8 research outputs found

    Corridor Gothic

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    This article investigates the role of the corridor in Gothic fiction and horror film from the late eighteenth century to the present day. It seeks to establish this transitional space as a crucial locus, by tracing the rise of the corridor as a distinct mode of architectural distribution in domestic and public buildings since the eighteenth century. The article tracks pivotal appearances of the corridor in fiction and film, and in the final phase argues that it has become associated with a specific emotional tenor, less to do with amplified fear and horror and more with emotions of Angst or dread

    A globin in the nucleus!

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    Cytoglobin and neuroglobin are recently discovered members of the globin family. In situ hybridization localized neuroglobin mainly in brain and retina, while cytoglobin was expressed ubiquitously in all analyzed tissues. In the present study, polyclonal antibodies were raised against both proteins and the distribution of them was studied by immunocytochemistry at tissue and subcellular level. Cytoglobin immunoreactivity was uniformly distributed and found in all tissues studied. At the subcellular level, cytoglobin immunoreactivity was exclusively detected in the cell nucleus. In contrast, neuroglobin immunoreactivity was detected in specific brain regions with varying intensities and in the islet of Langerhans in the pancreas. The immunoreactivity was restricted to the cytoplasm of neurons and endocrine beta cells. The nuclear localization of cytoglobin opens new perspectives for possible function(s) of globin-folded proteins as transcriptional regulators

    Le symbolique et le social

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    La catĂ©gorie du symbolique joue un rĂŽle central dans la pensĂ©e de Pierre Bourdieu. Elle a pourtant a Ă©tĂ© assez peu thĂ©orisĂ©e en tant que telle, alors que d’autres notions clĂ©s, comme celles d’habitus ou de champ, ont fait l’objet de reprises mĂ©thodiques et de commentaires minutieux. C’est Ă  combler cette lacune que l’on s’emploie dans le prĂ©sent ouvrage, en faisant valoir que le symbolique concentre la dĂ©marche du sociologue dans ce qu’elle a de plus singulier. Sociologues, philosophes, thĂ©oriciens du langage, spĂ©cialistes de la littĂ©rature ou des mĂ©dias, les auteurs rĂ©unis ici procĂšdent Ă  cette rĂ©Ă©valuation sous trois aspects, qui correspondent Ă  autant de champs de rĂ©flexion : anthropologie, culture et politique. Au-delĂ , c’est du rayonnement international de l’Ɠuvre de Pierre Bourdieu qu’il s’agit de tĂ©moigner, et aussi de la diversitĂ© des objets qu’une mĂȘme discipline de pensĂ©e continue de prendre en compte : de la gastronomie Ă  la photographie, des littĂ©ratures pĂ©riphĂ©riques Ă  l’art d’avant-garde, des politiques de contrĂŽle social aux pratiques journalistiques. Le prĂ©sent volume constitue une nouvelle Ă©dition des Actes du colloque qui s’est tenu au Centre Culturel International de Cerisy du 12 au 19 juillet 2001 avec la participation du sociologue, dont l’intervention est recueillie au sommaire. L’introduction gĂ©nĂ©rale en a Ă©tĂ© mise Ă  jour afin de faire place aux dĂ©veloppements apportĂ©s par celui-ci au concept de symbolique dans ses cours au CollĂšge de France sur la genĂšse de l’État, publiĂ©s entre-temps. L’épilogue de l’ouvrage est assurĂ© par l’écrivain Annie Ernaux