84 research outputs found


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    Tesis yang berjudul Pengembangan Media Belajar Kimia Berbasis Permainan Monopoli pada Materi Asam-Basa Tingkat SMP ini membahas tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran kimia dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan produk permainan "monopoli asam-basa” dan memperoleh data tentang implementasi media permainan tersebut dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah exploratory design dengan permainan "monopoli asam-basa” sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data pada tahap pengembangan media menggunakan instrumen lembar pengembangan media, lembar penilaian media, dan lembar validasi isi, kemudian pada tahap uji coba digunakan rekaman video, angket, tes pemahaman konsep, dan wawancara. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini ialah sebagai berikut: (1) Konsep asam-basa memenuhi semua karakteristik konsep yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam permainan monopoli; (2) Pengembangan permainan monopoli pada konsep asam-basa dapat menghasilkan satu paket permainan "monopoli asam-basa" yang terdiri atas papan permainan, 24 buah sertifikat asam/basa, uang monopoli sebanyak enam jenis, 24 buah kartu ujian, serta dilengkapi dengan buku peraturan permainan dan kunci jawaban; (3) Permainan tersebut dapat berperan sebagai media belajar yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu dan motivasi belajar siswa untuk memperkuat konsep yang telah diperkenalkan kepada siswa sehingga siswa mampu mencapai semua indikator ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran di atas 80%. (4) Menurut persepsi guru, permainan tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai seperti jujur, belajar berkompetisi, bekerja keras, menghargai pendapat teman, disiplin, kerjasama, loyalitas, saling percaya, bijak, tidak sombong, dan saling bertoleransi. Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan untuk dilakukan pengujian efektifitas media permainan "monopoli asam-basa” terhadap peningkatan motivasi, pemahaman konsep, dan penanaman nilai-nilai

    Positive Regulation of Myogenic bHLH Factors and Skeletal Muscle Development by the Cell Surface Receptor CDO

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    AbstractSkeletal myogenesis is controlled by bHLH transcription factors of the MyoD family that, along with MEF-2 factors, comprise a positive feedback network that maintains the myogenic transcriptional program. Cell-cell contact between muscle precursors promotes myogenesis, but little is known of the underlying mechanisms. CDO, an Ig superfamily member, is a component of a cell surface receptor complex found at sites of cell-cell contact that positively regulates myogenesis in vitro. We report here that mice lacking CDO display delayed skeletal muscle development. Additionally, satellite cells from these mice differentiate defectively in vitro. CDO functions to activate myogenic bHLH factors via enhanced heterodimer formation, most likely by inducing hyperphosphorylation of E proteins. The Cdo gene is, in turn, a target of MyoD. The promyogenic effect of cell-cell contact is therefore linked to the activity of myogenic bHLH factors. Furthermore, the myogenic positive feedback network extends from the cell surface to the nucleus

    The Impact of the Fusarium Mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol on the Health and Performance of Broiler Chickens

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    The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effects of feeding grains naturally contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins on morphometric indices of jejunum and to follow the passage of deoxynivalenol (DON) through subsequent segments of the digestive tract of broilers. A total of 45 1-d-old broiler chickens (Ross 308 males) were randomly allotted to three dietary treatments (15 birds/treatment): (1) control diet; (2) diet contaminated with 1 mg DON/kg feed; (3) diet contaminated with 5 mg DON/kg feed for five weeks. None of the zootechnical traits (body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion) responded to increased DON levels in the diet. However, DON at both dietary levels (1 mg and 5 mg DON/kg feed) significantly altered the small intestinal morphology. In the jejunum, the villi were significantly (P < 0.01) shorter in both DON treated groups compared with the controls. Furthermore, the dietary inclusion of DON decreased (P < 0.05) the villus surface area in both DON treated groups. The absolute or relative organ weights (liver, heart, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, spleen, pancreas, colon, cecum, bursa of Fabricius and thymus) were not altered (P > 0.05) in broilers fed the diet containing DON compared with controls. DON and de-epoxy-DON (DOM-1) were analyzed in serum, bile, liver, feces and digesta from consecutive segments of the digestive tract (gizzard, cecum, and rectum). Concentrations of DON and its metabolite DOM-1 in serum, bile, and liver were lower than the detection limits of the applied liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. Only about 10 to 12% and 6% of the ingested DON was recovered in gizzard and feces, irrespective of the dietary DON-concentration. However, the DON recovery in the cecum as percentage of DON-intake varied between 18 to 22% and was not influenced by dietary DON-concentration. Interestingly, in the present trial, DOM-1 did not appear in the large intestine and in feces. The results indicate that deepoxydation in the present study hardly occurred in the distal segments of the digestive tract, assuming that the complete de-epoxydation occurs in the proximal small intestine where the majority of the parent toxin is absorbed. In conclusion, diets with DON contamination below levels that induce a negative impact on performance could alter small intestinal morphology in broilers. Additionally, the results confirm that the majority of the ingested DON quickly disappears through the gastrointestinal tract


