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised, the WISC-R, which had been previously standardized in both the U.S.A. (where it originated) and Britain and in many other countries throughout the world. It was considered necessary to modify the form of this test before it could be standardized and made available to some of the Arab countries.The British version of the test (WISC-R, 1974), after initial piloting, was administered to 800 students equally divided among the four age groups - 12 years, 13 years, 14 years and 15 years. The sampling procedure ensured that the selection of students represented the distribution of secondary-school population in the three main regions of Iraq, as well as providing representative samples from both urban and rural communities. For standardization purposes it was decided to have equal numbers of boys and girls in each year- group.The raw scores on each subtest of the WISC-R within each age group were scaled to give a mean of 10 and Standard Deviation of 3, which was the procedure used in the original standardizations of the WISC-R. In a similar way the overall Verbal, Performance and Full Scale scores, based on the appropriate subscales, were scaled to give a mean of 100 and Standard Deviation of 15. The intercorrelations of all the subscales were compared with those obtained for the British WISC-R. The results in the present study have similar magnitudes. High values of correlation coefficients were obtained for all subscales separately and with the measures of Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQs. These again werecomparable to the results of previous studies.Finally, the study reported on the variables 'socioeconomic status', 'education of parents', 'urban-rural status', 'size of family' and 'regional area of Iraq'. Using t- analyses and analyses of variance it was found that many of these relationships for Iraqi students were similar to these found in previous studies on IQ

    The Effect of Fluoridated and Non Fluoridated Mouth Washes on Color Stability of Different Aesthetic Arch Wires At Different Time Intervals (An in Vitro Study)

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    الخلفية:إن الأستقرار اللوني لأسلاك التقويم التجميلية عامل مهم في نجاح علاج تقويم الأسنان التجميلي لكن لون هذه الأسلاك يميل الى التغير مع مرور الوقت. تم تنفيذ هذه الدراسة لتقييم تأثير نوعين من غسولات الفم على الأستقرار اللوني لأنواع مختلفة من أسلاك التقويم التجميلية لفترات زمنية مختلفة. المواد والطرق:أستخدمت أربع ماركات من أسلاك النيكل تيتانيوم التجميلية المغلفة: المغلفة بالأيبوكسيOrthotechnology)  و (G&H والمغلفة بالتفلون Dany) وHubit). تم تحضير ستة وثلاثين شريط كل شريط يحتوي على عشرة أنصاف من أسلاك التقويم التجميلية. قُسِمت الى ثلاثة مجاميع حسب بيئة الغمر (الماء المقطر, ليستيرين مع الفلورايد وليستيرين بدون الفلورايد) و غُمِرت لمدة ثلاثين ثانية مرتين يومياً وفقاً لتعليمات الشركة المصنعة لغرض قياس مقدار التغير اللوني بعد أسبوع واحد وثلاثة أسابيع ثم ستة أسابيع بأستخدام جهاز فحص الطيف اللوني (VITA Easyshade Compact) وفقاً  للمنظمة العالمية للأضاءة. النتائج: لقد وجدت أختلافات معنوية كبيرة في قيم التغير اللوني لأسلاك التقويم التجميلية بين جميع بيئات الغمر لفترات زمنية مختلفة كما إن قيمة التغير اللوني تزداد بزيادة فترة الغمر.أضافة الى ذلك غسول الفم ليستيرين مع الفلورايد سبب تغيراً لونياً بقيم أكبر لأسلاك التقويم التجميلية مقارنة مع ليستيرين بدون الفلورايد وكانت أسلاك التقويم التجميلية لشركة (Hubit) الأقل أستقراراً لونياً في حين كانت أسلاك التقويم التجميلية لشركة (Orthotechnology) الأكثر أستقراراً لونياً. الاستنتاجات: نستطيع أن نستنتج إن الأستعمال اليومي لغسول الفم ليستيرين يمكن أن يؤثر على الأستقرار اللوني لأسلاك التقويم التجميلية.على الرغم من إن جميع أسلاك التقويم التجميلية المُختبرة أظهرت تغيرات لونية بدرجات مختلفة ولكن بعض هذه التغيرات كانت غير مرئية وأخرى مقبولة سريرياً بينما المتبقية كانت غير مقبولة سريرياً.Background:The color stability of aesthetic arch wires is an important factor in the success of an aesthetic orthodontic treatment, but the color of these arch wires tends to change with time.This study was performed to assess the effect of two types of mouth washes on the color  stability of different types of aesthetic arch wires at different time intervals. Materials and methods:Four brands of nickel titanium coated aesthetic arch wires were used: epoxy coated (Orthotechnology and G&H) and Teflon coated (Dany and Hubit).Thirty six samples were prepared, each sample contains ten halves of the aesthetic arch wires. They were divided into three groups according to the immersion media (distilled water as a control media, Listerine with fluoride and Listerine without fluoride) and immersed for 30 seconds twice daily according to manufacturer's instructions to measure color change after 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks by using spectrophotometer VITA Easyshade Compact according to Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage L*a*b* color space system. Results:It was found that there were highly significant differences in color change values of aesthetic arch wires among all immersion media at different time intervals and color change value increases as the time of immersion increases.Additionally, Listerine with fluoride mouth wash caused higher color change values of aesthetic arch wires than Listerine without fluoride and Hubit aesthetic arch wires were the least color stable while Orthotechnology aesthetic arch wires were the most color stable. Conclusions: We can conclude that the daily use of Listerine mouth washes could affect on the color stability of aesthetic arch wires. Although all tested aesthetic arch wires revealed color changes at variable degrees but some of these changes were not  visible and the others were clinically acceptable while the remaining were clinically unacceptable


