651 research outputs found

    Exceptional points and lines and Dirac points and lines in magnetoactive cholesteric liquid crystals

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    We investigated the properties of cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) being in external static magnetic field directed along the helix axis. We have shown that in the case of the wavelength dependence of magneto-optic activity parameter, and in the presence of absorption new features appear in the optics of CLCs. We have shown that in this case new photonic band gaps (PBGs) appear. This new PBG is sensitive to the polarization of the incident light. But if the chirality sign of the polarization of the incident diffracting light for the basic PBG (which exist also at the absence of external magnetic field) is determined only by the chirality sign of the CLC helix, then for the second one it is determined by the external magnetic field direction (i.e., on whether the directions of the external magnetic field and the incident light are parallel, or they are antiparallel). We have shown that in this case besides Dirac points there appear also Dirac lines as well as exceptional points and exceptional lines. And moreover, at some of these points and lines there appear the lines or wide bands of magnetically induced transparency, on others a wide coherent perfect absorption band appears that is insensitive to incident light polarization. And finally on some points the same reflection, transmission and absorption takes place for any polarization of incident light. This system can be applied as tunable narrow-band or broad-band filters and mirrors, a highly tunable broad/narrow-band coherent perfect absorber, transmitter, ideal optical diode, and other devices.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.0923

    Adiabatic tracking for photo- and magneto-association of Bose-Einstein condensates with Kerr nonlinearities

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    We develop the method of adiabatic tracking for photo- and magneto-association of Bose-Einstein atomic condensates with models that include Kerr type nonlinearities. We show that the inclusion of these terms can produce qualitatively important modifications in the adiabatic dynamics, like the appearance of bifurcations, in which the trajectory that is being tracked loses its stability. As a consequence the adiabatic theorem does not apply and the adiabatic transfer can be strongly degraded. This degradation can be compensated by using fields that are strong enough compared with the values of the Kerr terms. The main result is that, despite these potentially detrimental features, there is always a choice of the detuning that leads to an efficient adiabatic tracking, even for relatively weak fields

    Expansions of the solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation in terms of incomplete Beta and Gamma functions

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    Starting from equations obeyed by functions involving the first or the second derivatives of the biconfluent Heun function, we construct two expansions of the solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation in terms of incomplete Beta functions. The first series applies single Beta functions as expansion functions, while the second one involves a combination of two Beta functions. The coefficients of expansions obey four- and five-term recurrence relations, respectively. It is shown that the proposed technique is potent to produce series solutions in terms of other special functions. Two examples of such expansions in terms of the incomplete Gamma functions are presente

    New powerful outburst of the unusual young star V1318 Cyg S (LkH{\alpha} 225)

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    Young double star V1318 Cyg, which is associated with a small isolated star-forming region around HAeBe star BD+40o4124, has very unusual photometric and spectral behavior. We present results of photometric and spectroscopic observations in the optical range. We carried out BVRI CCD photometric observations of V1318 Cyg from 2015 Sept. to 2017 July. For the same period we acquired medium- and low-resolution spectra. Observations were performed with the 2.6 m telescope. We analyze the historical light curve for V1318 Cyg and demonstrate that the southern component, V1318 Cyg S, after being rather bright in the 1970s (V≈\approx14 mag) started to lower its brightness and in 1990 became practically invisible in the optical. After its reappearance in the second half of the 1990s the star started to become very slowly brighter. Between 2006 and 2010 V1318 Cyg S started brightening more quickly, and in 2015 had become brighter by more than five magnitudes in visible light. Since this time V1318 Cyg S has remained at this maximum. Its spectrum shows little variability and consists of a mixture of emission and absorption lines, which has allowed for estimates of its spectral type as early Ae, with obvious evidence of matter outflow. We derive its current A(V)≈\approx 7.2 and L = 750 L(sun) thus confirming that V1318 Cyg S should belong to the Herbig Ae stars, making it, along with BD+40o4124 and V1686 Cyg, the third luminous young star in the group. It is very probable that we observe V1318 Cyg S near the pole and that the inclination of its dense and slow (≈\approx 100 km/s) outflow is low. The unusual variability and other features of V1318 Cyg S make it difficult to classify this star among known types of eruptive young stars. It could be an extreme, higher-mass example of an EXor, or an object of intermediate class between EXors and FUors, like V1647 Ori.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Bistability and chaos at low-level of quanta

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    We study nonlinear phenomena of bistability and chaos at a level of few quanta. For this purpose we consider a single-mode dissipative oscillator with strong Kerr nonlinearity with respect to dissipation rate driven by a monochromatic force as well as by a train of Gaussian pulses. The quantum effects and decoherence in oscillatory mode are investigated on the framework of the purity of states and the Wigner functions calculated from the master equation. We demonstrate the quantum chaotic regime by means of a comparison between the contour plots of the Wigner functions and the strange attractors on the classical Poincar\'e section. Considering bistability at low-limit of quanta, we analyze what is the minimal level of excitation numbers at which the bistable regime of the system is displayed? We also discuss the formation of oscillatory chaotic regime by varying oscillatory excitation numbers at ranges of few quanta. We demonstrate quantum-interference phenomena that are assisted hysteresis-cycle behavior and quantum chaos for the oscillator driven by the train of Gaussian pulses as well as we establish the border of classical-quantum correspondence for chaotic regimes in the case of strong nonlinearities.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure
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