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    Skripsi yang berjudul “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kimia berbasis Permainan Monopoli pada Sub Materi Zat Aditif pada Makanan” ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk permainan monopoli kimia “zat aditif pada makanan” yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alat bantu bagi guru dalam mengajar kimia dan siswa dalam mempelajari kimia khususnya sub materi zat aditif pada makanan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) dengan subjek penelitian permainan monopoli kimia “zat aditif pada makanan”. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam proses pembuatan permainan monopoli kimia ini meliputi pembuatan desain permainan monopoli kimia, soal untuk kartu UTS dan UAS, buku peraturan permainan dan kunci jawaban, serta pembuatan permainan monopoli kimia. Desain permainan monopoli kimia ini meliputi desain papan monopoli, kartu UTS dan UAS, kartu hak milik komplek, dan uang monopoli. Komponen-komponen permainan monopoli kimia tersebut memiliki beberapa fungsi dalam proses pembelajaran. Papan monopoli berfungsi untuk menarik perhatian dan menumbuhkan motivasi siswa untuk belajar, kartu UTS dan UAS memiliki fungsi evaluatif, kartu hak milik komplek dan uang monopoli dapat melatih siswa dalam mengambil keputusan dan memanajemen keuangan, serta buku peraturan permainan yang dapat melatih siswa untuk membiasakan diri mengikuti sebuah prosedur. Sebagai media visual, permainan monopoli kimia “zat aditif pada makanan” memiliki fungsi atensi, afektif, kognitif, dan kompensatoris sehingga kualitas media ini sudah baik. Permainan monopoli kimia ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran kimia dan dapat diuji efektifitas media tersebut dalam penelitian selanjutnya

    The effect of early feeding on growth and small intestinal development in the posthatch poult. Poult. Sci

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    ABSTRACT Poults with early access to feed in the All intestinal epithelial cells were proliferating at hatch, hatchery or turkey house grew more than those reared under standard commercial practice. During 48 h post-which changed rapidly within 48 h posthatch, with proliferating cells becoming located mainly in the intestinal hatch, fed poults utilized yolk and exogenous feed to crypts where about half of the cells were proliferating. increase BW by 11 g. The small intestine increased from In feed-deprived poults, the decrease in the proportion 3.8 % of BW at hatch to 8.9 % after 48 h. In contrast, BW of proliferating cells in the crypt was greater than that in feed-deprived poults decreased by 10 g, whereas the of fed poults; after refeeding, an increase in the rate of small intestine increased slightly in weight and composed proliferation was observed in feed-deprived poults. 4.5 % of BW after 48 h. The number of cells per villus and Plasma concentrations of Na, glucose, triglycerides, the villus surface area increased dramatically posthatch in the duodenum but more slowly in the jejunum and and phospholipids were not affected by feed deprivation; ileum. Enterocyte width changed little, but length in- however, nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were encreased more than twofold in the duodenum and by aphanced in feed-deprived poults, indicating a greater use proximately 50 % in the jejunum and ileum by 6 d post- of fatty acids for energy. Plasma triiodothyronine (T3) hatch. Lack of access to feed depressed the rate of growth of villi and enterocyte length in all intestinal segments until 6 d posthatch. concentrations, which may mediate some of the intestinal effects of feed deprivation, were depressed in poults without access to feed

    Effect of Dietary Garlic Meal on Histological Structure of Small Intestine in Broiler Chickens

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