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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH FORMALDEHIDA TERHADAP PENURUNAN KONSENTRASI ASAM NITRAT DAN KENAIKAN KADAR URANIUM DALAM EFLUEN PROSES DI IEBE. Telah dilakukan percobaan menurunkan konsentrasi asam nitrat dan menaikkan kadar uranium dalam efluen proses menggunakan formaldehida. Tujuan percobaan ini adalah untuk menurunkan konsentrasi asam nitrat dan menaikkan konsentrasi uranium dalam efluen proses di IEBE (Instalasi Elemen Bakar Eksperimental). Parameter yang digunakan adalah volume formaldehida mulai dari 4, 6, 8, 10, hingga 12 mL. Percobaan dilaksanakan dengan menambahkan tetesan formaldehida ke dalam efluen yang mengandung uranium berkeasaman tinggi pada suhu 98 °C, sedangkan gas NO2 yang terbentuk selama percobaan diserap oleh akuades dalam labu. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa hasil terbaik tercapai pada penggunaan formaldehida 4 mL, yang dapat menurunkan konsentrasi asam nitrat dari 4,35 M menjadi 3,54 M, dan menaikkan kadar uranium dari 1,446 g/L menjadi 1,768 g/L. KATA KUNCI: pemungutan, uranium, asam nitrat, formaldehida ABSTRACT The influence of formaldehyde on the decreasing concentration of nitric acid and the increasing uranium content in process efFluent at EFEI. Experiment has been performed to reduce nitric acid concentration and to increase uranium content in process effluent by using formaldehyde. The objective of the research is to reduce the nitric acid concentration and to increase the uranium content in the process effluent at EFEI (Experimental Fuel Element Installation). The parameter used is volume of formaldehyde from 4, 6, 8, 10 to 12 mL. The experiment was carried out by adding dropwise formaldehyde into the high acidic uranium at a temperature of 98 °C, whereas the NO2 gas that was formed was absorbed by demineralized water in the flask. The results of the experiment show that the best yield was attained at a volume of 4 mL, which was able to reduce the nitric acid concentration from 4.35 M to 3.54 M and increase the uranium content from 1.446 g/L to 1.768 g/L. FREE TERMS: recovery, uranium, nitric acid, formaldehyd

    Qualitative Interpretation of Gravity Data Collected in Kalak-Bardarash Area-NW of Erbil City, Iraqi Kurdistan Region

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    A total of 610 gravity stations were taken to cover the area around Kalak and Bardarash Towns northwest of Erbil City. The existed net of roads was followed to collect the data. All necessary corrections were carried out to calculate and display the complete Bouguer anomalies. The Bouguer anomaly map was carefully analyzed. Regional and residual maps were also derived and displayed using different techniques. The visual inspection of the Bouguer anomaly map showed the presence of five major anomalies: two positive and three negative. Among them is the important high south of Bardarash Town which is the main oil field structure in the area. When these anomalies were compared with the surface geology, lineaments on Landsat and Aster images a good and reliable consistency was found with slight shift in the surface anticlinal axis of Bardarash with that obtained from gravity. The analysis of the regional anomaly map shows that all the anomalies revealed by the Bouguer and residual maps are super-imposed on a main regional anomaly almost trending towards northeast. This major anomaly, which is considered to reflect the effect of basement rocks, shows that the basement complex surface is inclined toward the northeast and East. It has a depth ranging between 6 and 9 km. with the presence of many faults some of which are continuing upwards to the surface

    Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetic Data in the Erbil Plain (Iraqi Kurdistan Region)

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    Gravity and magnetic anomalies create because of the lateral change in density and susceptibility of rocks underneath a certain datum. Gravity data in the form of Bouguer anomaly map of Erbil plain is subjected to quantitative interpretation by means of 2-D modeling by the assistance of some magnetic data in the form of profiles. Magnetic anomalies were interpreted qualitatively because of lack of magnetic properties of rocks. Seven gravity profiles in different directions from the Bouguer map were chosen to construct geological models which satisfy the situation. The residual anomaly of each profile was obtained by hand smoothing technique. It is shown that the main gravity low is attributed to thick Neogene sediments which are thrown against the Paleogene sediments by two major NW-SE faults which give rise to a density contrast of 0.3 gm/cm3 , while local anomalies were interpreted as reflections of local and shallow structures and depressions within the upper part of the Neogene sediments. The shallower anomalous bodies are less than two kilometers in depth while the main anomalous body of Erbil so-called trough reaches four kilometers in depth. Magnetic anomalies indicate both suprabasment and intrabasement anomalies. It is revealed that at least a part of the Pirmam anticline (NW of the Gomspan NE-SW trending fault) is underlain by basic igneous rocks in the basement


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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH KONSENTRASI ELEKTROLIT, TEGANGAN DAN WAKTU TERHADAP KADAR URANIUM PADA ELEKTROLISIS PEB U3Si2-Al. Telah dilakukan studi tentang pengaruh konsentrasi elektrolit, tegangan, dan waktu terhadap konsentrasi kontaminan uranium pada proses elektrolisis PEB U3Si2-Al. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah dilakukan proses elektrolisis hingga diperoleh serbuk U3Si2 sebanyak 4,536 g, dimana sebagian uranium terlarut dalam elektrolit sebagai kontaminan. Apabila kontaminan uranium ini dibiarkan terus, maka selain banyak uranium terlarut juga akan mengakibatkan gangguan pada proses elektrolisis berikutnya. Oleh karena itu uranium yang berupa kontaminan harus dipungut (recovery). Pada penelitian ini selama proses elektrolisis berlangsung, dilakukan pencuplikan larutan elektrolit guna menentukan kontaminan uraniumnya. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi yang relatif baik diperoleh pada konsentrasi elektrolit 2 N, waktu elektrolisis 90 menit dan tegangan 4 volt. Pada kondisi tersebut, kadar kontaminan uranium yang diperoleh sebesar 125 mg/L.  KATA KUNCI: kontaminan uranium, proses eletrolisis, elektrolit ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTROLYTE CONCENTRATION, VOLTAGE AND TIME ON URANIUM CONTENT IN THE ELECTROLYSIS OF U3Si2-Al FUEL PLATE. Research on the influence of electrolyte concentration, voltage and time on uranium content in the electrolysis of U3Si2-Al fuel plate has been conducted. In the previous research, electrolysis process of U3Si2-Al fuel plate resulted in the gaining of 4.536 g of U3Si2 powder, in which some of the uranium was dissolved in the electrolyte as a contaminant. If not treated, the dissolved uranium content will increase and may interfere with the subsequent electrolysis process. The uranium contaminant, therefore, needs to be recovered. In this research, during the electrolysis process, sampling of electrolyte was done to determine the uranium content. The experiment showed that a relatively good condition was achieved in the electrolysis process with an electrolyte concentration of 2 N for 90 minutes at 4 volts. In this condition, the uranium content as the contaminant was found to be 125 mg/L. FREE TERMS : uranium contaminant, electrolysis process, electrolyt


