25 research outputs found

    Técnicas de Relaxamento e Visualização na Psicologia da Saúde

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    Este artigo visa discutir a utilização das técnicas de relaxamento e visualização em pacientes com enfermidades orgânicas na Psicologia da Saúde. Estas técnicas são recursos complementares na integração mente-corpo no que se refere ao entendimento do processo saúde-doença. As imagens mentais advindas desta experiência tendem a auxiliar na ampliação de consciência, em relação à doença na vida da pessoa. A Psiconeuroimunologia fundamenta a integração mente-corpo destacando-se as áreas da Psicooncologia e da Psicodermatologia. As imagens visualizadas de cura tendem a estimular no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e a participação ativa do paciente no processo de recuperação da sua saúde

    Pulsar scattering and the ionized interstellar medium

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    Fifty years after the discovery of the first pulsating neutron star, the field of pulsar science has grown into a multidisciplinary research field, working to address a wide range of problems in astrophysics -- from stellar evolution models to high precision tests of General Relativity to analysing the detailed structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Milky Way. Over 2500 Galactic pulsars have been discovered. The next generation telescopes, such as the Square Kilometre Array, promise to discover the complete observable Milky Way population, of several tens of thousands, over the next decade. These point sources in the sky have extreme properties, with matter densities comparable to that of an atomic nucleus, and surface magnetic fields a trillion times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. Observationally, the most valuable property is their rotational stability -- allowing us to anticipate and sum their beamed radio emission, as the pulsar spins around its axis, on millisecond to second timescales. The detected radio wave signals carry with them information of the ionised interstellar medium (IISM) paths they traveled along. The imprints reveal that the pulsar signals we detect travel along multiple paths. While the bulk of the emitted signal propagates along a straight line, we also receive delayed emission scattered through small angles, back into our line of sight. This scattering is caused by fluctuations in the free electron densities of the IISM. The impact of these inhomogeneities is exaggerated at low observing frequencies, where averaged pulsar profiles are observed to be broadened, and showcase exponential scattering tails characterised by a scattering timescale &gcy;. Simple theoretical models predict a power law dependence of &gcy; on frequency, with a spectral index &alpha; = 4. Despite these predictions, my analysis of pulsar data in this thesis, reveal a more complex frequency dependence on &gcy;. I investigate the scattering characteristics of a set of pulsars observed by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), at 110~MHz to 190~MHz. These data are ideal datasets for accurate studies of pulsar scattering, providing broad frequency bands at low frequencies. I find anomalously low power law spectral indices, &alpha;, describing the frequency dependence of &gcy;. These indices are likely due to anisotropic scattering mechanisms or small scattering clouds in the IISM. To conduct effective data analysis, I develop scattering fitting techniques by first analysing IISM effects on simulated pulsar data. I investigate the effects of two different types of scattering mechanisms, isotropic and anisotropic scattering, and consider each of their particular frequency-dependent impacts on pulsar data. The work on simulated data provides a robust fitting technique for extracting scattering parameters and a framework for the interpretation of the LOFAR data used in this study. The fitting technique simultaneously models scattering effects and standard frequency-dependent pulse profile evolution. I present results for 13 pulsars with simple pulse shapes, and find that &gcy;, associated with scattering by a single thin screen, has a power law dependence on frequency with &alpha; ranging from 1.50 to 4.0. My results show that extremely anisotropic scattering can cause low &alpha; measurements. The anomalous scattering properties can also be caused by the presence of small scattering clumps in the IISM, as opposed to the conventionally modelled large scattering screens. Evidence for both anisotropic scattering and small scattering clouds with high electron densities come from other areas of research. Indications of the anisotropic nature of the local IISM mostly come from high resolution pulsar scintillation analyses, while evidence for high density scattering clouds is often based on extreme scattering events measured through quasar observations. My results suggest that these anomalous scattering properties are more prevalent than formerly thought, prompting us to reconsider the physical conditions of the IISM, where traditionally high electron densities are reserved for HII regions and anisotropy is not modelled. High quality, low frequency pulsar data, where anomalous propagation effects become measurable, are a valuable addition in assisting us to distinguish between the different physical mechanisms that can be at play. The more complex these IISM characteristics reveal themselves to be, the harder it will be to disentangle intrinsic profile emission from IISM propagation imprints. Successfully separating these effects, however, promises to improve our understanding of the intrinsic pulsar radio emission -- a process that is still poorly understood.</p

