5 research outputs found


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    Febre crônica associada a abscesso esplênico causado por Staphylococcus epidermidis Chronic fever associated with splenic abscess due to Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Abscessos ocultos são causa freqüente de febre crônica. Os abscessos esplênicos são entidades raras, usualmente associadas a quadros subjacentes de cirurgia abdominal, endocardite ou imunodepressão. Apresenta-se um caso de paciente com febre prolongada causada por um abscesso esplênico, cujo principal diagnóstico diferencial era leishmaniose visceral, que provavelmente esteve associado a traumatismo abdominal. O tratamento consistiu em antibioticoterapia seguida de esplenectomia.<br>Occult abscesses are frequent causes of chronic fever. Splenic abscesses are rare entities that are usually associated with underlying conditions such as abdominal surgery, endocarditis or immunodepression. We report on the case of a patient with prolonged fever caused by a splenic abscess, whose main differential diagnosis was visceral leishmaniasis. However, this condition was probably related to abdominal trauma. The treatment consisted of antibiotics followed by splenectomy

    Abscesso esplênico causado por Salmonella

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    OBJETIVO: Relatar as características demográficas, clínicas, diagnóstica e terapêutica de pacientes com abscesso esplênico (AE) causado por Salmonella. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva de dados de pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral e Aparelho Digestivo do Hospital Universitário Gaffrée-Guinle no período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2005, a estes se incluiu um caso tratado em outro hospital em época anterior. RESULTADOS: Dentre 4823 pacientes recentemente atendidos, dois apresentaram AE causado por Salmonella enteritidis, enquanto o caso mais antigo o agente responsável foi a Salmonella typhi. Todos eram homens, com idade média de 45 anos. Em nenhum deles foi identificada condição predisponente à formação do abscesso; os exames de imagem foram capazes de diagnosticar o AE. Todos foram tratados por esplenectomia e antibioticoterapia e evoluíram para cura. CONCLUSÕES: A Salmonella, apesar de infrequente, pode ser o agente causal do AE. Caracteristicamente os abscessos eram grandes e apresentavam material necrótico em seu interior. Nesta condição, a esplenectomia associada a antibioticoterapia mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento

    Breast Abscess Due to Salmonella Typhimurium in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report

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    Background This is the first report of breast abscess due to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium. Staphylococcus aureus is known as the most common cause of breast abscess. Salmonella spp. may occasionally form localized abscesses after dissemination to various organ systems following a bacteraemia. But breast abscess related to Salmonella spp is a very rare complication. Case presentation A 43-year-old female patient referred to our hospital with a lump, fever and mild pain in her breast. The patient was not pregnant or lactating at that time. She had a history of rheumatoid arthritis for 5 years and was under immunosuppressive therapy. Ultrasonography of the breast revealed an abscess. The abscess was drained and sent for culture to medical microbiology laboratory. The microorganism was identified as Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and found to be sensitive to all antibiotics tested. The patient was cured after surgical debridement and antibiotic therapy. The abscess did not recur again. Conclusions This case is presented to draw attention to non-typhoidal Salmonella as rare causes of breast abscess and submission of specimens to the microbiology laboratory for accurate diagnosis and treatment especially in patients with underlying immunosuppressive diseases.WoSPubMe