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    ABSTRAKPEMUNGUTAN SERBUK U3Si2 DARI GAGALAN PRODUKSI PEB DISPERSI BERISI U3Si2–Al SECARA ELEKTROLISIS MENGGUNAKAN ELEKTRODA TEMBAGA. Pemungutan serbuk U3Si2-Al telah dilakukan secara elektrolisis dengan elektroda tembaga (Cu) sebagai anoda, dan gagalan pelat elemen bakar (PEB) sebagai katoda. Sebelum dilakukan analisis, PEB dipotong dan ditimbang. Parameter yang dipelajari dalam percobaan ini adalah konsentrasi elektrolit HNO3, waktu elektrolisis, dan tegangan. Setelah elektrolisis selesai, hasil serbuk U3Si2 yang terpungut dan berat akhir elektroda Cu ditimbang. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi elektrolisis optimum dicapai pada elektrolit HNO3 1 N, waktu elektrolisis 90 menit, dan tegangan 4 volt yang ditandai dengan banyaknya Al dan AlMg2 yang menempel pada elektroda Cu dan terkumpulnya serbuk U3Si2 di dasar wadah elektrolit HNO3. Serbuk U3Si2 yang terkumpul di dasar wadah tersebut sebanyak 2,158 g.KATA KUNCI: Pelat elemen bakar, U3Si2-Al dispersi,Elektrolisis, Elektroda tembagaABSTRACTRECOVERY OF U3Si2 POWDER FROM PRODUCTION REJECT OF U3Si2 -Al DISPERSION FUEL ELEMENT PLATE BY ELECTROLYSIS USING COPPER ELECTRODE. Recovery of U3Si2 powder has been carried out by means of electrolysis using copper electrode as the anode, and the rejected fuel element plate as the cathode. Before analysis is performed, the fuel element plate is cut and weighed. Parameters assessed in the experiment are HNO3 electrolyte concentration, electrolysis time, and voltage. After the electrolysis is completed, the recovered U3Si2 powder and Cu electrode are weighed. The experiment results show that the optimum electrolysis condition is achieved at HNO3 electrolyte concentration of 1 N, electrolysis time of 90 minutes, and voltage of 4 volt, which is marked by a large quantity of Al and AlMg2 deposits on the copper electrode and the accumulation of U3Si2 powder at the bottom of HNO3 electrolyte container. The accumulated U3Si2 powder in the container was 2.158 g.FREE TERMS: Fuel element plate, U3Si2–Al dispersion, Electrolysis, Copper electrod


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    ABSTRAK MODEL PERHITUNGAN DISTRIBUSI SUHU SEPANJANG PELAT ELEMEN BAKAR (PEB) U3Si2–Al PADA PENGURANGAN TEBAL DAN WAKTU. Telah dilakukan penghitungan distribusi suhu terhadap PEB U3Si2-Al pada setiap pengurangan tebal dan waktu sampai proses perolan panas selesai menggunakan model matematika hukum fourier. Selama proses perlakukan perolan panas berlangsung panas pada pelat tersebut akan ditransfer keseluruh pelat yang diawali berturut-turut dari ketebalan pelat 8,3 mm, 7,0 mm, 5,6 mm, 2,6 mm and 1,65 mm. Diharapkan dengan adanya rekayasa perhitungan menggunakan transfer panas, namun tetap dalam koridor/kaidah chemical engineering tools, memungkinkan secara dini suhu pada setiap posisi pelat proses perolan panas kelak dapat diketahui. Suhu yang terdistribusi secara homogen dapat membantu dalam mempelajari perilaku serbuk U3Si2 dalam PEB. Data yang dipakai suhu awal proses perolan pelat 40 oC suhu pemanasan pelat dalam tungku 415 oC selama + 30 menit. Hasil perhitungan distribusi suhu pada parameter pengurangan tebal inti elemen bakar (IEB) dan waktu untuk PEB U3Si2–Al hampir merata sepanjang pelat. Suhu pada tiap pengurangan ketebalan dan waktu selisih angka hampir sama. Kata Kunci: distribusi suhu, PEB U3Si2 – Al, IEB (inti elemen bakar), tebal pelat   ABSTRACT  MODEL OF CALCULATION TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION ALONG FUEL ELEMENT PLATE (FEP) U3Si2-Al AT DECREASING THICKNESS AND INCREASING TIME. The calculation on temperature of fuel element plate (FEP) U3Si2–Al at every change of position and time until the completion of hot rolling process by using Fourier law mathematical model had been done. During hot rolling process, heat will be transferred throughout the plate beginning respectively from the plate thickness of 8.3 mm, 7.0 mm, 5.6 mm, 2.6 mm and 1.65 mm. It was expected that the engineered calculation by using heat transfer mathematical model, yet complying with the rules of chemical engineering tools, the temperature at any position during hot rolling process could be predicted in advance. Whether or not the predicted temperature was distributed homogenously maight be a help in studying the behavior of U3Si2 powder in the FEP. The calculation used initial given temparature at 40 oC and the furnace temperature was considered steady at 415 oC for + 30 minutes. The result showed that the temperature distribution was practically homogenous along the plate length with decreasing thickness of fuel element core (FEC) . The temperature at decreasing thickness and increasing time intervals indicated similar difference value.  Free Terms: temperature distribution, FEP U3Si2 – Al, FEC (fuel element core), plate thicknes