    Pulsar scattering and the ionized interstellar medium

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    Fifty years after the discovery of the first pulsating neutron star, the field of pulsar science has grown into a multidisciplinary research field, working to address a wide range of problems in astrophysics -- from stellar evolution models to high precision tests of General Relativity to analysing the detailed structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Milky Way. Over 2500 Galactic pulsars have been discovered. The next generation telescopes, such as the Square Kilometre Array, promise to discover the complete observable Milky Way population, of several tens of thousands, over the next decade. These point sources in the sky have extreme properties, with matter densities comparable to that of an atomic nucleus, and surface magnetic fields a trillion times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. Observationally, the most valuable property is their rotational stability -- allowing us to anticipate and sum their beamed radio emission, as the pulsar spins around its axis, on millisecond to second timescales. The detected radio wave signals carry with them information of the ionised interstellar medium (IISM) paths they traveled along. The imprints reveal that the pulsar signals we detect travel along multiple paths. While the bulk of the emitted signal propagates along a straight line, we also receive delayed emission scattered through small angles, back into our line of sight. This scattering is caused by fluctuations in the free electron densities of the IISM. The impact of these inhomogeneities is exaggerated at low observing frequencies, where averaged pulsar profiles are observed to be broadened, and showcase exponential scattering tails characterised by a scattering timescale &amp;gcy;. Simple theoretical models predict a power law dependence of &amp;gcy; on frequency, with a spectral index α = 4. Despite these predictions, my analysis of pulsar data in this thesis, reveal a more complex frequency dependence on &amp;gcy;. I investigate the scattering characteristics of a set of pulsars observed by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), at 110~MHz to 190~MHz. These data are ideal datasets for accurate studies of pulsar scattering, providing broad frequency bands at low frequencies. I find anomalously low power law spectral indices, α, describing the frequency dependence of &amp;gcy;. These indices are likely due to anisotropic scattering mechanisms or small scattering clouds in the IISM. To conduct effective data analysis, I develop scattering fitting techniques by first analysing IISM effects on simulated pulsar data. I investigate the effects of two different types of scattering mechanisms, isotropic and anisotropic scattering, and consider each of their particular frequency-dependent impacts on pulsar data. The work on simulated data provides a robust fitting technique for extracting scattering parameters and a framework for the interpretation of the LOFAR data used in this study. The fitting technique simultaneously models scattering effects and standard frequency-dependent pulse profile evolution. I present results for 13 pulsars with simple pulse shapes, and find that &amp;gcy;, associated with scattering by a single thin screen, has a power law dependence on frequency with α ranging from 1.50 to 4.0. My results show that extremely anisotropic scattering can cause low α measurements. The anomalous scattering properties can also be caused by the presence of small scattering clumps in the IISM, as opposed to the conventionally modelled large scattering screens. Evidence for both anisotropic scattering and small scattering clouds with high electron densities come from other areas of research. Indications of the anisotropic nature of the local IISM mostly come from high resolution pulsar scintillation analyses, while evidence for high density scattering clouds is often based on extreme scattering events measured through quasar observations. My results suggest that these anomalous scattering properties are more prevalent than formerly thought, prompting us to reconsider the physical conditions of the IISM, where traditionally high electron densities are reserved for HII regions and anisotropy is not modelled. High quality, low frequency pulsar data, where anomalous propagation effects become measurable, are a valuable addition in assisting us to distinguish between the different physical mechanisms that can be at play. The more complex these IISM characteristics reveal themselves to be, the harder it will be to disentangle intrinsic profile emission from IISM propagation imprints. Successfully separating these effects, however, promises to improve our understanding of the intrinsic pulsar radio emission -- a process that is still poorly understood.</p

    Geodesics and resonances of the Manko-Novikov spacetime

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I study compact objects described by the Manko-Novikov spacetime. The Manko- Novikov spacetime is an exact solution to the Einstein Field Equations that allows objects to be black hole-like, but with a multipole structure di erent from Kerr black holes. The aim of the research is to investigate whether we will observationally be able to tell these bumpy black holes, if they exist, apart from traditional Kerr black holes. I explore the geodesic motion of a test probe in the Manko-Novikov spacetime. I quantify the motion using Poincar e maps and rotation curves. The Manko-Novikov spacetime admits regions with regular motion as well as regions with chaotic motion. The occurrence of chaos is correlated with orbits for which the characteristic frequencies are resonant. The new result presented in this thesis is a global characterisation of where resonances and thus chaos are likely to occur for all orbits. These calculations are performed in the Kerr spacetime, from which I obtain that low order resonances occur within 20 Schwarzschild radii (or 40M) of the compact object with mass M. By the KAM theorem, the occurrence of chaos is therefore limited to this region for all small perturbations from Kerr. These resonant events will be measurable in the Galactic Centre using eLISA. This con nement of low order resonances indicates that the frequency values of orbits of radii well outside of 20 Schwarzschild radii can be approximated using canonical perturbation theory.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word kompakte voorwerpe bestudeer soos omskryf deur die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd. Die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd is 'n eksakte oplossing van die Einstein Veldvergelykings. Die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd formuleer gravitasiekolk-tipe voorwerpe waarvan die veelpool-struktuur afwyk van die tradisionele Kerr gravitasiekolk-struktuur. Die oogmerk van die navorsing is om vas te stel of ons met behulp van waarnemings hierdie bonkige gravitasiekolke van die tradisionele Kerr gravitasiekolke kan onderskei. Ek ondersoek die geodetiese beweging van 'n toetsmassa in die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd. Die beweging word gekwanti seer met behulp van Poincar e afbeeldings en rotasiekrommes. In die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd identi seer ek gebiede waarbinne re elmatige beweging voorkom asook gebiede waarbinne chaotiese bane voorkom. Die ontstaan van chaos word geassosieer met bane waarvan die fundamentele frekwensies resonant is. 'n Nuwe resultaat wat in hierdie tesis voorgehou word behels 'n globale karakterisering wat aandui waar resonansies en dus chaos na alle waarskynlikheid voorkom. Laasgenoemde berekeninge word vir die Kerr ruimtetyd uitgevoer. Hierdeur toon ek alle lae orde resonansies kom voor binne 20 Schwarzschild radii (of 40M) vanaf die kompakte voorwerp met mass M. Die KAM Stelling bepaal dan dat vir alle klein steurings toegepas op die Kerr ruimtetyd die voorkoms van chaos beperk sal wees tot bogenoemde gebied. Die resonansies binne hierdie gebied sal deur eLISA in die sentrum van die melkwegstelsel gemeet kan word. Hierdie beperking van lae orde resonansies tot 'n sekere afstand vanaf die kompakte voorwerp verseker dat die frekwensies van bane wat buite hierdie gebied val, akkuraat deur kanoniese steuringsteorie bepaal kan word

    Anomalous Pulsar Scattering at LOFAR Frequencies

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