    Pemurnian uranil nitrat hasil pelarutan yellow cake menggunakan metoda elektrodialisis

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    Abstract Purification of uranyl nitrate results of dissolution yellow cake using electrodialysis method. Have performed purification of uranium from yellow cake dissolution results and note that the result of condensation in the form of uranyl nitrate/UO2(NO3)2 is still contains impurities and high levels of nitric acid. The purpose of this study is to conduct purification UO2(NO3)2 which still contains impurities by electrodialysis method using a two chamber cell that is cathode and anode chamber and betweenthe chambers inserted two membranes (cation exchange membrane/CEM). Cation exchange membrane serves as a separator between the chamber and also functions as occurcence of ionition. In the process of this electrosialysis using electrodes Pt/Pt (anode and cathode) and the source of electricity supplied from DC power supply. The parameters applied in this uranium purification process using three (3) parameters, acidity ie feed, voltage, and time. In the cathode chamber filled nitric acid (1 N) to bind the uranium ion dioxide into uranyl nitrate in the cathode chamber. The magnefull of the voltage parameters between 3 to 7 volts. While the timing parameters used are from 30 to 120 minutes which interval of 30 minute interval). The best conditions of the electrodialysis process the results obtained at a voltage of 6 volts and a time of 60 minutes at 0.9995 N acidity with the recovery uranium levels in the cathode chamber at 0.0745 g U / L (74.5 mg) or the results obtained in the purification process of purifying uranium from the leaching yellow cake in the cathode chamber of 18.0625 % with high levels of impurities contains in the uranium meet the threshold when used as fuel. Keywords : Purification, electrodialysis, electrode, cation exchange membrane, uranium Abstrak Pemurnian uranil nitrat hasil pelarutan yellow cake menggunakan metoda elektrodialisis. Telah  dilakukan pemurnian uranium hasil pelarutan yellow cake dan diketahui bahwa hasil pelarutan berupa uranil nitrat/UO2(NO3)2 tersebut masih berimpuritas dan kadar asam nitrat yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemurnian UO2(NO3)2 dengan metoda elektrodialisis menggunakan alat sel dua bilik yaitu bilik katoda dan anoda dan diantara keduanya disisipkan membran (membran tukar kation/MTK). Membran tukar kation berfungsi sebagai pemisah antar bilik dan  sekaligus berfungsi sebagai media perpindahan ion (migrasi).  Dalam proses elektrodialisis  ini menggunakan elektroda Pt/Pt (anoda dan katoda) dan sumber listriknya disuplai dari DC power.  Parameter yang diterapkan dalam proses pemurnian uranium ini menggunakan 3 (tiga) parameter yaitu keasaman umpan, tegangan, dan waktu. Di dalam bilik katoda diisi  asam nitrat (1 N) untuk mengikat ion uranium dioksida menjadi uranil nitrat di  dalam bilik katoda. Parameter tegangan antara 3 hingga 7 Volt, sedangkan parameter  waktu yang digunakan dari 30 hingga 120 menit dengan interval 30 menit. Kondisi terbaik  dari proses elektrodialisis hasil yang diperoleh pada tegangan 6 Volt dan waktu 60 menit pada keasaman 0,9995 N dengan kadar uranium yang terpungut dalam bilik katoda sebesar 0,0745 g U/L (74,5 mg). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam proses pemurnian uranium dari hasil pelarutan yellow cake di bilik katoda sebesar 18,0625 % dengan kadar impuritas yang terkandung di dalam uranium telah memenuhi syarat untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bahan bakar . Kata Kunci : Pemurnian, elektrodialisis, elektroda, membran tukar kation, uraniu